View Full Version : No stocking at LNL do not go!!!

Jig Master
12-05-2012, 04:09 PM
Drove 116 miles round trip to LNL to do some fishing. Got there and waited in line and got my meal worms ready to float tube the day at LNL. As im standing in line people are paying and leaving the office to go fish. thank you the 2 guys who rented a boat in front of me, they asked if they had stocked.... They said they did not stock. ROFL...do to previous weeks rain and lack of anglers. People were paying and leaving the store and this guy was not telling them anything about them not stocking!!! in my opinion thats stealing cause it clearly says on their website STOCKED EVERY WEEK 2,000 pounds. stayed for awhile to watch people fish and catch nothing then bounced. sat in traffic for 2 hours because there were 3 accidents on the I-5 and 57 freeway. never seen so many wrecks before lol. ruined my wed off...They could have simply put on their website "NOT STOCKING THIS WEEK" in underlined bold red letters...Instead of appealing to the male anglers with their women picture advertisements....They are pretty hot though lol. anyways...don't go waste your money and give them free money.

12-05-2012, 10:16 PM
Start fishing large mouth bass and your problems are over.

12-05-2012, 11:09 PM
You drove 116 miles to not fish? I couldn't do that.

Although I love catching fish with ease, sometimes it's just as rewarding catching fish when nobody else is. Shows how truly good a fisherman you are. I love a challenge. Wish I was there rather than at work to throw a line in the water and forget about life for a while.

12-05-2012, 11:11 PM
Start fishing large mouth bass and your problems are over.

LMB in the winter is way harder than trout in the winter IMHO.

Jig Master
12-06-2012, 12:23 AM
I totally agree with y'all, i fish the won bass series as a professional, i love bass fishing. i also love to catch trout. thats why i stayed to see if there was any action, didnt want to pay their over priced fees for tubing, i also got my parking fee refunded :)

12-06-2012, 03:09 AM
Professional bass guy at an urban city trout pay lake with meal worms.
Left because they did not stock and he didnt see anyone catching fish.

12-06-2012, 08:11 AM
Off the meds again huh?

12-06-2012, 08:19 AM
So lemme get this straight. Theres no fish in LNL unless they stock?

12-06-2012, 08:23 AM
I totally agree with y'all, i fish the won bass series as a professional, i love bass fishing. i also love to catch trout. thats why i stayed to see if there was any action, didnt want to pay their over priced fees for tubing, i also got my parking fee refunded :)

Man is the BS getting deep!!!!!!


12-06-2012, 08:24 AM
Professional bass guy at an urban city trout pay lake with meal worms.
Left because they did not stock and he didnt see anyone catching fish.

Interesting indeed...

12-06-2012, 10:27 AM
I think everyone here is missing the point. When the lake represents on its own website that is has or will be stocking, fails to do so then does not disclose this to paying customers, that is in fact ripping people off. If it didn't matter why do they post the stocking schedule on their website?? Their main selling point is that they stock 2000 lbs each week.

12-06-2012, 12:06 PM
They disclaim their schedule as follows

2,000lbs of Rainbow Trout are stocked EVERY Tuesday
There is always the possibility that weather conditions could delay scheduled stockings.

I don't mind a no stock but don't post on Facebook on Monday that you are stocking 2,000 lbs that next day and then not stock. I'm not sure if LNL was trying to be deceptive on purpose or just that they are not very savvy with online/social media.

12-06-2012, 12:16 PM
New release they just posted they didn't stock. 3 days late the funny part is there getting props for it.

12-06-2012, 01:06 PM
Professional bass guy at an urban city trout pay lake with meal worms.
Left because they did not stock and he didnt see anyone catching fish.

Hahahahaah ^this..

So lemme get this straight. Theres no fish in LNL unless they stock?

I guess so.. This WON bass pro is obviously right..

New release they just posted they didn't stock. 3 days late the funny part is there getting props for it.

Better late than never? Lol


12-06-2012, 01:25 PM
:Popcorn: this is gettin good ... lol

Jig Master
12-06-2012, 02:19 PM
:Popcorn: this is gettin good ... lol

it is isnt it?

12-06-2012, 05:53 PM
Hey! I went to their website and didnt see any hot babes!

12-06-2012, 06:38 PM
Gona check on the hot babes

12-07-2012, 09:12 AM
I feel sorry for the owners of this business. They are in a "catch 22" situation. They didn't stock because they didn't generate enough business to pay for the fish and now they won't attact any business because they didn't stock. It seems they are getting squeezed by the other pay lakes who are consistently stocking quality fish. I wish them the best of luck because it is a beautiful venue to fish. Right now with the tough economy, fishermen are going to go to the places that will give them the best bang for their buck.

12-07-2012, 07:53 PM
Yep, I personally think he made a very bad decision. He saved the $7k for the fish, but he lost the business he normally would have seen on Wed (I was there and it was nowhere as busy as it usually is). I fished SARL today as well specifically because they didn't stock LNL. (Didn't hurt that SARL was grand reopening, but still). Limited out very quickly, so who knows where my fishing $$$ will go next time?

Ultimately, its his $7k, but I think he cost himself more than that in goodwill and revenue as I'm sure he will get a few suckers this weekend, but nowhere what he would have....

I was hoping to fish with my kids this Sunday from shore there, but now am seeing if I can wrangle the $$$ for a boat at SARL.

12-07-2012, 08:26 PM
This just reinforces my thought to always bring bass gear to LNL. Probably won't slow down my patronage since I live 15 minutes away. I really prefer the location to LMV (esp. not being a member and relying on friends/family). It is nice having trees and reeds to look at while fishing instead of concrete.

12-07-2012, 08:30 PM
it is isnt it?
This guy has some other recent thread where he's slamming Jess Ranch. I'm embarrassed I got sucked into the bs at all, but damn.

Jig Master
12-08-2012, 10:42 PM
I have been neglecting this thread. basically I was telling people not to go to LNL this week cause they did not stock and did not advertise it.

12-13-2012, 01:38 AM
I'll give you much needed credit for letting people know. The drive of 116 miles for nothing! The gas these still isn't cheap.

A few years ago I also went through this same scenario. Show up to Laguna Niguel Lake only to watch 000 action going on. Then someone asked the lake employee watching people fish on shore where are the fish? The lake didn't stock because the stocking truck broke down. I made a move and still managed a limit that day. LNL could go back to regular fishing rates when they stocked the Utah Hookjaws. It might help with much needed business.

I don't deal with this kind of stuff fishing at Lake Mission Viejo. Then again LMV isn't a lake many people have access to so the pay lakes are their primary choice. It still is bothersome to read reports on how slow the fishing is at these pay lakes. I've been in the same situation quite a few times. Did they stock or is the lake being over fished? Fishing the pay lakes isn't cheap but I still get away from LMV at times. We have LMV dues set aside each year for fish stockings from Mt. Lassen and Nebraska. Fish are planted and their is no second guessing it. What could LNL do to make business attractive once again?