View Full Version : northern duct 1/7/13

01-07-2013, 06:19 PM
after spending all day sat with feelsteelgary at the duct getting my duct lesson i chose today to attack the duct in my area. started off at hwy 145 and started woking my way south. first grate i came to i stopped and 2nd cast fish on small fish back he goes at that point im thinking hell yeah going to b a good day.

so for the next 6 hours and many gates and grates later and 2000 cast later nothing. there was hardly no flo at all, as i pull up to a set of gates further south the flo was moving pretty good and around my 5th cast tap and i swing fish on nice fight pulled some drag yup hes a keeper. a few min later same thing and another keeper.

i can tell you this before my trip with gary and having an understanding into garys world as if thats possible i would have left hours ago but i stuck it out and it paid off in the end.

oh yeah back to the fish
24 1/2" and 5 1/2#
26 1/2" and 6 1/2#


01-07-2013, 06:31 PM
after spending all day sat with feelsteelgary at the duct getting my duct lesson i chose today to attack the duct in my area. started off at hwy 145 and started woking my way south. first grate i came to i stopped and 2nd cast fish on small fish back he goes at that point im thinking hell yeah going to b a good day.

so for the next 6 hours and many gates and grates later and 2000 cast later nothing. there was hardly no flo at all, as i pull up to a set of gates further south the flo was moving pretty good and around my 5th cast tap and i swing fish on nice fight pulled some drag yup hes a keeper. a few min later same thing and another keeper.

i can tell you this before my trip with gary and having an understanding into garys world as if thats possible i would have left hours ago but i stuck it out and it paid off in the end.

oh yeah back to the fish
24 1/2" and 5 1/2#
26 1/2" and 6 1/2#


Nice fish!

Same method as bako? lures that is? day or night?

I tell ya what, nobody fishes as hard as him and your dillegence paid off for ya.

Gate hoping works.. find the hungary fish!...

01-07-2013, 06:38 PM
same method fluke on the bottom. just as sun was getting ready to set. im more tired after this trip than any other trip iv had mentally and physically

Double A
01-07-2013, 06:42 PM
Saweet... Very nice fish.
The damn duct will def test your patience
Be careful, the duct is truly a sickness,,,
And there is no known cure,,, Hahahahaha
Way ta wack em !!!

trail blazer
01-07-2013, 07:12 PM
Now your getting down and dirty bro!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOW Your a true striper junkie,,,,,,,,,,,hats off to ya bro!


CL SmooV
01-07-2013, 07:16 PM
Squeeze them lemons!!!!

01-08-2013, 12:38 PM
Awwww…it’s a beautiful thang’ : )

Almost brings a tear to my eye : )

Great to see you go out with success….damn sweet and a couple nice quality fish…which has been tuffer lately…getting fish period has been tuffer but better grade has been even more work !!!

Saweeeeeet !

Nicely done my brutha from anutha’ mutha’ : )

Ohhhhhhh Yeah !~

i can tell you this before my trip with gary and having an understanding into garys world as if thats possible i would have left hours ago but i stuck it out and it paid off in the end.

oh yeah back to the fish
24 1/2" and 5 1/2#
26 1/2" and 6 1/2#


As I’ve told you and what was demonstrated saturday….

sometimes ya gott take those lemons

Squeeze them


U have done just that……


It’s never over till it’s OVER and hopefully by then some good fish hit the deck

That’s precisely what I did Saturday and I see U were paying attention : )

Nice job…..

As for: 24 1/2" and 5 1/2#
26 1/2" and 6 1/2#

Laughing my arse off…

When we were at Millerton and I caught that 15 ½ lb feesh….you kept telling me “15” and I kept saying “hey….don’t be shavin’ my ½ lb of…”

Ahhhhh ha ha ha…

24 ½ - 5 1/2lbs

26 ½ - 6 ½ lbs

Damn staright we are gonna count those fractions….especially when you have to pound as hard as we do at the duct….

U are NOW hopelessly ensconced in Gary’s world…. Oh I don’t know whether or not to celebrate for you or to feel sorry for your oblivion..


Congrats on a job well done in very tuff conditions.


I tell ya what, nobody fishes as hard as him and your dillegence paid off for ya.


U know how we roll……also had ta break in that 2013 license on jan 1st (and did)…..gotta keep on them…..hopefully if the fish gods will it….
More super toads will hit the deck this year……more poundings must follow to make that happen (and not talking about the pumphouse treatment DK got from his lessons either on sat)


. im more tired after this trip than any other trip iv had mentally and physically

That ducting is some hard work....makes it all the more special when U get on 'em..... welcome aboard

Saweet... Very nice fish.
The damn duct will def test your patience
Be careful, the duct is truly a sickness,,,
And there is no known cure,,, Hahahahaha
Way ta wack em !!!

There IS ONE cure tht I know of....


Now your getting down and dirty bro!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOW Your a true striper junkie,,,,,,,,,,,hats off to ya bro!


He will NEVER be the same !

Squeeze them lemons!!!!

U know it......

01-08-2013, 12:44 PM
Nice to see you getting on them DK.

If the fish aren't biting on the day that you're there you can always keep fishing until tomorrow to avoid the skunk.

Seriously, your perseverance paid off.

01-09-2013, 05:54 PM
i went out again today landed 2 i had many short strikes all strikes and fish were out in ront of these pumps and grates.



Double A
01-09-2013, 06:00 PM
Oh yea, all regions of the duct are being covered

Jailbirds have nowhere to hide

Execute dem all


01-09-2013, 06:14 PM
Ohhhhhhhh Yeah.....saweeet

Nicely done stripa snipa'

Tag ur it...

DK and I both have an ongoing tie...between us both for 2013....a race if you will …..(eventually we will both lose count though)

DK 14 stripers so far for 2013

Feelthesteel 14 stripers so far for 2013

BUT……last nights kicker fish ??????


AND….will I be going out again tonight????

Uh oh Donald……who will go to 15 1st and beyond?

Tooo funny ~

01-09-2013, 06:56 PM
That's one nice lookin fish! Seems like the North side of the Duct get's more action then anything below Palmdale!

01-10-2013, 10:24 AM
Hey d/k now you know why i like my boat so much ,i let it do my work for me,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,

01-11-2013, 04:34 PM

DK - 16


Hmnnnnn.....me thinks an ice outing iz in order !

01-14-2013, 02:25 PM
I meant to post this up b4….

Donalds (DK) FIRST duct striper….

He’s already on a roll and has caught multiple others…

Congrats brutha : )

(even if this comes late)


NOTE: he now has me beat for the year

Donald: 18 stripey for the year

Gary: 14 stripey for the year

Way ta go buddy : )

01-14-2013, 04:54 PM
I meant to post this up b4….

Donalds (DK) FIRST duct striper….

He’s already on a roll and has caught multiple others…

Congrats brutha : )

(even if this comes late)


NOTE: he now has me beat for the year

Donald: 18 stripey for the year

Gary: 14 stripey for the year

Way ta go buddy : )

Cutbait=1 stripey for the year

and takes the lead with Carp=1..

I will advise to continuing this contest any further with me as I will decimate any competition.

Whats in your wallet?

01-14-2013, 05:04 PM
So where is the Squawfish report for teh yearly totals?????

Are there anyother participants?

I can catch 18 at lunch break, then 18 after work..... you guys suuuuuure about what your asking for?

01-14-2013, 05:19 PM
bring it on cutbait and your bako buddy.lol. all striper junkies welcome to particapate, as for squafish i got 1 for the year

01-14-2013, 05:54 PM
DK takes the lead with squaws

Cutty takes lead with carp

FTS takes lead with the kitties..

Stripes as of 1-14


Keep in mind Donald I can catch 18 on lunch break! I'm gonna start its own thread.