View Full Version : Jess Ranch 1-13-13

lightning trout
01-16-2013, 08:46 PM
Well with all the negative reports on Jess Ranch I thought I would give a positive one. Me and my buddies got there around 10 and started to walk the first lake jigging and had a slow to steady pick on very quality trout. These fish PULL extremely hard. We were getting ready to leave around 330 and my buddy hooks up an a TOAD, this thing pulled so hard. Fought it for about 15 min and we had no net so i reached down and grabbed it for him. We ended up with 13 trout between us 3 all on peewee baits. My buddy is actually the one who makes them so we were trying out some new prototype mini jigs that he hand poured. Awesome baits btw...very impressed. Just thought I would share some positive feedback on this very nice fishery.38625

01-16-2013, 09:09 PM
what do the bait look like and where can i get them!

01-16-2013, 09:19 PM
Nice fish dude, my girl and I were also there on sunday we did ok. There is definitely some big whoppers in the lakes this one fish kept on coming really close to shore he was a 8# to 9# fish for sure

lightning trout
01-16-2013, 09:36 PM
If your interested in the baits, he will have the online store back up soon but you can email him at peeweebaits@yahoo.com

And thanks Jess I think we saw u guys while walking the lakes

01-17-2013, 11:52 AM
Thanks for your report and Picture, Nice fish.
I also enjoy fishing at Jess Ranch and I have taken some real nice trout out of there.

01-18-2013, 04:56 AM
Great report!!! I too have had many great fishing experiences at the ole ranch. Since the Ranch has taken a little heat on here, I would like to share an experience I had year before last. We found the catfish against the reeds in lake 3, at the same time the trout were WFO on M&M. Along comes the guy in the cart, we were C&R the catfish but keeping the trout. The guy in the cart doesn't want us to put all the trout in the ice chest. My buddy get's pist about that, the soultion is to buy a stringer for $2 bucks off the guy. My buddy still being a dick about it, I tell him to STFU this is going to be an epic day. I buy the stringer and the guy in the cart leaves. Long story short, the fish count that day for the three of us was 57 catfish all C&R the biggest #15 lbs, 15 trout and my buddy went to lake 2 and fished the wall for 18 bass. All in All Jess Ranch can be a great place to fish.

Jess Ranch Lakes/Hatchery
01-19-2013, 11:52 AM
Thanks for the positive report! We appreciate it. Glad you guys did well.