View Full Version : Yozuri Snap Beans - prefer larger or small size?

11-27-2012, 05:35 PM
For those of you who use the Yozui Snap Beans (cute little buggers), do you prefer the larger or small one? Even the larger one is pretty small. I am curious. I assume that the larger one casts significantly further.


11-27-2012, 07:47 PM
For those of you who use the Yozui Snap Beans (cute little buggers), do you prefer the larger or small one? Even the larger one is pretty small. I am curious. I assume that the larger one casts significantly further.


I've never used them, but I am also interested. What kind of fish are you targeting. I think they are very popular for panfish.

11-27-2012, 08:42 PM
I prefer the larger Snap Bean, although I've used both. It's difficult to cast the smallest version, even on 2lb line, like I use.

However, I believe they come in packs of 2, one of each size, so you'll get a good taste of both!

Just remember to fish these with a slow retrieve. They are very sensitive and will get out of action if retrieve it too fast. Definitely worth practicing beforehand.

11-28-2012, 11:55 AM
Thanks. Hoping to test them out with little brookies. Since the brookies are so small, figure I need tiny crankbaits....


11-30-2012, 12:13 AM
Yo Zuri Snap Beans is a typical chub - ide lure. Small, fat crankbait with wide action. In Europe - especially middle and eastern Europe fishing with such a lures for chub and ide is very popular. Although Comparing Snap Beans to our domestic market lures - snap beans is a s.... :) There is much more good lures for this purpose. If You want to catch a Brookie try salmo Hornet in the smallest size - Better choice for sure! Heavier with much better action....