View Full Version : Chronicles of Bako Boy fall fishing, today's episode... Trailblazer vs. da DD (again}

11-09-2012, 06:38 PM
Got the call from TB and I could hear he had the bug,,,, He told me one of the local city park lakes just had a fresh plant and was eager to hook up on some fine full tail alpers.. Said he just bought a bag of berkeley power mice and just KNEW it was going to go down tonight....

I said hold on there big feller, I've got a better idea. Why don't you lay your sissy stick with 2lb spooled up and grab your real men gear and meet me out for some late afternoon topwata fishing..

Alright, lets go, he says..

I meet him around 345 and instantly I hook up on a 4 lb class green carp on the 128, I throw him in the bushes and attempt to get the foul scent and slime off my lure before the next cast. BOOM 3 lb Green Carp... WTH?? Throw him in the bushes too and change my bait cause this wet paper bag fighting fish are thick tonight... As I'm changing to the TW, TB yells from down the bank.. MIKE!!!! BIGGGGGGGGGGUUUUUNNNN!!!!!

I grab my rod and make casts around TB's fish hoping there is a chaser {ole BB trick that works a bunch with these stripers that are schoolin}

TB gets 3 or 4 big runs from this fish and the drag stops!!! TB says "oh darn",,,, he had a birdsnest or something bury his line under itself and got in a bind.. So down the bank he runs!!!

Few mins later and a very awkward landing... we get her on the bank...

You guess the weight, we know that we know it was a DD... Call it a 11?, call it a 14? We don't care because we released her with very specific orders to munch on EVERY green carp she sees from this point forward, or we will be back, we will make tacos out of her if she doesn't thin out the foul Green Carp in our pristine Striper waters, because that invasive fish will not be tolerated!!!!!

Keep in mind I'm taking a very size reducing pic to avoid spot burning this, well "spot"..... Pic doesn't do it justice

Fish was caught on Hiro's B71 topwater lure... Full disclosure, as I as well as TB were given one apiece by Hiro. These baits rock! Best Topwater bait I've fished in ease of walk the dog, and has a great glide from side to side.... No BS/scam gimmick selling here... That lure is EASY to walk the dog and catches fish... for whatever you take my word for, good or bad? I cannot say enough about it


Well Done TB,,, one day I too will be the masta!!!

11-09-2012, 06:52 PM
Nice catch TB!

That fish doesn't look small in that picture Mike, you must be hiding the fact that TB caught it in the Castaic Lagoon.

11-09-2012, 06:58 PM
very nice fish. good job TB. dfg should raise the limits on those green carp those dam thing are everywere. look forward to your next post.

trail blazer
11-09-2012, 07:12 PM
Only wanted the alpers so i would have something to fly line CUTBAIT,,,,,,,,,Thats all,,,,,,,,,,

Better idea that you had though,,,,,TOPPPPPWATERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!OOOYAAA AAAAAAA.

Thanks bro for hanging with me this evening,,,,,

fReEkInG,Green carp are taking over the duct waters,,,Crazy!

And dont let CUTBAIT fool you guys,,,,,,,,,,2 days ago he went out there and landed no less then 15 on the T/W lure,,

Tried to keep it a secret from me but ive got my sources ,,,they ratted him out to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,said he was out there with his dad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,aint right,,,,,,,,,,,,,Choosing his DAD over me:Angry:


trail blazer
11-09-2012, 07:24 PM
THROW,M In the BUSHES,,,,,LOLOLOLOL Times 10lolololol

11-09-2012, 07:41 PM
Tried to keep it a secret from me but ive got my sources ,,,they ratted him out to me,,,,,,,,,,,,,said he was out there with his dad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,aint right,,,,,,,,,,,,,Choosing his DAD over me:Angry:


Don't even start.. your the one giving all your catfish to the Mexican mafia at that spot.. now all the drug cartels show up when they hear your fishing there :Twisted:

CL SmooV
11-09-2012, 08:36 PM
Helluva fish TB......!

Cutty, tell the truth dude, you were targeting those largies!!!!

Double A
11-09-2012, 09:03 PM
It's been going off at the,,,
etc... Way to think outside the box and get on sum duct TW action

The B-71 does it again,,, blown up by a pig

The M.M. Following TB around for kitty's,
And the coyotes are gonna start following you around waiting for you to throw your invasive green carp in the bushes

11-09-2012, 09:05 PM
Walk the dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

11-09-2012, 09:09 PM
It's been going off at the,,,
etc... Way to think outside the box and get on sum duct TW action

The B-71 does it again,,, blown up by a pig

The M.M. Following TB around for kitty's,
And the coyotes are gonna start following you around waiting for you to throw your invasive green carp in the bushes


What flavor striper scent is your fav?

Could you imagine a striper stock truck and the excitement that would bring? OH my?

11-09-2012, 09:14 PM
Helluva fish TB......!

Cutty, tell the truth dude, you were targeting those largies!!!!

100% honesty is we did look forward to the LMB blowups

11-09-2012, 09:15 PM
Nice catch TB!

That fish doesn't look small in that picture Mike, you must be hiding the fact that TB caught it in the Castaic Lagoon.

Ron, you know all about secretive spots! Preachin to the choir

11-09-2012, 09:16 PM
Walk the dog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

That's what Obama did to your Romney this week Bob

trail blazer
11-11-2012, 07:30 PM
Nice catch TB!

That fish doesn't look small in that picture Mike, you must be hiding the fact that TB caught it in the Castaic Lagoon.

You aint right RON,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fronting off my honey hole like that

11-12-2012, 10:45 AM
sweet slayage....
way ta take 'em down....

Yeee-haw : )

Ohhhh yeah

11-12-2012, 10:58 AM
Way to go guys, especially removing the green carp from our striper waters, lol................Bob and I should have done the same at Castaic on Thursday

11-15-2012, 12:28 AM
Good storyteller CB!

Great job TB! THATS ONE FAT FISH!! You deserve it bro! Now I'm next! Just do me a favor please dont take more then your limit on that green carp....even if you do throw them in the bushes! lol