View Full Version : Laguna Niguel Jan 9th (from a boat)

01-10-2013, 08:29 AM
Met up with my buddy at LNL on Wed.

Short report:
5 fish (all very nice tailwalkers)

Long report:
Got in line at 515 was #4.
Line didn't get as long as usual, maybe 12-15 cars at opening.

First boat on water, first lines in water at 620 or so. First hookup at around 635.
After that it went dead. Have seen this pattern before so moved. Nothing for 30 min. Tried another spot, nothing.
Once in the flats I farmed two fish and my buddy caught one, but that was it. Same pattern, fish a spot for 30-45 min, then move.

We tried anchoring, we tried drift fishing, we tried trolling.

It wasn't until noon (just prior to having to go in) that I hook up on the troll. Funny story.
My buddy had caught 1, I had farmed two and was on the skunk at this point, and was nearing time to go as half day was almost over. I am driving the boat and my buddies line gets tangled in our whopping stringer of 1 fish. So I reach down and untangle him. Look up, and am wondering why my rod is not were I left it. Duh FISH ON!. Anyways, he was a great fighter, probably took me on three line peeling runs (love those Tailwalkers!)

At that moment we started detecting fish on the fish finder (yeah!). Decide to go for the full day instead of the half, good decision. We found a decent spot and pulled another 3 fish out of it in about 2.5 hours. Of course, when we absolutely had to get back in because I had to get home, on the way back in, we start metering fish BIG time. UGH. Wish we would have hit that spot first or even for another hour. Oh well....

Anyways, a fun day on the lake. All the emotions. Surprise, frustration, joy, and the overwhelming desire to come back again and check out that last spot where we metered all those fish...:Big Grin:

Lastly saw a 7-9 pounder caught around 2-3pm. The guys in the boat didn't have a net, so some of the lake staff came over with theirs and netted the fish for them. Great service guys!

Thanks again to Darren, Rick, Lance, Todd, Alex, Charles, Omar, and all the rest of the staff for planting those tailwalkers! They don't behave like the Mt lassen fish, and I am glad for it.

Tight lines everyone!

01-10-2013, 08:44 AM
Nice report! Fish on!

01-10-2013, 09:26 AM
Sounds like the fish are indeed spreading out now that they have been stocking to the left of the concession building. That is good news. If you are metering them that means you were in deeper water. Thanks for the report.

01-10-2013, 10:06 PM
Have heard that trolling works there but haven't really tried it a whole lot myself. Once the fish were in deep water/mid lake (in front of the concession) they would bite anything thrown at them. The Utah hook jaws were like that but these Nebraska are a different story. The Nebraska can take a lot more time on the water in order to find them. They sure behave much differently than Mt. Lassen.

01-13-2013, 09:47 PM
Nice report!