View Full Version : Russian newspaper Pravda: "Obama re-elected by illiterate society"

11-25-2012, 02:07 PM
"Putin in 2009 outlined his strategy for economic success. Alas, poor Obama did the opposite but nevertheless was re-elected. Bye, bye Miss American Pie. The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake."

Read the rest of the article here;


11-25-2012, 10:21 PM
"Putin in 2009 outlined his strategy for economic success. Alas, poor Obama did the opposite but nevertheless was re-elected. Bye, bye Miss American Pie. The Communists have won in America with Obama but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote. Vladimir Putin was re-elected as President keeping the NWO order out of Russia while America continues to repeat the Soviet mistake."

Read the rest of the article here;


You realize you are quoting a propaganda driven newspaper. The last time I looked, Russia was an oligarchy. To take advice or opinions from Vladimir Putin is insane. You however seem unconstrained about saying insane rhetoric. You embrace insanity. You are also incredibly arrogant. You don't just disagree with other's ideas. You work from the assumption that they are 100% wrong and you are 100% right. Perhaps I should bow down to the worlds only perfect person. Oh wait, I'm an atheist...

11-26-2012, 05:50 AM
A chemistry professor in a large college had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government.

In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke. 'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground.

The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are use to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get use to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.

They get use to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in The last side. The pigs, who are use to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America . The government keeps pushing us toward socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc.. While we continually lose our freedoms -- just a little at a time.

One should always remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have" Thomas Jefferson


11-26-2012, 07:23 AM
A chemistry professor in a large college had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government.

In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke. 'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground.

The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are use to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get use to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.

They get use to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in The last side. The pigs, who are use to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America . The government keeps pushing us toward socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc.. While we continually lose our freedoms -- just a little at a time.

One should always remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have" Thomas Jefferson


Again, absolutes. All you believe is 100% correct and all we on the other side believe is 100% wrong. You must feel so smug... That analogy is nonsense and has nothing to do with reality.

11-26-2012, 07:54 AM
Again, absolutes. All you believe is 100% correct and all we on the other side believe is 100% wrong. You must feel so smug... That analogy is nonsense and has nothing to do with reality.

Just like your reality that Obama gives freebies is false and when I called you on it you disappeared?

11-26-2012, 07:56 AM
You realize you are quoting a propaganda driven newspaper. The last time I looked, Russia was an oligarchy. To take advice or opinions from Vladimir Putin is insane. You however seem unconstrained about saying insane rhetoric. You embrace insanity. You are also incredibly arrogant. You don't just disagree with other's ideas. You work from the assumption that they are 100% wrong and you are 100% right. Perhaps I should bow down to the worlds only perfect person. Oh wait, I'm an atheist...

100% correct in analysis, however you may as well add the American media as propaganda

11-26-2012, 08:20 AM
You realize you are quoting a propaganda driven newspaper. The last time I looked, Russia was an oligarchy. To take advice or opinions from Vladimir Putin is insane. You however seem unconstrained about saying insane rhetoric. You embrace insanity. You are also incredibly arrogant. You don't just disagree with other's ideas. You work from the assumption that they are 100% wrong and you are 100% right. Perhaps I should bow down to the worlds only perfect person. Oh wait, I'm an atheist...


"You realize you are quoting a propaganda driven newspaper."

And what is msnbc, cbs, abc, cnn, nbc, media matters, Huffington Post, Center for American Progress, BET, MTV, etc. etc?

I know full well Pravda is a propaganda arm of the Russian government. But sometimes they get it right.

Who is Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, Saul Alinsky, Ann Dunham, Vallerie Jarret, Barack Obama sr., and Barack Hussein Obama jr? And what do they all have in common?

"Perhaps I should bow down to the worlds only perfect person. Oh wait, I'm an atheist..."

You already do, just like this;

You, are incredibly brainwashed...

11-26-2012, 08:58 AM
Just like your reality that Obama gives freebies is false and when I called you on it you disappeared?

I didn't disappear. I didn't see it. However, I'm unaware of any "freebies" President Obama gave anyone. Mitt Romney was called out on those "freebies" comments by his own party. They understood that those comments were thrown out there by a sore loser. If you want to talk about freebies, lets discuss President Bush giving 2 huge tax cuts during a time of war. They were unprecedented and gave the top 1% an unprecedented amount of "free" money and causing enormous deficits that led to the economic crash in 2008. I also don't claim I'm 100% right about most things. There are vast grey areas that people right of center seem to hate. I however endeavor to be more right than wrong in my opinions. You should try it sometime. It's much easier than trying to defend being holier than thou...

11-26-2012, 09:00 AM
100% correct in analysis, however you may as well add the American media as propaganda

Sooo, 100% correct in analysis. Correct by whose measure. Yours? You don't even realize you are staking out your 100% accuracy rate...

11-26-2012, 09:08 AM

"You realize you are quoting a propaganda driven newspaper."

And what is msnbc, cbs, abc, cnn, nbc, media matters, Huffington Post, Center for American Progress, BET, MTV, etc. etc?

I know full well Pravda is a propaganda arm of the Russian government. But sometimes they get it right.

Who is Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, Saul Alinsky, Ann Dunham, Vallerie Jarret, Barack Obama sr., and Barack Hussein Obama jr? And what do they all have in common?

"Perhaps I should bow down to the worlds only perfect person. Oh wait, I'm an atheist..."

You already do, just like this;

You, are incredibly brainwashed...

Sooo, pretty much all news outlets except Fox News are propaganda. Sooo, Pravda just happened to "get it right" when they supported one of your delusions. Sooo, all those people are the exact same embodiment of your boogyman. Sooo, you have seen me bow down to President Obama. Dream on. Though, you would be far more comfortable were it true. I have often disagreed with him. On balance, however, he is far more correct than you are..

City Dad
11-26-2012, 09:11 AM
If you really want to read something meaningful and Russian, try to find that building in the rich folks' neighborhood that says "Library" on the front of it. Go inside, and ask the nice lady at the desk for anything by written by "Anton Chekhov."

I promise, it will be much more interesting and insightful than this thread.

11-26-2012, 09:31 AM

I thought we were supposed to not listen to nor trust what our enemies say. Now I'm confused. So I'll just post this!


I promise, it will be much more interesting and insightful than this thread.

I dunno man. That's reaching.

11-26-2012, 09:59 AM
If you really want to read something meaningful and Russian, try to find that building in the rich folks' neighborhood that says "Library" on the front of it. Go inside, and ask the nice lady at the desk for anything by written by "Anton Chekhov."

I promise, it will be much more interesting and insightful than this thread.

Anton Chekhov will be much more interesting and insightful than this thread. However, that's a really low bar...

11-26-2012, 10:12 AM

Lady Quagga
11-26-2012, 10:21 AM
Interesting how quickly this article made the conservative blogger rounds.

It was also an op-ed piece, and therefore didn't go through the scrutiny a regular article would have.

A Russian with a Spanish surname, who has a grasp of American colloquialisms but referred to the Russia as the former "United Soviet Socialist Republic", spewing conservative crap, posting doctored photos (http://xlerma.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/obama-soros-laughing2.jpg?w=300&h=245)....and praising country music (http://xlermamusic.wordpress.com/country-gold/)?

I will bet you 30 rubles it was written by someone in the U.S. masquerading as a Russian.

11-26-2012, 10:31 AM
I thought we were supposed to not listen to nor trust what our enemies say. Now I'm confused. So I'll just post this!


I dunno man. That's reaching.

"I thought we were supposed to not listen to nor trust what our enemies say. Now I'm confused. So I'll just post this!"

"Trust, but verify"...

City Dad
11-26-2012, 11:39 AM
Interesting how quickly this article made the conservative blogger rounds.

It was also an op-ed piece, and therefore didn't go through the scrutiny a regular article would have.

A Russian with a Spanish surname, who has a grasp of American colloquialisms but referred to the Russia as the former "United Soviet Socialist Republic", spewing conservative crap, posting doctored photos (http://xlerma.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/obama-soros-laughing2.jpg?w=300&h=245)....and praising country music (http://xlermamusic.wordpress.com/country-gold/)?

I will bet you 30 rubles it was written by someone in the U.S. masquerading as a Russian.

1st rule of the internet scholar: All things to be found on the web that are congruent with my worldview or help to verify my own opinion of myself must be true.

11-26-2012, 03:24 PM
!st rule of the FNN internet scholar ; He who fishes in many holes often catches crabs.

11-26-2012, 06:59 PM
Again, absolutes.
Fall in line, what are you going to say in 4 years.



Lady Quagga
11-26-2012, 11:06 PM
Fall in line, what are you going to say in 4 years.



This coming from the Political Human Centipede.

11-27-2012, 06:40 AM
Thing are heating up in Ireland too.
A preview of what will happen here when Obama bankrupts the USA.
Then the riots will follow.
Sheep, going off a cliff.

Sunday 25 November 2012
by Our Foreign Desk

About 10,000 protesters marched through Dublin on Saturday in opposition to Ireland's sixth straight austerity budget.

The capital's O'Connell Street was filled with anti-tax campaigners, trade unionists and community groups with some marchers donning ghostly white masks and Santa hats.

Many bore banners denouncing government leaders and vowing not to pay any tax rises.

A rider on horseback in a white mask and black cape depicting death led the parade, while the horse had a "no to austerity" banner round its neck.

Placards carried by protesters portrayed Irish leaders as serpents with pleas to St Patrick to return and banish them from Ireland.

Marchers donned Santa hats, some bearing the slogan "No no no!" rather than ho ho ho, and warned that the government wanted to steal Christmas.

Ireland faces more protests in the build up to the December 5 budget when the government is due to unveil a further €3.5 billion (£2.8bn) in spending cuts and tax rises.

Ireland has already pledged to keep imposing annual public service cuts and tax rises until at least 2015 as part of the price it is paying the IMF and other lenders in its demanded austerity programme.

Ireland's economy plunged in 2008 as credit-fueled property speculation collapsed, forcing Ireland to nationalise five of its six banks.

Ireland faced the risk of national bankruptcy in 2010 when it was forced to negotiate an international bailout.

The last of the €67.5bn (£55bn) borrowed from the EU and IMF is due to be spent next year, by which time Ireland is supposed to be borrowing normally again on bond markets.

"We need to play our part in the growing movement of resistance across Europe," said Irish Dail member Richard Boyd Barrett, who is part a small socialist pressure group called People Before Profit.

"And we have to bring this government down if they continue with this disastrous policy of austerity."


In economics, austerity refers to a policy of deficit-cutting by lowering spending via a reduction in the amount of benefits and public services provided. Austerity policies are often used by governments to try to reduce their deficit spending and are sometimes coupled with increases in taxes to demonstrate long-term fiscal solvency to creditors.


This coming from the Political Human Clapper.

You calling me a Clapper now ? Jack Webb was great.
What a great show Dragnet was. Check this video out LQ.

A bell (old Saxon: bellan, to bawl or bellow is a simple sound-making device. The bell is a percussion instrument and an idiophone. Its form is usually a hollow, cup-shaped acoustic resonator, which vibrates upon being struck. The striking implement can be a tongue suspended within the bell, known as a clapper, a separate mallet or hammer, or in small bells a small loose sphere enclosed within the body of the bell.


11-27-2012, 06:48 AM
Should we pull out ?
What a Fricken Joke Chicago Is.
Obama, Chicago Community Organizer ?
Now he is going to re-organize the USA.
Lord help us.


Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ?

Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago ;

221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.

Does THAT tell you anything?????

Barack Hussein Obama

Senator: D ick Durbin

House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.

Governor: Pat Quinn

House leader: Mike Madigan

Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)

Mayor: Rahm Emanuel

The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.

Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago.

Of course, they are all blaming each other.

They cannot blame Republicans; there are not any!

Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country - teachers highest paid.

State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.

Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look 'em up if you want).

This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois ..

And...... he was gonna 'fix' Washington politics for us???

11-27-2012, 07:36 AM
Fall in line, what are you going to say in 4 years.



I'll say "Boy, that DockRat was really delusional that day!!!"

11-27-2012, 07:40 AM
Should we pull out ?
What a Fricken Joke Chicago Is.
Obama, Chicago Community Organizer ?
Now he is going to re-organize the USA.
Lord help us.


Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ?

Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago ;

221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.

Does THAT tell you anything?????

Barack Hussein Obama

Senator: D ick Durbin

House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.

Governor: Pat Quinn

House leader: Mike Madigan

Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)

Mayor: Rahm Emanuel

The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.

Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago.

Of course, they are all blaming each other.

They cannot blame Republicans; there are not any!

Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country - teachers highest paid.

State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country.

Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. (Look 'em up if you want).

This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois ..

And...... he was gonna 'fix' Washington politics for us???

You are sounding more hysterical than normal...

11-27-2012, 07:43 AM
Fall in line, what are you going to say in 4 years.



OMG, I forgot the apocalypse is coming 12-21-12. I must hide. I must hide. Where is the sand to hide my head in?

11-27-2012, 08:07 AM
OMG, I forgot the apocalypse is coming 12-21-12. I must hide. I must hide. Where is the sand to hide my head in?

It's not sand but it will work for you.....


11-27-2012, 10:42 AM
:Popcorn: .

Lady Quagga
11-27-2012, 11:55 AM
You calling me a Clapper now ?


Fall in line, what are you going to say in 4 years.


This coming from the Political Human Centipede.


Lady Quagga
11-27-2012, 11:56 AM
1st rule of the internet scholar: All things to be found on the web that are congruent with my worldview or help to verify my own opinion of myself must be true.

Can I apply this to Xenu and Incident II?

11-27-2012, 12:40 PM
It's not sand but it will work for you.....


Sooo clever....

11-27-2012, 01:46 PM
If the shoe fits own it!!!!

11-27-2012, 01:56 PM
Hey what happened to rule #2 , I almost finished translating when BAM!!! it just up and disappeared. Can you PM that rule DARKSHADOW so I can put on my fridge door for the kids daily sayings. It would be good for show and tell in my kids spanish class. :Big Grin: I don't know about everyone else but I grow my own corn, and whatever I don't use I'll donate to the church and the hungry. Oh ya and I'll use a few kernels to catch those nasty Backyard Beasts I like to wrastle with. God Bless Merica!!!

City Dad
11-27-2012, 02:01 PM
If the shoe fits own it!!!!

That's my favorite DEVOREFLYER-ism so far.

I also like these famous sayings:

"If you can't stand the heat... tough!!!!"

"If you can't beat 'em... up yours!!!!"

"If you don't like them apples... you can kiss 'em!!!!"

"If stupid was people... you'd be a crowd!!!!"

"If you don't love it... make like a tree!!!!"

"Read my lips... remember the Alamo!!!"

11-27-2012, 02:23 PM
Hey don't forget:

"Don't let your Alligator mouth overload your hummingbird rectum". lol

Lady Quagga
11-27-2012, 02:48 PM
Hey what happened to rule #2 , I almost finished translating when BAM!!! it just up and disappeared. Can you PM that rule DARKSHADOW so I can put on my fridge door for the kids daily sayings. It would be good for show and tell in my kids spanish class. :Big Grin: I don't know about everyone else but I grow my own corn, and whatever I don't use I'll donate to the church and the hungry. Oh ya and I'll use a few kernels to catch those nasty Backyard Beasts I like to wrastle with. God Bless Merica!!!

He got banned for that comment. Apparently it was that good.

11-27-2012, 03:18 PM
He got banned for that comment. Apparently it was that good.

who got banned? ( if no one really got banned and your just being sarcastic, don't blame me. this is my first time reading this thread).
oh whatever happened to etucker, he was amusing.

11-27-2012, 03:46 PM
Now for some laughs guys. There's a paper called "The Onion" and they put out a little article the other day claiming the leader of north Korea was chosen by a vote of american women
to be "The Sexiest Man of 2012". The Chinese government sponsered paper thought it was true and published a three paragraph story about it. Talk about swallowing "hook, line and sinker." Now if you guys were in either one of these countries [China/North Korea] you wouldn't be able to voice your opinions out in the open. Well you could,then they would either shoot you or lock you away in a hole so dark and deep you'd wish you were dead. Now wasn't that funny. Tight lines.

11-27-2012, 03:58 PM
who got banned? ( if no one really got banned and your just being sarcastic, don't blame me. this is my first time reading this thread).
oh whatever happened to etucker, he was amusing.
I think it was just the comment that was removed, not knowing that all languages apply.

11-27-2012, 04:06 PM
oh whatever happened to etucker, he was amusing.

I think that etucker was just pcuser drunk. The message is the same, but the spelling suffers after a few...

11-27-2012, 05:02 PM
I think that etucker was just pcuser drunk. The message is the same, but the spelling suffers after a few...

ya know that would explain a lot. so basically etucker got banned, but instead of coming back as pcuser he had the pcuser account the whole time to make an identity for itself. That way people wouldn't accuse pcuser of being a banned etucker that came back under a new alias. because pcuser would've already been on this forum. but i saw through etucker or "pcuser's" clever rouse. Quite a brilliant plan for etucker's intelligence level. If i felt it necessary i would've done something similar. Or have i already done it?

11-27-2012, 05:10 PM
ya know that would explain a lot. so basically etucker got banned, but instead of coming back as pcuser he had the pcuser account the whole time to make an identity for itself. That way people wouldn't accuse pcuser of being a banned etucker that came back under a new alias. because pcuser would've already been on this forum. but i saw through etucker or "pcuser's" clever rouse. Quite a brilliant plan for etucker's intelligence level. If i felt it necessary i would've done something similar. Or have i already done it?

Circular reasoning some. Even drunk, I could win a battle of wits...

11-27-2012, 05:29 PM
Circular reasoning some. Even drunk, I could win a battle of wits...

"Don't let your Alligator mouth overload your hummingbird rectum". lol

11-27-2012, 06:05 PM
"Don't let your Alligator mouth overload your hummingbird rectum". lol

Repartee? You need new material. You know, a little creativity. After all, you have a lot to put down and build up, as the case may be.

11-27-2012, 06:36 PM

So let me get this straight, etucker got the ban hammer. And etucker is pcuser drunk..Ok..Now DS got the ban hammer and a post here by him has been deleted? Alligator mouth pcuser has a hummingbird overloading his rectum and is still here. Is said rectum leaking? It really smells like flatulence around here. Lol, I go fishing for the day, and I miss all this?

11-27-2012, 09:44 PM
I think that etucker was just pcuser drunk. The message is the same, but the spelling suffers after a few...

Nah, it's not alcohol, it's the combination of Prozac and Xanax to treat their schizophrenia...

11-27-2012, 09:48 PM
who got banned? ( if no one really got banned and your just being sarcastic, don't blame me. this is my first time reading this thread).
oh whatever happened to etucker, he was amusing.

Not to worry arteest, etucker is doing just fine. He was recently sighted chasing the stocker truck at LNL...

11-27-2012, 10:00 PM

So let me get this straight, etucker got the ban hammer. And etucker is pcuser drunk..Ok..Now DS got the ban hammer and a post here by him has been deleted? Alligator mouth pcuser has a hummingbird overloading his rectum and is still here. Is said rectum leaking? It really smells like flatulence around here. Lol, I go fishing for the day, and I miss all this?

so a drunk etucker on xanas chased a hummingbird with a prozac high up a gators *** and came back out as a banned pcuser that ate ds's leaking hammer of flatulence, With his mouth!!??!!

11-27-2012, 10:06 PM
Yip that explains it!!!!!!!!!

11-28-2012, 07:07 AM
Yip that explains it!!!!!!!!!

You are very amusing. Unfortunately, only to you and yours. Perhaps some education and culture would improve the quality of what pours from your mouth....

11-28-2012, 07:51 AM
Stay on them devoreflyer you make me laugh , the illiterate society only shows how sheep like they are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lady Quagga
11-28-2012, 10:45 AM
Stay on them devoreflyer you make me laugh , the illiterate society only shows how sheep like they are,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Yeah, Dev's a regular William F. Buckley.

11-28-2012, 11:31 AM
No , i think he's got his head screwed on the right way and isnt a member of the illiterate mob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lady Quagga
11-28-2012, 12:00 PM
No , i think he's got his head screwed on the right way and isnt a member of the illiterate mob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ah, so the 65 million who voted for President Obama are an illiterate mob. And Dev's the sane articulate one. Gotcha. :Thumbs Up:

11-28-2012, 01:16 PM
Well Quagga let me do some SIMPLE math for ya.

In 2010 there were 235.8 million eligible voters so let’s just use that number and forget population growth since then to keep it SIMPLE.
So your guy 0bumma got 64.9 million votes.

The other guy got 60.5 million votes.

And 110.4 million voters stayed home because they did not like either candidate or they were too stoned or lazy to go and vote.

So my simple math adding up the vote for the other guy and the stay at home non voters comes up to 170.9 million votes vs. the pResidents 64.9 million votes. Not exactly a mandate for “Dear Leader”.

So before ya get your chest all puffed out and start struttin’ yer stuff about 0bummer’s win and the illiterate mob that voted for him, ya might want to get a generous amount of that writin’ paper from pcuser to put in yer “A cup”. You know the stuff, it’s the soft paper that comes in four inch squares on the roll.

11-28-2012, 01:24 PM
Yes thats right 65 million idiots that got conned into voting for the liar in chief and i would bet youre one of also, this guy and his crew are the most dishonest mob thats ever been in the whitehouse , keep going and maybe you will say something smart and get banned,only thing is its never they said something smart its always they said something stupid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lady Quagga
11-28-2012, 01:44 PM
Well Quagga let me do some SIMPLE math for ya.

In 2010 there were 235.8 million eligible voters so let’s just use that number and forget population growth since then to keep it SIMPLE.
So your guy 0bumma got 64.9 million votes.

The other guy got 60.5 million votes.

And 110.4 million voters stayed home because they did not like either candidate or they were too stoned or lazy to go and vote.

So my simple math adding up the vote for the other guy and the stay at home non voters comes up to 170.9 million votes vs. the pResidents 64.9 million votes. Not exactly a mandate for “Dear Leader”.

Low voter turnout is not a new phenomenon. You've made a baseless assumption as to why eligible voters - which is any non-excluded citizen over the age of 18 - choose not to vote. You've made another assumption as to my opinion on President Obama's re-election - an incorrect one at that. As for the President, his re-election gives him a mandate. It may not be an overwhelming one, but it is a mandate nonetheless.

So, now that we've addressed your irrelevancies....

So before ya get your chest all puffed out and start struttin’ yer stuff about 0bummer’s win and the illiterate mob that voted for him, ya might want to get a generous amount of that writin’ paper from pcuser to put in yer “A cup”. You know the stuff, it’s the soft paper that comes in four inch squares on the roll.

So once again, according to you, the 65 million who voted for President Obama are an illiterate mob. Gotcha. :Thumbs Up:

Lady Quagga
11-28-2012, 01:50 PM
Yes thats right 65 million idiots that got conned into voting for the liar in chief and i would bet youre one of also, this guy and his crew are the most dishonest mob thats ever been in the whitehouse , keep going and maybe you will say something smart and get banned,only thing is its never they said something smart its always they said something stupid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

By that logic, 60 million idiots got conned into voting for Governor Romney.

And I'd argue that this administration is not the most dishonest to sit in the White House, not by a long shot.

Get banned? Are you threatening to have me banned for not agreeing with you? Or pointing out the logical fallacies of certain individuals here?

11-28-2012, 02:17 PM
I feel like I should add that neither candidate was rather good. Now, if I may make a point, a swayed publisher like the Huffington Post had said something rather interesting during the election.

"If Obama was elected, which president are we going to get? Are we going to receive the promises that he is handing out or are we going to have a man sit in office while betraying the trust of many Americans?"

I am a Republican and frankly, I don't care which party I would vote for. The only reason why I am a Republican is because of the morale standards they have regarding some very controversial issues. I would simply vote for the person with the best economic policy at the moment, especially because I am a college student. At the same time, I believe that the whole "illiterate" is a spin on people not wanting to work for their food. I understand some people are struggling but my tax dollars (again full time student and full time worker) should not be spent on the people who freeload off it. America is broke and has no funds. This means we cannot implement the socialist ideas that we have. Unfortunately, that does mean that some people are going to suffer because of it.

11-28-2012, 02:30 PM
Next topic... Unfunded liabilities; Federal, State and Local:

11-28-2012, 03:23 PM
Hey Quagga

How about this from caliteracy.com
In the US, adults with a high level of literacy are at 19%, a low level of literacy are at 49.6% and a moderate level of literacy at 31.4%.

That difference in literacy rates are outstanding.

Yip, I think I will stand by my illiteracy comment and guess that Romney was off by 2% in his 47% comment.

Lady Quagga
11-28-2012, 03:46 PM
Hey Quagga

How about this from caliteracy.com

The website is caliteracy.org. (The irony is killing me.)

In the US, adults with a high level of literacy are at 19%, a low level of literacy are at 49.6% and a moderate level of literacy at 31.4%.

That difference in literacy rates are outstanding.

Yip, I think I will stand by my illiteracy comment and guess that Romney was off by 2% in his 47% comment.

And yet no statistics have been presented as to how many of those "illiterate" individuals voted - or which party they may have voted for. Of course if we go solely on the information provided, we could come up with a sensational headline like: "Election of Romney by 30 Million Illiterate Voters Narrowly Averted".

11-28-2012, 03:49 PM
Hey Quagga

How about this from caliteracy.com
In the US, adults with a high level of literacy are at 19%, a low level of literacy are at 49.6% and a moderate level of literacy at 31.4%.

That difference in literacy rates are outstanding.

Yip, I think I will stand by my illiteracy comment and guess that Romney was off by 2% in his 47% comment.

Romney was right on his 47% comment. That was the percentage of the vote he received. Ironic, ain't it. Even if your 49.6% is accurate, low levels of literacy are very common in the South, which is a Republican stronghold. Ironic, ain't it. The red states take far more federal dollars than the blue states. They in effect are taking from us in a big way. Ironic, ain't it. Lastly, low levels of literacy don't equate with low intelligence. Therefore, Romney still lost because his positions (at least those you could pin him down on) were rejected in a relative landslide. I only say relative since debates tend to make elections closer than they would otherwise be. The fact that you are a bitter loser who hates and disagrees with 100% of progressive views causes you to spill your verbal diarrhea in a very unattractive manner on this forum full of ignorant right wingers...

11-28-2012, 04:51 PM
You still have it wrong the people voting for romney were voting for a job and a pay check the obummer people wanted a welfare check , because some people want to work for what they get the other people want a free lunch only problem is the working people pay for the free lunch until the working people dont have work anymore,,but i doubt that you work ,it seems you just work youre mouth like you think youre smart a/s/s/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Lady Quagga
11-28-2012, 05:05 PM
You still have it wrong the people voting for romney were voting for a job and a pay check the obummer people wanted a welfare check , because some people want to work for what they get the other people want a free lunch only problem is the working people pay for the free lunch until the working people dont have work anymore,,


but i doubt that you work ,it seems you just work youre mouth like you think youre smart a/s/s/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Can we start using this quote to criticize others we don't agree with?

11-28-2012, 05:35 PM
You still have it wrong the people voting for romney were voting for a job and a pay check the obummer people wanted a welfare check , because some people want to work for what they get the other people want a free lunch only problem is the working people pay for the free lunch until the working people dont have work anymore,,but i doubt that you work ,it seems you just work youre mouth like you think youre smart a/s/s/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I bow to the great and all perceptive ONE... It must be nice to have a corner on the TRUTH. You are incredibly arrogant and ignorant. Did you even read what I wrote? I know they are uncomfortable truths that run counter to your beliefs about the left of center of this country. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!

11-28-2012, 05:41 PM
No im not one of you thread freaks who like to spout off crap, im just the guy who knows how to fish and is aware of whats happening to my country , and whats already happened to my state,,,,,,they have both been over run with idiots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

11-28-2012, 05:47 PM
No im not one of you thread freaks who like to spout off crap, im just the guy who knows how to fish and is aware of whats happening to my country , and whats already happened to my state,,,,,,they have both been over run with idiots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

You are also a small businessman feeling the effects of this progressive economic lunacy. But the best (or worst in our case) is yet to come. Ignore the trolls Bob, they haven't the brains nor common sense to argue with facts, only slew ridicule and rhetoric...

11-28-2012, 06:32 PM
You are also a small businessman feeling the effects of this progressive economic lunacy. But the best (or worst in our case) is yet to come. Ignore the trolls Bob, they haven't the brains nor common sense to argue with facts, only slew ridicule and rhetoric...

Yeah... That's right... By the way, I have a theory about why many "small business owners" seem to have the belief that Democrats cause all their problems. I think that most small business owners aren't good business people. That is to say, they would fail no matter what the conditions. That's statistically true. Then, the Republican Party panders to them about how they are damaged by Democratic policies. I further think that many very successful business people exhibit sociopathic traits. There are studies that show this clearly. So, it might be a good thing to not be very successful in business...

11-28-2012, 06:37 PM
No im not one of you thread freaks who like to spout off crap, im just the guy who knows how to fish and is aware of whats happening to my country , and whats already happened to my state,,,,,,they have both been over run with idiots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
As we circle the toilet. Yippee, The best and worst run states list is out.

Ca 50th place, worst run state in the nation (run by Dems).

Obummer's Illinois 47th, WTG


Worst-Run States:

50. California

> Debt per capita: $4,008 (18th highest)
> Budget deficit: 20.7% (17th largest)
> Unemployment: 11.7% (2nd highest)
> Median household income: $57,287 (10th highest)
> Pct. below poverty line: 16.6% (18th highest)

California is 24/7 Wall St.’s “Worst Run State” for the second year in a row. Due to high levels of debt, the state’s S&P credit rating is the worst of all states, while its Moody’s credit rating is the second-worst. Much of California’s fiscal woes involve the economic downturn. Home prices plunged by 33.6% between 2006 and 2011, worse than all states except for three. The state’s foreclosure rate and unemployment rate were the third- and second-highest in the country, respectively. But efforts to get finances on track are moving forward. State voters passed a ballot initiative to raise sales taxes as well as income taxes for people who make at least $250,000 a year. While median income is the 10th-highest in the country, the state also has one of the highest tax burdens on income. According to the Tax Foundation, the state also has the third-worst business tax climate in the country.

11-29-2012, 07:45 AM
How can they continue to deny that THEIR choice of elected officials have completely screwed this state up? They (the dems) have complete control of everything that occurs here, now they are salevating cause they can finish the job off with a super majority, they can do basically whatever they want escalating the destruction of this state and how can that not be an indication of what they will eventually be doing to this country?

Even us simpleton conservatives know what's happened to this state and is happening to the country.

Oh and being a member of a fishing website and still being liberal confuses me further because their partners in crime (wacko over the top environmentalists) are trying to eliminate fishing and hunting from this state. Come to think of it these liberal posters contribute very little to the real fishing discussions, makes ya go hmmmmmm?

Lady Quagga
11-29-2012, 08:38 AM
How can they continue to deny that THEIR choice of elected officials have completed screwed this state up? They (the dems) have complete control of everything that occurs here, now they are salevating cause they can finish the job off with a super majority, they can do basically whatever they want escalating the destruction of this state and how can that not be an indication of what they will eventually be doing to this country?

Even us simpleton conservatives know what's happened to this state and is happening to the country.

Oh and being a member of a fishing website and still being liberal confuses me further because their partners in crime (wacko over the top environmentalists) are trying to eliminate fishing and hunting from this state. Come to think of it these liberal posters contribute very little to the real fishing discussions, makes ya go hmmmmmm?

Don't think for a second that I have any love for Governor Brown or the Democrats in power here in California. It boggles my mind that Californians re-elected that bastard in spite of his previous dismal record as governor and his obstructionist policies as Lt. Governor. He is nothing more than this state's liberal version of G.W.

As to your comment on liberal fisherman - your argument has no merit.

11-29-2012, 08:47 AM
Don't think for a second that I have any love for Governor Brown or the Democrats in power here in California. It boggles my mind that Californians re-elected that bastard in spite of his previous dismal record as governor and his obstructionist policies as Lt. Governor. He is nothing more than this state's liberal version of G.W.

As to your comment on liberal fisherman - your argument has no merit.

I guess your right, I'll concede that I do not agree with many of the conservative ideals so therefore I shouldn't assume all liberals have all the same belief's. But really those basstards are trying to kill fishing and hunting we must stop them, or move.

Thanks for bringing me back from the edge of the cliff.

Lady Quagga
11-29-2012, 08:55 AM
I guess your right, I'll concede that I do not agree with many of the conservative ideals so therefore I shouldn't assume all liberals have all the same belief's. But really those basstards are trying to kill fishing and hunting we must stop them, or move.

Thanks for bringing me back from the edge of the cliff.

I agree with you - when it come to hunting and fishing, California is a liberal's wet dream - they are trying to institute a policy which to me amounts to nothing more than a social experiment.

11-29-2012, 11:04 AM
Some of these people contribute to fishing discussions but there appear to be some who only contribute to political discussions.

Oh! We're not supposed to be intelligent enough to realize that. :Shocked:

City Dad
11-30-2012, 07:51 AM
Some of these people contribute to fishing discussions but there appear to be some who only contribute to political discussions.

Oh! We're not supposed to be intelligent enough to realize that. :Shocked:

The most execrable behavior recorded in the history of guilty Man!!!

11-30-2012, 07:56 AM
The most execrable behavior recorded in the history of guilty Man!!!

I'm having to do way to much Googl'n to figure out what the heck your talking about this morning!

11-30-2012, 08:04 AM
I thought this was a fishing forum....

11-30-2012, 08:22 AM
I thought this was a fishing forum....

How many times have we seen this response? Let's go over this again, this is a "General Discusion" anything goes, well almost anything.

12-02-2012, 05:44 AM
How many times have we seen this response? Let's go over this again, this is a "General Discusion" anything goes, well almost anything.

Never fails, always someone. :Rolls Eyes:

Forum: General Discussion

Post General "Non-Fishing" topics here.

Disclaimer -- This non fishing message board is a place where people speak their minds about a lot of varying topics.
The remarks made on this site reflect the opinion of the poster, and might be considered inane, offensive, racist, inhumane, provocative, or just downright nasty. An adult audience gathers here to discuss everything from insurance to sex. We do not recommend this site for the easily offended or faint at heart.

12-02-2012, 06:07 AM
Thanks for bringing me back from the edge of the cliff.
Speaking of cliff, how about the fiscal one ? Barry will be chilling on the beach.

Report: Obama to be in Hawaii
as Nation Goes Over the Cliff
by Keith Koffler on November 29, 2012, 9:38 am

President Obama is reportedly scheduled to be vacationing in Hawaii on January 2, the date billions in spending cuts – and untold consequences for the economy – will kick in if a deal is not reached on the “fiscal cliff.”

According to the Hawaii Reporter, residents who live in the area of Oahu where Obama and his family vacation have been told that the usual restrictions on their movements during an Obama stay will be in place for 21 days, from December 17 through January 6.

The White House has not officially announced the vacation, and it is unclear if the travel plans are finalized or if the Obamas will be in Hawaii for the entire three-week window covered by the restrictions.

An upcoming vacation could provide subtle pressure for Obama to reach a deal, since not getting one might force him to cancel his coveted time in Hawaii. Even though the election is behind him, Obama’s advisers would probably think it too much of a public relations nightmare to have the president luxuriating in paradise while the country embarks on a season of massive pain.

In the past, Obama has made sure he got his vacation time in – even extending his scheduled Hawaii sojourn after being forced to delay its start because of negotiations with Congress.

What’s more, the Obamas skipped their traditional August trip to ritzy Martha’s Vineyard, an excursion that would have contrasted too severely with a candidate supposedly fighting for the middle class. They presumably are more than eager at this point to get away.

The Hawaii Reporter estimates that the total cost of the vacation to Hawaii and federal taxpayers, including funding for travel, staff and protection, is at least $4 million.:Shocked: Obama’s vacations are more expensive than those of previous presidents because of the huge costs to fly Air Force One and an accompanying cargo plane for nine hours or so to Hawaii.


http://i919.photobucket.com/albums/ad34/beloved4u/barack-obama-hawaii.jpg December 2009 .. end of his first year ,, he said this >>>>>

"I will not rest ....till every American ..that ..wants a job .....has a job ..."
>>>> 3 days later he went to Hawaii for 3 weeks on vacation .. :Confused:

12-02-2012, 06:41 PM
How many times have we seen this response? Let's go over this again, this is a "General Discusion" anything goes, well almost anything.

You should just copy this response. That way when the next wave of clueless people come through, you just have to paste it.

12-03-2012, 10:25 PM
We need another marijuana thread.

12-04-2012, 05:37 AM
Got da munchies ? Did you hear how Hostess will be divided up ?

You may have heard that Hostess Bakery plants shut down due to a
workers' strike. But you may not have heard how it was split up. The
State Department hired all the Twinkies, the Secret Service hired all
the HoHos, the generals are sleeping with the Cupcakes and the voters
sent all the Ding Dongs to Congress.

12-04-2012, 09:17 AM
hey d/r you forgot about the fruit-pies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL,,,,,,,,,,,

12-04-2012, 10:03 AM
Got da munchies ? Did you hear how Hostess will be divided up ?

You may have heard that Hostess Bakery plants shut down due to a
workers' strike. But you may not have heard how it was split up. The
State Department hired all the Twinkies, the Secret Service hired all
the HoHos, the generals are sleeping with the Cupcakes and the voters
sent all the Ding Dongs to Congress.

You think you are sooo funny. It only shows your homophobia and ignorance. It also shows your anti union bias. The union didn't destroy Hostess Bakery. It is widely reported that it was poor management. Also, the senior management took large bonuses right before going bankrupt. You really need to open your eyes and ears before making a fool of yourself.

12-04-2012, 10:23 AM
He is funny,,,,,,,,,,,have a fruit-pie you'll feel better,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,,

12-04-2012, 05:45 PM
You think you are sooo funny. It only shows your homophobia and ignorance. It also shows your anti union bias. The union didn't destroy Hostess Bakery. It is widely reported that it was poor management. Also, the senior management took large bonuses right before going bankrupt. You really need to open your eyes and ears before making a fool of yourself.


No one makes a fool of themselves better than you. What an absolutely ridiculous post. Hey T/O, it doesn't need a fruit pie, it's already a fruit cake...

12-04-2012, 07:22 PM
You think you are sooo funny. It only shows your homophobia and ignorance. It also shows your anti union bias. The union didn't destroy Hostess Bakery. It is widely reported that it was poor management. Also, the senior management took large bonuses right before going bankrupt. You really need to open your eyes and ears before making a fool of yourself.

Yah, OK :Rolls Eyes:
Lol, DR