View Full Version : Corona/Sarl - Son 1st time float tubbing and 2nd

01-19-2013, 08:01 PM
I took my son with me out to Corona for his 1st time on a float tube. It was awesome just to watch the first few feet of him peddle ling away! My 1st cast
I was fish on and lost it right in front of me. Oh well that's fishing! We fished all am and it was very slow. a few bites here n there but nothing landed. Very small action everywhere else!
Lunch time came around and I caught 4 trout near the dock before heading into shore. I landed 4 small normal size trout. and fished another hr after lunch for no fish. It was my first time
not catching my limit at corona.

ready to hit the water

first time in the water


We had plans to go to Corona but for some reason I changed my mind right before I went to bed. I decided to go to sarl and try a new lake (new lake for both of us). We got there right when
it opened and launched from the dock area. Boy is that lake deep! We headed over to the bubble hole area and I hooked up right away. Within mins I was on again and so was my kid. within
10 minutes my son was on again. It was awesome to watch him do it all on his own :Smile:
By 11am I had a total of 4 and my son 2 and I felt a leak in my waders :Sad:. Time for lunch. It turns out the tip of my stringer ripped a small hole but already fixed it. I had my other waders
with me so I switched socks on one foot and was good to go. We drove around the lake to check it all out after having lunch and we stopped at the small lake and trew a few cast but no action
for us. We got back in the water and launched around the bubble hole area but the current was pretty strong and decided to leave after an hr.
It was already 2:30 and I decided to go to Long Beach right after for perch/smelt action. Made a quick stop for ice and off we go!

fist catch on a tube

Made a stop for bait at norms and they had no ghost shrimp :Sad: Something a bout a high tide, idk. So we got some muscle along the way and went to the beach next
to shoreline docks, left side. By now it was 4:30 with a small amount of time to fish. Within mins I was on with a perch and so was my kid. There was two seals swimming around
us and thought it was cool to watch my kid trow a fish at them. I must have caught 6 perch within 15-20 mins and son 3. I wanted to try out my fav trout rig and knew for sure I
would catch something! So off I casted a orange power worm and got action right away. I was laughing pretty hardcore and my son was too. We fished with power worms
and landed maybe like 10-12 fish with that rig. It got dark quick and we went in to shore and so many fish where within feet of shore line. we fished there for another 15 mins
and had 2 rip my line off. My son lost 3 from shore, lol. We had a blast catching a bunch of small fish on 4lbs test/trout poles and had a long morning cleaning everything out
this morning.


01-19-2013, 09:31 PM
way to get ur son out there seems like he enjoyed him self out there. Just a question not trying to stir anything. Does he have a life jacket on? cant really see from the pic and well if he doesnt i would make him wear one even if he knows how to swim. Betta safe then sorry. Well any how good job out there keep the reports coming

01-20-2013, 11:59 AM
Nice man! I saw you guys at the bait cleaning station at the end of the day.

01-20-2013, 05:47 PM
way to get ur son out there seems like he enjoyed him self out there. Just a question not trying to stir anything. Does he have a life jacket on? cant really see from the pic and well if he doesnt i would make him wear one even if he knows how to swim. Betta safe then sorry. Well any how good job out there keep the reports coming

I know man I was just being the cool dad and gave him the option. He actually has 2 life jackets and refused to wear them. Next time I wont be so cool =)

Poxy Boggards
01-21-2013, 01:17 PM
Nice report, and pics! WTG getting you boy out on the water!