View Full Version : Sweet corn in a can for carp?

01-11-2013, 09:52 AM
Are we allows to use sweet corn in a can for carp fishing?

01-11-2013, 11:21 AM
I have always been under the impression that it is a great carp bait, but is illegal to use because it can't be properly digested.

01-11-2013, 11:24 AM
Great bait but is illegal to use just as Simply_P said. If you make the whole kernel corn into some sort of sticky paste, you can use it.

01-11-2013, 12:08 PM
I'm pretty sure as long as you arent chumming, that it's not illegal.

Unless regs have changed recently (which im too lazy to look into, but feel free to correct me.).

There are alot of really strange baits that work quite well. Some people use crushed red pepper, tobacco, and various spices and have great success.

01-11-2013, 12:20 PM
2012-2013 Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations

Effective March 1, 2012

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Bait Regulations for Inland Waters (CCR, T14, Chapter 2, Article 3)

Legally acquired and possessed invertebrates, mollusks, crustaceans, amphibians (except salamanders), fish eggs and treated and PROCESSED FOODS may be used for bait, except:

(a) No species specified as endangered, threatened, candidate, fully-protected, or otherwise protected under state and federal law may be used as bait.
(b) No salamander may be used as bait. See section 5.05 for other amphibians that may be used as bait.
(c) See Section 5.35 for restrictions on crayfish;
(d) See Section 7.50(b)(74) for restriction on bait collecting in Hat Creek;
(e) No trout may be maintained or possessed in a live condition in any container on or attached to any boat;
(f) Except for restrictions listed under special regulations, dead ocean fish may be used as bait statewide. This section supersedes the provisions of sections 4.10, 4.15, 4.20, 4.25 and 4.30.

Using corn is legal

01-11-2013, 01:29 PM
The myth that corn is illegal for bait is propogated by the people who work and fish in the private lakes. There they can make up any rule they want and enforce it.

01-11-2013, 03:19 PM
Corn is 1000000000% LEGAL to use as bait. Most people chum (illegal in CA unless at the CO river district) with it and that's where the illegality comes in. Also like the above said a lot of private lakes don't allow corn because it's usually used as chum.
In fact, I've been stopped by DFG to show them my license and 2 pole stamp I was fishing for carp with corn. They saw the corn, it was right there next to my rods. Not a word from the officers other than good luck and have a nice day....

01-11-2013, 08:06 PM
The myth that corn is illegal for bait is propagated by the people who work in the tortilla industry. You can use corn, but if you don't have ducks around its a good idea to clean up around yourself.

01-12-2013, 05:36 AM
I have filleted trout and found corn in their stomachs.Im guessing people use it for these fish also, not only for carp.

01-12-2013, 09:10 AM
I have filleted trout and found corn in their stomachs.Im guessing people use it for these fish also, not only for carp.

The exact same thing has happened to me. I have caught trout at the Pudd and at Peck Rd while carp fishing, using corn for bait. Seems trout will eat corn til they pop. I have heard they have a hard time digesting it or passing it through their system so it's very bad for them. I also heard from a DFW ranger that a third of the stocked trout die of starvation or readjustment issues, a third to predation, and maybe a third get caught, so they don't last very long anyway. Strangely, it has never occured to me to use corn to catch trout, duh, but I am sure it would be an excellent bait. Why not?

01-12-2013, 11:56 AM
I noticed cabezon love corn, too.

I was messing around with the opaleye at dana harbor and juvenile cabbies would
Dart in and take the bait. Though it might have been due to the feeding frenzy.

fish generally bite first, and ask questions later..

I used to flyline corn for trout, it actually does well in the first few hours after they plant 'em.

01-12-2013, 01:06 PM
corn is a problem??? howbout other organic fruits/vegetables???? ever catch a trout with undigested platics in it? caught plenty. is the glitter in pb digestable aswell?.. seen lots of that too.... stocked trout and pleasure fish to be dumpd , paid by taxpayer $$/city funds and to be caught by us legal fishermen with paid licenses or paid lake fees as such.. lets remember their purpose amigos