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View Full Version : Mammoth majic

08-29-2007, 08:20 AM
Went up for my wife's family reunion and had a great time. Lots of quality fish including 8 browns over 13" and this 5lb alper. I know it's hard to see but next to the alper is a 21" native it was a beautiful and hard to put on the stringer but my grandpa wouldn't let me throw her back, it did however tasted sooooo good. Got my wife into some fish and took my 2 month old out on the kayak at George and twin lakes. By the way george is where all the fish came from in the pictures but we also caught tons a twin lakes aslo good quality. Almost all fish were caught on my home made bait that I call mammoth majic and it truly was majic watching my wife and her fam have so much fun catching so many great fish. Oh At George we also saw moma bear with her 2 cubs cruzin for fish, we followed them arround in the kayak what beautiful animals.http://fishingnetwork.net/images/tmp2/bird.jpghttp://fishingnetwork.net/images/tmp2/kak.jpghttp://fishingnetwork.net/images/tmp2/rod.jpghttp://fishingnetwork.net/images/tmp2/alper.jpg

08-29-2007, 09:53 AM
you call your bait majic? those pictures say a little bit more than that!

08-29-2007, 12:17 PM
Priceless memories! :wink:

08-29-2007, 01:37 PM
Great pics!

You're starting your little one off early.



09-09-2007, 12:28 PM
That's cool how you got the bird on hand. Looks like the little guy had his first fishing trip!
Good job dude!!! :appl: :thumb: :appl: