View Full Version : CityDad?

Lady Quagga
01-10-2013, 10:26 PM
You never call me anymore....was it something I said?

....You've lost that lovin' feelin'....

City Dad
01-11-2013, 09:10 AM
naw. the truth is, I think I may have inadvertently become a Civil War buff. Old age is brutal

Lady Quagga
01-11-2013, 09:38 AM
naw. the truth is, I think I may have inadvertently become a Civil War buff. Old age is brutal

The great battle of Calico swung the tide....derp.

City Dad
01-11-2013, 12:47 PM
M'kay here's my beef with "reenactors" (and in fact, with every dramatic portrayal of the Civil War); dudes are way to chubby and way too clean. Your average enlisted federal was subsisting on hard tack and a smattering of salt pork and Johnny Reb was perpetually a frog's hair away from starvation. Both armies cooked and warmed themselves over open fires and bathed only when practicable... and then there was all that marching on un-paved, dust-choked roads in wool uniforms in the heat of summer for days at a time.

I say there oughtta be a 5'9", 155 lb limit to any joker who wants to pretend to fight and die for the cause and make 'em go capping for a couple weeks with just one change of clothes before you let 'em form up.

Wow, I really have become an old guy...

01-11-2013, 01:23 PM
M'kay here's my beef with "reenactors" (and in fact, with every dramatic portrayal of the Civil War); dudes are way to chubby and way too clean. Your average enlisted federal was subsisting on hard tack and a smattering of salt pork and Johnny Reb was perpetually a frog's hair away from starvation. Both armies cooked and warmed themselves over open fires and bathed only when practicable... and then there was all that marching on un-paved, dust-choked roads in wool uniforms in the heat of summer for days at a time.

I say there oughtta be a 5'9", 155 lb limit to any joker who wants to pretend to fight and die for the cause and make 'em go capping for a couple weeks with just one change of clothes before you let 'em form up.

Wow, I really have become an old guy...

You forgot one other factor about the reenactors that is wrong, their age. Most real Civil War soliders like in any war tend to be on the young side. Most reenactors are way older then what real Civil War soliders would have been.

City Dad
01-11-2013, 01:46 PM
You forgot one other factor about the reenactors that is wrong their age. Most real Civil War soliders like in any war tend to be on the young side. Most reenactors are way older then what real Civil War soliders would have been.

Good point. It's a hobby that appeals to middle-aged white guys... which is what I am now, I guess.

man this is getting depressing.

Lady Quagga
01-11-2013, 10:06 PM
Good point. It's a hobby that appeals to middle-aged white guys... which is what I am now, I guess.

man this is getting depressing.

So it goes with the war of Northern Aggression.....

City Dad
01-13-2013, 09:58 AM
So it goes with the war of Northern Aggression.....

...or the War Between the Yankees and the Americans?

Lady Quagga
01-18-2013, 01:37 PM
...or the War Between the Yankees and the Americans?

Sorry for the late response. I was having 3/5ths of a thought....

City Dad
01-21-2013, 11:26 AM
Sorry for the late response. I was having 3/5ths of a thought....

That's understandable. It is by Providence that I - an individual who has a single, entire thought each time I have a thought - should be placed in a custodial position over you, your kith and kin and that I should caringly instruct you in the civilized ways of Man and chop off your foot if you try and run away.

(do you ever get the feeling that the rest of the members are out smoking behind the gym while you and I carry on with our nonsense after class?)