View Full Version : Santa Fe Dam

01-27-2013, 08:40 AM
Been about 30 years since I have last fished. Went to Pudding Stone on Monday the 21st, got skunked big time. But it seemed like I wasn't the only one. It appeared like everyone else did too. What is the bait that everyone is using at this lake and where would the hot spots be?

Santa Fe Dam is closer to me and was wondering if any body has any helpful info on this lake? I do not mind the Pudd, it seems to be a nice lake. So any info woul be appreciated!

I have my girlfriends kids that I would like to get into fishing, as I have fond memories of fishing with my neighbor. The boy is 16, and the daughter is 12. Although we got skunked at the Pudd they seemed to enjoy being at the lake, but like anybody else, it would be better if we had a little action.



01-27-2013, 06:47 PM
It's tough there at this time even for the carp fishermen. I went there maybe ten times from December til the early January, saw one fish got caught, heard 3 carp were caught. Me an my dad caught 1 cat 2 gills and lost a carp. Your best bet is to fish for cats. Use 2 oz weight to get your bait out as far as you can on either side of the channel where the two bodies of water connect. I'll suggest using crawler and shrimps. Maybe mackerel too. Hope you and the kids can catch em! Don't expect too much and don't forget to enjoy the beautiful scenery!

01-28-2013, 05:08 PM
What about trout fishing at SFD? I know they're stocking, and it's a much more confined space than the Pudd.

01-28-2013, 06:19 PM
What about trout fishing at SFD? I know they're stocking, and it's a much more confined space than the Pudd.

Last time i went for trout was last month and got skunk ....water is really murky and i think dead weeds at the bottom of the lake.
I Need too check it out to see if the water cleared up.