View Full Version : 8/26/07 * * * GHETTO GHETHER REPORT * * *

08-26-2007, 07:11 PM
It wasn't the turnout that I had expected (only 9 of us showed up) but it was the COOLEST group of guys that I could have ever fished with.

LA Smoker
Rich and Noah
Christian Metal Head
Ron (Not Japan)
Myself (Kevin Kim)

So it was more like an ASIAN GHETTO GHETHER... and 2 mexicans.
Warm sunshine, Cold rain, Howling wind, Lighting shows, Still calmness, Booming thunder... we experienced it all today. We met up at around 5-5:15 AM at Berth 55 and introduced ourselves. Packed on the Native Sun with about 50 other people and headed off to the flats.

The fishing wasn't GREAT but it was still fun hanging out with familiar screen names that we all see after coming home from a long day at work. A lot of catching up and goofing around took place on the boat. You know how it goes, a bunch of guys making fun of each other and talking smack.

As soon as we got on the boat, hopes were high and anticipation was thick in the air. Stopped by the bait barge and picked up some pinhead chovies. I grabbed a chovie and put it on my scooby doo rod and told Mike (Ymin72) "watch this... I'm gonna pick up a Halibut..."
As soon as I hit the bottom it got heavy... and then pump... pump action. I reeled it in as it was taking line. A crowd ensued and witnessed a flattie as I bounced it over the rail and onto the deck. It was going to be a good day.

And then... it happened.

Some guy started peeling a banana and casually started talking to one of us FNN guys.

"Dude~!!! OMG... he brought a BANANA ON THE BOAT~!!" Someone screamed.

I looked around the crowd to see who the culprit was and the 9 of us started to murmur amongst each other. It was all in good humor of course but it turned out to start affecting the weather and the ultimately the fishcount at the end of the day.

Getting on with the story, We made about 4 stops in all today. At each stop, I'd try to be the first to get down and get hit with a bass on a dropper looped chovie. At each stop I'd pull up either a Calico, Sandy or a Sculpin and then commence taking pictures for this highly anticipated post.

Everyone ended up catching something... there were no skunks on this trip for the FNN guys... (unless you count mackeral... Brad). The Dogs and Mac's WOULD-NOT-GO-AWAY. As the day resumed I went to the upper deck to observe the whole boat from the top. At which point, my boy Joe came up next to me and we were chit chatting. Then we here a "SNAP~!!"

We stopped in mid conversation to see Brad holding a half of a rod and with a puzzled smile appeared across his face as the whole crowd looked at him. After that Brad had to use his backup rod that is rather old and bulky and actually resembled the staff that Moses used to part the red sea and perform the 7 Plagues upon Egypt.

The weather started picking up and the tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the FNN crew the Native Sun would have been all tangled up because the whole rest of the damn boat were noobs. Who doesn't love sculpins swung in there faces? I'm just kidding, I always stopped to help whenever I could.

No but seriously the lighting show was amusing and the thunder was like distant firework booms. The eerie sound of fishing lines making whistling noises in the wind is still echoing in my ears. The Sun wanted to play peek a boo all day.

The funniest thing I heard today was when I was fishing next to Brad and he went to get a cheeseburger. He returned with it still hot in the yellow paper wrapping. I scooted over so he could get back into his spot. I hear him unwrap the Burger and then sink his teeth into it... the next thing I heard him say was... "MMMMmmmMM... Oh my God, it's like an orgasm in my mouth..."

(Mr. Miyagi thought that was pretty funny...) (inside joke).

The conditions could have been better but the memories made were definately worth today's trip.

Thanks guys for reading this post and hope to see you at our next saltwater outing.

And for the other 8 guys on the boat today... thanks for coming out and having fun.


Kevin Kim.

BTW, my personal count for today's trip was 1Calico 2Sand 2Sculpin 1Lizardfish(released) 1halibut (released) Countless Mac's.

08-26-2007, 07:23 PM
Looks like a load of fun! My computer was as close to fishing as I could get this weekend. Thanks for the report. I got my fix...

08-26-2007, 07:37 PM
Glad to be of service Hawg. It's too bad you couldn't make it. when I was putting together the alphabetical list of people to come on this trip, you were first~! Oh well next time huh?

Rich and Noah
08-26-2007, 07:48 PM

Thanks again for setting this up. We had a blast and I'm looking forward to future gatherings, ghetto or not. Cheers to all the other hardcore fisherman, all solid guys but I still have my doubts about FunkieJunkie. Not sure if he was Asian or Mexican?! :roll:

Unfortunately I forgot Noah's 'Dora the Explorer' rig so we missed out on the automatic 'butts at the barge.

Big KUDOS to the deckhands, galley dude, skipper and the guys behind the counter for hooking us up. Class act- Berth 55 is worth checking out.

Rich and Noah

Can't believe you already have this post out...I'm still scrubbing the mackeral smell :banana: from my boots

08-26-2007, 07:51 PM
yeah, i tend to post and then shower cuz I'd be too tired after the shower. Nice Accurate by the way Rich.


08-26-2007, 08:42 PM
Hi K3vin_Kim,

WTG on organizing the trip. I know what a hassle it really is when one feels kinda responsible for the group!

Great report and pics. I thought about this idea ...... Take the group picture and put it in a photo-editor and put everyones board name under their face!!

Sooooooo How many guys were wearing their fisherman 57 T-shirts?

Again, thanks for the invite and wish I had the time to show up and fish with ya'll !


08-26-2007, 09:15 PM
Like Kev said, I already took my shower and I'm waaaayyyy too sleepy to post my pics and a video of the jackpot showdown.

So wait till tomorrow peeps.

P.S. The "Dogs" suck and so do bananas

ghetto dad
08-26-2007, 09:39 PM
LOL!!! Wow, usually, if i miss a trip, its WFO!!! Sorry I couldnt make it guys, got a little lit at the event......plus, I saw the weather.......peace

ghetto dad
08-26-2007, 09:40 PM
oh yeah, hey Joe, all you talked about was your avets at the event, and every pic ive seen you in, youve been fishing snoopy rods!!!

08-26-2007, 09:40 PM

Thanks for the reoprt and I think everyone that didn't get to go missed out. Sounds like you all had a good time, I liked the breadown of the before after banana pics :lol:

08-26-2007, 10:05 PM
well i may not of got anything that is considered a game fish. but hooking up with those dogs.... it was awesome haha. i got them off our back for five minuts, i think.... but this was a really fun trip even though the fishing sucked i tihnk. why didint the crew throw any bait at all the stops they only threw at one stop i think. not many fish caught until the last spot and then the sculpin bite was pretty consistent and i still could only manage a mac. well awesome trip mr. miyagi haha. and glad you got to meet tarentino i know i cant spell kev. .

any ways here are some pics a took on my phone.






Greg Madrigal
08-26-2007, 10:54 PM
Nice report, sorry I couldn't make it K. Looks like a cewl set-o-dudes 2 fish with.



ghetto dad
08-26-2007, 10:59 PM
Nice report, sorry I couldn't make it K. Looks like a cewl set-o-dudes 2 fish with.



he was too busy jackin little white kids for their raffle winnings!! LOL!! :D

08-27-2007, 05:27 AM
Great report! Looks like you had a blast out there.
I guess junior gets an upgrade now on his fishing pole. :D

Tight Lines :!:


08-27-2007, 07:27 AM
So two days of hanging out with anglers wore me out!! I crashed real hard last night at about 8pm!!

Since k3v is the word-smith on this report, I'll be the photo journalist...
It was a really pleasure to have met so many people from FNN this weekend and it was a real honor to have fished with some of you!!

I hope that eventually we can make this GHET-TO-GHETHER an official saltwater event and charter a whole boat!!

K3v, hats off to you bro!
Mike, Rich, Noah, Bob, Krundoh, Bradley, Ron...DUDES IT WAS GOOD HANGING OUT WITH YOU ALL!! Too bad the fishing was slow, but it was good to see you out there with us! Hope that next time we'll be slammin' fish harder than Mike slams beers!! LOL!!

Please keep in mind the "Last Chance for Summer SCI". We should try to figure that one out!!

Also a OX-COD-OUTING in October/November.


Here's ChristianMetalhead (Brad) trying to get a "head" in life...

Pictures can really tell you how sloooow fishing was...

Here's "a thousand words" that describes the fishing...

Rich and his triceps...oh and ymin (Mike) next to him..

Not quite a workout for Rich, but a nice sandy...

An excuse to get a new rod...break the one you have!!

So k3v, what color using for a surface jig??

Oh, just a mackeral colored one...

Or actually, a mackeral...


Exactly how all of us felt at the end of the day....dead tired!!

Sergio Prado
08-27-2007, 09:31 AM
Hey kev and fellow FNNer's, sorry I didn't make it. My car was packed and ready to go the night before, but that night my son had a little accident that prevented me from going. Looks like you guys had alot of good times even if the fishing was slow. I'll be there for sure on the next one. Thanks for the great report and pics. Hey Kev that invite is still open whenever you have time.

08-27-2007, 10:47 AM
it was great meeting everyone and had a blast fishing. thanks Kevin for arranging this trip and getting the discount tickets on the stern. fishing was kinda slow so Kevin started feeling kinda bad for everyone but like I said, "i it was WFO, would you have taken credit for good fishing?" props to Kevin for organizing this as anyone who has ever tried can tell you, its not fun.

it was fun fishing with everyone and hope to see you guys soon.

LA Smoker
08-27-2007, 11:34 AM
Good boat, good friends and a great trip! I never knew about the superstition with Bananas, but now that I think about it, some guy had bananas for the 1/2 day trip on the New Del Mar last week and it wasnt very good fishing. Fishing was a little slow but I think everyone had a good time, whether it was fishing or just screwing around (Slater and Quentin were doing most of the screwin around... you guys are hillarious. I'm surprised after all your stories you guys didnt get naked and fish). It was great to meet everyone. That pic of Chan Ho and Hee Sop was just too funny. Thanks for not calling my fat a** a beached whale Joe, the seal fits. Excuse me while I go eat another doughnut. hehehehe. :lol: Let's do it again guys!

08-27-2007, 06:04 PM
Sergio - That was classic when I called your house at like 5:30 and your wife was like... Oh he just left. Yeah, we thought the boat leaves at 8 AM..
Oh well, what can you do? But yeah I'll keep in mind the invitation, just PM me whenever you go out next.

Mike - We have to get together to plan our Last Chance SCI yellowtail trip.

Bob - You gotta come with us too. And about not knowing about the banana's... I guess you were thrown off by my avatar until now huh?

08-27-2007, 07:06 PM
Bob - You gotta come with us too. And about not knowing about the banana's... I guess you were thrown off by my avatar until now huh?

He probably just thought you didn't like bananas.... :wink:

LA Smoker
08-28-2007, 03:40 PM
Bob - You gotta come with us too. And about not knowing about the banana's... I guess you were thrown off by my avatar until now huh?

He probably just thought you didn't like bananas.... :wink:

Did someone say yellowtail trip??? I'm down. Just let me know.

I really did think Kev just didnt like bananas! I dont dig on bananas either, anymore atleast. Kinda gross story but since Koreans have no shame... here it is. I used to love bananas as a kid and I have a super addictive personality so I ate a big bunch of slightly green bananas in a few hours. Well ripe bananas make you drop a deuce, but green bananas do the complete opposite. So I ended up constipated :explode: for over a week. At the end of the week I was in so much pain my mom helped out her baby boy. She slapped on some gloves and played tug-o-war with my culo. When she finally got it out I was so relieved . So theres my banana story. Maybe I should jack Kevin's avatar, I think it fits me better. :wink: Sorry guys, no pics for this "report" I dont think you'd want to see it anyway. :lol:

08-28-2007, 03:42 PM
at least your mom used gloves. My mom and my sister had to use chop sticks.

08-28-2007, 04:19 PM
LOL damn guys. TMI.
Good luck this weekend Kevin. Break a rod.

ghetto dad
08-28-2007, 04:44 PM
I guess kevin is mad at me....he no longer calls 7 times a day, no more pm's, no more mentioning of me on his posts...thats fine.......

08-28-2007, 05:01 PM
I guess kevin is mad at me....he no longer calls 7 times a day, no more pm's, no more mentioning of me on his posts...thats fine.......

We still got love for ya' "ghetto flake" i mean...ghetto dad! haha....j/k

08-29-2007, 08:36 AM
HAHA GHETTO FLAKE. hey kev the moses stick is retierd for now. i went to turners and found a okuma on sale so i got it. now i just need a nother bait casting rod. haha. i cant believe it broke. but i guess thats what happens when you get the wal mart special. haha. have fun on your trip this weekend.

08-29-2007, 09:29 AM
Steve - I WAS gonna call you yesterday but I didn't think you were gonna pick up your phone. You know I got love for ya bro but I'm on a roll at work. U know how that goes.

Victor - hit the nail right on the head. I guess ghetto dad took a "ghetto - pass" on Sunday.

Brad - I was actually thinking about buying you a rod yesterday when I was at Baja. You are now aka King of the Mackeral.

08-29-2007, 11:33 AM
hey kev how much are the ploes there? are they the same as any where else or are they special. i have never been there.

you know it im king mac, well when nothing else is biting i know the seals will and i like to have fun no matter what. so ya. macs are fun.

ghetto dad
08-29-2007, 08:57 PM
I guess kevin is mad at me....he no longer calls 7 times a day, no more pm's, no more mentioning of me on his posts...thats fine.......

We still got love for ya' "ghetto flake" i mean...ghetto dad! haha....j/k

flake??? nice seeing you at the event victor....... :evil:

ghetto dad
08-29-2007, 08:59 PM
Steve - I WAS gonna call you yesterday but I didn't think you were gonna pick up your phone. You know I got love for ya bro but I'm on a roll at work. U know how that goes.

Victor - hit the nail right on the head. I guess ghetto dad took a "ghetto - pass" on Sunday.

Brad - I was actually thinking about buying you a rod yesterday when I was at Baja. You are now aka King of the Mackeral.

i dont know why youre buying a new rod...your super seeker hasnt even been used, all you fish is that snoopy rod.... :D

08-29-2007, 09:09 PM
What time are you guys going out? Oh crap, you mean I missed it?

Thanks for the report.

She used gloves.


08-29-2007, 09:18 PM
I don't think super seekers were made for local fishing. I'm even reluctant on overnighters. I think Scooby rod's or the F'ing BOMB~!!!

08-29-2007, 09:23 PM
Are you guys having probs?

ANYWAYS, like I was saying before I got so rudely "Debug Mode"'
SNOOPY RODS ARE THE $hIET and Super Seekers don't belong on cattle boats. Actually its a SCOOBY DOO ROD. I think most of the guys will agree when I say it's my setup of choice.

08-29-2007, 09:24 PM
Are you guys having probs?

ANYWAYS, like I was saying before I got so rudely "Debug Mode"'
SNOOPY RODS ARE THE $hIET and Super Seekers don't belong on cattle boats. Actually its a SCOOBY DOO ROD. I think most of the guys will agree when I say it's my setup of choice.

08-29-2007, 09:24 PM
Are you guys having probs?

ANYWAYS, like I was saying before I got so rudely "Debug Mode"'
SNOOPY RODS ARE THE $hIET and Super Seekers don't belong on cattle boats. Actually its a SCOOBY DOO ROD. I think most of the guys will agree when I say it's my setup of choice.

08-29-2007, 09:25 PM
SNOOPY RODS ARE THE $hIET and Super Seekers don't belong on cattle boats. Actually its a SCOOBY DOO ROD. I think most of the guys will agree when I say it's my setup of choice.

08-29-2007, 09:25 PM
SNOOPY RODS ARE THE $hIET and Super Seekers don't belong on cattle boats. Actually its a SCOOBY DOO ROD. I think most of the guys will agree when I say it's my setup of choice.

08-30-2007, 12:22 AM
Good job on organizing the fishing trip. Will definitley join you sometime in September. Let me know which dates are good.

ghetto dad
08-30-2007, 04:09 PM
It wasn't the turnout that I had expected (only 9 of us showed up) but it was the COOLEST group of guys that I could have ever fished with.

LA Smoker
Rich and Noah
Christian Metal Head
Ron (Not Japan)
Myself (Kevin Kim)

So it was more like an ASIAN GHETTO GHETHER...

good thing i didnt go, i would have gotten upset eventually with you guys following me around the boat all day making sure im not stealing anything...... :D

ghetto dad
08-30-2007, 04:10 PM
ok Korean Troutman65.....did you post that message enuf????

08-30-2007, 04:38 PM
LOL I didn't realize the ***** was going through~!

08-30-2007, 04:41 PM
does troutman65 tend to post the same thing 15,000 times in a row?

09-11-2007, 05:26 PM
I'm view number 2000!! YEAH BOOOYYY~~~!!!

10-21-2007, 08:24 PM
View number 2840!!!!!!

Here the Jakpot video promised.


10-22-2007, 12:46 PM
does troutman65 tend to post the same thing 15,000 times in a row?

:secret: Shhhhhhhhhh Don't say his name three times in a row.
