View Full Version : Super Long Line...Corona Lake Opener

10-27-2012, 04:39 AM
OMG...this is going to be a long wait just to get in...bwahahaha!

10-27-2012, 03:35 PM
How long did it actually take untill you were @ the pay box from the time point of you post? We pulled in @ 7:00am bought two pass's for myself & Significant, asked about renting a pontoon or boat...Nada. Drove the eastern & western shore line banks...... every 8' stakes were claimed & people were very un-for-giving. So we took our pass's and rainchecked them for the evening session, works for us! Hope everybody caught their catch!

10-27-2012, 04:07 PM
Corona really should consider investing in the lake by clearing out more brush so additional shore space is available. If you're not the first few in line your screwed for shore space. Try to squeeze you're way in and you risk getting bum rushed. LOL! A few upgrades would be nice to see there.

There is so much potential in that lake but it's not angler friendly. A few new pontoons would be icing on the cake. That ply wood with the plastic chairs is a little old. LOL!

10-27-2012, 04:16 PM
Corona really should consider investing in the lake by clearing out more brush so additional shore space is available. If you're not the first few in line your screwed for shore space. Try to squeeze you're way in and you risk getting bum rushed. LOL! A few upgrades would be nice to see there.

There is so much potential in that lake but it's not angler friendly. A few new pontoons would be icing on the cake. That ply wood with the plastic chairs is a little old. LOL!

What brush are you talking about exactly? There's very little brush along the shoreline.

PS-Brush is good for fishing. I'd like to see MORE as a float tuber.

10-27-2012, 04:50 PM
:Big Grin:Looks like its going to be a good year, loots of quality fish the gf hooked up to 4#r on the mini jig like always doing better than me. As the temperature drops it will only get better.

10-27-2012, 05:46 PM
They actually started letting peeps in early...I was on the water exactly @ 6...right side of the boat rental dock was the spot...caught my limit within 30 mins apon arriving that area...

10-27-2012, 07:41 PM
I got in line at 640 and was at the booth by 7. Avg more than 1 min per car to take their money is WAY TOO SLOW as always, Corona needs to take some lessons from the Vine in collecting cash from their customers so they can fish. I never try to line up early there because if youre not in line the day before, it'll take an hour just to get to the gate anyway. Went to the cove just south of the rental dock and it was WFO until 9, then it was almost totally dead til we left at 1. Wall to wall tubers bumping into boats (like mine), yelling and cussing, a busy day at Corona couldnt be any other way! Got 1 nice 4lb hookjaw, the rest were good quality 2-3lbers and 1 dink. Staff was bird doggin everyone from the back of the tackle shop, was surprised to see some limit checks going around and one guy was threatened to be kicked out for releasing fish. Looks like the staff has a different attitude from what I was used to in years past, which is a good thing. Water temp was under 65 at 7, over 66 by noon in 6' of water. Fish were all up in the shallow area and most were caught close to shore near coves or points. Mice tails and pinched crawlers did the trick, as did the usual gulp chunky chartreuse w/ garlic smelly jelly smeared on everything. Saw one group trollling without hookinjg up (from what I could see), what a pain trolling 200 yds, winding up, turning around, going back and forth, not a lot of room out there.

10-27-2012, 10:29 PM
What brush are you talking about exactly? There's very little brush along the shoreline.

PS-Brush is good for fishing. I'd like to see MORE as a float tuber.

Agreed. It's better to be fish-friendly than angler-friendly, which is not to say the lake is angler UN-friendly. The lake is what it is. If you want all the shoreline in the world, both Anaheim and SARL have 98% shoreline access. Corona just happened to open up first.

10-28-2012, 09:47 AM
I don't know how it was if one got into line at 6:40.
The line started moving at 5:15 and there were at least 86 cars backed up on the road. I was #86.
I was on the water by 6:15, including filling up my tube, dressing, gathering it all up and walking to my launch site.
They were really fast, but I'm sure after opening almost an hour early and working fast for almost 2 hours they slowed down some.
Irvine has nothing on how quick they were yesterday at Corona. And the staff at Irvine is top notch. I've waited plenty long at both locations to know.
Yesterday was the quickest, any of the pay lakes, I've ever been able to get through the gate and fish, for me.
It was interesting to see the staff checking out limits. Never noticed that before.

10-28-2012, 02:34 PM
What brush are you talking about exactly? There's very little brush along the shoreline.

PS-Brush is good for fishing. I'd like to see MORE as a float tuber.

Of course the brush is good for the fish. However, I wasn't referring to brush in the water rather the brush that has no contact with the water. South end for example. Truth is, not everyone float tubes and I don't believe that any would argue that the available shore space is limiited. Considering that, I see possbilities that could happen with freeing up addtional shore space. Perhaps even creating a path allows anglers more access. It might be wishful thinking but if they want growth then they have to plan for it. If your a shore guy and not there at the crack of dawn we all know your options are limited.

10-28-2012, 02:59 PM
Agreed. It's better to be fish-friendly than angler-friendly, which is not to say the lake is angler UN-friendly. The lake is what it is. If you want all the shoreline in the world, both Anaheim and SARL have 98% shoreline access. Corona just happened to open up first.

I understand that point. I would agree fish friendly is alwasys the preference. However, the bottom line is that this is a business. In my opinion, you need to have a balance. Corona is great fishery and i've had many great trips. However, they could do some things that would it make it more pleasant for the angler. I'll mention a couple things that come to mind.

1. Entry is always slow. A second both or have someone walk the car line and in advance for payment. An option to pay on line and print tickets would be great.
2. More shoreline for anglers
3. A upgraded tackle shop would be nice to see. With two registers instead of one.
4. New pontoons. Do I even need to say it?
5. Yearly pass option.

Don't get me wrong, here. I'm not putting the lake down but merely suggesting what I think would be nice. We all go there for the fishing but having some of these would make things run a little smoother for everyone. A little organization is key to any business. You go to any other lake and these are pretty much the standard. Like you said it is what it is. With the videos, emails, tournements, and ads I take it that Corona is persuing your dollar. Ulimately, this is a business and competition is out there. These type of things can determine where a angler decides to take his family or his buddy.

#1 Bass Acer
10-28-2012, 05:53 PM
Hello everyone im heading out to corona lake tomorrow i was wondering if anyone knows the lake hours what time they open and close thanks

Frequent Flyer
10-28-2012, 06:18 PM
Hello everyone im heading out to corona lake tomorrow i was wondering if anyone knows the lake hours what time they open and close thanks

opens at 6 and be off the water by 430

10-28-2012, 08:46 PM
I understand that point. I would agree fish friendly is alwasys the preference. However, the bottom line is that this is a business. In my opinion, you need to have a balance. Corona is great fishery and i've had many great trips. However, they could do some things that would it make it more pleasant for the angler. I'll mention a couple things that come to mind.

1. Entry is always slow. A second both or have someone walk the car line and in advance for payment. An option to pay on line and print tickets would be great.
2. More shoreline for anglers
3. A upgraded tackle shop would be nice to see. With two registers instead of one.
4. New pontoons. Do I even need to say it?
5. Yearly pass option.

Don't get me wrong, here. I'm not putting the lake down but merely suggesting what I think would be nice. We all go there for the fishing but having some of these would make things run a little smoother for everyone. A little organization is key to any business. You go to any other lake and these are pretty much the standard. Like you said it is what it is. With the videos, emails, tournements, and ads I take it that Corona is persuing your dollar. Ulimately, this is a business and competition is out there. These type of things can determine where a angler decides to take his family or his buddy.

I'm not sure they could realistically open a lot more shoreline to fishing without the significant expense of adding things such as bridges and piers. The entire south end is swampo and once you get to the water's edge, it's filled with vegetation. GREAT if you're on a boat, unfishable from the shore. The entire back side is great fishing and a go-to destination for boats and tubes. But without a bridge over the south inlet and trail-clearing through the swamp, or a highway-style construction project to cut a path into the cliffs by the dam, how would you get there? A shuttle service would require another employee or two, as well as a likely increase in insurance rates. I would argue that shoreline accessibility is about as good s it's going to get.
I totally agree with the pontoon issue. Motor boats, too, are pretty rugged. Not unsafe per se, just could be a lot nicer. Ditto the boat dock, which is where I think they should have an employee stationed on or nearby all day long. I am fully adept at finding, rigging and fueling my own rental at Corona Lake because most of the time a dock hand is nowhere to be found.
They would go broke if they offered an annual pass for a price most would pay, which I'm thinking would have to be in the $400-$500 range.
I'm totally with you in that the lakes could and should make some improvements, but I think they need to preserve their uniqueness, too.