View Full Version : Uploading videos on Youtube?

12-18-2012, 05:14 PM
Hey guys. I was wondering if you guys could help me out. Ive been trying to upload a video I recorded with my wife's Canon Vixia HG20 camcorder, and that I transferred from the camera through USB cable, onto my PC desktop. Once I try to start uploading, it says the upload time is estimated to be 230-235 minutes. The weird thing is, I open a new window and go to the video manager page, and it instantly says that my upload has been complete, and video is "processing". The little window that says processing is frozen, though!!! AND, the original page with the status of the upload is still saying itll be 230 minutes until upload is complete. I hope I didnt confuse you guys with my rambling! I need help, big time, and Id very much appreciate if anyone who can shed some light on this annoying problem Im having!

Thanks for your time!

12-18-2012, 05:48 PM
Hey guys. I was wondering if you guys could help me out. Ive been trying to upload a video I recorded with my wife's Canon Vixia HG20 camcorder, and that I transferred from the camera through USB cable, onto my PC desktop. Once I try to start uploading, it says the upload time is estimated to be 230-235 minutes. The weird thing is, I open a new window and go to the video manager page, and it instantly says that my upload has been complete, and video is "processing". The little window that says processing is frozen, though!!! AND, the original page with the status of the upload is still saying itll be 230 minutes until upload is complete. I hope I didnt confuse you guys with my rambling! I need help, big time, and Id very much appreciate if anyone who can shed some light on this annoying problem Im having!

Thanks for your time!

Best thing to do is upload and then go to bed. It does take a long time for longer videos.

12-18-2012, 06:27 PM
Ill try it, and see how it goes.

Do you think the 230 minute upload time is normal for an 18 minute video?

12-18-2012, 06:35 PM
Sounds right

12-18-2012, 07:27 PM
You tube takes forever to load. Also which this maybe the case you may have to convert the file to a WMV file. Youtube will reconize it and may be a lil faster on the upload. I would do that then upload......

WMV can be created through your "Windows Movie Maker". Youtube has instructions for this. May get a better visual.

12-18-2012, 08:29 PM
Cool! Thanks!

I just tried it, but its saying that Movie Maker cant upload vids longer than 15 minutes! How is that, if Ive seen videos WAAAAAAY longer than that on youtube?!? Oh well, Ill see how it works with a vid shorter than 15 minutes, and then Ill take it from there.

12-19-2012, 05:35 AM
Youtube buffs. Is this video real ?


12-19-2012, 08:44 PM
Youtube buffs. Is this video real ?


it was a VERY good try though. The only hoax video that ever impressed me.. had I been working with them, it would have been far more convincing..

various details, like the secondary feathers being too short, the juvenile plumage, incorrect wing flap motion, and the fact that only monkey-eating eagles and harpy eagles could actually fly off with something that heavy.

A golden eagle COULD glide with something heavier than itself, but cannot sustain a single wingbeat with an 8-9 lb infant.

Anyways, back in the day, youtube was easy and quick to upload to..

but now since they perform dramatic overhauls and changes in upload system every damn hour, its damn near impossible to upload large files without the damn site hanging up on ya..

12-20-2012, 09:51 AM

What good is the Internet if not to spread false and misleading information?

01-01-2013, 02:43 PM
Cool! Thanks!

I just tried it, but its saying that Movie Maker cant upload vids longer than 15 minutes! How is that, if Ive seen videos WAAAAAAY longer than that on youtube?!? Oh well, Ill see how it works with a vid shorter than 15 minutes, and then Ill take it from there.

ok well you were in my shoes a couple months ago!!!Windows Live movie Maker sucks!! i learned that the hard way after waiting for my videos to upload (240 min or more)!!! When you use WLMM it takes the video from an mp4 and makes it into a wmv. file (so it renders it from mp4 to wmv) that takes time. Then when you upload it to Youtube it takes your wmv file and converts that to a H.264/ mp4, (back to mp4) and it takes even longer, that is what a 10 min video takes 200 min to upload. you can make long videos on youtube longer than 10 min if you are a partner with them or something like that, I use Sony Vegas Pro 11 video editing program now, my videos take 23 min max if i dont put in a bunch of crazy tansitions and other effects, the more you add the longeer it takes, cutting and editing is not to hard just takes a little time, youtube (sony vegas pro 11 for free) or you can pay $400-$500 for the program if you want.