View Full Version : The "Cement hole" aka Hansen dam

09-12-2012, 09:15 PM
Went there with snakeplisskin a couple of weeks ago in our float tubes, fricken lifeguard was making up rules as we went along watched us like we were doing something illegal told us we couldn't fish near the rocks or cast towards them, that we couldn't pass this "imaginary line" that we couldn't fish there. We told him funny there's no signs that state that!, he says yes there are they are right here, yeah well they are facing the shore not us. So to avoid any more confrontation with this bay watch reject we kept our distance but yet he stood there watching us like a hawk. But then came the shore fishermen using 3-5oz weights casting right next to us, we motioned for the lifeguard to come over and we said hey what about these guys trying to hit us with the huge weight they have tied on? "oh they are OK you guys should be the one's to be careful"
By this time I told "snake" come on lets just go over to where there's on one at, so eventually we end up at the other end by the spillway, no sooner did we make it there when here comes you know who. He ends up sitting there watching us for like 20 mins with the engine running on the golf cart thing they have, I was about to say something to him when he turns around and pulls away.
I called the office last week and spoke with the manager he said for me to come in and talk with him, since they didn't want to make up rules as they went along, told him well it's too late because you already are! Maybe I'll go in tomorrow and have a little chat.

09-12-2012, 10:29 PM
You know instead of making up your own conclusions if you calmly ask them why they will oblige your question and tell you the reason why you cannot cast near the spillway. There are a bunch of turtles in that area that about 8 months ago or so a few fisherman were snagging these turtles and animal rescue had to be called to save them. Because of that you cannot cast near the spillway, and if you do cast near the spillway and if there is a DFG officer he will give you a citation.

You have a float tube, I can think of so many places you can take it and slay some bass. .

09-13-2012, 12:20 AM
Cool. didn't know that hansen dam is a tube friendly lake.

sucks that the lifeguard was being unprofessional by favoring the shore fisherman and putting you in the wrong. are these rocks along a shoreline?

You know instead of making up your own conclusions if you calmly ask them why they will oblige your question and tell you the reason why you cannot cast near the spillway. There are a bunch of turtles in that area that about 8 months ago or so a few fisherman were snagging these turtles and animal rescue had to be called to save them. Because of that you cannot cast near the spillway, and if you do cast near the spillway and if there is a DFG officer he will give you a citation.

You have a float tube, I can think of so many places you can take it and slay some bass. .

they had no problems fishing the spillway. the problem was fishing a rock area and tubing in a restricted area.

sounds like the guard was being a little rude.

09-13-2012, 10:25 AM
that is the area, the signs face the shoreline and about 20 or so yards from the corner on both sides that clearly states no casting in the area. the spillway=rocky area=restricted area just to clarify.

reservoir dog
09-13-2012, 11:00 AM
Technically that is the NO FISH ZONE but some of the life guards there are nazis. And lookout for a female DFG officer, this woman is no joke. She will go through your tackle and check your bucket/stringers. And even checks the trash cans around you just in case you're hiding anything. She will even call you ashore if you're floating on a tube. I've seen her confiscate somebody's gear and handout tickets. She might be strict but it's nice to see a DFG officer onsite.

09-13-2012, 02:26 PM
Technically that is the NO FISH ZONE but some of the life guards there are nazis. And lookout for a female DFG officer, this woman is no joke. She will go through your tackle and check your bucket/stringers. And even checks the trash cans around you just in case you're hiding anything. She will even call you ashore if you're floating on a tube. I've seen her confiscate somebody's gear and handout tickets. She might be strict but it's nice to see a DFG officer onsite.

Too bad she's never around when certain poachers are around!

Keep in mind there are no signs posted anywhere as to where one can and cannot fish or float tube or kayak, this needs to be placed in clear sight. These lifeguards want to enforce the rules then how about they enforce the no smoking anywhere in the park? the very same poachers smoke all the time a couple of the lifeguards have sat there and watch them light up. What about the RC boaters? they get free reign of the entire lake? yeah I hear you about going somewhere else to slay some bass, but when your on limited funds and have to care for someone and they call you they need to go somewhere being 7 miles away from home is much better than 40 miles aka tubing at Castaic lagoon

10-05-2012, 09:14 AM
I've see those poachers there. They fish early and return late. I've never had any problems with the lifeguards yet, but they do keep an eye on you when in your float tube. They really do need better signs and warnings should be clearly posted.
Anyway, I like going there cause its 5 min from my house and I like to test out my new gear there before i head to the Lagoon and spend $40 there. Caught three nice cats there this sunday

10-09-2012, 04:07 PM
Cant wait for them to start stocking trout again, hopefully that female DFG officer will be around when they do, and watch the poachers. I just might start taking pics and video of them catching their limit keep on fishing and then hand the fish off to their buddies who aren't catching fish.

10-10-2012, 09:20 PM
I seriously doubt animal rescue would waste its time for invasive turtles...

Red eared sliders, painted turtles, and softshell turtles have no limit. In addition to that, they're easily caught with a chunk of mackerel...

Are you sure they were snagging? Catching those the legit way is easier than catching bluegill with a bit of nightcrawler... =\

Anyways, I dont think any of these people are DFG wardens, but rather Park Rangers, which are well-known for insane power-trips..


Be very careful.

10-11-2012, 06:59 PM
no smokehound the female officer is actually a DFG warden and shes pretty hot AND she reads these threads, she told me she does.

10-11-2012, 07:49 PM
no smokehound the female officer is actually a DFG warden and shes pretty hot AND she reads these threads, she told me she does....I think I'll go get harassed by her at HD on purpose :LOL:

10-11-2012, 08:19 PM
let me know when you go, I'll go with you :LOL: :High Five: :Beer Toast: :Fishing Hole: :Neener Neener:

10-17-2012, 10:28 PM
Ive never been there despite living 5 mins away...hows the fishing?

10-18-2012, 07:27 PM
Well if you intend to go "lure testing, or bait dunking, then I think you should do pretty good, trout probably wont get stocked well into november and as stated before look out for the poachers

reservoir dog
10-18-2012, 08:01 PM
And once the trout is stocked you better be quick to fish it because the place gets fished out within a day or two. That place gets poached like a mutha!