View Full Version : Did an experimental run at

10-09-2012, 06:40 PM
Santa Margarita lake today.
Hadn't been there in 25 years but it's only a half hour drive from my house.
It's not a very big lake. I started by running up to the shallow end and soaked some bait for a while.
Worked my way back down to the buoy line near the dam then back toward the launch ramp stopping here and there to try the chicken livers.
I did not even get a bite.
I also tried trolling between stops thinking I might pick up a bass or maybe a crappie.
I wear the skunk though. It was a nice day out and that's a very scenic lake but I didn't see any of the other dozen or so boats out today catching anything either. Don't think I'll go back until they start the winter trout plants.

Air temps were near 80 on the water today and mostly sunny.
Water surface was 70 and water was stained.
Visibility might have been 2-3 ft. if I want to be generous.
Lots of weeds in the water coming to the surface anywhere it was 7 foot or less. Could see the tops pf some of them in a little deeper water.

10-12-2012, 06:35 AM
Thnx for the post.