View Full Version : Lake Gregory - Tenkara fishing and never underestimate the power of pink!...):}+{:(..

The Fishing Queen
11-04-2012, 09:52 PM
Story up front

I have not been fishing that much since I injured my right shoulder. It is not a fishing related injury; most likely I got injured by doing some gardening work around the yard and pulled a deep muscle on the back of my shoulder. It has taken a long time to heal – it’s been over a month and half now, and my shoulder is just slowly getting better with the pain. I know that it’s not good for me to overwork my arm with fishing, but it was hard to avoid fishing because of my addiction to it. I did go out and met with friends a couple of times, just for short sessions of fishing.


I heard that LG had been stocked with some rainbow trout, so I called my fishing buddy Mike, who also lives in the mountains, to see if we could meet up for fishing the next morning. We decided to meet at the cove by 8:30. Mike likes to fish with spinning rods. I told him that I would also bring my spinning rods and fish with him. We could enjoy relaxing and chatting by the water. And it also gave a nice break to my recovering shoulder..... I came to the mountain the day before and stayed over at my cottage home. It's always pleasant to be back here in the mountains with the fresh air, scenic views, winding roads and friendly people. And my sweet fairytale cottage is just an hour drive from my permanent residence. I am a complicated individual in my own way – I love classical music as much as country music. I grew up in a big city, but always loved living in the countryside.




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Fishing report

Anyways, I woke up to a nice day with calm and warm weather. I brought my Tenkara rod and got two pink spinning rods out of my garage, cleaned off some spider webs from them, packed it all up and drove to the Lake. I got there around 7am, I only took the Tenkara rod with me and I walked around to some of my favorite areas for some sight fishing.


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Tenkara fishing


I spotted a few trout jumping in the middle of lake. No sign of fish close to the shore. I stopped at a sandy beach and set up my Tenkara rod, did a slow retrieve with mixed pause and go motions using a size 16 dark brown BH Hare's Ear Nymph. I fished for 20 minutes and had no luck with any trout. Moved to another spot and fished for a while, but still did not produce any fish with my favorite fly. No crappies, no bluegills, no green sunfish and no trout!



I changed to a couple of different locations to see if the fish were active somewhere else, but it was tough fishing with a fly that day. I just couldn't figure out what fly to use to catch fish since I didn't see any bugs floating or flying on the surface...... Finally, around 7:40 am, I had a good tug on my fly. I raised my rod up, set the hook and bought in a stocked sized brown trout. The fish jumped and self-released before I even had a chance for a photo. It was barely hooked on its lip with the fly. Oh, well..... I tried to fish for another 20 minutes or so, but had no more luck with any fish.



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Pink spinning rods with Power Bait - don't underestimate the power of PINK!!


Around 8 o'clock, I packed up my Tenkara, got in my car and drove to the opposite side of the lake to meet Mike for fishing. I took my two spinning rods out of my car and a tackle box and walked to the cove. There were 6 fishermen out there fishing on the bank. So far, only one guy had caught a trout. The man next to me told me that he missed a bite around 7:30, but that the fishing has been pretty slow for everyone so far. Most were fishing with Power Bait. One guy was fishing with a jig or power worm, another man was fishing with a lure.


I set up both rods with garlic Power Bait with two small single hooks and 3' leader with 4lb line. Shortly after I set everything up and was just about to sit down, I saw that my left rod was bending. I ran and picked up the rod, gently tightening the line until I felt the tug again. I quickly set the hook and pulled in a feisty rainbow trout. 10-15 minutes later, the man next to me also caught his first trout on Power Bait.


The sun was very strong in our location and the water started warming up. The trout were very active at my spot. I had cast very far from the bank to the deep water and I got some fish action over there. I missed couple of bites, but I caught one more trout within a half hour.... About 9 o'clock, I caught another trout at the same spot when Mike called my cellphone. He told me that he had trouble with his car and he wouldn’t be able to make it on time, but he said that he would be there around 11am.




I thought I would able to fish until Mike showed up. But unfortunately, this didn't happen as planned. I caught two more trout within 50 minutes and I reached my limit before 10 o'clock. The last two fish were back-to-back hookups. They bit like a minute or two apart from each other. I just unhooked one fish, when the other rod started bending as it had a fish on. I had to rush to the second pole before the fish could get off.



That was it for me for the day as I had five rainbow trout on my string. I was grateful to the Fishing gods and I was lucky that, once again, he rewarded me with a good catch - my pink rods had out fished everyone on the shore..... As I was leaving, the fisherman on my left just caught his third trout. Another fisherman on his left had just caught his first fish of the day. Hopefully, the trout were just starting to bite and the fishing would be good for everyone out there.

5 rainbow trout - 2 stocked size rainbow on the top and 3 nice sized trout at the bottom.

Close up shot of the 3 bigger trout

In the end, I’d like to thank the people who sent me PM’s and told me how much they have enjoyed my reports and shared their thoughts with me. I appreciate your support and I will post as many reports as I can in the future. I will be busy next year with some travel and will be focusing on some art projects that I have. If all my plans come through, I will also be busy writing my travel journal instead of fishing reports. In the meanwhile, if you are one of those people who have followed my reports in the past, or who has enjoyed reading them, I'm here to wish everyone: Be good, be safe, and most of all - have fun fishing and catching!

Drive back to the city

Trout Nuggets made with our home made recipe

11-05-2012, 05:46 AM
Trout Nuggets made with our home made recipe


Great picture filled report as usual. If you're traveling and not fishing, post your travel reports. I'm sure they will be just as interesting as your fishing reports. As for your trout nuggets, all I have to say is YUMMY!!


11-05-2012, 07:22 AM
Mind sharing the recipe... They look good. Congrats on the catch.

Harold of the rocks
11-05-2012, 08:16 AM
Great report ... And those nuggets look Yumm ...can u post the recipe?

11-05-2012, 08:27 AM
Great report FishingQueen, good to see you are back for some fishing! The trout nuggets sure look so yummy!

11-05-2012, 09:04 AM
Hi Fishing Queen,

Great fishing! I was up there last Friday for a few hours and only caught one rainbow that weighed 2 1/2 lbs on my digital scale. The guy fishing next to me said they had stocked some bigger fish for a derby a few weeks ago.

Funny thing when I cleaned that fish. It had everything in it's stomach except food. I found parts of a rubberband, a couple pieces of tin foil (or maybe gum wrapper?), and it was filled with what looked like moss or grass.

Hope your shoulder gets better soon, and please post pictures of your travels.

Natural Lefty
11-05-2012, 11:39 AM
Fishing Queen, I am happy to see you are doing fishing reports again. I knew you were going to work on other things, but I didn't know you had an injury. Get well soon, if not already.

11-05-2012, 11:53 AM
Nice fish. I am contemplating fishing that area this weekend.

Troutcz swimbait
11-05-2012, 03:45 PM
Nice fishing report and pictures,I didnt know you were hurt also glad to here your doing good.I went to the Pudd today for a few hours it was slow all over, the big( girls) were chaseing trout in the swimbeach cove.Take care of that million dollar arm and see you at the lake some time.

11-05-2012, 06:25 PM
Glad to see u back on the water... great report as always

11-05-2012, 07:10 PM
Excellent work!

11-05-2012, 07:33 PM
Great report

The Fishing Queen
11-06-2012, 10:18 AM

Great picture filled report as usual. *If you're traveling and not fishing, post your travel reports. *I'm sure they will be just as interesting as your fishing reports. *As for your trout nuggets, all I have to say is YUMMY!!


Thanks Charlie! Haven't seen you for a while. I heard that you just ordered another Tenkara Amago rod from Tenkara USA. Getting ready for some trout?

Mind sharing the recipe... They look good. Congrats on the catch.

Thank you and I’d love to share the recipe with you! It’s an easy way to cook trout. My kids love it and we eat it like a snack. You can also cook catfish like this.

Here you go:

Deep-Fried Louisiana-Style Thin-Sliced Trout or Catfish

4-5 (stocked size) trout fillets, or 2 large whole catfish fillets
1 gallon vegetable oil
2 cups yellow cornmeal
2 1/4 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)

Slice fillets across the grain in 1/8- to 1/4-inch thin slices. Wash the fillets under cold water and pat dry. Cover fillets with milk and set aside. Preheat oil in cooker to 375 degrees. In a paper bag, mix together cornmeal, salt, and peppers. Dredge the fish in the cornmeal mixture, lay flat and allow to dry for a few minutes. Fry 4 to 6 pieces a time for about 5 to 7 minutes or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels and serve. Serves 4.

Great report ... And those nuggets look Yumm ...can u post the recipe?

Thank you! Glad to hear that! Hope you enjoy the recipe !

Great report FishingQueen, good to see you are back for some fishing! The trout nuggets sure look so yummy!

Bao, thanks for reading! Yes, I am back to the game. By the way, I like your new user name 'Carptain_Bao'. Cool!

The Fishing Queen
11-06-2012, 10:22 AM
Hi Fishing Queen,

Great fishing! *I was up there last Friday for a few hours and only caught one rainbow that weighed 2 1/2 lbs on my digital scale. *The guy fishing next to me said they had stocked some bigger fish for a derby a few weeks ago.

Funny thing when I cleaned that fish. *It had everything in it's stomach except food. *I found parts of a rubberband, a couple pieces of tin foil (or maybe gum wrapper?), and it was filled with what looked like moss or grass.

Hope your shoulder gets better soon, and please post pictures of your travels.

Hey Craig, nice to hear from you! Good to know that you've been out again fishing. You did good catching that big trout. I also heard that they stocked some nice rainbows for the last fishing derby. One guy caught a tagged fish on derby day and won $1000 dollars (heard from a friend of mine). The biggest trout that I've caught at that lake was about 4lbs last year. But this year I just did ok, nothing bigger than yours. I wonder if they have stocked any trout over 4-5lbs this time..... I did see someone with a 2-3lbs trout in his basket last Sunday when my husband and I were walking and cleaning up the beach. Fishing was slow that day as we walked around the lake.

You mentioned above all the stuff that you found in the trout’s stomach. I recall that I saw a lot of black mossy kind of stuff in the trout guts also. Yesterday, my friend Robert showed me how to see what the trout are feeding on by checking on the bottom of rocks from the lake. Hope that I do better with the fly next time.

And, thank you very much for your caring words!

Fishing Queen, I am happy to see you are doing fishing reports again. I knew you were going to work on other things, but I didn't know you had an injury. Get well soon, if not already.

Lefty, thanks for you kind words! I got injured after the last time we talked. I am doing much better now, compared to the condition that I was in a month and half ago. I was in a lot of pain if I turned my head or took a deep breath, or even rolled over in bed when I was sleeping. I have never been hurt so bad. I thought it would get better in a few days, but this time, somehow, it took long time to heal.

Anyhow, I am back and I can't wait to catch trout again. And just to let you to know, the Pudd is open for free now. They plan to stock trout again this week, if you and your wife are looking to fish for trout.

Nice fish. *I am contemplating fishing that area this weekend.

Great to hear that you are planning to head down there, have fun and good luck to you!

Nice fishing report and pictures, I didnt know you were hurt also glad to here your doing good.I went to the Pudd today for a few hours it was slow all over, the big( girls) were chaseing trout in the swimbeach cove. Take care of that million dollar arm and see you at the lake some time.

John, welcome home! I bet you are going to miss fishing for real trout in Utah now. Love those pictures that you sent to me. Those trout were beautiful monsters. You must have had a blast over there. I am jealous of you!

I ran into Jim last time I was out at his favorite spot in Sailboat Cove. He was making fun of me for disappearing. He was shocked that I wasn't fishing like I used to. He said:" What happen to you? You've been locked up (by your husband) or something?" ha, ha....

And thank you, I know and I will take good care of my million dollar arm. Trout season is here and I need it for catching some good fish..... Fishing was slow yesterday everywhere at the Pudd. You weren't the only one who did badly, me too. With only one bluegill caught at the east shore. *Maybe the weather?..... I'll see you some day at the lake!

Glad to see u back on the water... great report as always

Thank you very much for the care and for following up with my report! :)

Excellent work!

Thanks! Love to read your reports also!

Great report

Thank you and welcome! :)

11-06-2012, 12:03 PM
Thanks Charlie! Haven't seen you for a while. I heard that you just ordered another Tenkara Amago rod from Tenkara USA. Getting ready for some trout?


你怎么样? Long time no see. My problem is that when I'm not fishing, I spend too much time at my computer. I have enough gear already, but I can't resist buying new toys. I do want to get into some tenkara trout fishing now that the panfish bite is slowing down. See you soon.


11-06-2012, 01:21 PM
Awesome.... thanks for the recepie. I have a bunch of catfish to fry up with your recepie. Thanks!

Natural Lefty
11-06-2012, 02:34 PM
Ouch, Alice. That seems more like something more serious than a muscle sprain, maybe a ligament sprain, but I am not the doctor in the family. You know, I missed the entire month of September fishing-wise with my tonsilitis, etc., although I continued to teach and cough on the students.

Since then, I have been fishing four times -- twice to Perris Lake (small to medium Bluegills and a few Redears, with the second trip being better than the first) -- once to Hemet Lake with my wife which was a rare skunk for us (the water was low and murky and a few small fish bit far from shore but we didn't catch them), and the trip to the Colorado River with my wife. The last two trips, my internet service had been turned off by AT&T so there was no way I could make a timely report on them. Now we have Earthlink Cable service; it works much better and they aren't trying to stiff us for things we don't owe them.

I am glad to see that you have recovered too with all the recent fishing trips you have made.

reservoir dog
11-06-2012, 03:13 PM
Just had a lunch and you just made me hungry again. Good report and pics. Congrats on your catch Fishing Queen!

The Fishing Queen
11-06-2012, 09:46 PM

你怎么样? *Long time no see. *My problem is that when I'm not fishing, I spend too much time at my computer. *I have enough gear already, but I can't resist buying new toys. *I do want to get into some tenkara trout fishing now that the panfish bite is slowing down. *See you soon.


Hi Charlie, I'm doing ok now. My million dollar arm almost gave up on me. Ha, ha.. Well, I found out that I was spending a lot of time at my computer sometimes too, so I quit doing everything on the computer for a while. No emails, no FNNs, no other websites. I have done some writing, like poetry, which I've found to be quite rewarding. With what I love to do, if I was sitting by a computer, then I must not using my brain. Lol.... Not like you though, your type of business is probably mainly based on the internet. If you’re sitting by a computer, then you must be working really hard.

Hope to see you someday when you are fishing.

Awesome.... thanks for the recepie. I have a bunch of catfish to fry up with your recepie. Thanks!

You are very welcome! Enjoy!

Ouch, Alice. That seems more like something more serious than a muscle sprain, maybe a ligament sprain, but I am not the doctor in the family. You know, I missed the entire month of September fishing-wise with my tonsilitis, etc., although I continued to teach and cough on the students.

Since then, I have been fishing four times -- twice to Perris Lake (small to medium Bluegills and a few Redears, with the second trip being better than the first) -- once to Hemet Lake with my wife which was a rare skunk for us (the water was low and murky and a few small fish bit far from shore but we didn't catch them), and the trip to the Colorado River with my wife. The last two trips, my internet service had been turned off by AT&T so there was no way I could make a timely report on them. Now we have Earthlink Cable service; it works much better and they aren't trying to stiff us for things we don't owe them.

I am glad to see that you have recovered too with all the recent fishing trips you have made.

Robert, I remember you were sick back in September. It took a long time for you to recover as well. Nice to know you are back fishing these days. I always wanted to try fishing at Lake Perris. I heard that there are many big panfish in that lake. Too bad that I never had a chance to make a trip up there.

My shoulder is getting better. Sometimes it still hurts a little if I overwork it. I think that you could be right about it being more serious than what I thought. The pain came from deep under my shoulder blade.... The good thing is that it's much better now than before and is definitely going to the right direction.....

We all have to taking good care of ourselves now, and no more sickness or pain for anyone. Take care!

Just had a lunch and you just made me hungry again. *Good report and pics. *Congrats on your catch Fishing Queen!

Thank you for reading and for the good feedback! Always good to know what others think about the reports I've written :)