View Full Version : Peters canyon reservoir

01-29-2013, 11:39 AM
Anybody fished this? Ive heard there are huge bass. And also, I've read about helicopter lures and banjo minnows and heard that they are illegal? If anybody has info please share. Thanks in advance *Jbfish*

01-29-2013, 12:00 PM
Anybody fished this? Ive heard there are huge bass. And also, I've read about helicopter lures and banjo minnows and heard that they are illegal? If anybody has info please share. Thanks in advance *Jbfish*

Specific lures illegal? Ha ha ha ha. That's something lure companies say to make you want their newest gimmick. I see nothing in the Fish and Game Code regarding Banjo Minnows and (almost chokes just remembering the damn thing) THE HELICOPTER LURE! I have caught more bass using a wacky rigged hotdog than I have even heard of being caught on the helicopter lure, lol.

01-29-2013, 01:38 PM
I have caught more bass using a wacky rigged hotdog than I have even heard of being caught on the helicopter lure, lol.

That's because you didn't use the Alabama Rig with your Helicopter Lures.

Read it in the book.


01-29-2013, 02:00 PM
If Roland Martin uses it, it must be legit! lol

01-29-2013, 02:28 PM
Damn you guys!!! Hahahahhaha has anybody fished the reservoir????

01-29-2013, 02:45 PM
Never fished it, but looking on Gmaps, there may be access from the west side. I used to mountain bike there a lot and always wanted to fish it. It looks very very fishy. There are No Trespassing signs but who's to say it can't be ninjitsued. Just an interesting side note is that back in the 80's there were two Peters Canyon Lakes. Jerk Irvine Co drained the lower one that had easy access. We saw carcasses of huge bass and carp. Jerks didn't even bother to transplant them. I now wish I had fished it. I was just more into saltwater then.

01-29-2013, 04:08 PM
That's because you didn't use the Alabama Rig with your Helicopter Lures.

Read it in the book.


I'm sure they wanted you to umbrella rig the damn things at the price they were charging. I think they were also in bed with the swivel companies. If you didn't tie a dozen in-line, your line would look like a telephone cord after three casts.

Here's a good pic of the helicopter lure in action:


01-29-2013, 04:13 PM
Bahahaha.. I'm picturing someone paying for an RC helicopter, then looking in horror as a huge 9 lb lmb pulls it into the water.

01-29-2013, 06:52 PM
Never fished it, but looking on Gmaps, there may be access from the west side. I used to mountain bike there a lot and always wanted to fish it. It looks very very fishy. There are No Trespassing signs but who's to say it can't be ninjitsued. Just an interesting side note is that back in the 80's there were two Peters Canyon Lakes. Jerk Irvine Co drained the lower one that had easy access. We saw carcasses of huge bass and carp. Jerks didn't even bother to transplant them. I now wish I had fished it. I was just more into saltwater then.

They were there in the '70's too. Haha, and they had some big pigs in there too. Back then you could see the Irvine ranch security coming from a long ways away. There was nothing out there except hills, trees, and cows. Indeed, the good old days...

01-29-2013, 07:01 PM
The nearby Syphon Reservoir is open only to members of a local OC bass club. Anyone know the name of that club or how to join it? No, it's not a ninja club, lol.

01-29-2013, 07:03 PM
I'm sure they wanted you to umbrella rig the damn things at the price they were charging. I think they were also in bed with the swivel companies. If you didn't tie a dozen in-line, your line would look like a telephone cord after three casts.

Here's a good pic of the helicopter lure in action:


I'll put money on it that most youngsters here don't even know what a dial tone phone with a "slinky" cord is...

01-29-2013, 07:39 PM
I'll put money on it that most youngsters here don't even know what a dial tone phone with a "slinky" cord is...
but seriously i checked it out and there are a lot of tules that look super fishy and loaded with bass.. A 50LB bass is just waiting to be caught there!!! :Bug Eyes:

01-29-2013, 07:44 PM
Syphon is owned by the irvine water company. My guess is you have to be a member of the water co. to fish there.

01-29-2013, 07:50 PM
I'll put money on it that most youngsters here don't even know what a dial tone phone with a "slinky" cord is...
Used to have a black rotary phone hooked up in the living room because I liked the ring.
In the 90's my kids friends would ask to use the phone and I'd point to it and say
' Use that phone ' They would look at it puzzled and ask how to use it. Lol

01-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Used to have a black rotary phone hooked up in the living room because I liked the ring.
In the 90's my kids friends would ask to use the phone and I'd point to it and say
' Use that phone ' They would look at it puzzled and ask how to use it. Lol

Looking back, you know what I hated about those old phones? You'd be on the phone having an intimate convo with your girlfriend when all of a sudden you'd hear a "click click", then you'd get the audio assault weapon firing in your ear, dadada-dadadadada-dadadada-dadadadada etc. etc., it would be your little sister picking up and dialing without checking if someone else was on the line. Then when the dial tone went out and the new touch tone came in before led screens were put on phones that say "IN USE", she'd blow your ear drum to the other side of your head from the screeching tone of each button pushed. Kids got it good these days, they have no use for land lines at all. And don't even get me started about the carnage that occurred when those "slinky" cords got major line twist. I'd just tell my mom the dog got the phone...

01-29-2013, 08:57 PM
but seriously i checked it out and there are a lot of tules that look super fishy and loaded with bass.. A 50LB bass is just waiting to be caught there!!! :Bug Eyes:

Man, it's been nearly 40 years since I last ninja'd, or seen that pond. But there where huge pigs then, and I'm sure there are huge pigs there now...

Lady Quagga
01-29-2013, 10:29 PM
They were there in the '70's too. Haha, and they had some big pigs in there too. Back then you could see the Irvine ranch security coming from a long ways away. There was nothing out there except hills, trees, and cows. Indeed, the good old days...

Hawgz, leave your human-animal husbandry experiences out of this.

01-30-2013, 07:54 AM
Good luck fishing Peter's.... There's a HIGH chance of getting busted. There are houses on one side of the lake and roads line 2 of the other sides. If you can do it there's fish... I wouldn't...

01-30-2013, 10:26 AM
I fished it about 12 years ago ,there's only a few spots u can get access to fish, we fished during the day , trying to hide , fished it about 5 times till we were caught by the park ranger who was a total dick, called the cops so they could write us a ticket for fishing closed waters and took our gear away and kept it till we had proof we paid the fine, cost about 300 bucks and had to show up in court, But I tell you it was worth every penny:Cool: every fish was 5lbs plus, catching 3lb crappie on full size spinner baits it was ridiculous, When I went to get my rods back @ santiago park office, there was a Pile of about 30 rods there :Shocked:lol from all the other fallen ninjas, one of my rods was not there so I looked for the nicest one and gave the ole "there it is" got me a nice shimano baitcaster...lol...If your gonna you would have to float tube @ night if u got the huevos,, there are mountain kittys out there.

01-30-2013, 01:24 PM
I fished it about 12 years ago ,there's only a few spots u can get access to fish, we fished during the day , trying to hide so you didnt ninja it? so maybe like 11pm-4 am would be better? lol

01-30-2013, 02:43 PM
I guess our politicians and police would rather the youth do drugs and go spray paint walls instead of catch and release fish.. a hey you cant fish here you need to leave would work great but we have to ticket people instead i guess to pay for all these fat pigs who care more about people fishing then actually stopping real crime..F**cking California gotta love it!! And the stocking has been such a joke lately at city parks we have to go to reseviors to find fish..

01-31-2013, 10:39 AM
We used to sneak in back in the early 80's. Just had to hide from the man in the white truck. Could see him coming from a long ways. Topwater poppers would get hammered all day. They were indeed the golden olden days.
I would not risk the ticket now. NOT worth it.

01-31-2013, 11:00 AM
I guess our politicians and police would rather the youth do drugs and go spray paint walls instead of catch and release fish.. a hey you cant fish here you need to leave would work great but we have to ticket people instead i guess to pay for all these fat pigs who care more about people fishing then actually stopping real crime..F**cking California gotta love it!! And the stocking has been such a joke lately at city parks we have to go to reseviors to find fish..

So, you're essentially saying there is a direct correlation between kids doing drugs and spray painting walls just because an area was deemed as private?

Sheesh, apparently driving to Irvine Lake, which is a whopping 9000 feet away, isn't an option.

Instead, kids are smoking some fríos and spray painting their names on the wall just because Peters Canyon Reservoir is closed to the public. Got it.

01-31-2013, 11:10 AM
We used to sneak in back in the early 80's. Just had to hide from the man in the white truck. Could see him coming from a long ways. Topwater poppers would get hammered all day. They were indeed the golden olden days.
I would not risk the ticket now. NOT worth it.

Yup, my older brother and I used to sneak in in the 70's and we always kept an eye out for the dust trails. Back then one didn't have to rely on darkness to get away with it. No matter what time of day or year you could count on sticking big pigs. Topwater or spinners worked all seasons.

Nowadays it would be foolish to attempt it, night or day...

01-31-2013, 12:07 PM
So, you're essentially saying there is a direct correlation between kids doing drugs and spray painting walls just because an area was deemed as private?

Sheesh, apparently driving to Irvine Lake, which is a whopping 9000 feet away, isn't an option.

Instead, kids are smoking some fríos and spray painting their names on the wall just because Peters Canyon Reservoir is closed to the public. Got it.

yup thats exactly what im saying becuase peters canyon is closed to the public drugs and mischief is unstoppable:LOL:.. but for real whats wrong with catch and release fishing any body of water?? no way should we be ticketed for it!

01-31-2013, 12:16 PM
yup thats exactly what im saying becuase peters canyon is closed to the public drugs and mischief is unstoppable:LOL:.. but for real whats wrong with catch and release fishing any body of water?? no way should we be ticketed for it!

Thank you!!!!! Hahaha it's better thank kids sittin at home on their *** playing video games..

01-31-2013, 01:28 PM
but for real whats wrong with catch and release fishing any body of water?? no way should we be ticketed for it!

You're not being ticketed for fishing. You're not being ticketed for catch and releasing.

You're being ticketed for trespassing.

Hahaha it's better thank kids sittin at home on their *** playing video games..

And can you tell me again why those kids can't visit another body of water where fishing is encouraged, e.g., Irvine or other countless city parks in the area?

Your argument would hold water if all bodies of water in Southern California were closed to the public.

01-31-2013, 02:41 PM
Yea I certainly would rather my kid out running from Johnny Law than playing video games. Actually I almost think I mean that at least he'd be getting some excersize.

01-31-2013, 02:46 PM
You're not being ticketed for fishing. You're not being ticketed for catch and releasing.

You're being ticketed for trespassing.

And can you tell me again why those kids can't visit another body of water where fishing is encouraged, e.g., Irvine or other countless city parks in the area?

Your argument would hold water if all bodies of water in Southern California were closed to the public.

They could go to city park lakes but the lack of stocking or should i say the joke they call stocking doesnt give people/first time kid fisherman much oppurtinty for fish and kids arent gonna get hooked on fishing without fish thats like taking them golfing and not hitting one ball a kid aint gonna dig that..irvine is great but it closes at 4 pm so if dad works a typical 9 to 5 irvine is out of the question not to mention the 25 buck charge..

what i am saying is all i hear about in the media is the youth causeing trouble, being obesse , Drug use blah blah blah well why dont you give the kids more places/oppurnitys to do other things then drugs/trouble and do things instead of stare at tv for 14 hours.

and yes they would ticket us for tresspassing but hikers,bikers,etc are in the same RECERATIONAL AREA as fisherman i mean this location is a place to get outdoors and do outdoor type of things with Kids/family why restrict the fishing...i am sorry DarkShadow i just wish the youth had more places to enjoy the outdoors/fishing..

01-31-2013, 03:21 PM
They could go to city park lakes but the lack of stocking or should i say the joke they call stocking doesnt give people/first time kid fisherman much oppurtinty for fish and kids arent gonna get hooked on fishing without fish thats like taking them golfing and not hitting one ball a kid aint gonna dig that..irvine is great but it closes at 4 pm so if dad works a typical 9 to 5 irvine is out of the question not to mention the 25 buck charge..

what i am saying is all i hear about in the media is the youth causeing trouble, being obesse , Drug use blah blah blah well why dont you give the kids more places/oppurnitys to do other things then drugs/trouble and do things instead of stare at tv for 14 hours.

and yes they would ticket us for tresspassing but hikers,bikers,etc are in the same RECERATIONAL AREA as fisherman i mean this location is a place to get outdoors and do outdoor type of things with Kids/family why restrict the fishing...i am sorry DarkShadow i just wish the youth had more places to enjoy the outdoors/fishing..

Ok now to get serious. Kids don't have enough activities these days? That's cause they don't get off there butt's pick up a ball and go outside. Southern California is full of activities, LEGAL ACTIVITIES! No outdoor activities in Southern California you are joking right? I fished the local holes of So Cal as a child, there are quite a few in the OC. Caught tons of panfish. But what that's not enough these days to get a kid hooked on fishing and the outdoors? Hiking trails everywhere unless you are stuck in the inner city without transportation and if that's the case it doesn't apply to your logic anyway, there are just not that many fishing holes in the concrete jungle.

You are making a very weak case. Most of the drug abuse, gangs, causing general chaos is due to parenting issues. You think lack of fishing holes is the cause of obesity also? Digging yourself a hole with your logic.

Southern California is full of outdoor opportunities without having to cause damage to property by cutting holes in fences or climbing fences or taxing our already stretched out law enforcement by making them respond to Ninja activities. Hell the ticket is waranted just because you are interrupting the police from more important activities. I'm not a joy killer or goody 2 shoes in any way shape or form but if your gonna play the game don't complain about the outcome, it's a part of the "game" and the revenue brought in by the Ninja's, that must not be that good cause they get caught, covers part of the expense of them having to chase kids (and some adults) around that are trespassing.

01-31-2013, 03:41 PM
Ok now to get serious. Kids don't have enough activities these days? That's cause they don't get off there butt's pick up a ball and go outside. Southern California is full of activities, LEGAL ACTIVITIES! No outdoor activities in Southern California you are joking right? I fished the local holes of So Cal as a child, there are quite a few in the OC. Caught tons of panfish. But what that's not enough these days to get a kid hooked on fishing and the outdoors? Hiking trails everywhere unless you are stuck in the inner city without transportation and if that's the case it doesn't apply to your logic anyway, there are just not that many fishing holes in the concrete jungle.

You are making a very weak case. Most of the drug abuse, gangs, causing general chaos is due to parenting issues. You think lack of fishing holes is the cause of obesity also? Digging yourself a hole with your logic.

Southern California is full of outdoor opportunities without having to cause damage to property by cutting holes in fences or climbing fences or taxing our already stretched out law enforcement by making them respond to Ninja activities. Hell the ticket is waranted just because you are interrupting the police from more important activities. I'm not a joy killer or goody 2 shoes in any way shape or form but if your gonna play the game don't complain about the outcome, it's a part of the "game" and the revenue brought in by the Ninja's, that must not be that good cause they get caught, covers part of the expense of them having to chase kids (and some adults) around that are trespassing.

No No No lack of fishing holes has nothing to do with the problems of todays kids but it could help the problems.. and if those spots were legal to fish there would be no need for police action therefor cuts the expense of chasing ninja's and there would be no fences to cut and therefor none to repair.. there will always be ninja's and the need for police to patrol them that is if spots are illegal to fish. your logic of keeping spots illegal to fish just makes for more police action therfor more tax dollars to be spent and if we are only coving PART of the expenses as you say its only making that tax money strecth even farther. so who is the one digging holes with there own logic? if i am can i borrow your shovel it seems to work wonders for you:LOL: happy thursday folks the weekend is near :Cool:

01-31-2013, 03:42 PM
Ok now to get serious. Kids don't have enough activities these days? That's cause they don't get off there butt's pick up a ball and go outside. Southern California is full of activities, LEGAL ACTIVITIES! No outdoor activities in Southern California you are joking right? I fished the local holes of So Cal as a child, there are quite a few in the OC. Caught tons of panfish. But what that's not enough these days to get a kid hooked on fishing and the outdoors? Hiking trails everywhere unless you are stuck in the inner city without transportation and if that's the case it doesn't apply to your logic anyway, there are just not that many fishing holes in the concrete jungle.

You are making a very weak case. Most of the drug abuse, gangs, causing general chaos is due to parenting issues. You think lack of fishing holes is the cause of obesity also? Digging yourself a hole with your logic.

Southern California is full of outdoor opportunities without having to cause damage to property by cutting holes in fences or climbing fences or taxing our already stretched out law enforcement by making them respond to Ninja activities. Hell the ticket is waranted just because you are interrupting the police from more important activities. I'm not a joy killer or goody 2 shoes in any way shape or form but if your gonna play the game don't complain about the outcome, it's a part of the "game" and the revenue brought in by the Ninja's, that must not be that good cause they get caught, covers part of the expense of them having to chase kids (and some adults) around that are trespassing.

Thank you for being the voice of reason, Seal. All I could do is shake my head after reading the response.

Hell, I used to ride the RTD (Remember when the MTA was called the RTD?) from downtown all the way to Redondo Beach when I was a teenager, fishing gear in tow. I walked to Echo Park Lake every damn day after getting home from school to wet a line.

Blaming others for your bad decision making and not taking any responsibility for your own actions seems to be the trend these days, though. This guy's argument is synonymous to saying that because Dodger Stadium isn't open to the public so kids can play baseball there, that means Dodger management is responsible for all the youth who happen to not make the wisest decisions in their life...nevermind there are countless other baseball fields all over metropolitan LA. Using his logic, because the fields have pot holes and the outfield grass is in terrible condition, which means that nobody would want to play there, the next obvious step is to smoke a rock.

And why are kids resorting to smoking crack? All because Dodger Stadium is not open to the public to play baseball. Go figure.

01-31-2013, 06:28 PM
You guys are funny. I took some of you for being moderately intelligent...You obviously saw the point he was making, noting how law enforcement resources are wasted on busting ninja fisherman when street crime is running rampant and out of control right under our noses. Even a high school student could see the irony. You chose to flame him on the argument that ninja fishing was his poor decision so he shouldn't complain about getting busted? LOLOL you probably are the same people who might complain about getting jaywalking ticket when there isn't a car on the road. Laughable!

For one, I with the guy. I remember when the cops came down and ran us out of Lakewood Country Club in the early 90s. They sent the police helicopter and about 6 squad cars. All for 4 teenage fisherman just trying to enjoy a late summer afternoon. Really??? A helicopter? Society can be so stupid sometimes I am almost embarrassed to be associated with it. As for Peters Canyon, I really couldnt find a way to get close to it. I know it is owned by the Irvine Company. Because everyone and their mother thinks they are a ninja I'm sure it is heavily patrolled. Once I got a boat I gave up all that stuff. But it still sounds like fun. I heard of a little reservoir in Villa Park that holds some nice fish as well.

01-31-2013, 06:48 PM
Long post.
Perhaps a better way to approach the subject would be to focus on the disparity that exists at some of these 'closed' waters. Angling is often singled out for restrictions while other, previously mentioned activities, are not. I think a lot of the frustrations anglers have with California waters is due to bizarre restrictions like these, thus leading to the entire 'ninja' phenomenon. Prior to moving here, nobody talked about 'ninjaing' a lake or pond. 9 times out of 10, that body of water was open for fishing and it wasn't any issue in these other states.

See, the bigger issue here is the overriding culture prevalent amongst the people making rules and regulations for these bodies of water. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them have do not fish, period. Or, if they do, they prefer to keep things locked up for the occasional personal use of certain water department employees and whatnot.

Case in point. Check out this lovely lake in the midwest.

It's water storage reservoir for a large city. Chances are, if this lake were anywhere in Southern California, the powers that be, in all their infinite wisdom, would deem the lake unsafe and a liability, perhaps even a possible terrorist target, and be sure to keep the general public from fishing it. Shoot, I can see the triple-layered barbed wire fence with tax-dollar spent on security guards and police ghetto bird patrols at night already. Good heavens, someone might spit in the water and, oh no, cholera for everyone! Fortunately, such idiocy does not exist all across the United States, and wiser minds have allowed, nay, not just allowed but actually encouraged fishing at this body of water. Heck, they have even set up a website
(link : http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/fishing/tulsa/abjewell.htm) to tell the public about it!

Angling is a very innocuous activity yet for those who don't understand the thrill of it, and only see it as some sort of environment/legal/health/access (*sigh*) threat, they would rather just ban it. Granted, some of us do have ourselves to blame-the crowd that shows up, trashes a spot while 'fishing' and the like. Still, I don't feel such potential warrants outright banning fishing.

So, GoGreenz, I understand your frustration, but perhaps a better point would be to look at how the overall culture of government regulation in this part of the world does not favor fishing, period.

tl;dr Big Cali Gubment not anglers and scared of them. Easier to close lake to fishing than allow it from their point of view. Culture problem in this area.

01-31-2013, 11:15 PM
someone go fish the reservoir and tell me how it is!!! thanks in advance you guys/girls are great :LOL:

02-01-2013, 04:40 AM
Nah dont bother. kwin shocked it already. he said there's no bluegill, either. :LOL:

02-01-2013, 07:20 AM
so you didnt ninja it? so maybe like 11pm-4 am would be better? lol

I'm trying to learn more about this Ninja fishing. I looked in the dictionary and it said to look under POACHING.

02-01-2013, 08:21 AM
I'm trying to learn more about this Ninja fishing. I looked in the dictionary and it said to look under POACHING.
Lol it's catch and release buddy

02-01-2013, 10:26 AM
Carpanglerdude that photo is the exact reason i get angry about our COMMUFornia Fishing Restrictions.. I go to Montana Yearly and there is not one res that you cant fish and most those resaviors are down with boats in them too.All i want is more water to be fishable like other parts of the country/world... These sticks in the mudd are just angry and argueing cuz they ninja spots like this and know if the water goes public there little secret honey holes will be fished by everyone not just them, its a shame how selfish people can be.. Happy Friday Darkshadow :)

02-03-2013, 04:48 AM
Long post.
Perhaps a better way to approach the subject would be to focus on the disparity that exists at some of these 'closed' waters. Angling is often singled out for restrictions while other, previously mentioned activities, are not. I think a lot of the frustrations anglers have with California waters is due to bizarre restrictions like these, thus leading to the entire 'ninja' phenomenon. Prior to moving here, nobody talked about 'ninjaing' a lake or pond. 9 times out of 10, that body of water was open for fishing and it wasn't any issue in these other states.

See, the bigger issue here is the overriding culture prevalent amongst the people making rules and regulations for these bodies of water. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them have do not fish, period. Or, if they do, they prefer to keep things locked up for the occasional personal use of certain water department employees and whatnot.

Case in point. Check out this lovely lake in the midwest.

It's water storage reservoir for a large city. Chances are, if this lake were anywhere in Southern California, the powers that be, in all their infinite wisdom, would deem the lake unsafe and a liability, perhaps even a possible terrorist target, and be sure to keep the general public from fishing it. Shoot, I can see the triple-layered barbed wire fence with tax-dollar spent on security guards and police ghetto bird patrols at night already. Good heavens, someone might spit in the water and, oh no, cholera for everyone! Fortunately, such idiocy does not exist all across the United States, and wiser minds have allowed, nay, not just allowed but actually encouraged fishing at this body of water. Heck, they have even set up a website
(link : http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/fishing/tulsa/abjewell.htm) to tell the public about it!

Angling is a very innocuous activity yet for those who don't understand the thrill of it, and only see it as some sort of environment/legal/health/access (*sigh*) threat, they would rather just ban it. Granted, some of us do have ourselves to blame-the crowd that shows up, trashes a spot while 'fishing' and the like. Still, I don't feel such potential warrants outright banning fishing.

So, GoGreenz, I understand your frustration, but perhaps a better point would be to look at how the overall culture of government regulation in this part of the world does not favor fishing, period.

tl;dr Big Cali Gubment not anglers and scared of them. Easier to close lake to fishing than allow it from their point of view. Culture problem in this area.

Love this response. Yes I'd probably have to agree that the legislation that exists in this state regarding water use is pretty problematic.

02-03-2013, 11:10 AM
Dude, OMG ! I was ran out of lakewood country club back in the 90's !!! Helicopters and all ! We would regroup at dennys and head back out. What was funny is that when the helicopters would show up, you would see all these other fisherman that you had no idea were even there !! Everyone running as if it was border wars ! Lol !

02-03-2013, 09:19 PM
Stormcrow! How's it going? (Still killing the DVL bass?)

Anyhow, "the point he was making" that I was responding to was his far reaching argument that kids are resorting to drugs and tagging because reservoirs are made private and they're losing access to them. If you want to agree with his point, feel free. As an educator, I would think you'd be witnessing the erosion of "personal responsibility" first hand. I don't go blaming teachers when kids end up slamming heroin on Skid Row, and GoGreenz shouldn't be blaming "closed reservoirs" for the same outcome. The point he made that I was responding to was the justification that the closing of Peters Canyon Reservoir to fishermen has a direct effect of causing kids to resort to alternatives like writing "CHAKA" on the wall.

Rolling out cops to bust 'ninja' fishermen, I agree, is a waste of resources. But then again, so is rolling out cops to fender benders, or cops that take time out of their lives to write jay walking tickets, per your example. (But, isn't the fact mere fact that LEO has to be called out because of someone knowingly breaking a law not reason enough to blame the actual person breaking the law, and not putting the blame on "the system" since they knew what would happen?) If I see a No Trespassing sign, and I break in, you mean to tell me that everyone, including myself, get to blame "the system" because the cops had to get rolled out for a simple "No Trespassing" call and go on about wasted resources, and higher taxes? Society is pretty much blame free, then, especially when you can make arguments like the one I'm referring to.

(Incidentally, I've gotten a Jaywalking ticket when there was nobody on the road, thank you Burbank PD. Did it suck? Yeah, $100 fine. Did I complain? No. I knew what the repercussions would be when I took the risk. But I didn't have to reach for straws to justify why I Jaywalked. I didn't go on about how they could've been busting the crack head down the street and how tax payer money is being wasted.)

If the dude wants to jump in there, feel free, have a great time! I've done it, it's extremely rewarding. And the fact you're thumbing your nose at authority is an added bonus. But, if anything does go down, they should also accept personal responsibility for their actions instead of trying to justify their actions by saying kids will start slamming 8 balls because of closed reservoirs, ESPECIALLY when there are plenty of alternatives that don't require breaking the law. (And then to say that these alternatives are not the answer because they don't stock enough fish?) In any case, that particular type of mentality is becoming fairly common, and it's scary to think where it's headed.

Long post.


While I understand your argument and agree with various points, perhaps you should've left out your example of Lynn Lane as it cannot be used as a feasible comparison, and I can't believe others are pointing to it and nodding their heads.

Tulsa, Oklahoma...population 396.466.
Los Angeles, CA...population 3,792,621.

If you're going to try to compare 2 areas, make sure they have similar demographics, or else the comparison becomes a moot point. (Although I would love to see something like Lynn Lane placed in the middle of LA, with unrestricted public access, and watch hilarity ensue.)

So has anybody jumped in yet? I have the sudden urge to join a gang if i don't get onto some WFO ninja fishing ASAP.

02-04-2013, 06:35 PM
Dark you are right about that...and as for DVL Bass, I havent had a good day there in nearly 1.5 years. At least nothing to qualify as "killing them" I've been practicing how to fish deep even when there is a better shallow bite. I may hire Pete Marino just for a lesson or two.

02-05-2013, 03:00 PM
Happy Friday Darkshadow :)

Happy Tuesday, GoGreenz4.


03-29-2015, 03:52 PM
Zombie Post:

Few photos of Peters Canyon I recently took. Looking quite low and dry:



03-31-2015, 02:53 PM
Zombie Post:

Few photos of Peters Canyon I recently took. Looking quite low and dry:



All these closed reservoirs lead to kids joining gangs.

Where is the outrage.


04-05-2015, 09:40 PM
Eh even if it were allowed, there's not really much other than bullheads, stunted sunfish, and a few 1-3 lb bass.. You're literally better off at a park lake.

I go here to collect scorpions and tarantulas occasionally.

04-13-2015, 07:17 PM
Eh even if it were allowed, there's not really much other than bullheads, stunted sunfish, and a few 1-3 lb bass.. You're literally better off at a park lake.

I go here to collect scorpions and tarantulas occasionally.

....and to fish. How else would you know what's in there? :LOL:

04-27-2015, 10:46 AM
It seems that nobody has addressed this part of the problem to opening it up to fishermen.
There's no end of idiots that will inevitably leave their trash everywhere, net (poach) every living thing they can and ruin it for everyone else. This requires maintenance and who's paying for that? It's privately owned.
I live right next to Peter's Canyon and thought about fishing it on several occasions, but am too old to be running from anyone, much less the popo.
The lake looks like a goner these days though. With the continuing drought. Not much left to fish before long.

08-25-2015, 05:10 PM
Took this pic today4691046910, so no fish even if they ever did have some there

08-25-2015, 07:55 PM
....and to fish. How else would you know what's in there? :LOL:I used to fish there when I was a kid, when you're little, you can get away with all sorts of crap haha.

08-27-2015, 04:11 PM
Thanks for the new picture. Amazing.