View Full Version : We can use corn as bait.

01-15-2013, 04:41 PM
So I've ask several fishermen about corn as bait and most of them have said we cannot use corn as bait. But when I ask them to show me where in the regs does it say that, they can't point it out.

so I am asking you guys.

Can we use corn as bait?

01-15-2013, 04:50 PM
It is a common practice for Kokanee fisherman to bait their lures with corn. They do not chum with it.

01-15-2013, 05:30 PM
Yes, you can use it. Some pay to fish private lakes may restrict it though.

01-15-2013, 08:31 PM
fish cant digest it so if they steal if off your hook or they eat it and you let them go i guess it messes with their system or something

01-16-2013, 12:59 PM
CORN IS 1000000000% LEGAL! People get the misconseption that it is illegal because it is commonly used to chum. Chuming is only legal in CA on CO river waters. ALSO most private PAY lakes will not permit the use of corn(mostly because of the chuming aspect).
And this garbage about it not being legal because the fish can't digest it is crap! Do you think fish can digest plastic grubs, worms, power bait, glitter, or any of that other crap we use for bait and lures???
Headline of the day... People don't digest corn easily either, hence why you see the little yellow friends in the toilet the next day. Does that make it illegal....

Don't believe the uneducated. Corn is 1000% legal. I've been stopped by DFG before doing a fishing license check. I was using corn for carp, had the can next to my poles that were in the water. All the officer told me was good luck and have a nice day

01-16-2013, 01:08 PM
So I've ask several fishermen about corn as bait and most of them have said we cannot use corn as bait. But when I ask them to show me where in the regs does it say that, they can't point it out.

so I am asking you guys.

Can we use corn as bait?

In your other post about sweet corn as bait, it was confirmed that you can use corn as bait but not chum with it.

Corn, sweet corn, salted corn, any flavor corn is legal to use as bait. Private lakes have their own restrictions though. If you're still afraid to use corn as bait for carps, I suggest blending up the corn and mixing it with flour to make your corndough ball bait.

01-16-2013, 03:59 PM
fish cant digest it so if they steal if off your hook or they eat it and you let them go i guess it messes with their system or something

This is a wive's tale. I have caught trout with a #6 treble hook trailing behind them. If they can pass that, I have no doubt they can pass a few kernels of canned corn. Dried feed-style corn may be another story.

01-16-2013, 04:45 PM
This is a wive's tale. I have caught trout with a #6 treble hook trailing behind them. If they can pass that, I have no doubt they can pass a few kernels of canned corn. Dried feed-style corn may be another story.

makes sense but then again is could still be true....the humans digestive system can pass a lot of messed up stuff, but it takes 3 years to digest gum