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09-05-2012, 10:15 PM
Who are you going to vote for?

Big Daddy
09-05-2012, 10:20 PM
Romney I want Obama gone I have seen all the change I can stand

09-05-2012, 11:06 PM
Dont know yet, obama cant fix anything for crap. But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician. It sometimes still amazes me that some people think one party is more right than the other, and that one candidate is more capable of fixing are mess at this point. What'll probably happen is if obama stays repubs will keep bucking against him whether he does right or wrong, and democrats will just keep bringing up what obama did if romney wins. I mean at this point if any party does anything to help the people, its purely because the people just recieved a side benefit of one of the parties major schemes. if you haven't guessed im so fed up with both sides blunders that i can't stand any of them, democrat, republican. Maybe if there was a guy more in the middle of the political spectrum, voting would be much easier for me. mini rant overlol.

09-05-2012, 11:17 PM


09-06-2012, 07:59 AM
No point in voting in california. The democrats always win this state anyway.

09-06-2012, 08:07 AM
Romney. I'll put money on it that if Romney wins, our national economy will take off. But California will linger in the doldrums until it crashes. The ideology that's about to be booted from the White House, has complete control of California, much like Chicago. The rest of the nation knows this and will let Cali take the fall...

09-06-2012, 08:31 AM
If you like the condition and direction that California is going then your going to LOVE where the country will go with 4 more years of Obama. Just say'n. I would vote for Charles Manson if he could get parole, anybody but Obama!!!!!!!!!

09-06-2012, 10:36 AM
Dont know yet, obama cant fix anything for crap. But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician. It sometimes still amazes me that some people think one party is more right than the other, and that one candidate is more capable of fixing are mess at this point. What'll probably happen is if obama stays repubs will keep bucking against him whether he does right or wrong, and democrats will just keep bringing up what obama did if romney wins. I mean at this point if any party does anything to help the people, its purely because the people just recieved a side benefit of one of the parties major schemes. if you haven't guessed im so fed up with both sides blunders that i can't stand any of them, democrat, republican. Maybe if there was a guy more in the middle of the political spectrum, voting would be much easier for me. mini rant overlol.

"But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician."

I don't disagree with you at all but, Romney was a hugely successful businessman long before becoming a politician. He was only a governor and not a government lifer. While I don't agree with all he's done politically, he may be just the medicine our sick economy needs. What we have now is a person who has never known anything except the government. He's been on our dole his entire life. At this time, a vote for anyone else, is a vote for Obama. One of the biggest concerns I have is if Obama is re-elected, is the Supreme court. The next president will most likely get to appoint at least 2, if not 3 new justices. Obama has already appointed 2 progressive liberals, Kagen and Sotomeyer. He WILL appoint more progressives that that would turn the balance to progressive liberals quite possibly for the next decade or more. That would be a tragedy for our country, the constitution, and it's bill of rights. Individual freedoms and liberties will be eliminated for the sake of the collective. Indeed, this my friend, is the most important election in our lifetime, and possibly the history of our nation. Please help vote the progressive liberals out...

09-06-2012, 10:47 AM
Romney. I'll put money on it that if Romney wins, our national economy will take off. But California will linger in the doldrums until it crashes. The ideology that's about to be booted from the White House, has complete control of California, much like Chicago. The rest of the nation knows this and will let Cali take the fall...

You must be a racist... You said Chicago and we all know there are a lot of black people there

09-06-2012, 10:50 AM
"But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician."

I don't disagree with you at all but, Romney was a hugely successful businessman long before becoming a politician. He was only a governor and not a government lifer. While I don't agree with all he's done politically, he may be just the medicine our sick economy needs. What we have now is a person who has never known anything except the government. He's been on our dole his entire life. At this time, a vote for anyone else, is a vote for Obama. One of the biggest concerns I have is if Obama is re-elected, is the Supreme court. The next president will most likely get to appoint at least 2, if not 3 new justices. Obama has already appointed 2 progressive liberals, Kagen and Sotomeyer. He WILL appoint more progressives that that would turn the balance to progressive liberals quite possibly for the next decade or more. That would be a tragedy for our country, the constitution, and it's bill of rights. Individual freedoms and liberties will be eliminated for the sake of the collective. Indeed, this my friend, is the most important election in our lifetime, and possibly the history of our nation. Please help vote the progressive liberals out...

Agreed, our govt works terribly when one party has control of both houses of congress ans the white house.. add a biased court in any direction and its a perfect storm for ideological destruction from either side

09-06-2012, 11:04 AM
You must be a racist... You said Chicago and we all know there are a lot of black people there

Lol, I get that thrown at me all the time when I'm out on the political blogs and news article comment boards. With that being said, did you see the article Drudge posted that shows the buttons being worn by people at the DNC convention? It says "Once you vote Black, you never go back". Hmm, ya think?


09-06-2012, 11:05 AM
Agreed, our govt works terribly when one party has control of both houses of congress ans the white house.. add a biased court in any direction and its a perfect storm for ideological destruction from either side


09-06-2012, 11:28 AM
Lol, I get that thrown at me all the time when I'm out on the political blogs and news article comment boards. With that being said, did you see the article Drudge posted that shows the buttons being worn by people at the DNC convention? It says "Once you vote Black, you never go back". Hmm, ya think?


Yeah I saw it.

Gotta be honest and say I smiled and had a bit of a chuckle. Though I have a sense of humor..

The hyprocrisy of that button does nag at me a bit though..

Imagine the uproar if RNC had a White is Right, or some slogan on a button that points out its candidates race was some qualifier to earn a vote...

Having said that though I have no problem with the button, only the hyprocrisy the left gets away with

09-06-2012, 11:31 AM
Yeah I saw it.

Gotta be honest and say I smiled and had a bit of a chuckle. Though I have a sense of humor..

The hyprocrisy of that button does nag at me a bit though..

Imagine the uproar if RNC had a White is Right, or some slogan on a button that points out its candidates race was some qualifier to earn a vote...

Having said that though I have no problem with the button, only the hyprocrisy the left gets away with

Exactly my point cutbait. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds...

09-06-2012, 11:53 AM
"But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician."

I don't disagree with you at all but, Romney was a hugely successful businessman long before becoming a politician. He was only a governor and not a government lifer. While I don't agree with all he's done politically, he may be just the medicine our sick economy needs. What we have now is a person who has never known anything except the government. He's been on our dole his entire life. At this time, a vote for anyone else, is a vote for Obama. One of the biggest concerns I have is if Obama is re-elected, is the Supreme court. The next president will most likely get to appoint at least 2, if not 3 new justices. Obama has already appointed 2 progressive liberals, Kagen and Sotomeyer. He WILL appoint more progressives that that would turn the balance to progressive liberals quite possibly for the next decade or more. That would be a tragedy for our country, the constitution, and it's bill of rights. Individual freedoms and liberties will be eliminated for the sake of the collective. Indeed, this my friend, is the most important election in our lifetime, and possibly the history of our nation. Please help vote the progressive liberals out...

I agree that romney was a successful buissness man. I don't doubt that he may know how to fix our economy, The question is will he fix it to where mostly everyone will benefit. Like obama I believe he may have known how to fix our economy but was more interested in satisfying what his liberal friends wanted rather than helping our country. Thing is i believe our politicians know how to help us, I just don't think they'll do it. Because quite a few politicians have made a reputation for not doing whats best for the people and doing whats better for themselves or there friends that share their economic status.

Big Daddy
09-06-2012, 12:14 PM
I agree that romney was a successful buissness man. I don't doubt that he may know how to fix our economy, The question is will he fix it to where mostly everyone will benefit. Like obama I believe he may have known how to fix our economy but was more interested in satisfying what his liberal friends wanted rather than helping our country. Thing is i believe our politicians know how to help us, I just don't think they'll do it. Because quite a few politicians have made a reputation for not doing whats best for the people and doing whats better for themselves or there friends that share their economic status.

Time to vote them out.

09-06-2012, 12:40 PM
I agree that romney was a successful buissness man. I don't doubt that he may know how to fix our economy, The question is will he fix it to where mostly everyone will benefit. Like obama I believe he may have known how to fix our economy but was more interested in satisfying what his liberal friends wanted rather than helping our country. Thing is i believe our politicians know how to help us, I just don't think they'll do it. Because quite a few politicians have made a reputation for not doing whats best for the people and doing whats better for themselves or there friends that share their economic status.

Well, in my opinion, I think the best thing a politician can do at this point, is to help create a positive business atmosphere, then get out of the way of private enterprise. A strong and prosperous free market will generate the most revenue to take care of those in need, and not hurt those that are paying for the tab. But this administration doesn't get that...

09-06-2012, 01:20 PM
If you like the condition and direction that California is going then your going to LOVE where the country will go with 4 more years of Obama. Just say'n. I would vote for Charles Manson if he could get parole, anybody but Obama!!!!!!!!!

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Romney for sure man! Obama or Brown has done NOTHING to improve the construction industry!!! At least in Cali, while places like Texas are doing just fine!

09-06-2012, 02:14 PM
Agreed, our govt works terribly when one party has control of both houses of congress ans the white house.. add a biased court in any direction and its a perfect storm for ideological destruction from either side

You're sing'n my song!

It amazes me to read all the political threads where the liberals call for the same type of governing policies that California uses to be used on a federal level knowing that this state is about the most screwed up state fiscally in the nation.

Not saying that Romey makes me all warm and fuzzy but giving Obama and the democrats another 4 years when Obama no longer has to worry about getting re-elected scares the bejesus out of me!

09-06-2012, 04:47 PM
Romney!!! Four more years of this mess and I won't have anything left!

09-06-2012, 05:06 PM
Romney!!! Four more years of this mess and I won't have anything left!

Lol, well according to Bill Clinton you are doing much better and Obama only needs 4 more years for everything to be fine again...

09-06-2012, 05:26 PM
Honest question here,,,

I will pass no judgement upon any responders {seriously}

As of now this post is 10-2 Romney over Obama,,,,, yet the polls have it within a point or two..

My question is,,,, I feel the national polls are skewed to illustrate strenght for Obama. I will admit bias on my part, but everyone I speak with, and this fishing poll backs that up WILL not vote for Obama..

Are there those who look at this thread and choose not to partake?

Again don't be afraid of a bash from me or others on this thread just cause your vote. I just find it interesting the national polls and what I hear from others and how much they differ...

09-06-2012, 06:30 PM
Here’s my 2 cents. I do not believe the polls either I am inclined to think “The Bradley Effect”.
The Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect is a theory proposed to explain observed discrepancies between voter opinion polls and election outcomes in some United States government elections where a white candidate and a non-white candidate run against each other. The theory proposes that some voters will tell pollsters they are undecided or likely to vote for a black candidate, while on Election Day they vote for the white candidate. It was named after Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, an African-American who lost the 1982 Governor’s race despite being ahead in voter polls going into the elections.[
The Bradley effect theory posits that the inaccurate polls were skewed by the phenomenon of social desirability bias. Specifically, some white voters give inaccurate polling responses for fear that, by stating their true preference; they will open themselves to criticism of racial motivation. Members of the public may feel under pressure to provide an answer that is deemed to be more publicly acceptable, or 'politically correct. The reluctance to give accurate polling answers has sometimes extended to post-election exit polls as well. The race of the pollster conducting the interview may factor in to voters' answers.
I think the libs have played the RACE CARD one time to many and have skewed the polls. I am looking forward to a real wake up in November and then the fun begins with a lame duck in office!!!!!!!!! I do not see a gracious or humble loser in Obama, your mileage may differ.

09-06-2012, 07:21 PM
Exactly my point cutbait. The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds...

The dirty tricks from the republicans makes me want to throw up. Voter ID laws come to mind. It just Jim Crow laws going by another name.

09-06-2012, 07:42 PM
I agree that romney was a successful buissness man. I don't doubt that he may know how to fix our economy, The question is will he fix it to where mostly everyone will benefit. Like obama I believe he may have known how to fix our economy but was more interested in satisfying what his liberal friends wanted rather than helping our country. Thing is i believe our politicians know how to help us, I just don't think they'll do it. Because quite a few politicians have made a reputation for not doing whats best for the people and doing whats better for themselves or there friends that share their economic status.
They do know how to make things better for everyone but the 1%. The problem is their afraid
to be the first one to say it. So let me be the one to say it. Our first problem is, "we have too many people in our country for our resources." The population at the time of WW11 was 130 million people. After the war the baby boom happened and now were at well over 300 million people. Couple that with increased productivity and outsourcing and importing, our standard of living for the middle and lower class has gone down and will stay down. Solution REDUCE THE POPULATION, just like China. I got more but let's see the response on that one!!

09-06-2012, 07:48 PM
The dirty tricks from the republicans makes me want to throw up. Voter ID laws come to mind. It just Jim Crow laws going by another name.

Comparing discrimination due to race to wanting accountability to voter fraud is assinine...

If only the big labor wouldn't organize so many dead voters..


09-06-2012, 07:52 PM
They do know how to make things better for everyone but the 1%. The problem is their afraid
to be the first one to say it. So let me be the one to say it. Our first problem is, "we have too many people in our country for our resources." The population at the time of WW11 was 130 million people. After the war the baby boom happened and now were at well over 300 million people. Couple that with increased productivity and outsourcing and importing, our standard of living for the middle and lower class has gone down and will stay down. Solution REDUCE THE POPULATION, just like China. I got more but let's see the response on that one!!

Couple that with 49% of the population that do not pay taxes, expecting your "1%" to cover them and the increasing dependancy on food stamps, gov't aid, low income housing, low income energy rates, so so many on disability, so on and so on..

I would like to see the population maintained, yet only voluntarily. I surely hope you do not support radical population control such as mandatory birth control or abortion?

09-06-2012, 08:11 PM
Something that gets stuck in my craw is that I pay x amount a Kwh to PGE....

A buddy of mine is on low income energy rate with PGE...

With me so far?

I make a decent wage as does my wife, but living here in Bakersfield {HOT} we live borderline comfortable regarding our temperature the A/C is set at just to prevent a 400 dollar energy bill a month..

Well that buddy of mine on cheap rates dials his down to 72 because his bill never will reach 200 dollars...

Now tell me where I am wrong here???....

09-06-2012, 08:58 PM
Appears as if the Obama crowd is



09-06-2012, 09:17 PM
The dirty tricks from the republicans makes me want to throw up. Voter ID laws come to mind. It just Jim Crow laws going by another name.

Dirty tricks? republicans?

Our elections are filled with voter fraud. It's imperative we have a national voter ID law. Anyone who claims they can't get an ID is lying, has fraudulent intentions, or are illegals. Voter fraud is real, and quite widespread. If we don't have honest elections, we may as well not bother.




And if there is no fraud as you might claim, then why did the Obama administration do this;





There's plenty more but I'm getting board copying and pasting. There's plenty of voter fraud, research it your self. If you care...

09-07-2012, 07:13 AM
They do know how to make things better for everyone but the 1%. The problem is their afraid
to be the first one to say it. So let me be the one to say it. Our first problem is, "we have too many people in our country for our resources." The population at the time of WW11 was 130 million people. After the war the baby boom happened and now were at well over 300 million people. Couple that with increased productivity and outsourcing and importing, our standard of living for the middle and lower class has gone down and will stay down. Solution REDUCE THE POPULATION, just like China. I got more but let's see the response on that one!!

Communist...... Population problem could be fixed if we can figure how to stop the illegals from jumping the fences and breeding like rabbits once they get here!!!! Ever heard the term "Anchor Babies"?! Wait in line like the rest of the immigrants from other countries!

09-07-2012, 08:42 AM
Communist...... Population problem could be fixed if we can figure how to stop the illegals from jumping the fences and breeding like rabbits once they get here!!!! Ever heard the term "Anchor Babies"?! Wait in line like the rest of the immigrants from other countries!

Such naked racism...

09-07-2012, 08:53 AM
Hey your still not out of race cards yet. How about using a Joker or an Ace card, Ace!!!!!!!

09-07-2012, 09:19 AM
Such naked racism...

Racism? Really pcuser?

At the last "official count" done a few years ago, there were over 3 million illegals in Cali alone. And since that is a "government" number, we know that the reality is the number is probably more than double that. It's costing California taxpayers a staggering 10 billion $$$ a year, which is again, a government number, so reality says the real number is much higher when you factor in the black market that surrounds them. American citizens are losing jobs to them and American votes are being disenfranchised because of them. And please don't throw the bogus argument that they aren't voting, along with their millions upon millions of anchor babies. Let's purge the Cali voter rolls of dead voters and see how the percentages suddenly change. My son registered to vote, and voted in the primary without ever having to prove who he was. Stop the "race baiting" already...

09-07-2012, 09:34 AM
Dont know yet, obama cant fix anything for crap. But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician. It sometimes still amazes me that some people think one party is more right than the other, and that one candidate is more capable of fixing are mess at this point. What'll probably happen is if obama stays repubs will keep bucking against him whether he does right or wrong, and democrats will just keep bringing up what obama did if romney wins. I mean at this point if any party does anything to help the people, its purely because the people just recieved a side benefit of one of the parties major schemes. if you haven't guessed im so fed up with both sides blunders that i can't stand any of them, democrat, republican. Maybe if there was a guy more in the middle of the political spectrum, voting would be much easier for me. mini rant overlol.

i agree with most of what you said except the last. I think both major parties r just about the same. I would like to see 2 different parties. All in all, i'll probably go obama if not a 3rd party

09-07-2012, 09:47 AM
i agree with most of what you said except the last. I think both major parties r just about the same. I would like to see 2 different parties. All in all, i'll probably go obama if not a 3rd party

Can I ask exactly what you, and the nation has gained with the Obama administration? How in the world are we as a nation better off? And I disagree with you about the parties being the same. The ideologies are exactly opposite. One promotes and wants to strengthen private enterprise and free market values, while the other wants to exponentially grow big government, or Statism, if you will. Sure, repubs had RINO's, or progressives infiltrate their party which damaged them, but the Tea Party is working hard to get rid of them, as happened in 2010. The democrats on the other hand, are still infested with progressive liberals who are anti free market and anti capitalist. A third party vote in this election, is a vote for Obama, so why waste your time, just vote for Obama...

09-07-2012, 09:55 AM
Such naked racism...

Boohoo.... Truth hurts don't it! It's no secret that Cali is soft on the illegals genius! Do you know that since illegals can't get a legitimate ID or drivers license because they have no SSN and therefore can't vote!? Oh but wait a minute, Cali gives them their own "unique" number so they can vote!!!! WTF?! It doesn't matter what race illegals are, my feelings wouldn't change! Black, white, brown, purple, green or yellow get in line! I work with a white guy who lives in TJ and is married to a Mexican national who has waited 8yrs. to get her visa the right way and I'm thrilled for her, him and their 3 children to be able live happily in America!!!

09-07-2012, 09:56 AM
"But if anyone believes romney will fix anything, they have alot to learn about not trusting politicians. I don't discriminate by party, I dont like any politician."

I don't disagree with you at all but, Romney was a hugely successful businessman long before becoming a politician. He was only a governor and not a government lifer. While I don't agree with all he's done politically, he may be just the medicine our sick economy needs. What we have now is a person who has never known anything except the government. He's been on our dole his entire life. At this time, a vote for anyone else, is a vote for Obama. One of the biggest concerns I have is if Obama is re-elected, is the Supreme court. The next president will most likely get to appoint at least 2, if not 3 new justices. Obama has already appointed 2 progressive liberals, Kagen and Sotomeyer. He WILL appoint more progressives that that would turn the balance to progressive liberals quite possibly for the next decade or more. That would be a tragedy for our country, the constitution, and it's bill of rights. Individual freedoms and liberties will be eliminated for the sake of the collective. Indeed, this my friend, is the most important election in our lifetime, and possibly the history of our nation. Please help vote the progressive liberals out...

thats exacty what the democrats said about the re-election of bush the 2nd, including his judicial nominees and things like the patriot act...

Big Daddy
09-07-2012, 09:59 AM
i agree with most of what you said except the last. I think both major parties r just about the same. I would like to see 2 different parties. All in all, i'll probably go obama if not a 3rd party

Vote Obama if you can afford to put another 6 Trillion dollars of Debt upon our Children and Grand children. 6 Trillion dollars farther in debt is not something we can stand for any longer and 23 million Americans out of work. And Obama says just be patient. Time has ran out for alot of people and time has run out for him. He promised Jobs, He promised the debt would be cut in half and as far as I can see everything has went the wrong direction. I don't want to here that it is tougher than expected, Obama as well as everyone new it would be tough and he took the job and said he would do it and didn't so it is time for him to go. If the next guy can't do it then he will have to go also. If I don't do what I say I am going to do then I am let go it's just the way it is period.

09-07-2012, 10:01 AM
Well, in my opinion, I think the best thing a politician can do at this point, is to help create a positive business atmosphere, then get out of the way of private enterprise. A strong and prosperous free market will generate the most revenue to take care of those in need, and not hurt those that are paying for the tab. But this administration doesn't get that...

but in the last 50 years democrats have created more jobs than republicans. Isin't the free market what led to the housing bubble? Wasn't there not enough regulations, which is against free market principles what helped lead to the bubble?

09-07-2012, 10:06 AM
Honest question here,,,

I will pass no judgement upon any responders {seriously}

As of now this post is 10-2 Romney over Obama,,,,, yet the polls have it within a point or two..

My question is,,,, I feel the national polls are skewed to illustrate strenght for Obama. I will admit bias on my part, but everyone I speak with, and this fishing poll backs that up WILL not vote for Obama..

Are there those who look at this thread and choose not to partake?

Again don't be afraid of a bash from me or others on this thread just cause your vote. I just find it interesting the national polls and what I hear from others and how much they differ...

i don't think the polls are biased. I think that your looking at one interest on this board as in a fishing interest. it's like asking a hunting board where the majority r nra supporters and the nra supports romney.

09-07-2012, 10:09 AM
They do know how to make things better for everyone but the 1%. The problem is their afraid
to be the first one to say it. So let me be the one to say it. Our first problem is, "we have too many people in our country for our resources." The population at the time of WW11 was 130 million people. After the war the baby boom happened and now were at well over 300 million people. Couple that with increased productivity and outsourcing and importing, our standard of living for the middle and lower class has gone down and will stay down. Solution REDUCE THE POPULATION, just like China. I got more but let's see the response on that one!!

i agree. i've been saying for years we should put birth control into the water and make people take a test to become a parent

09-07-2012, 10:11 AM
Comparing discrimination due to race to wanting accountability to voter fraud is assinine...

If only the big labor wouldn't organize so many dead voters..


except theres an agency to see if any "dead voters" voted. and the report is in. Something like less that 12 people tried to commit voter fraud by impersonating someone was documented in the last 10 years

09-07-2012, 10:13 AM
Couple that with 49% of the population that do not pay taxes, expecting your "1%" to cover them and the increasing dependancy on food stamps, gov't aid, low income housing, low income energy rates, so so many on disability, so on and so on..

I would like to see the population maintained, yet only voluntarily. I surely hope you do not support radical population control such as mandatory birth control or abortion?

what about the 1% hide money oversees to avoid taxes is ALOT of money...

09-07-2012, 10:15 AM
Something that gets stuck in my craw is that I pay x amount a Kwh to PGE....

A buddy of mine is on low income energy rate with PGE...

With me so far?

I make a decent wage as does my wife, but living here in Bakersfield {HOT} we live borderline comfortable regarding our temperature the A/C is set at just to prevent a 400 dollar energy bill a month..

Well that buddy of mine on cheap rates dials his down to 72 because his bill never will reach 200 dollars...

Now tell me where I am wrong here???....

whats the difference between your combined household income and his? then i may be able to respond

09-07-2012, 10:19 AM
Dirty tricks? republicans?

Our elections are filled with voter fraud. It's imperative we have a national voter ID law. Anyone who claims they can't get an ID is lying, has fraudulent intentions, or are illegals. Voter fraud is real, and quite widespread. If we don't have honest elections, we may as well not bother.




And if there is no fraud as you might claim, then why did the Obama administration do this;





There's plenty more but I'm getting board copying and pasting. There's plenty of voter fraud, research it your self. If you care...

voter fraud and voter purges r 2 different things. What about the people that were "purged" from rolls but were eligible and willing to vote? Voter purging is more widespread than voter fraud

09-07-2012, 10:22 AM
Communist...... Population problem could be fixed if we can figure how to stop the illegals from jumping the fences and breeding like rabbits once they get here!!!! Ever heard the term "Anchor Babies"?! Wait in line like the rest of the immigrants from other countries!

except that last year we had more people leaving the state back to mexico than vice versa

09-07-2012, 10:26 AM
Racism? Really pcuser?

At the last "official count" done a few years ago, there were over 3 million illegals in Cali alone. And since that is a "government" number, we know that the reality is the number is probably more than double that. It's costing California taxpayers a staggering 10 billion $$$ a year, which is again, a government number, so reality says the real number is much higher when you factor in the black market that surrounds them. American citizens are losing jobs to them and American votes are being disenfranchised because of them. And please don't throw the bogus argument that they aren't voting, along with their millions upon millions of anchor babies. Let's purge the Cali voter rolls of dead voters and see how the percentages suddenly change. My son registered to vote, and voted in the primary without ever having to prove who he was. Stop the "race baiting" already...

thats great your son voted. Now what about the poor that can't afford for the state issued voter id card that some states are requiring? dosen't that equate to the same as a poll tax, which tried stop poor from voting? i thought you would be on board with respecting the right to vote.

09-07-2012, 10:29 AM
Racism? Really pcuser?

At the last "official count" done a few years ago, there were over 3 million illegals in Cali alone. And since that is a "government" number, we know that the reality is the number is probably more than double that. It's costing California taxpayers a staggering 10 billion $$$ a year, which is again, a government number, so reality says the real number is much higher when you factor in the black market that surrounds them. American citizens are losing jobs to them and American votes are being disenfranchised because of them. And please don't throw the bogus argument that they aren't voting, along with their millions upon millions of anchor babies. Let's purge the Cali voter rolls of dead voters and see how the percentages suddenly change. My son registered to vote, and voted in the primary without ever having to prove who he was. Stop the "race baiting" already...

HawgZwylde and FNN family, I agree with you about the illegals and we are suffering due to them being here. But, I have to defend them also, my parents and grandparents came from Mexico but under different circumstances. I have worked in the fields as a grade school student, Jr. High, High school and 2 years in college to put food on our table. Yes, cry child labor laws all you want but, it is what it is. I have met and have worked side by side with the illegals and they are here to work and provide. I don't agree with them being here illegal but I do agree that they are being more productive than the 1%, the millions on welfare and SSI and they do pay taxes when they go to the stores, buy stuff and are stimulating the economy. Hell, they work harder than some of us on this site. Here in the central valley the temps get up to 105 and now imagine being under a grape vineyard or on top of trees during this heat. Some of us, have never and will never experience that and then we complain because they are here? I'm not saying you Hawg but society. I say get all those lazy americans on welfare and make them pick grapes, plums, nectarines and peaches so that the fruit can be shipped to China.
It's a two edged sword and I hope I don't offend you Hawg for using your post.

09-07-2012, 10:32 AM
except that last year we had more people leaving the state back to mexico than vice versa

Awesome! Thats a start.....

09-07-2012, 10:32 AM
Can I ask exactly what you, and the nation has gained with the Obama administration? How in the world are we as a nation better off? And I disagree with you about the parties being the same. The ideologies are exactly opposite. One promotes and wants to strengthen private enterprise and free market values, while the other wants to exponentially grow big government, or Statism, if you will. Sure, repubs had RINO's, or progressives infiltrate their party which damaged them, but the Tea Party is working hard to get rid of them, as happened in 2010. The democrats on the other hand, are still infested with progressive liberals who are anti free market and anti capitalist. A third party vote in this election, is a vote for Obama, so why waste your time, just vote for Obama...

capitalsim was great until the 1970s. in the 100 years before the 1970's the US was unique in their capitalism as in wages kept rising due to shortage or labor. Companies had to keep increasing wages because labor could find a job elswhere. it was nice. But, after the 70s and the computer that changed. Real wages, as in terms of buying power, has been stagnate ever since. I believe there is a real problem with capitalism when u look at what its done to our country with outsourcing for example and the ever rising divide between the rich and poor.

09-07-2012, 10:34 AM
Can I ask exactly what you, and the nation has gained with the Obama administration? How in the world are we as a nation better off? And I disagree with you about the parties being the same. The ideologies are exactly opposite. One promotes and wants to strengthen private enterprise and free market values, while the other wants to exponentially grow big government, or Statism, if you will. Sure, repubs had RINO's, or progressives infiltrate their party which damaged them, but the Tea Party is working hard to get rid of them, as happened in 2010. The democrats on the other hand, are still infested with progressive liberals who are anti free market and anti capitalist. A third party vote in this election, is a vote for Obama, so why waste your time, just vote for Obama...

thats like saying a vote for nader was a vote for bush... no its a vote for someone who believes their the best candidate

09-07-2012, 10:42 AM
To the topic, I'm an independent and I don't follow a party. I have to say that I lean more towards the Reps but I don't agree 100% with their views. I like some stuff coming from the Dems, mostly education. In California, there are many conservatives and it was seen when the props about gay marriage came out. The state swung right. We are here but we need to vote and be heard. No more sitting on our hands, fishing on election day, and allow a few people make and shape our state and country.

09-07-2012, 10:46 AM
but in the last 50 years democrats have created more jobs than republicans. Isin't the free market what led to the housing bubble? Wasn't there not enough regulations, which is against free market principles what helped lead to the bubble?

No, the free market is hugely over regulated, mandated, taxed and fee'd to fiscal death. Why do you think Cali is in such fiscal doldrums?

The housing bubble was artificial, created by government mandates and banks being sued in order to force them to make loans to unqualified buyers. Here's one example of just that point;


Once that happened, everyone who breathed air had to be qualified or face discrimination charges. Clinton signed a bill that was put together by RINO repubs and democrats that basically gutted the Glass/Steagall act which was made law in the 1930's. But it wasn't necessarily that that caused this problem. It was the mandates included that forced banks to make sub prime loans to unqualified buyers or face punitive action by the FDIC. That created the "toxic assets" that banks then had to deal with as the losses were staggering. George Bush gave speech after speech warning of the pending fiscal disaster and asking congress to enact bills to stave off said disaster, they can be found on you tube and his first was in 2003. They didn't, and here we are. Fannie and Freddie dumped 6 TRILLION $$$ worth of toxic assets on the American economy, and they are the democrats babies. You do know that as of a month or so ago, they asked for another 10 BILLION $$$ bailout. Nothing has been changed in that regard. But, passing the Dodd/Frank bill while congress had a democrat congressional super majority, and Obama as president, made it next to impossible for anyone else, including businesses to get loans without next to platinum credit. Oh, I might add Carters CRA is the Grandaddy of this mess.

Obama care is another reason our job numbers are down, employers are terrified of the costs associated with it. And, the government took 1/6 of our economy, and made it a quasi government entity, like the financial sector, how's that for free market thinking? It isn't. Crony capitalism is currently the name of the game. Repubs want to end it. Democrats don't, and in fact, want to add to it, desperately...

09-07-2012, 10:54 AM
thats like saying a vote for nader was a vote for bush... no its a vote for someone who believes their the best candidate

In a supposed close election, every vote counts. Obviously. This election, according to, and if you believe polls, is very close, and every vote will count. No 3rd party has a chance in **** of winning this election, but the results of this election will have profound effects on America and it's citizens. If the dems win it, the supreme court becomes progressive, and we will be in deep deep trouble...

09-07-2012, 11:02 AM
HawgZwylde and FNN family, I agree with you about the illegals and we are suffering due to them being here. But, I have to defend them also, my parents and grandparents came from Mexico but under different circumstances. I have worked in the fields as a grade school student, Jr. High, High school and 2 years in college to put food on our table. Yes, cry child labor laws all you want but, it is what it is. I have met and have worked side by side with the illegals and they are here to work and provide. I don't agree with them being here illegal but I do agree that they are being more productive than the 1%, the millions on welfare and SSI and they do pay taxes when they go to the stores, buy stuff and are stimulating the economy. Hell, they work harder than some of us on this site. Here in the central valley the temps get up to 105 and now imagine being under a grape vineyard or on top of trees during this heat. Some of us, have never and will never experience that and then we complain because they are here? I'm not saying you Hawg but society. I say get all those lazy americans on welfare and make them pick grapes, plums, nectarines and peaches so that the fruit can be shipped to China.
It's a two edged sword and I hope I don't offend you Hawg for using your post.
A lot of that untaxed money those field workers make is sent back to Mexico to their families so no, it's not spent here! What we need to do is put the prisoners from all those overcrowded prisons in the fields to pay for the cost of their time in prison and quit making taxpayers foot the bill!

09-07-2012, 11:20 AM
No, the free market is hugely over regulated, mandated, taxed and fee'd to fiscal death. Why do you think Cali is in such fiscal doldrums?

The housing bubble was artificial, created by government mandates and banks being sued in order to force them to make loans to unqualified buyers. Here's one example of just that point;


Once that happened, everyone who breathed air had to be qualified or face discrimination charges. Clinton signed a bill that was put together by RINO repubs and democrats that basically gutted the Glass/Steagall act which was made law in the 1930's. But it wasn't necessarily that that caused this problem. It was the mandates included that forced banks to make sub prime loans to unqualified buyers or face punitive action by the FDIC. That created the "toxic assets" that banks then had to deal with as the losses were staggering. George Bush gave speech after speech warning of the pending fiscal disaster and asking congress to enact bills to stave off said disaster, they can be found on you tube and his first was in 2003. They didn't, and here we are. Fannie and Freddie dumped 6 TRILLION $$$ worth of toxic assets on the American economy, and they are the democrats babies. You do know that as of a month or so ago, they asked for another 10 BILLION $$$ bailout. Nothing has been changed in that regard. But, passing the Dodd/Frank bill while congress had a democrat congressional super majority, and Obama as president, made it next to impossible for anyone else, including businesses to get loans without next to platinum credit. Oh, I might add Carters CRA is the Grandaddy of this mess.

Obama care is another reason our job numbers are down, employers are terrified of the costs associated with it. And, the government took 1/6 of our economy, and made it a quasi government entity, like the financial sector, how's that for free market thinking? It isn't. Crony capitalism is currently the name of the game. Repubs want to end it. Democrats don't, and in fact, want to add to it, desperately...

i agree with obama care thats why i was for a public option. aren't the insurance companies apart of the problem, they are a for profit system, making profit off of people living and dying?

09-07-2012, 11:28 AM
i don't think the polls are biased. I think that your looking at one interest on this board as in a fishing interest. it's like asking a hunting board where the majority r nra supporters and the nra supports romney.

I can kinda agree with what your saying. Of course more people on a fishing forum are gonna vote romney, cause liberals are the ones against fishing, while conservatives are for it.

09-07-2012, 11:31 AM
voter fraud and voter purges r 2 different things. What about the people that were "purged" from rolls but were eligible and willing to vote? Voter purging is more widespread than voter fraud

Wrong. They purged dead people, and non citizen voters from registration roles. Only 3 cases of "alive" legal voters have been found, and was rectified immediately. But of course, the left cried relentlessly. Dead people are easy to impersonate in elections because of no ID requirements and if they're dead, there is no one to complain that some else voted in their place, hence voter fraud. Old trick that has been used for decades. Chicago in the 60's come to mind? Voter fraud is a nationwide scourge that's next to impossible to prove since no one is required to prove who they are. Just a couple of votes can change election results in swing states. I might add that even the Obama administrations lawsuits had to be dropped against the states that were purging due to the overwhelming evidence...

09-07-2012, 11:51 AM
i agree with obama care thats why i was for a public option. aren't the insurance companies apart of the problem, they are a for profit system, making profit off of people living and dying?

Again, you are wrong. Are you aware insurance companies are not allowed to sell policies across state lines which has effectively created 50 insurance cartels? No competition means higher prices. Currently, it's a crony capitalist system created by government regs and mandates...

Hmm, you claim you are an independent, but all your talking points are all to the left...

09-07-2012, 11:57 AM
capitalsim was great until the 1970s. in the 100 years before the 1970's the US was unique in their capitalism as in wages kept rising due to shortage or labor. Companies had to keep increasing wages because labor could find a job elswhere. it was nice. But, after the 70s and the computer that changed. Real wages, as in terms of buying power, has been stagnate ever since. I believe there is a real problem with capitalism when u look at what its done to our country with outsourcing for example and the ever rising divide between the rich and poor.

Wages came down as illegals flooded in. I know this first hand. I'm 53 and a lifelong construction tradesman. I was a super for one of the largest home builders in America, as well as spending many years in commercial construction...

If you have a problem with true capitalism and a real free market, you are a leftist no doubt...

09-07-2012, 11:59 AM
Here is my 2 cents on the evil capitalist businessman crap ya’ll are being fed. For 22 years I worked in management for an international company and life was good. While we sold our products internationally all of our products were manufactured in the USA. Then things started to happen that changed all that and eventually the business that employed 600 people in 12 locations in the USA shrunk to 4 locations and eventual bankruptcy. The cause was not an evil CEO but an incompetent government. A lack of tariffs and duties to protect unfair foreign competition was the stake thru the heart. The parent company had a division that made metal hardware and that hardware had to be plated (zinc, cadmium, chrome etc). When the EPA passed regulations on heavy metals the company spent millions building a new plating line with the newest high tech equipment to meet those regulations. We were the largest in the industry and felt we would grow larger as our smaller competitors would not be able to finance such a required expensive upgrade to their equipment. But what did the competition do? They sent the raw parts offshore or to Mexico where the laws did not apply and had them plated. The duty coming back was minimal based on value added. We were immediately at a completive disadvantage.
The parent company also had a textile mill that wove fabric, webbing and tape. The EPA passed regulations affecting the dyeing and treatment of the products. Once again the company spent millions to upgrade the dye house to conform to the new regulations. Then the good old EPA banned mercury, napthol and a number of other chemicals used to treat and dye the products. Now the company had to use more expensive substitutes for the chemicals banned and the made a more costly product and one that had less performance. But our competition just pushed their raw goods over the border and used the banned chemicals, no ban in Mexico, no problem.
Remember the movie “Norma Rae” about working in a textile mill. Oh the horror of being a mill worker. That movie was so full of BS and falsehoods but it led to the collapse of the textile industry in this country through regulations that could not be met with the imports from offshore.
Large government contracts that the company had for Military Spec fabrics, webbing and tapes disappeared because the Military Specs still specified the banned treatments due to performance. 10s of millions of dollars of business lost to competitors outsourced offshore.
The parent company having an operation in a 100 plus year old mill on a river decided to put a hydroelectric facility on the river. After $150,000 was spent on environmental impact studies and two years of red tape they got permission to build the hydroelectric plant. When the plant was finished the local government told the company they could not directly use the electricity produced from the plant. They would have to sell the electricity to the local utility and then buy it back from the utility; of course the utility bought it at wholesale and sold it back at retail. This after a cost of 2.4 million dollars to build the plant, and the company had to pay the city a utility tax on the electricity they generated, WTF. An update: The hydo plant is being torn down to protect some native fish now.
This is just a story of one company trying to do the right thing against insurmountable odds and there are thousands of companies that had the same fate.

09-07-2012, 12:18 PM
Wages came down as illegals flooded in. I know this first hand. I'm 53 and a lifelong construction tradesman. I was a super for one of the largest home builders in America, as well as spending many years in commercial construction...

If you have a problem with true capitalism and a real free market, you are a leftist no doubt...

You nailed it as I have three friends and neighbors that the illegals put out of business. The neighbor/contractor that did all of the masonry/cement work on my home when I built it in 1971 had a growing business. Life was good and his kids that worked at it looked forward to taking over the business. My roofer the same thing, a family business also and was a partner with his dad that had started the business many years before. Then the drywaller that for what he charged for just hanging the drywall his competition will illegal help would hang, tape and texture for the same price or less. Great jobs with good pay and they worked hard for their money, then it all changed and they could do nothing about it. When I was pounding nails in the 60's on summer vacation from college it was full size pickups with lumber racks, country music on the radio and Coors at the end of the day. Today it is 20 year old beater mini trucks, KMEX on the radio and no one speaks english.
I should not complain as the past 15 years before retirement I made a good living as an Expert Witness doing legal work for lawyers in construction defect litigation. If you think they build them better today you are drinking Kool-Ade.

09-07-2012, 12:42 PM
You nailed it as I have three friends and neighbors that the illegals put out of business. The neighbor/contractor that did all of masonry/cement work on my home when I built it in 1971 had a growing business. Life was good and his kids worked at looked forward to taking over the business. My roofer the same thing a family business also and was a partner with his dad that started the business many years before. Then the drywaller that for what he charged for just hanging the drywall his competition will illegal help would hang, tape and texture for the same price or less. Great jobs with good pay and the worked hard for their money, then it all changed and they could do nothing about it. When I was pounding nails in the 60's on summer vacation from college it was full size pickups with lumber racks, country music on the radio and Coors at the end of the day. Today it is 20 year old beater mini trucks, KMEX on the radio and no one speaks english.
I should not complain as the past 15 years before retirement I made a good living as an Expert Witness doing legal work for lawyers in construction defect litigation. If you think they build them better today you are dirinking Kool-Ade.

As a Building Trades Journeyman I say..... "Very well said".... DEVOREFLYER and HW!

Poxy Boggards
09-07-2012, 01:40 PM
Damn Electoral College! Our votes against Obama mean noting in the Golden state.

09-07-2012, 02:07 PM
Damn Electoral College! Our votes against Obama mean noting in the Golden state.

Ya but it may save our behinds nationally. Extreme Gerrymandering hurts us more here in Cali...

09-07-2012, 02:43 PM
such sad ignorance...:Sad:

09-07-2012, 02:45 PM
such sad ignorance...:Sad:

According to who?

09-07-2012, 02:54 PM
such sad ignorance...:Sad:

Enlighten us with your wisdom then.... Your 2 posts contain a whole 6 words yet you claim ignorance towards others!?

Anxiously awaiting a response....

09-07-2012, 03:06 PM
According to who?

Mostly according to the facts and the statistics all of you are mangling. You all seem to think that "what you think you see in life" are deep truths to be spread as facts.

09-07-2012, 03:07 PM
To respond to all the false data in this post would take way more time than seems reasonable or practical.

09-07-2012, 03:12 PM
To respond to all the false data in this post would take way more time than seems reasonable or practical.

Translation: Data is accurate

09-07-2012, 03:16 PM
To respond to all the false data in this post would take way more time than seems reasonable or practical.

LOL!!! Exactly cutbait!

09-07-2012, 03:21 PM
To pcusers Mom: He is off his meds and has escaped from the basement again. Isn't he ever going to find a job in Obama's growing economy and move out? Perhaps he and Lady Quagga can hook up they seem like they are just made for each other, you know "of like minds".

09-07-2012, 03:31 PM
Data in 2009,, qouted from your most liberal newspapers at 47%, so it would be easy to jump to the 49% which I know is accurate for the year of 2011. I chose this "fact proof" just for you left guys so you won't cry FoxNews,,, biased yadda yadda


Continuing on to my claim of dead voters,,, found the numbers but its a wiki page and I know you'll all bark at that data so hang on...

I will also show that even if you tax your 1% types 100% of thier income it will not put a dent in the budget...

For the ignorant comments about birth control in the water and since there is no response to my questions of mandatory birth control and abortion, I will leave it for everyone who is reading your comments regarding state run birth control to decide for themselves your sanity of the matter... Total UnAmerican, anti freedom, socialist, if not geneocide brainwashed mentality that has no place in our FREE country

09-07-2012, 03:38 PM
I will add that Camen Islands, offshore accounts is pure bullchit...

Nothing is illegal with it. I will side that its good business, and perhaps a bit unpatriotic,,, "maybe"

But my answer to you is... 2008 and 2009,, majority of 2010 OBama had the house and the senate control. Had SUPER MAJORITY infact..

Yet the Dems made no attempt to close those loopholes??? HMMMMM

More hyprocrisy from the Democrats who actually also use those same loopholes and also have big time donors who would be pissed if they did close them???


09-07-2012, 03:46 PM
The 1% taxed 100% would only net 938 billion dollars... roughly 18 percent of our debt, (since we haven't had a budget in 4 years I can't compare how much 938 billion would cover in the annual cost of Fed govt.)

So can we agree now that the 1% tax increase is not a solution? Sure we can discuss it, we can even raise it but its not the solution as you all think it is.


09-07-2012, 03:53 PM
It seems the arguement for dead voting does have some wiggle room regarding facts..

Here is the South Carolina DMV head reporting 900 in SC alone may have voted


Heres some info on dead registered in the country..


You can argue that these facts are in question, I will not dispute that..

However, without a neutral watchdog I'm not sure if there can be facts on the dead voting..

I still believe they do, I still think Unions are behind voter fraud. I admit I have no evidence other than circumstantial at this point, I also am willing to admit it unlike the alledged "open minded left"

09-07-2012, 03:54 PM
To respond to all the false data in this post would take way more time than seems reasonable or practical.

I responded with facts,,,, didn't seem time was unreasonable or unpractical? :Cool: 23 mins to be exact

09-07-2012, 03:54 PM
To pcusers Mom: He is off his meds and has escaped from the basement again. Isn't he ever going to find a job in Obama's growing economy and move out? Perhaps he and Lady Quagga can hook up they seem like they are just made for each other, you know "of like minds".

Dude... Tell me you do stand up on the side because that was truly HILARIOUS!!!! Tears are effen rolling down my face!

Thanks for that one!

09-07-2012, 03:57 PM
I responded with facts,,,, didn't seem time was unreasonable or unpractical? :Cool: 23 mins to be exact

Well played cutbait! Well played.....

09-07-2012, 04:12 PM
[QUOTE=HawgZWylde;627278]Dirty tricks? republicans?

Our elections are filled with voter fraud. It's imperative we have a national voter ID law. Anyone who claims they can't get an ID is lying, has fraudulent intentions, or are illegals. Voter fraud is real, and quite widespread. If we don't have honest elections, we may as well not bother. The bottom line is the more difficult you can make something, the harder it is for the poor and edlerly to cope with it. These group of people tend to vote democractic and the republicans know this. That why all the republicans are the ones pushing for voter ID laws, and claimming fraud as their excuse to eliminate the competition. Watch the courts start throwing out the voter ID laws one by one in each state because they know what's going on.




And if there is no fraud as you might claim, then why did the Obama administration do this;





There's plenty more but I'm getting board copying and pasting. There's plenty of voter fraud, research it your self. If you care...[/QU

09-07-2012, 04:33 PM
[QUOTE=HawgZWylde;627278]Dirty tricks? republicans?

Our elections are filled with voter fraud. It's imperative we have a national voter ID law. Anyone who claims they can't get an ID is lying, has fraudulent intentions, or are illegals. Voter fraud is real, and quite widespread. If we don't have honest elections, we may as well not bother. The bottom line is the more difficult you can make something, the harder it is for the poor and edlerly to cope with it. These group of people tend to vote democractic and the republicans know this. That why all the republicans are the ones pushing for voter ID laws, and claimming fraud as their excuse to eliminate the competition. Watch the courts start throwing out the voter ID laws one by one in each state because they know what's going on.




And if there is no fraud as you might claim, then why did the Obama administration do this;





There's plenty more but I'm getting board copying and pasting. There's plenty of voter fraud, research it your self. If you care...[/QU

Sorry for screwing up where my comments should go.

09-07-2012, 04:54 PM
Iv'e got one for you guys in a different direction. What was that all about, when people were buying all the guns and ammuntion by the truck load when Obama got elected. What were they afraid of that never happened? But here the real kicker!!!!! I think Ryan has a good chance to become president in 2016. If he puts in place some of his own crazy policies, might this be the start of the revolution. With all the guns and ammuntion people bought fearing Obama, might they then be used when Ryan is elected President. I can't wait for the responses.

09-07-2012, 05:03 PM
Iv'e got one for you guys in a different direction. What was that all about, when people were buying all the guns and ammuntion by the truck load when Obama got elected. What were they afraid of that never happened? But here the real kicker!!!!! I think Ryan has a good chance to become president in 2016. If he puts in place some of his own crazy policies, might this be the start of the revolution. With all the guns and ammuntion people bought fearing Obama, might they then be used when Ryan is elected President. I can't wait for the responses.

Gun prices doubled since Obama has been president no doubt..

But what exactly are you refering to with your Ryans ideas are crazy comment?

09-07-2012, 05:36 PM
Gun prices doubled since Obama has been president no doubt..

But what exactly are you refering to with your Ryans ideas are crazy comment?

He has made so many, but the biggest ones are about the poor and downtroden. He's basic message is they SHOULD JUST EAT CAKE.

09-07-2012, 05:40 PM

Sorry for screwing up where my comments should go.

You said;

"The bottom line is the more difficult you can make something, the harder it is for the poor and edlerly to cope with it. These group of people tend to vote democractic and the republicans know this. That why all the republicans are the ones pushing for voter ID laws, and claimming fraud as their excuse to eliminate the competition. Watch the courts start throwing out the voter ID laws one by one in each state because they know what's going on."

Debunked argument. Those folks that cannot get to a registrar of voters office to show ID, or get to their government office to obtain ID, would have all necessary services brought to them. Dude, stop watching MSNBC. You've been so obviously propagated. Are you an honest person? Don't you want free, fair, and honest elections? Every fraudulent vote disenfranchises (steals) an American citizens vote. What's fair about that? And the last time I checked, republicans get old too. Ever been to a Tea Party rally? I have several times and it's mostly older folks...

09-07-2012, 05:45 PM
He has made so many, but the biggest ones are about the poor and downtroden. He's basic message is they SHOULD JUST EAT CAKE.

Rhetoric and fear mongering etucker. Post a link and prove what you just said. Where has Ryan ever said he would do what you just said he would do...

09-07-2012, 05:49 PM
"Let me just eat my waffle".

09-07-2012, 05:55 PM
Here is your gun argument down the tubes.


Which Way Out
09-07-2012, 07:07 PM
Iv'e got one for you guys in a different direction. What was that all about, when people were buying all the guns and ammuntion by the truck load when Obama got elected. What were they afraid of that never happened? But here the real kicker!!!!! I think Ryan has a good chance to become president in 2016. If he puts in place some of his own crazy policies, might this be the start of the revolution. With all the guns and ammuntion people bought fearing Obama, might they then be used when Ryan is elected President. I can't wait for the responses.

This is all I will add to this Thread.

Someone once asked me "Why did you buy a gun like that? Was it because Obama got elected?"

My answer was two fold.
#1 Because I always wanted one and it was now legal to own one in its current configuration.

#2 Because if someone were to shoot the president! My guess the Rodney King related riots would seem calm by comparison.

Mainly for the soul purpose of self, friends and family protection. Besides its fun to shoot. You never know when the Zombie Apocalypses is coming.
Crazy thing is, some people believe it will happen. Just call me a Boy Scout, Be Prepared! Nuff said...


09-07-2012, 07:16 PM
This guy wants Obama to come clean.
Jump to 25 seconds. DR


09-07-2012, 08:10 PM
Rhetoric and fear mongering etucker. Post a link and prove what you just said. Where has Ryan ever said he would do what you just said he would do...

I'm basing my comments on what I heard the man say, and a little common sense and being a student of history. Let's start with what the man said. He once said and now is back peddling from it that he is a firm believer in Ayn Rand. What she believed in GREED IS GOOD. He also wants to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, not from the 1%, he wants to leave them alone. A man like that would have no problem accepting an America, that 10% of the population would own 90% of the wealth. Now the common sense comes in, WOULD YOU ACCEPT AN AMERICA LIKE THAT. Now be a student of recent history. Think Arab Spring, the fall of the Iron Curtain etc etc etc. Why people think a revolution couldn't happen in the United States is beyond me, especially if they lose faith in the Government. Last time I checked the approval rating of Congress was 10% the lowest in history. You guys all hate the Democrats, what would happen if Ryan got in there and was 100 times worse then Obama. I can tell you then, both sides would have had their chance and both failed miserably. Go ahead and try to tell me, I'm all wet in my conculsions and why?

09-07-2012, 08:20 PM
You guys all hate the Democrats, what would happen if Ryan got in there and was 100 times worse then Obama. I can tell you then, both sides would have had their chance and both failed miserably. Go ahead and try to tell me, I'm all wet in my conculsions and why?

Wow! Well I don't know I'm having a tough time reading your post and understanding it? But my first response would be Ryan isn't running for president against Obama? What would happen if Ryan was a 100 times worse? I'm sorry bud but you really should re-think this post, I'm guessing you made a mistake, I'm hoping you made a mistake cause if not you are a very confused individual.

09-07-2012, 08:55 PM
I'm basing my comments on what I heard the man say, and a little common sense and being a student of history. Let's start with what the man said. He once said and now is back peddling from it that he is a firm believer in Ayn Rand. What she believed in GREED IS GOOD. He also wants to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, not from the 1%, he wants to leave them alone. A man like that would have no problem accepting an America, that 10% of the population would own 90% of the wealth. Now the common sense comes in, WOULD YOU ACCEPT AN AMERICA LIKE THAT. Now be a student of recent history. Think Arab Spring, the fall of the Iron Curtain etc etc etc. Why people think a revolution couldn't happen in the United States is beyond me, especially if they lose faith in the Government. Last time I checked the approval rating of Congress was 10% the lowest in history. You guys all hate the Democrats, what would happen if Ryan got in there and was 100 times worse then Obama. I can tell you then, both sides would have had their chance and both failed miserably. Go ahead and try to tell me, I'm all wet in my conculsions and why?

Do you actually know anything about Ayn rand? Where do you get greed? I would be more inclined to say it is extreme individualism. Being born and raised in communist Russia, She opposed Statism, which she understood to include theocracy, absolute monarchy, Nazism, fascism, communism, democratic socialism, and dictatorship. Rand believed that rights should be enforced by a constitutionally limited government.

Explain to me how Ryan wants to "balance the budget on the backs of the poor"? I think he wants the poor to have every opportunity to be just as successful as anyone else. You can't become successful unless you do it yourself. Big nanny gov isn't going to do it for you.

Revolution you say? By who? And what are their goals? Seems to me the progressive left is already attempting a so far bloodless coup, or revolution if you will, hence the millions of firearms sold in case it became forced upon Americans who believe in their God given rights to individual freedoms and liberties. That's why the progressive left wants complete disarmament of the American people...

09-07-2012, 09:04 PM
Wow! Well I don't know I'm having a tough time reading your post and understanding it? But my first response would be Ryan isn't running for president against Obama? What would happen if Ryan was a 100 times worse? I'm sorry bud but you really should re-think this post, I'm guessing you made a mistake, I'm hoping you made a mistake cause if not you are a very confused individual.

Your right Seal I got ahead of myself. This election is merely the undercard to the big one in 2016. It really doesn't matter who wins this election, not much will get done in Congress regardless which candiate wins. Both candiates are just hoping the economy will get better on its own. But by 2016 the people will be pretty fed up by then and demand who ever wins better get some results or else. Sorry for my premature rant, see you all in 4 years.

09-07-2012, 09:13 PM
Your right Seal I got ahead of myself. This election is merely the undercard to the big one in 2016. It really doesn't matter who wins this election, not much will get done in Congress regardless which candiate wins. Both candiates are just hoping the economy will get better on its own. But by 2016 the people will be pretty fed up by then and demand who ever wins better get some results or else. Sorry for my premature rant, see you all in 4 years.

2012 Romney/Ryan
2016 Romney/Ryan
2020 Ryan/Rubio...

09-07-2012, 09:19 PM
2016 TroutOnly/Hillary...


09-07-2012, 09:35 PM
2016 TroutOnly/Hillary...


Lol, I'll go with T/O, but Hillary? She's just like Obama, just better at it. I say Palin, she's totally outdoors and can probably out fish and out shoot most of us here. And probably looks damn fine in a two man tent with camo lingerie. Could you imagine waking up to Hillary the next morning sans make up?...:OMG!:... Oh s**t, never mind...

09-07-2012, 09:50 PM
Not to change the subject but did ya'll see the Chick Fil A "Obama/Hillary Special Combo'? It's got two small breasts, two large thighs, two left wings and a pair of *** holes. And they take EBT cards.

09-07-2012, 10:46 PM
not to change the subject but did ya'll see the chick fil a "obama/hillary special combo'? It's got two small breasts, two large thighs, two left wings and a pair of *** holes. And they take ebt cards.


09-08-2012, 04:39 AM
Lol, I'll go with T/O, but Hillary? She's just like Obama, just better at it. I say Palin, she's totally outdoors and can probably out fish and out shoot most of us here. And probably looks damn fine in a two man tent with camo lingerie. Could you imagine waking up to Hillary the next morning sans make up?...:OMG!:... Oh s**t, never mind...

You obviously don't know the history between TO and Hillary... Lots of passion and there was a reason he had to redo the floor of his boat.. No blue dress DNA scandal on that boat carpet!

Not to change the subject but did ya'll see the Chick Fil A "Obama/Hillary Special Combo'? It's got two small breasts, two large thighs, two left wings and a pair of *** holes. And they take EBT cards.


09-08-2012, 06:35 AM
I'm basing my comments on what I heard the man say, and a little common sense and being a student of history. Let's start with what the man said. He once said and now is back peddling from it that he is a firm believer in Ayn Rand. What she believed in GREED IS GOOD. He also wants to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, not from the 1%, he wants to leave them alone. A man like that would have no problem accepting an America, that 10% of the population would own 90% of the wealth. Now the common sense comes in, WOULD YOU ACCEPT AN AMERICA LIKE THAT. Now be a student of recent history. Think Arab Spring, the fall of the Iron Curtain etc etc etc. Why people think a revolution couldn't happen in the United States is beyond me, especially if they lose faith in the Government. Last time I checked the approval rating of Congress was 10% the lowest in history. You guys all hate the Democrats, what would happen if Ryan got in there and was 100 times worse then Obama. I can tell you then, both sides would have had their chance and both failed miserably. Go ahead and try to tell me, I'm all wet in my conculsions and why?
Communist! Just move to China already...... You'd obviously be much happier there!

09-08-2012, 06:41 AM
Lol, I'll go with T/O, but Hillary? She's just like Obama, just better at it. I say Palin, she's totally outdoors and can probably out fish and out shoot most of us here. And probably looks damn fine in a two man tent with camo lingerie. Could you imagine waking up to Hillary the next morning sans make up?...:OMG!:... Oh s**t, never mind...

That is too funny bro! But very true... YIKES!!!

09-08-2012, 06:43 AM
Not to change the subject but did ya'll see the Chick Fil A "Obama/Hillary Special Combo'? It's got two small breasts, two large thighs, two left wings and a pair of *** holes. And they take EBT cards.

LOL!!!!!!! My wife and I can't stop laughing!

09-08-2012, 08:35 AM
Communist! Just move to China already...... You'd obviously be much happier there!

i thought this was suppose to be a free country to Think and act. Why are you trying to push people out that don't have your same oppinion? We are a free country right?

09-08-2012, 08:42 AM
i thought this was suppose to be a free country to Think and act. Why are you trying to push people out that don't have your same oppinion? We are a free country right?

Since when have communism and advanced socialism ever been associated with freedom?

09-08-2012, 08:58 AM
i thought this was suppose to be a free country to Think and act. Why are you trying to push people out that don't have your same oppinion? We are a free country right?

Nobody is trying to push or ask you or anyone else to leave the country. And you are free to your opinion as am I. I am however TELLING you to "Get Off My Lawn", if you get my drift.

09-08-2012, 09:03 AM
Communist! Just move to China already...... You'd obviously be much happier there!

I'm usualy told to move to Northern Europe, you guys aren't my first rodeo!!!! lol I do have a thing for blondes so that really not such a bad idea.

09-08-2012, 09:09 AM
i thought this was suppose to be a free country to Think and act. Why are you trying to push people out that don't have your same oppinion? We are a free country right?

You're right, this is a free country and that's what I'm doing! Excercising my right to speak and voice my opinion as I choose!!!
Isn't that what we're all doing on here?!?!

09-08-2012, 09:12 AM
I'm usualy told to move to Northern Europe, you guys aren't my first rodeo!!!! lol I do have a thing for blondes so that real not such a bad idea.

Great... What are you waiting for?!

09-08-2012, 09:20 AM
Since when have communism and advanced socialism ever been associated with freedom?

Guy's you know what I really believe in, MERCANTILISM which is not communism or advanced socialism. The government has got to stop the outsourcing of jobs and all the importing of cheap goods. The private sector won't do that on their own, remember their motto buy low and sell high. Creation of jobs in the private sector is not their problem, if they gave you an honest answer.

Big Daddy
09-08-2012, 10:26 AM
This guy wants Obama to come clean.
Jump to 25 seconds. DR


Man I like this guy he says it like it is.

09-08-2012, 11:03 AM
Guy's you know what I really believe in, MERCANTILISM which is not communism or advanced socialism. The government has got to stop the outsourcing of jobs and all the importing of cheap goods. The private sector won't do that on their own, remember their motto buy low and sell high. Creation of jobs in the private sector is not their problem, if they gave you an honest answer.

I call you out as BS on the Government has to stop outsourcing; Government is the CAUSE of outsourcing. I have been the owner of three businesses in my life time and in management of an International company with over 600 employees. I can tell you for a fact that you are only in business for two reasons: FUN & PROFIT. If there is NO PROFIT it is NO FUN.
Profit is not a dirty word it is profit that allows a business to grow (if you are not growing, you are dying), to pay its bills, to hire and promote good employees and return a dividend to its shareholders or investors for taking a risk. Oh, and to pay taxes on what it is legally obligated for.
It is the Government (Federal, State, and Local) that is driving business out of the country and California. Taxes, regulations, fees and agency requirement are choking the small businessman and big business to death. If you like dealing with the DMV or the Post Office or City Hall imagine also dealing with OSHA, EPA, AQMD, State Board of Equalization, Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement. It’s never ending and the laws and new regulations are added and changed almost daily. It is not a level playing field when competing in the global market place; we are carrying the ball uphill while our foreign competition is running the ball downhill. If Government would just get out of the way the growth would be staggering.
Government is in fact a big business a very big business with little or no accountability. The Government shareholders (we the taxpayers) do not get an equal return on our investment as we would in any other business investment. The Government has no incentive to balance the budget as we the shareholders can always be asked/forced to invest more and more. Furthermore few if any of the takers of Government benefits/handouts have any skin in the game. Benefits and institutions (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, EBT, Section 8, Farm Subsidies, Block Grants, PEL Grants, etc, etc.) that were originally set up to be a SAFETY NET and rightly so have turned into a way of life for so many.
The 16 Billion deficit (and growing), no balanced budget, the Fed and Helicopter Ben going wild (EQ1, QE2 and possibly QE3) is a giant Ponzi scheme that is going to fall apart with disastrous consequences beyond anything you or I can imagine. And sadly there is nothing you can do to prepare for or protect yourself from it when it all comes crashing down.

09-08-2012, 11:41 AM
I call you out as BS on the Government has to stop outsourcing; Government is the CAUSE of outsourcing. I have been the owner of three businesses in my life time and in management of an International company with over 600 employees. I can tell you for a fact that you are only in business for two reasons: FUN & PROFIT. If there is NO PROFIT it is NO FUN.
Profit is not a dirty word it is profit that allows a business to grow (if you are not growing, you are dying), to pay its bills, to hire and promote good employees and return a dividend to its shareholders or investors for taking a risk. Oh, and to pay taxes on what it is legally obligated for.
It is the Government (Federal, State, and Local) that is driving business out of the country and California. Taxes, regulations, fees and agency requirement are choking the small businessman and big business to death. If you like dealing with the DMV or the Post Office or City Hall imagine also dealing with OSHA, EPA, AQMD, State Board of Equalization, Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement. It’s never ending and the laws and new regulations are added and changed almost daily. It is not a level playing field when competing in the global market place; we are carrying the ball uphill while our foreign competition is running the ball downhill. If Government would just get out of the way the growth would be staggering.
Government is in fact a big business a very big business with little or no accountability. The Government shareholders (we the taxpayers) do not get an equal return on our investment as we would in any other business investment. The Government has no incentive to balance the budget as we the shareholders can always be asked/forced to invest more and more. Furthermore few if any of the takers of Government benefits/handouts have any skin in the game. Benefits and institutions (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, EBT, Section 8, Farm Subsidies, Block Grants, PEL Grants, etc, etc.) that were originally set up to be a SAFETY NET and rightly so have turned into a way of life for so many.
The 16 Billion deficit (and growing), no balanced budget, the Fed and Helicopter Ben going wild (EQ1, QE2 and possibly QE3) is a giant Ponzi scheme that is going to fall apart with disastrous consequences beyond anything you or I can imagine. And sadly there is nothing you can do to prepare for or protect yourself from it when it all comes crashing down.

You hit the nail squarely on the head and then drove it home. Great post!

09-08-2012, 12:02 PM
I call you out as BS on the Government has to stop outsourcing; Government is the CAUSE of outsourcing. I have been the owner of three businesses in my life time and in management of an International company with over 600 employees. I can tell you for a fact that you are only in business for two reasons: FUN & PROFIT. If there is NO PROFIT it is NO FUN.
Profit is not a dirty word it is profit that allows a business to grow (if you are not growing, you are dying), to pay its bills, to hire and promote good employees and return a dividend to its shareholders or investors for taking a risk. Oh, and to pay taxes on what it is legally obligated for.
It is the Government (Federal, State, and Local) that is driving business out of the country and California. Taxes, regulations, fees and agency requirement are choking the small businessman and big business to death. If you like dealing with the DMV or the Post Office or City Hall imagine also dealing with OSHA, EPA, AQMD, State Board of Equalization, Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement. It’s never ending and the laws and new regulations are added and changed almost daily. It is not a level playing field when competing in the global market place; we are carrying the ball uphill while our foreign competition is running the ball downhill. If Government would just get out of the way the growth would be staggering.
Government is in fact a big business a very big business with little or no accountability. The Government shareholders (we the taxpayers) do not get an equal return on our investment as we would in any other business investment. The Government has no incentive to balance the budget as we the shareholders can always be asked/forced to invest more and more. Furthermore few if any of the takers of Government benefits/handouts have any skin in the game. Benefits and institutions (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, EBT, Section 8, Farm Subsidies, Block Grants, PEL Grants, etc, etc.) that were originally set up to be a SAFETY NET and rightly so have turned into a way of life for so many.
The 16 Billion deficit (and growing), no balanced budget, the Fed and Helicopter Ben going wild (EQ1, QE2 and possibly QE3) is a giant Ponzi scheme that is going to fall apart with disastrous consequences beyond anything you or I can imagine. And sadly there is nothing you can do to prepare for or protect yourself from it when it all comes crashing down.

I still didn't read anything that severe Mercantilism wouldn't fix. In Economic lingo it's called beggar they neighbor, otherwise he will do it to you. China is the worse culprit and I recently read India is now planning on doing it on a much larger scale also.

09-08-2012, 12:34 PM
While I don’t totally disagree with some parts of Mercantilism it isn’t going to happen in your or my lifetime. We will never get back on the gold standard, the enviro whackos will not let this country use ALL of the natural resources we have in this country and we have plenty. Duties and tariffs on imported goods will not be passed by this administration to protect American producers. We would be accused by the UN and the world of Protectionism. Fair trade is an oxymoron, nothing is fair about foreign trade, OPEC is just one example. We are the largest food producer in the world how about we setup the OPEC equal in the food market for US grown food products? How do you think the world would react to that, wars have been fought over less.

09-08-2012, 12:50 PM
While I don’t totally disagree with some parts of Mercantilism it isn’t going to happen in your or my lifetime. We will never get back on the gold standard, the enviro whackos will not let this country use ALL of the natural resources we have in this country and we have plenty. Duties and tariffs on imported goods will not be passed by this administration to protect American producers. We would be accused by the UN and the world of Protectionism. Fair trade is an oxymoron, nothing is fair about foreign trade, OPEC is just one example. We are the largest food producer in the world how about we setup the OPEC equal in the food market for US grown food products? How do you think the world would react to that, wars have been fought over less.

Absolutely, it's one of the biggest reasons the revolutionary war occurred. England was a "mercantilist" nation at that time. Meanwhile the colonies had become successful free market capitalists. The rest is history...

09-08-2012, 01:06 PM
Absolutely, it's one of the biggest reasons the revolutionary war occurred. England was a "mercantilist" nation at that time. Meanwhile the colonies had become successful free market capitalists. The rest is history...

If you want to talk about history, what was the real reason for the South to pull out of the Union? If you said slavery you are wrong. The correct answer is the South wanted International Economics, and the North wanted domestic Economics. Sound kind of familiar today!!!!! Are we going to have to refight the Civil War again. lol

09-08-2012, 01:26 PM
If you want to talk about history, what was the real reason for the South to pull out of the Union? If you said slavery you are wrong. The correct answer is the South wanted International Economics, and the North wanted domestic Economics. Sound kind of familiar today!!!!! Are we going to have to refight the Civil War again. lol

Well you did get one thing correct (the Civil War), and the North really wanted the revenue, you know the mothers milk of politics, too bad schools don't teach real history instead of agendas.

09-08-2012, 07:41 PM
Since when have communism and advanced socialism ever been associated with freedom?

if thats what people vote for, then their free to decide right?

09-08-2012, 07:42 PM
Nobody is trying to push or ask you or anyone else to leave the country. And you are free to your opinion as am I. I am however TELLING you to "Get Off My Lawn", if you get my drift.

no i don't, i thought this was a civil debate...

09-08-2012, 07:43 PM
You're right, this is a free country and that's what I'm doing! Excercising my right to speak and voice my opinion as I choose!!!
Isn't that what we're all doing on here?!?!

yes but i'm not trying to tell people to leave because i disagree with them

09-08-2012, 08:51 PM
2012 Romney/Ryan
2016 Romney/Ryan
2020 Ryan/Rubio...

lol sorry i have to put this

2012 Romney/Ryan
2016 Revolution
2020 Dictator Hu Jintao

09-08-2012, 09:02 PM
yes but i'm not trying to tell people to leave because i disagree with them

Come on now?

Grow a pair

09-08-2012, 09:05 PM
lol sorry i have to put this

2012 Romney/Ryan
2016 Revolution
2020 Dictator Hu Jintao


Awe the ole cloward/piven strategy

09-08-2012, 09:40 PM
So a simple poll, to which the starting person can't even spell the POTUS' name properly, puts Mitt Romney's name first, and then disrespects any other candidate by calling them an idiot and you expect this to get anywhere near an indicator to who will win? No one is going to catch any stripers on this troll ...

09-08-2012, 10:30 PM
lol sorry i have to put this

2012 Romney/Ryan
2016 Revolution
2020 Dictator Hu Jintao

I don't think the revolution comes till Ryan is President. Romney is to nice of a guy and not the arch reactionary like Ryan is.

09-09-2012, 07:03 AM
yes but i'm not trying to tell people to leave because i disagree with them

So what!? That's your problem not mine! I'll say it again..... I'm going to say whatever the **** I want to, because in THIS country I'm free to! ; )

09-09-2012, 07:09 AM
Obama = Fail.


09-09-2012, 07:30 AM
Obama = Fail.


These are some quality vids DockRat!

09-09-2012, 08:39 AM
This is really a useless topic and poll as the sides have already been chosen and are dug in firmly.
I would guess that the 6.12% that are not going to vote and the 8.16% that are going to vote for some other idiot will be the ones crying the loudest when the final election results are in. Regardless of the final election outcome the winner will have won by less of a margin that the 6.12% that did not vote or 8.16% of some other candidate. In a perfect world “None of the above” might be the real winner more often than not. The ability to freely vote is a right that many take for granted and many died for that right and no vote should be discounted or wasted.
I suggest that we do not need any more lawyers in public office (Clint was right). How about businessmen, accountants, teachers, engineers, plumbers, farmers, Doctors, etc. You know people that really make a contribution to life.
Little known facts I learned doing litigation consulting work over the years.
96% of all lawsuits filed in the world are in the USA.
25% of all Californians with income over $50,000 will be sued in their lifetime.
Every business in California will be sued during its lifetime.
Average reading comprehension in the USA is 8th grade 4th month.
And we wonder why things are so screwed up and can’t be fixed.

09-09-2012, 08:49 AM
So a simple poll, to which the starting person can't even spell the POTUS' name properly, puts Mitt Romney's name first, and then disrespects any other candidate by calling them an idiot and you expect this to get anywhere near an indicator to who will win? No one is going to catch any stripers on this troll ...

" and you expect this to get anywhere near an indicator to who will win?

Lol, absolutely not, but hey, it gets us all talking right? Go to any fish report thread, and there may be a dozen or so posts, at the most.

I'm not gonna speak for the threads author, but those other candidates know full well they cannot attract enough voters, but they stay in the race anyway. That WILL help re-elect Obama. It's imperative the progressive liberals be removed from the White House. The next president will more than likely get to replace 2, if not three supreme court justices. The current president has already installed 2 progressive liberals and he WILL attempt to replace all 3 with progressives. They would then have control of the Supreme court for perhaps a decade, or more. That would not bode well for our constitution and it's bill of rights. Mitt Romney is a moderate, and I would much rather see moderates appointed than progressive liberals. Not to fear monger, but that would be a tragedy as far as our founding principals, hence our country is concerned...

09-09-2012, 09:01 AM
lol sorry i have to put this

2012 Romney/Ryan
2016 Revolution
2020 Dictator Hu Jintao

Lol, the far left will certainly attempt one. But at that point, while our economy is booming again, no one will be listening. Or worse for them, they'll get put in their place real quickly...

09-09-2012, 09:04 AM

Awe the ole cloward/piven strategy

Indeed, the strategy used to cause America's decline, and eventual economic collapse. And Alinsky's "rules for radicals", is their Bible on how to get it done. They've been doing this for decades now. One piece at a time...

09-09-2012, 09:23 AM
" and you expect this to get anywhere near an indicator to who will win?

Lol, absolutely not, but hey, it gets us all talking right? Go to any fish report thread, and there may be a dozen or so posts, at the most.

I'm not gonna speak for the threads author, but those other candidates know full well they cannot attract enough voters, but they stay in the race anyway. That WILL help re-elect Obama. It's imperative the progressive liberals be removed from the White House. The next president will more than likely get to replace 2, if not three supreme court justices. The current president has already installed 2 progressive liberals and he WILL attempt to replace all 3 with progressives. They would then have control of the Supreme court for perhaps a decade, or more. That would not bode well for our constitution and it's bill of rights. Mitt Romney is a moderate, and I would much rather see moderates appointed than progressive liberals. Not to fear monger, but that would be a tragedy as far as our founding principals, hence our country is concerned...

This is one point I so far from what I have read (not to say there aren't more) that I agree on. It's the same reason why I believe that a heavily weighted congress aligned with the president is not good either. A congress that stone walls a president, or the opposite is bad as well. If everyone sits around, ear plugs on, in a [right/left] handed circle jerk, it doesn't matter who is in office, nothing will get done. I am also of the opinion that we'd be no better off now if McCain/Palin would have been in office. S#!t got real just before the current administration entered office and 4 years ain't enough to see any substantial "results". It's too early to see if Obama's policies have failed to deliver. You can say he made empty promises, but really? Have you payed attention to modern politics? The same holds true if Romney gets into office. Once him and Ryan cut the proverbial trees Obama planted before they harvest, 4 years won't be enough for him either. I'd bet anyone a round of drinks that Romney, if elected, can't turn around the economy in 4 years. And that is with his own policies. Not riding on any coattails from anything Obama (given policies aren't gutted completely), Bush or insert political figure here. The economical zit just came to a head 4 years ago, but it was really about 30 years in the making, I won't even blame Bush for it all.

09-09-2012, 10:03 AM
This is one point I so far from what I have read (not to say there aren't more) that I agree on. It's the same reason why I believe that a heavily weighted congress aligned with the president is not good either. A congress that stone walls a president, or the opposite is bad as well. If everyone sits around, ear plugs on, in a [right/left] handed circle jerk, it doesn't matter who is in office, nothing will get done. I am also of the opinion that we'd be no better off now if McCain/Palin would have been in office. S#!t got real just before the current administration entered office and 4 years ain't enough to see any substantial "results". It's too early to see if Obama's policies have failed to deliver. You can say he made empty promises, but really? Have you payed attention to modern politics? The same holds true if Romney gets into office. Once him and Ryan cut the proverbial trees Obama planted before they harvest, 4 years won't be enough for him either. I'd bet anyone a round of drinks that Romney, if elected, can't turn around the economy in 4 years. And that is with his own policies. Not riding on any coattails from anything Obama (given policies aren't gutted completely), Bush or insert political figure here. The economical zit just came to a head 4 years ago, but it was really about 30 years in the making, I won't even blame Bush for it all.

I'll take you up on that round of drinks Tony, but I'm easy since I don't drink alcohol. A pink SoBe would do fine. And you are correct, it's everyone's fault that bubble didn't burst sooner, before all the damage was done. We allowed ourselves to be placed in that situation by both parties. But I hope you do know that Bush started warning about it in 2003. The speeches are still up on you tube...

Oh, I would like to add that I agree, I voted for McCain holding my nose... Perhaps not Tony, but at least that's what they would have attempted, rather than focus on taking over 1/6th of the private American economy with Obama care. And boy did they want to pass their "cap & tax" theft scheme. In my belief, the repubs would have tried to fix the economy, rather than "take advantage of a crisis" in order to advance socialism and their far left agenda. I really don't understand why people have so much disdain for Palin, she was a very successful governor until the progressive liberal hit squads went up to Alaska to assassinate her character...

09-09-2012, 10:09 AM
FYI Romney has a law degree.

This is really a useless topic and poll as the sides have already been chosen and are dug in firmly.
I would guess that the 6.12% that are not going to vote and the 8.16% that are going to vote for some other idiot will be the ones crying the loudest when the final election results are in. Regardless of the final election outcome the winner will have won by less of a margin that the 6.12% that did not vote or 8.16% of some other candidate. In a perfect world “None of the above” might be the real winner more often than not. The ability to freely vote is a right that many take for granted and many died for that right and no vote should be discounted or wasted.
I suggest that we do not need any more lawyers in public office (Clint was right). How about businessmen, accountants, teachers, engineers, plumbers, farmers, Doctors, etc. You know people that really make a contribution to life.
Little known facts I learned doing litigation consulting work over the years.
96% of all lawsuits filed in the world are in the USA.
25% of all Californians with income over $50,000 will be sued in their lifetime.
Every business in California will be sued during its lifetime.
Average reading comprehension in the USA is 8th grade 4th month.
And we wonder why things are so screwed up and can’t be fixed.

09-09-2012, 10:24 AM
FYI Romney has a law degree.

But he did not practice law. He used it to understand law. For a legally successful businessman, it was the smart thing to do...

09-09-2012, 10:36 AM
We are headed for a financial cliff of Biblical proportions and the landing at the bottom is going to be very ugly. Don’t kid yourself and think otherwise, if your business or home financial balance sheet was as bad as the governments and a number of states (California is a good example) you would be in Bankruptcy court and living on the street. You don’t have to have a degree in Econ or even taken a class in Econ to know the debt is way past unsustainable. And the 16 Trillion does not include entitlements; Bernie Madof got life for less of a crime. Oh and how come NONE of Wall Street has been prosecuted (Jon Corzine is just one example). Do we keep heading for the cliff at full speed or do we want someone to apply the brakes gently or hard. Obama does not know where the brake is only the accelerator. Let’s face facts Government is BIG BUSINESS, very BIG, BIG BUSINESS. Romney knows how the financial world works and what it takes to make a business successful. I know that he knows where the brake pedal is and how much to apply. While it takes a congress to make those changes a LEADER has or should have influence in making those things happen. If congress does not, I think Romney knows how to use the veto pen, something George Bush did not do. I also think that no one in congress other than Ryan and the Paul’s understand or even care about how truly bad things are financially and what the risk is. If we have a second Depression in this country it will not be civil and have soup lines like the last. You will not have enough toilet paper, whisky, guns or ammo if you live in the large cities to survive it. Think Hurricane Katrina and the riots and looting in Watt’s and Detroit, they will look like a church picnic. Three days is most people’s limit when they are without power, food and shelter, then it starts to get real ugly..

I am not a lawyer but I did take Business Law in college and the past 15 years have been a litigation consultant and expert witness and I did stay at Holiday Inn a number of times.

09-09-2012, 11:25 AM
We are headed for a financial cliff of Biblical proportions and the landing at the bottom is going to be very ugly. Don’t kid yourself and think otherwise, if your business or home financial balance sheet was as bad as the governments and a number of states (California is a good example) you would be in Bankruptcy court and living on the street. You don’t have to have a degree in Econ or even taken a class in Econ to know the debt is way past unsustainable. And the 16 Trillion does not include entitlements; Bernie Madof got life for less of a crime. Oh and how come NONE of Wall Street has been prosecuted (Jon Corzine is just one example). Do we keep heading for the cliff at full speed or do we want someone to apply the brakes gently or hard. Obama does not know where the brake is only the accelerator. Let’s face facts Government is BIG BUSINESS, very BIG, BIG BUSINESS. Romney knows how the financial world works and what it takes to make a business successful. I know that he knows where the brake pedal is and how much to apply. While it takes a congress to make those changes a LEADER has or should have influence in making those things happen. If congress does not, I think Romney knows how to use the veto pen, something George Bush did not do. I also think that no one in congress other than Ryan and the Paul’s understand or even care about how truly bad things are financially and what the risk is. If we have a second Depression in this country it will not be civil and have soup lines like the last. You will not have enough toilet paper, whisky, guns or ammo if you live in the large cities to survive it. Think Hurricane Katrina and the riots and looting in Watt’s and Detroit, they will look like a church picnic. Three days is most people’s limit when they are without power, food and shelter, then it starts to get real ugly..

I am not a lawyer but I did take Business Law in college and the past 15 years have been a litigation consultant and expert witness and I did stay at Holiday Inn a number of times.

And I don't think the average American realizes that cliff is much, much closer than they think. Without immediate intervention, it's going to get very dark, and very ugly, very quickly. Food, water, and ammo will be worth more than gold...

09-09-2012, 12:10 PM
And I don't think the average American realizes that cliff is much, much closer than they think. Without immediate intervention, it's going to get very dark, and very ugly, very quickly. Food, water, and ammo will be worth more than gold...

I tell you what HW..... My wife and I talk everyday about how good, no GREAT the mid-west is looking! Not that we would be necessarily safer out there but it sure does sound a whole lot better than being here in Cali when **** goes down.... If you know what I mean!?
Hey, maybe we'll see you out in Springfield!

09-09-2012, 12:20 PM
I tell you what HW..... My wife and I talk everyday about how good, no GREAT the mid-west is looking! Not that we would be necessarily safer out there but it sure does sound a whole lot better than being here in Cali when **** goes down.... If you know what I mean!?
Hey, maybe we'll see you out in Springfield!

You would absolutely be safer out there. Just not in St. Louis or Kansas City, which are geographically small compared to Cali's megalopolises. Besides, the lakes and fishing out there makes Cali lakes look like little, over pressured puddles. And those good folks out there DO cling to God and guns. Criminal elements don't like that, at all...

09-09-2012, 01:14 PM
You would absolutely be safer out there. Just not in St. Louis or Kansas City, which are geographically small compared to Cali's megalopolises. Besides, the lakes and fishing out there makes Cali lakes look like little, over pressured puddles. And those good folks out there DO cling to God and guns. Criminal elements don't like that, at all...

Very true....

09-09-2012, 01:51 PM
The European Central Bank which is the European Union equivalent to our US Federal Reserve wants to sell bonds. European Central Bank president, Mario Draghi, divulged plans for making unlimited bond purchases to lower borrowing costs for crisis countries in the eurozone. The announcement unleashed a wave of condemnation across much of Germany's media and among a growing band of eurosceptics, who said the scheme would stoke inflation. The German Court has the potential to throw the stock exchange into turmoil, trigger frenzy on bond markets and bring down the German government. So the eyes and ears of the eurozone will be on the eight red-robed judges of Germany's highest court this week when they deliver a long-awaited verdict over whether a financial rescue fund considered crucial to the future of the euro gets the green light.
The constitutional court is under international pressure to rule in favor of the European stability mechanism and fiscal pact. A dissenting ruling from the court, based in Karlsruhe, southwestern Germany, would probably cause havoc on money markets and cast doubt on the future of Europe's single currency.
"The German constitutional court cannot afford to be seen as not being independent, but it also cannot afford to be seen as the court that brought down the government," said Constanze Stelzenmüller, a senior transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Berlin. "They're going to have to try to square the circle; in other words, not bring down the government at the same time as asserting their independence."
The ruling, due on Wednesday, is expected to give the go-ahead to the ESM, a permanent bailout mechanism, and the fiscal pact, but with caveats such as constraints on future decision-making or a ruling that Germany's basic law has to be rewritten if there is to be further EU integration.
We could have a euro melt down on Wednesday and tell me how this is any different than what our Fed is doing with QE1, QE2 and the printing of money to service our debt. I am still waiting for that answer. It is predicted that Helicopter Ben is getting ready to release QE3 on us as the economy appears to be stalled and on the cusp of another pull back.
They all are only kicking the can down the road with no reform plan, the longer they wait the harder the fall will be.

09-09-2012, 02:50 PM
The European Central Bank which is the European Union equivalent to our US Federal Reserve wants to sell bonds. European Central Bank president, Mario Draghi, divulged plans for making unlimited bond purchases to lower borrowing costs for crisis countries in the eurozone. The announcement unleashed a wave of condemnation across much of Germany's media and among a growing band of eurosceptics, who said the scheme would stoke inflation. The German Court has the potential to throw the stock exchange into turmoil, trigger frenzy on bond markets and bring down the German government. So the eyes and ears of the eurozone will be on the eight red-robed judges of Germany's highest court this week when they deliver a long-awaited verdict over whether a financial rescue fund considered crucial to the future of the euro gets the green light.
The constitutional court is under international pressure to rule in favor of the European stability mechanism and fiscal pact. A dissenting ruling from the court, based in Karlsruhe, southwestern Germany, would probably cause havoc on money markets and cast doubt on the future of Europe's single currency.
"The German constitutional court cannot afford to be seen as not being independent, but it also cannot afford to be seen as the court that brought down the government," said Constanze Stelzenmüller, a senior transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund in Berlin. "They're going to have to try to square the circle; in other words, not bring down the government at the same time as asserting their independence."
The ruling, due on Wednesday, is expected to give the go-ahead to the ESM, a permanent bailout mechanism, and the fiscal pact, but with caveats such as constraints on future decision-making or a ruling that Germany's basic law has to be rewritten if there is to be further EU integration.
We could have a euro melt down on Wednesday and tell me how this is any different than what our Fed is doing with QE1, QE2 and the printing of money to service our debt. I am still waiting for that answer. It is predicted that Helicopter Ben is getting ready to release QE3 on us as the economy appears to be stalled and on the cusp of another pull back.
They all are only kicking the can down the road with no reform plan, the longer they wait the harder the fall will be.

I've been watching this very closely as well. This will indeed directly affect us. Early this morning, I got a phone call from a buddy who is former military intel, he also sent me some info in an e-mail. Speaking cryptically, he says something very big may be happening within the next 6 weeks here in the states. Since then, I've received 2 more calls from other former military intel who still do contract work for the military confirming what my first buddy told me, speaking cryptically as well. They all said to be prepared. Things are not looking good my friend, at all...

09-09-2012, 04:07 PM
I'm ready, the question is, are you?:EyePop:


09-09-2012, 04:32 PM
Lol, not quite that well, different hardware. But hopefully good enough to get my family and I, and other like minded neighbors out of hot spots and to safety if need be...

09-09-2012, 05:27 PM
I'm ready, the question is, are you?:EyePop:


Haha! That's friggin' awesome!

I think it's time to go to work.....

Which Way Out
09-09-2012, 07:29 PM
I tell you what HW..... My wife and I talk everyday about how good, no GREAT the mid-west is looking! Not that we would be necessarily safer out there but it sure does sound a whole lot better than being here in Cali when **** goes down.... If you know what I mean!?
Hey, maybe we'll see you out in Springfield!

If you go to Springfield MO. or any state for that matter, be sure to get your truck license plates changed ASAP. You drive around with CA plates on, you will stick out like a sore thumb and won't be welcome for at least a year. This is first hand knowledge:Wink:. Heck the mailman wouldn't even say Hi for at least a year, my neighbors, both retired, turned out to be very nice, but it took awhile for them to warm up.


09-09-2012, 07:35 PM

Awe the ole cloward/piven strategy

lol it was a joke. to lighten the mood.

09-09-2012, 07:38 PM
I don't think the revolution comes till Ryan is President. Romney is to nice of a guy and not the arch reactionary like Ryan is.

lol i was kidding, Besides everyone knows revolution doesn't come until hilary gets office if shes still alive then.

09-09-2012, 07:46 PM
If you go to Springfield MO. or any state for that matter, be sure to get your truck license plates changed ASAP. You drive around with CA plates on, you will stick out like a sore thumb and won't be welcome for at least a year. This is first hand knowledge:Wink:. Heck the mailman wouldn't even say Hi for at least a year, my neighbors, both retired, turned out to be very nice, but it took awhile for them to warm up.

Duly noted.... Thanks for the heads up! I went out to Mississippi (Tupelo) back in '06 for one of my best friends wedding and the people out there are the most genuinely nice people I've ever met in my life!!! Absolutely fell in love with the place! I could see how if you were a stranger, especially from Cali, how they would be very stand off-ish....

09-09-2012, 08:17 PM
Lol, not quite that well, different hardware. But hopefully good enough to get my family and I, and other like minded neighbors out of hot spots and to safety if need be...

That pic is of "sight in day" of my annual "CAST & BLAST" trip to the Sierras. I have a rancher in Olancha that calls me to thin out the Coyotes when his cattle are giving birth every year. The Coyotes come in like sharks to feed on the afterbirth and weak calves. The days are split up shooting Coyotes in the morning or evening and fishing the Lower Owens river in between. The shooting is a skill thing as the Coyotes are mixed in with the cattle and the rancher would not be very happy if I nailed one of his cattle. Just practicing good "Gun Control".:Shocked:
Its kind of my "Have Gun Will Travel" hobby.

09-09-2012, 08:58 PM
That pic is of "sight in day" of my annual "CAST & BLAST" trip to the Sierras. I have a rancher in Olancha that calls me to thin out the Coyotes when his cattle are giving birth every year. The Coyotes come in like sharks to feed on the afterbirth and weak calves. The days are split up shooting Coyotes in the morning or evening and fishing the Lower Owens river in between. The shooting is a skill thing as the Coyotes are mixed in with the cattle and the rancher would not be very happy if I nailed one of his cattle. Just practicing good "Gun Control".:Shocked:
Its kind of my "Have Gun Will Travel" hobby.

Very cool. That would literally be a blast. Fishing and whacking 'yotes on the same day. Dang fine hobbies indeed. And of course "practicing good gun control" is the responsible American thing to do. Lol, piss'n a rancher off is not a good thing, especially if he loads rock salt shells for the 12ga. Have you ever eaten at the Ranch House cafe in Olancha? We see it every year going up to Bridgeport and always wondered if the food's any good...

09-09-2012, 09:08 PM
If you go to Springfield MO. or any state for that matter, be sure to get your truck license plates changed ASAP. You drive around with CA plates on, you will stick out like a sore thumb and won't be welcome for at least a year. This is first hand knowledge:Wink:. Heck the mailman wouldn't even say Hi for at least a year, my neighbors, both retired, turned out to be very nice, but it took awhile for them to warm up.


Haha, absolutely. Californians are not very well respected anywhere east of the eastern Cali border. Fortunately for HS, he would know people already there if he followed us. My father was born and raised in Essex Missouri. I still have family in Dexter, Springfield, and KC. Memphis also. A few friends of mine from my days playing in bands on the central coast back in the 80's moved to Branson and are still there heavily involved in the music scene. Very good, real people back there. But the plate would no doubt, have to go...

09-09-2012, 09:14 PM
Breakfast at the Ranch House is great and then ya go lie down and sleep like a turtle. Neither your head or your feet will touch the bed your so stuffed.
Two years ago while fishing the Upper Owens during January a pair of Coyotes were sighted loping down the bank on the other side of the river. I went to my truck to grab one of my rifles hoping to get a shot off at one of them. I took a bead on the Coyote bringing up the rear and dropped it quickly. I could not believe his partner did not take off, he just turned around with a WTF happened to my partner. Dropped him also, I was stunned two dogs taking a dirt nap in under 30 seconds and I am wearing my fly fishing waders and vest when I did it. Cast & Blast, ya got to love it.

09-09-2012, 09:23 PM
lol i was kidding, Besides everyone knows revolution doesn't come until hilary gets office if shes still alive then.

No No No The revoultion will start when a Republican is in office. Are you people familiar with the term Bread and Circus. It's a term the Romans used to appease the masses with free food and entertainment for all Roman citizens. The Republicans rightfuly so, accuse the democrats of doing the same thing as the Romans did, we all the free give aways. So it will be a Republican President like Ryan, who will say " no more free give aways," which will start the revoulution.

09-10-2012, 04:58 AM
No No No The revoultion will start when a Republican is in office. Are you people familiar with the term Bread and Circus. It's a term the Romans used to appease the masses with free food and entertainment for all Roman citizens. The Republicans rightfuly so, accuse the democrats of doing the same thing as the Romans did, we all the free give aways. So it will be a Republican President like Ryan, who will say " no more free give aways," which will start the revoulution.

Holy smokes that sounds logical.

We agree on sumin!

09-10-2012, 06:32 AM
No No No The revoultion will start when a Republican is in office. Are you people familiar with the term Bread and Circus. It's a term the Romans used to appease the masses with free food and entertainment for all Roman citizens. The Republicans rightfuly so, accuse the democrats of doing the same thing as the Romans did, we all the free give aways. So it will be a Republican President like Ryan, who will say " no more free give aways," which will start the revoulution.

Well etucker, I agree with you on this one. But I will add, not all revolutions are successful. And I'll put my money on that one failing as well...

09-10-2012, 06:56 AM
Breakfast at the Ranch House is great and then ya go lie down and sleep like a turtle. Neither your head or your feet will touch the bed your so stuffed.
Two years ago while fishing the Upper Owens during January a pair of Coyotes were sighted loping down the bank on the other side of the river. I went to my truck to grab one of my rifles hoping to get a shot off at one of them. I took a bead on the Coyote bringing up the rear and dropped it quickly. I could not believe his partner did not take off, he just turned around with a WTF happened to my partner. Dropped him also, I was stunned two dogs taking a dirt nap in under 30 seconds and I am wearing my fly fishing waders and vest when I did it. Cast & Blast, ya got to love it.

Lol, nothing like being dressed for the occasion. Bet ya stuck a couple of nice Brownies right after that too. Gotta love that!

Well that settles it. Next time we go up, the Ranch House is a destination during the drive. Nearly 20 years ago, while playing in a pool league, I played at a bar in Tustin named the Ranch House. The bartender, was a single mom working 3 jobs to make ends meet. We hit it off, and that's all she wrote. We dated a couple of years, got married, combined our kids (2+2) made a baby, and now we are parents of 5, grandparents of 3. So, even though it's a different Ranch House, it still catches our eyes every time we go by. The one we met at, was torn down several years ago...

09-10-2012, 07:04 AM
Have you ever eaten at the Ranch House cafe in Olancha? We see it every year going up to Bridgeport and always wondered if the food's any good...

Used to be a place in Olancha called 'Reds' ? I think ?
Back around 1979 going to Mammoth (ski trip) with a buddy. He is all punked out, dyed hair ect.
He ordered a Ortega burger. He removed the bun top to add something and the cook had placed a huge moth on his burger. LMAO. Then he walked out POed.

09-10-2012, 07:16 AM
Obama speech, Lol.

'If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.'


09-10-2012, 08:00 AM
Used to be a place in Olancha called 'Reds' ? I think ?
Back around 1979 going to Mammoth (ski trip) with a buddy. He is all punked out, dyed hair ect.
He ordered a Ortega burger. He removed the bun top to add something and the cook had placed a huge moth on his burger. LMAO. Then he walked out POed.

Lol, I guess the cook didn't like punkers. Hey, he was going skiing, he should've eaten it, could've used the extra protein. Haha, and besides, lots of people in other places probably consider that a delicacy...

Big Daddy
09-10-2012, 08:39 AM
Obama speech, Lol.

'If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.'


Right on the money DR can you forward this to Mr. Obama Pleeeaaaaasssseeee as well as the rest of the Dems.

09-10-2012, 08:45 AM
No point in voting in california. The democrats always win this state anyway.

Someone who speaks the truth
Everyone in this state is Offspring of Pelosi
Nobody in this state wants to work......they want the "GIVE ME GIVE ME" program
Or the POOR me Program

09-10-2012, 09:35 AM
Someone who speaks the truth
Everyone in this state is Offspring of Pelosi
Nobody in this state wants to work......they want the "GIVE ME GIVE ME" program
Or the POOR me Program

Not only California!

400,000 kids sittin at home today because the Chicago teachers want a 16% raise and on strike.

However some schools opened only for the free breakfast and free lunches....

Society of sheep and unwilling....

Wake up America!!

09-10-2012, 09:59 AM
Not only California!

400,000 kids sittin at home today because the Chicago teachers want a 16% raise and on strike.

However some schools opened only for the free breakfast and free lunches....

Society of sheep and unwilling....

Wake up America!!

$73,000.00 a year is the AVERAGE salary, so that means some are making more than that. That # doesn't include the "golden bennies". These public union goons are the highest paid teachers in the nation. And for all Rahm's fake outrage, these are HIS voters. And like L.A. schools, their results are abysmal.

This is why we need a national right to work law.

End public union blackmail of the taxpayer. In Cali, in November, vote YES on prop 32...

09-10-2012, 10:19 AM
I got to get one of these yard signs.

09-10-2012, 10:33 AM
I got to get one of these yard signs.

Lol, that's good. But here's the problem, the demorats are slowly taking our fishing rights away (MPLA). There's another thread here talking about just that...

09-10-2012, 11:26 AM
Well if we could just get them into fishing, hunting and shooting perhaps we could end all of the endless ANTI stuff. Fish and wild game is not one of my wifes favorites so I mostly C&R when I fish and I only take game that I will eat myself. Varmit hunting is a whole other story as the Coyotes are everywhere eating upland birds and Fluffy and Muffy in the suburbs, and the Mountain Lions are wiping out the local deer population but they can't be hunted in California. Nothing on Earth is more relaxing than a day on the water or in the woods away from the rat race.

Striper Slayer
09-10-2012, 11:33 AM
Obama Must Go!!!!!!!!!!

09-10-2012, 11:42 AM
I vote for the demon that lies for me. Obama..since he want to tax the rich...ya ya they work hard for there money..most are privelleged. Sad to say, but this country is going to SH!@% either way. How are they going to fix this mess that Obama adopted..ya ya blame on him

09-10-2012, 01:16 PM
Today's Gallup poll numbers taken nationwide. Obama 49% Romney 44%

09-10-2012, 01:18 PM
$73,000.00 a year is the AVERAGE salary.

Curious where you got this number from ... last time I checked it was much, much lower and was household income. This is salary and NOT household income? For salary seems rather high in my opinion.
Edit: Is this nationwide, or just in the context of Chicago teachers?

09-10-2012, 01:41 PM
Today's Gallup poll numbers taken nationwide. Obama 49% Romney 44%

Whoopy!!! Obama's got it for sure now. Those polls never lie and never change week to week we all know that!

Guess now my healthcare is going to get better, life is gonna be so good now, party time!!!!

09-10-2012, 01:46 PM
I vote for the demon that lies for me. Obama..since he want to tax the rich...ya ya they work hard for there money..most are privelleged. Sad to say, but this country is going to SH!@% either way. How are they going to fix this mess that Obama adopted..ya ya blame on him

I'm thinking there is gonna be some good posts coming up, damn it but I can't wait for um I gotta go fishing before the Dems. close down the freshwater fishing cause of some damn frog or bird or whatever they can think of next.

You guys do know that most if not all the environmentalist are far left liberal's, what ya gonna say when you can't even fish your favorite waters anymore?

Won't matter to most of us damn conservative types we'll just head on out of state with all of our 1% money, gee how those give away programs gonna be financed after we all leave??????

09-10-2012, 02:44 PM
Curious where you got this number from ... last time I checked it was much, much lower and was household income. This is salary and NOT household income? For salary seems rather high in my opinion.
Edit: Is this nationwide, or just in the context of Chicago teachers?

Here ya go;


09-10-2012, 02:49 PM
Today's Gallup poll numbers taken nationwide. Obama 49% Romney 44%



Hmmm, ya think?
Gotta love Chicago style politics...

09-10-2012, 02:52 PM
$73,000.00 a year is the AVERAGE salary, so that means some are making more than that. That # doesn't include the "golden bennies". These public union goons are the highest paid teachers in the nation. And for all Rahm's fake outrage, these are HIS voters. And like L.A. schools, their results are abysmal.

This is why we need a national right to work law.

End public union blackmail of the taxpayer. In Cali, in November, vote YES on prop 32...

Let me give the argument for highly paid public employees. It doesn't matter what union your talking about it's the same argument. If you don't pay higher wages in the public sector, you will not get top notch talent. So I will use the police force in So CA as my example. Have you ever noticed how good looking our peace officers are in So CA, as compared to the rest of the nation. We don't have any pot belly sheriffs around here. We hire a bunch of really slick individuals, because we have high standards and we pay well. As compared to the most corrupt police force in the nation. (New Orleans) The average salary for a peace officer in New Orleans is just 17-18,000 a year. You get what you pay for, now think about the OJ trial. OJ lawyers just outclassed the public attorneys. Same thing with teachers, this is where the rich Republicans have a field day. They squack the most about public teachers, because they always give their kids a private education. Remember the motto of the rich Republicans, keep THEM DUMB AND IGNORANT their alot easier to control that way. That should get some lively comments back, please no more quoting website. I can give you websites that say's bigfoot is real and aliens control the white house. How about a common sense argument back.

09-10-2012, 03:00 PM
I vote for the demon that lies for me. Obama..since he want to tax the rich...ya ya they work hard for there money..most are privelleged. Sad to say, but this country is going to SH!@% either way. How are they going to fix this mess that Obama adopted..ya ya blame on him

Haha, classic.

There ya go folks. This is your typical Obama voter!

09-10-2012, 03:43 PM
I vote for the demon that lies for me. Obama..since he want to tax the rich...ya ya they work hard for there money..most are privelleged. Sad to say, but this country is going to SH!@% either way. How are they going to fix this mess that Obama adopted..ya ya blame on him

Boy if that post isn't an endorsement of what a FAILURE public education is I don't know what is.

Koontaj I can't wait to hear what year you dropped out of school. Oh and the use of the word privileged thing that all of you lefties keep using in every post, what talking point memo did that come from?

09-10-2012, 03:56 PM
wow this is probably the most pointless entertaining argument Ive ever seen in my life. It seems that the faster this argument goes no where the more entertaining it gets lol. hey wheres that popcorn icon thingy at oh wait here it is :Popcorn:

09-10-2012, 03:56 PM
Let me give the argument for highly paid public employees. It doesn't matter what union your talking about it's the same argument. If you don't pay higher wages in the public sector, you will not get top notch talent. So I will use the police force in So CA as my example. Have you ever noticed how good looking our peace officers are in So CA, as compared to the rest of the nation. We don't have any pot belly sheriffs around here. We hire a bunch of really slick individuals, because we have high standards and we pay well. As compared to the most corrupt police force in the nation. (New Orleans) The average salary for a peace officer in New Orleans is just 17-18,000 a year. You get what you pay for, now think about the OJ trial. OJ lawyers just outclassed the public attorneys. Same thing with teachers, this is where the rich Republicans have a field day. They squack the most about public teachers, because they always give their kids a private education. Remember the motto of the rich Republicans, keep THEM DUMB AND IGNORANT their alot easier to control that way. That should get some lively comments back, please no more quoting website. I can give you websites that say's bigfoot is real and aliens control the white house. How about a common sense argument back.

Dude, you are all over the place in your beliefs, that's for sure.

One, this is about school teachers, not police officers. You are attempting to compare apples to oranges. Police officers put their lives on the line every time they put their colors on. Period. Teachers do not.

The AVERAGE salary of a Chicago teacher is $73,000.00 a year. Meaning a good % of them earn MORE than that. Now add a CADILLAC medical plan and a GOLDEN parachute pension for the rest of their lives, that would add up to well over a 6 figure income in private enterprise. All on the taxpayers dime.

The OJ trial? What a farce and a tragedy for all of Nichole Simpsons family and loved ones. I've worked in construction all my life, and have worn my share of leather gloves. I can't tell you how many times, at the end of the day, taking those wet, sweaty gloves off and throwing them into my truck tool box. About a week later, I had to use them again for hump'n lumber up a driveway that a delivery truck couldn't get up. Funny thing happened when I went to put them back on, I couldn't get them back on because the leather dried out, they shrunk up big time. Ended up with about a bazillion splinters that day. And you know what gets me about that? That not one attorney could figure out that in OJ's rage and sweat, once they dried out, his leather gloves had shrunk up to the point that it made for a great show in front of the jury. No one in that courtroom could figure out that salty sweat made gloves shrink up. What do you do when you skin an animal and want to keep the hide? Salt the blood side which contracts the leather, duhhh.

Back to republican bashing eh? So only repubs can put their kids in private education? Really tucker? Until I became an independent, I was a republican all my life. I'm 53 now. My kids, all 5 of them, went to public schools. So lets see what I can find out about your "factual" statement.

Oh, look what I found. Demorat Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel's kids go to a "private school" that costs $25,000.00 a year, he has 3 kids, total costs? $75,000.00 per year, oh say it ain't so. Nothing like leading by example eh tucker? Oh wait, I found another one. Shhh, this ones a secret, did you know that progressive liberal demorat Obama went to a "private school" as well? Ohhh, and so do HIS kids. They go to Sidewell Friends School at a cost of nearly $30,000.00 per kid, per year. And indeed, that's the same school ole Blue dress Bill's kid went to as well...Bogus argument dude.

Dude, you argue like a progressive demorat. Throw out a bunch of rhetoric, then get hit with facts, and links to back it, then you cry foul and use ridicule. Just say'n...

09-10-2012, 04:02 PM
Boy if that post isn't an endorsement of what a FAILURE public education is I don't know what is.

Koontaj I can't wait to hear what year you dropped out of school. Oh and the use of the word privileged thing that all of you lefties keep using in every post, what talking point memo did that come from?

Media Matters...

09-10-2012, 04:07 PM
Blue dress Bill, ya mean this chick with the blue dress? Just askin'.


09-10-2012, 04:09 PM
wow this is probably the most pointless entertaining argument Ive ever seen in my life. It seems that the faster this argument goes no where the more entertaining it gets lol. hey wheres that popcorn icon thingy at oh wait here it is :Popcorn:

Haha, hey, I think this is better than watching those conventions, no? Lol, sit back, relax, and start thinking about patterns for the soundtrack dude...

09-10-2012, 04:10 PM
Blue dress Bill, ya mean this chick with the blue dress? Just askin'.



Hahaha, yup, that one!

09-10-2012, 04:16 PM
Haha, hey, I think this is better than watching those conventions, no? Lol, sit back, relax, and start thinking about patterns for the soundtrack dude...

Hey if the conventions were this good I would set em to record on my tv haha. Sadly though this argument is proof of why not much ever gets done in office. Because the democrats and republicans are too busy trying to prove whos better than the other. As long as parties exist its gonna happen. Just like as long as there different colored people there will always be racism, or as long as there are cars there will always be someone to steal them lol.

09-10-2012, 04:19 PM
QUOTE: or as long as there are cars there will always be someone to steal them lol.

Or Race them, ya I know thats RACIST.

09-10-2012, 04:20 PM
I vote for the demon that lies for me. Obama..since he want to tax the rich...ya ya they work hard for there money..most are privelleged. Sad to say, but this country is going to SH!@% either way. How are they going to fix this mess that Obama adopted..ya ya blame on him

Hey Koontaj, do you remember saying this?

"I receive this email from Davey's locker about legislation restricting fishing...Does this mean freshwater as well?"

Dude, what party do you think is passing legislation like this? It ain't the repubs...

09-10-2012, 04:20 PM
As far as this threads direction...

The conservative posters seem to put up ALL the facts

The liberal posters are posting the unsubstantiated BULL shat and

throw in the rhetorical lib talking points...

rich republicans, keep the electorate dumb {which ironically enough describes the lefts voting base}, Ryan is evil, gun control, Bushs fault, yadda yadda

STILL NO FACTS FROM AN OBAMA SUPPORTER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the right is the wing of ignorant and uneducated?

09-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Not only California!

400,000 kids sittin at home today because the Chicago teachers want a 16% raise and on strike.

However some schools opened only for the free breakfast and free lunches....

Society of sheep and unwilling....

Wake up America!!

I'm a bit disappointed in my conservative brethren letting me get away with this obvious racism?

Also I am concerned that I appear to be qouting myself? Third person?

09-10-2012, 04:34 PM
I'm a bit disappointed in my conservative brethren letting me get away with this obvious racism?

Also I am concerned that I appear to be qouting myself? Third person?

Hahaha, quite being a racist dude. Now go take you Xanax, your multiple personalities are showing!!! Lol...

09-10-2012, 04:38 PM
Hey Koontaj, do you remember saying this?

"I receive this email from Davey's locker about legislation restricting fishing...Does this mean freshwater as well?"

Dude, what party do you think is passing legislation like this? It ain't the repubs...

I sure didn't see Arnold stopping anything, in fact he supported and encouraged the MLPA.

09-10-2012, 04:44 PM
I sure didn't see Arnold stopping anything, in fact he supported and encouraged the MLPA.

Ahnold is a progressive wearing repubs clothing. That's a well known fact. But even if he wasn't, what possibly could a republican governor get done with a legislature completely controlled by progressives? 35+ years of perpetual control at that...

09-10-2012, 04:55 PM
Dude, you are all over the place in your beliefs, that's for sure.

One, this is about school teachers, not police officers. You are attempting to compare apples to oranges. Police officers put their lives on the line every time they put their colors on. Period. Teachers do not.

The AVERAGE salary of a Chicago teacher is $73,000.00 a year. Meaning a good % of them earn MORE than that. Now add a CADILLAC medical plan and a GOLDEN parachute pension for the rest of their lives, that would add up to well over a 6 figure income in private enterprise. All on the taxpayers dime.

The OJ trial? What a farce and a tragedy for all of Nichole Simpsons family and loved ones. I've worked in construction all my life, and have worn my share of leather gloves. I can't tell you how many times, at the end of the day, taking those wet, sweaty gloves off and throwing them into my truck tool box. About a week later, I had to use them again for hump'n lumber up a driveway that a delivery truck couldn't get up. Funny thing happened when I went to put them back on, I couldn't get them back on because the leather dried out, they shrunk up big time. Ended up with about a bazillion splinters that day. And you know what gets me about that? That not one attorney could figure out that in OJ's rage and sweat, once they dried out, his leather gloves had shrunk up to the point that it made for a great show in front of the jury. No one in that courtroom could figure out that salty sweat made gloves shrink up. What do you do when you skin an animal and want to keep the hide? Salt the blood side which contracts the leather, duhhh.

Back to republican bashing eh? So only repubs can put their kids in private education? Really tucker? Until I became an independent, I was a republican all my life. I'm 53 now. My kids, all 5 of them, went to public schools. So lets see what I can find out about your "factual" statement.

Oh, look what I found. Demorat Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel's kids go to a "private school" that costs $25,000.00 a year, he has 3 kids, total costs? $75,000.00 per year, oh say it ain't so. Nothing like leading by example eh tucker? Oh wait, I found another one. Shhh, this ones a secret, did you know that progressive liberal demorat Obama went to a "private school" as well? Ohhh, and so do HIS kids. They go to Sidewell Friends School at a cost of nearly $30,000.00 per kid, per year. And indeed, that's the same school ole Blue dress Bill's kid went to as well...Bogus argument dude.

Dude, you argue like a progressive demorat. Throw out a bunch of rhetoric, then get hit with facts, and links to back it, then you cry foul and use ridicule. Just say'n...

I said "all RICH REPUBLICANS will give their kids a private education." Poor republicans will use the public school system. Let's talk a little bit more about education!!! Every measurable aspect of life, will be improved by how much and the quality of a person's education. So why in the world do republicans always want to get by on the cheap when it comes to education. IT IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD TO SPEND YOUR MONEY ON. If you don't believe that look it up yourself.

09-10-2012, 05:00 PM
I sure didn't see Arnold stopping anything, in fact he supported and encouraged the MLPA.

You really are a genius! You do know Arnold was basically married to a Kennedy right!?
It's apparent you think OJ is innocent too.... Scary!

09-10-2012, 05:05 PM
I'm thinking there is gonna be some good posts coming up, damn it but I can't wait for um I gotta go fishing before the Dems. close down the freshwater fishing cause of some damn frog or bird or whatever they can think of next.

You guys do know that most if not all the environmentalist are far left liberal's, what ya gonna say when you can't even fish your favorite waters anymore?

Won't matter to most of us damn conservative types we'll just head on out of state with all of our 1% money, gee how those give away programs gonna be financed after we all leave??????

Hey Seal.... These guys have their heads so far up Dumb-bamas arse they don't realize anything!!!

09-10-2012, 05:08 PM
I said "all RICH REPUBLICANS will give their kids a private education." Poor republicans will use the public school system. Let's talk a little bit more about education!!! Every measurable aspect of life, will be improved by how much and the quality of a person's education. So why in the world do republicans always want to get by on the cheap when it comes to education. IT IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD TO SPEND YOUR MONEY ON. If you don't believe that look it up yourself.

When it goes to the kids. Not to public union pension funds and demorat campaign coffers. Funny thing is tucker, the more money we give, or is redistributed, the worse our kids education gets.

The way I see it, our kids aren't taught the P's & Q's. They're indoctrinated with PC and social justice bee ess. And have been now for decades. Why do you think our kids have fallen behind many other countries. We used to put out the cream of the crop of the world. Not anymore. What we have now are generations of the Obama type voters. Nuff said...

Actually to add to this, I think I gave some examples of "RICH DEMORATS" doing the same dang thing. But really, in my opinion, more power to em. If they have the money, then they have every right to do so. I don't care what political affiliation they have. That's America, as it should be...

09-10-2012, 06:01 PM
You really are a genius! You do know Arnold was basically married to a Kennedy right!?
It's apparent you think OJ is innocent too.... Scary!

I knew OJ was guilty!! I think you missed the point I was trying to make. Most republicans are against public unions, by being in a public union the members get higher salaries and more fringe benefits. If you take away the unions the cream of the crop won't go into public service. They will go in the private sector for there they can make the most money. In the case of the OJ trial, world class lawyers took on some poorly paid public attorneys and got their butts handed to them. So the point I'm trying to make is, if you have right to work laws for public servants the quality of the people you will attract will be very poor. Do you really want your kids to be taught in the public schools by some third world teacher. If you offer very little pay and benefits that's all your going to get to teach your kids.

09-10-2012, 06:22 PM
A quality public education is beyond a joke in most school districts. Teaching is all about tenure and not competence or excellence. I coached baseball for 13 years and was one of nine coaches selected by The American Baseball Coaches Association to coach the German and Dutch National teams in preparation for the 1984 Olympic Games. Four of those thirteen years I was a walk on high school coach. I can tell you war stories on trying to keep players eligible academically with some of the useless teachers that could not be replaced due to tenure. One of my favorites was a teacher that pushed a shopping cart through campus at lunch and between classes selling candy bars and soda. And the art teacher that took all of his lunches in his VW van that was so smoke filled you could not see inside, and he wasn't smoking White Owl cigars. The Athletic Director a tired over the hill varsity football coach that was a living piece of work that the Peter Principle (How to rise/be promoted to the level of your incompetence) would be proud of.
During my lifetime, a very long time all I have ever heard is the schools need MORE money, yet in spite of the Lottery, Indian Gaming money and tax money sent the dropout rates keep raising and performance test scores keep lowering.
Trying to get the backstop or an outfield fence or bleachers repaired, forget about it. Brick dust and the infield grass reseeded no way, myself the players and a group of volunteers paid for that out of our pockets and did the labor ourselves as baseball was not a revenue making sport like football and basketball.
Oh and the players were shocked to find out that you had to tryout to make the team and could be cut. More shock when they were told there were no piano players allowed (long hair) and the only guy that I ever wanted to see with his cap on backwards was my catcher, no exceptions. Win or lose we would be gracious and no trash talking. The nine best players in me and my coach’s opinion would start each game, your performance determined if you stayed in the game. Late to a practice or miss a practice without a good excuse you would sit out the next game, no exceptions. We will win or lose a game as a team; no one is an All-Star in my book. I wish I had a picture of the AD and vice principals face when I told them I would not be providing names for participation trophies as I did not believe in them, PRICELESS.
The fastest and most secure way to move up the political ladder is to be on the school board, if you are a team player for the union your political move up the ladder is assured.

Which Way Out
09-10-2012, 06:36 PM
Obama Must Go!!!!!!!!!!

OMG..........................your so correct

09-10-2012, 06:46 PM
It seems that the faster this argument goes no where the more entertaining it gets lol. hey wheres that popcorn icon thingy at oh wait here it is :Popcorn:

STILL NO FACTS FROM AN OBAMA SUPPORTER YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where are the Obama voters ?

Dear Obama voters, see this short video. Same BS + 5 trillion more debt.



09-10-2012, 07:18 PM
People do not realize how much ONE TRILLION DOLLARS IS.
Now we have $16,000,000,000,000 +

It goes up ONE MILLION $1,000,000. every 44 seconds.

Hope and change ? WTF.
If he makes cuts to the FREE MONEY CROWD
then he will lose votes, he can't win.


This page with pics will put it in perspective

09-10-2012, 07:23 PM

Where are the Obama voters ?

Dear Obama voters, see this short video. Same BS + 5 trillion more debt.



You morons wouldn't recognize a FACT if it bit you in the ***.

09-10-2012, 07:41 PM
You morons wouldn't recognize a FACT if it bit you in the ***.

Translation: STILL NO FACTS

09-10-2012, 07:51 PM
Question "does the Federal government has a spending problem or a revenue problem or both?" Let's hear your thoughts about what would you do to solve the problem.

Big Daddy
09-10-2012, 08:06 PM
Question "does the Federal government has a spending problem or a revenue problem or both?" Let's hear your thoughts about what would you do to solve the problem.

Definately a spending problem - Spending more than they have If I don't have enough money for payroll then I need to Down Size I can't remain in business spending more than I have, or I can raise my prices so high that nobody will use my services so I am out of business. That is where the federal Government should be, out of business or DOWN SIZE it is really pretty simple. If you want to see the solution just vote Romney/ Ryan and get ready to Run or get ran over because it will be on like Donkey Kong.

09-10-2012, 08:17 PM
Question "does the Federal government has a spending problem or a revenue problem or both?" Let's hear your thoughts about what would you do to solve the problem.

Both. And after I finish getting my gear ready for tomorrow's day at DVL, I'll come back and elaborate more...

09-10-2012, 09:36 PM
You morons wouldn't recognize a FACT if it bit you in the ***.

Lol, So what pro Obama facts do you have to bring towards the discussion ?

USA economic collapse is coming.
Better get prepared.


09-10-2012, 10:42 PM
Hey pcuser..... Remember when Obama said if he didn't cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term he wouldn't even run for a second term?!?! Of course you don't you Dumb****!!!! When are you going to learn to shut your mouth?

09-10-2012, 11:10 PM
Hey pcuser..... Remember when Obama said if he didn't cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term he wouldn't even run for a second term?!?! Of course you don't you Dumb****!!!! When are you going to learn to shut your mouth?

Breathe Hawgstalker, Breathe...

Don't letem get to ya, brosef

Lady Quagga
09-11-2012, 12:05 AM
some other idiot

We can interpret this a couple of ways. Either Obama or Romney are also idiots to choose from in this poll, or that any candidate not a Democrat or Republican is an idiot. Whatever the case, this thread is nothing more than a variation of the last one to broach this subject (http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/showthread.php?66683-Find-out-which-presidential-candidate-you-side-with).

And here we are, 20+ pages of political mouthbreathing later. This thread is truly a microcosm of our society's politics at large, in that every nasty, trite, misleading, and ill-conceived thought will be regurgitated here, and not a single person here will vote for a candidate because (or in spite of) it.


09-11-2012, 04:44 AM
Thread just went to ****..

The LQ just showed up

09-11-2012, 04:51 AM
Thread just went to ****..

The LQ just showed up

Nah, she didn't say jack. Just ridiculed Americans taking part in political debate. Typical really. So the debate doesn't say what SHE wants to hear. Oh well, she can eat crow...

Now I'm heading to DVL. Let's see if there's anymore brilliant comments by her when I get back tonight...

09-11-2012, 08:39 AM
You morons wouldn't recognize a FACT if it bit you in the ***.


09-11-2012, 09:34 AM
I know ya'll hate it when the right comes up with FACTS when ya'll got NOTHING but talkin' points. Well here is some education facts for ya about Chicago and the POOR school teachers.

Some pertinent facts...

The average teacher salary in Chicago was $74,839 for the 2011-2012 school year (nine months), not including benefits and pension. - CNN.com

The average private sector salary in Chicago is about $54,000 in 2011 (twelve months). - FOX Chicago News

Chicago teachers are the highest paid in the nation. - CBS Chicago

"Of every 100 freshmen entering a Chicago public high school, only about six will earn a bachelor's degree by the time they're in their mid-20s. The prospects are even worse for African-American and Latino male freshmen, who only have about a 3 percent chance of obtaining a bachelor's degree by the time they're 25. Of the city public school students who went to a four-year college, only about 35 percent earned a bachelor's degree within six years, compared with 64 percent nationally." - Chicago Tribune, April 26, 2006

Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading. Eighty percent are not grade-level proficient in math. - U.S. Department of Education

09-11-2012, 11:41 AM
I know ya'll hate it when the right comes up with FACTS when ya'll got NOTHING but talkin' points. Well here is some education facts for ya about Chicago and the POOR school teachers.

Some pertinent facts...

The average teacher salary in Chicago was $74,839 for the 2011-2012 school year (nine months), not including benefits and pension. - CNN.com

The average private sector salary in Chicago is about $54,000 in 2011 (twelve months). - FOX Chicago News

Chicago teachers are the highest paid in the nation. - CBS Chicago

"Of every 100 freshmen entering a Chicago public high school, only about six will earn a bachelor's degree by the time they're in their mid-20s. The prospects are even worse for African-American and Latino male freshmen, who only have about a 3 percent chance of obtaining a bachelor's degree by the time they're 25. Of the city public school students who went to a four-year college, only about 35 percent earned a bachelor's degree within six years, compared with 64 percent nationally." - Chicago Tribune, April 26, 2006

Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading. Eighty percent are not grade-level proficient in math. - U.S. Department of Education

We need to stop saying Chicago... its a dog whistle racist word.. because blacks live there

City Dad
09-11-2012, 12:12 PM
We can interpret this a couple of ways. Either Obama or Romney are also idiots to choose from in this poll, or that any candidate not a Democrat or Republican is an idiot. Whatever the case, this thread is nothing more than a variation of the last one to broach this subject (http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/showthread.php?66683-Find-out-which-presidential-candidate-you-side-with).

And here we are, 20+ pages of political mouthbreathing later. This thread is truly a microcosm of our society's politics at large, in that every nasty, trite, misleading, and ill-conceived thought will be regurgitated here, and not a single person here will vote for a candidate because (or in spite of) it.


Louder, with more feeling please.

09-11-2012, 01:05 PM
HAHA i still find it funny that people still think one side is more right than the other. when both sides have been proven to breed nothing but colossal idiots for presidents with the exception of a few. the real problem in this country is that people still vote according to party instead of which candidate is best, this thread here proves it. Neither repubs or dems are better dont you see both sides have screwed us all royally LOL. Thats why im going with some other idiot, hopefully others will follow suit eventually and we might actually see a change. Alright, go ahead throw wikipedia articles at me proving me wrong. I will warn in advanced that I don't pride myself on intelligence so please save your "fishinarteest your an idiot comments" and if your going to use big words to call me an idiot dont bother, I won't understand it, so its a lost cause. HAHAHA lol

09-11-2012, 01:30 PM
We need to stop saying Chicago... its a dog whistle racist word.. because blacks live there


09-11-2012, 01:36 PM
We need to stop saying Chicago... its a dog whistle racist word.. because blacks live there

though im not offended at the fact that your saying chicago I gotta ask are you tryin to start somethin? lol, just saying your mentioning it alot about how black people live there for what reason are you mentioning it so much lol?

09-11-2012, 01:53 PM
HAHA i still find it funny that people still think one side is more right than the other. when both sides have been proven to breed nothing but colossal idiots for presidents with the exception of a few. the real problem in this country is that people still vote according to party instead of which candidate is best, this thread here proves it. Neither repubs or dems are better dont you see both sides have screwed us all royally LOL. Thats why im going with some other idiot, hopefully others will follow suit eventually and we might actually see a change. Alright, go ahead throw wikipedia articles at me proving me wrong. I will warn in advanced that I don't pride myself on intelligence so please save your "fishinarteest your an idiot comments" and if your going to use big words to call me an idiot dont bother, I won't understand it, so its a lost cause. HAHAHA lol

We are picking from the lesser of the two evils. We get to pick between electric chair or lethal injection but we are guaranteed to die. So you are picking an idiot that will kill you by starvation. Good one! I might join you!

09-11-2012, 01:59 PM
HAHA i still find it funny that people still think one side is more right than the other. when both sides have been proven to breed nothing but colossal idiots for presidents with the exception of a few. the real problem in this country is that people still vote according to party instead of which candidate is best, this thread here proves it. Neither repubs or dems are better dont you see both sides have screwed us all royally LOL. Thats why im going with some other idiot, hopefully others will follow suit eventually and we might actually see a change. Alright, go ahead throw wikipedia articles at me proving me wrong. I will warn in advanced that I don't pride myself on intelligence so please save your "fishinarteest your an idiot comments" and if your going to use big words to call me an idiot dont bother, I won't understand it, so its a lost cause. HAHAHA lol

Yes you are correct but when one of the idiots fail it's time to give another potential idiot a try. I always said give Obama a chance, he got that chance now give some other idiot a chance. It's nothing personal I don't know why everybody makes this stuff personal, it always seems to come down to hatred or the guys evil, George B. wasn't evil like the Liberals made him out to be and I really don't think Obama is evil just not right for our president. Romney I really don't think is evil, seems to be a good man (I know the liberals think he's evil cause he's wealthy) and he's got a hell of a lot more credentials in my mind to fix the economy than Obama, makes the pick easy in my mind.

09-11-2012, 02:32 PM
Yes you are correct but when one of the idiots fail it's time to give another potential idiot a try. I always said give Obama a chance, he got that chance now give some other idiot a chance. It's nothing personal I don't know why everybody makes this stuff personal, it always seems to come down to hatred or the guys evil, George B. wasn't evil like the Liberals made him out to be and I really don't think Obama is evil just not right for our president. Romney I really don't think is evil, seems to be a good man (I know the liberals think he's evil cause he's wealthy) and he's got a hell of a lot more credentials in my mind to fix the economy than Obama, makes the pick easy in my mind.

Yea i hear what your saying seal. Why does it get personal. I'm the same way, i dont think any president is evil, I respect that there my president and that the job is harder than it looks. I may not agree with them but im not running around making racial jokes about em or calling stupid. Yea I call em and idiot but thats just messing around and not to insult there charachter. But yea seal i hear and fully agree with what ya mean.

09-11-2012, 02:32 PM
We are picking from the lesser of the two evils. We get to pick between electric chair or lethal injection but we are guaranteed to die. So you are picking an idiot that will kill you by starvation. Good one! I might join you!

haha i see your point lol

09-11-2012, 03:11 PM
though im not offended at the fact that your saying chicago I gotta ask are you tryin to start somethin? lol, just saying your mentioning it alot about how black people live there for what reason are you mentioning it so much lol?

Its an inside joke with us conservatives at the biased media trying to portray us as racist, you know fear mongering

Watch and enjoy


09-11-2012, 04:49 PM
Biased media, I am shocked, shocked I tell ya, say it isn't so!!!


09-11-2012, 07:09 PM
We are picking from the lesser of the two evils. We get to pick between electric chair or lethal injection but we are guaranteed to die. So you are picking an idiot that will kill you by starvation. Good one! I might join you!
Hit the nail on head.

09-11-2012, 09:36 PM
We are either getting bent over by a guy we dislike/despise/hate, and screaming about it, or we are bent over by the guy we like/tolerate and giving him the reach around. Both we are getting reamed, preference is of the angle of the approach. On the bright side, at least we aren't getting reamed by a female with a strap on [joke].

09-11-2012, 10:51 PM
We are either getting bent over by a guy we dislike/despise/hate, and screaming about it, or we are bent over by the guy we like/tolerate and giving him the reach around. Both we are getting reamed, preference is of the angle of the approach. On the bright side, at least we aren't getting reamed by a female with a strap on [joke].

Hahaha, watch out, Napolitano is now "gunning" for you dude. She's got the "love gun" locked and loaded...

09-11-2012, 11:16 PM

Hmm, imagine that. Ohhh who would've thought...

09-12-2012, 04:56 AM

Hmm, imagine that. Ohhh who would've thought...

1. Shes white, so she should of had I.D. (had she been of color it would be racist to ask for I.D., much like the days of slavery in our country}

2. She isn't dead atleast

3. She is a Democrat, making her unable by definition to be guilty of anything criminal

09-12-2012, 04:56 AM

Hmm, imagine that. Ohhh who would've thought...

How was the fishing? wheres the report?

09-12-2012, 09:40 AM
Besides voting for President, what about the make up of the congress? In simple terms Democrats or Republicans. I know you guys will start bashing the Democrats for their spending, but what about the faluts of the Republicans. So let me get it started. The Republicans now led by the teaparty are the greatest group not to compromise on anything. Politics have allways been about negotiations and compromise, but the teaparty says it's my way or the highway. So in effect the Republican party is just a party of protest. So if you vote Republican for congress anywhere in the US, you in effect are voting for stalemate for the next 2-4 years.

09-12-2012, 11:41 AM
How was the fishing? wheres the report?

It was a dink fest, the banks are loaded with them. The big girls are out carousing around offshore and didn't want to come out and play when and where we found them. But, like all girls, they'll tease ya with short strikes and follows. Our biggest of the day was 3lbs. Shad are up, and bait fish are everywhere. Stripey is in the mouths of the bays and feeding shallow. If the secondary isn't pumping in water, trolling's gonna get you whacked. But it's still hit a miss at the Jewel...

Lady Quagga
09-12-2012, 04:36 PM
Besides voting for President, what about the make up of the congress? In simple terms Democrats or Republicans. I know you guys will start bashing the Democrats for their spending, but what about the faluts of the Republicans. So let me get it started. The Republicans now led by the teaparty are the greatest group not to compromise on anything. Politics have allways been about negotiations and compromise, but the teaparty says it's my way or the highway. So in effect the Republican party is just a party of protest. So if you vote Republican for congress anywhere in the US, you in effect are voting for stalemate for the next 2-4 years.

How dare you introduce rational thinking into this discussion?

It's been argued that President Obama's policies are comparable to those of previous moderate-Republican administrations; indeed, some feel he compromised too much, mainly when it came to continuing certain Bush-era legislation. Given the state of our economy for the last ten years, and the abject failure of deregulation which Americans are still paying for, I question whether anyone could have done much better, without further eroding the middle class in the process.

But Obama is bad, mmmkay?

Indeed, what we are seeing is reactionary politics, pure and simple. We are trying to resolve a crisis which is running on it's own economic clock measured in decades, using a political system in which under the best of circumstances sees a potential upheaval every 8 years.

The argument that choosing Candidate A over Candidate B is choosing the lesser of two evils is a sad commentary on our political system. But perhaps it points to something which should disturb you all: if you enjoy "luxuries" like driving a car, washing clothes, and eating food, your vote was bought and paid for a long time ago. Whether you vote Democrat or Republican. Deal with it.

09-12-2012, 04:53 PM
ok, time to chime in on my own thread. I always vote republican because my job depends on it. i work on military aircraft, and often spen many weekend making sure our boys have the best when they need it. sometimes even deployed with them. I have served in the military, including the Persian Gulf
War. I will start by saying it is time to cahnge the political system . The jobs in congress were never meant to be a job. This was supposed to be us/citizens taking turns to do the job. there should be 2-4 year term limits on senate and congress. and the pay should be cut in half just to start the ball rolling. and lets start making people work for there money. no more welfare. if you cant work we will feed you. we need government food barns where you can get your free food with aproval. and there wont be steak and lobster in them. next we will not have any more stalemates in gongress, because there will no longer be democrats or republicans, it will be a no party system. now congress will vote on the issue instead of the party. REPLY WITH A HELL YEA!! IF YOU AGREE

09-12-2012, 05:09 PM
ok, time to chime in on my own thread. I always vote republican because my job depends on it. i work on military aircraft, and often spen many weekend making sure our boys have the best when they need it. sometimes even deployed with them. I have served in the military, including the Persian Gulf
War. I will start by saying it is time to cahnge the political system . The jobs in congress were never meant to be a job. This was supposed to be us/citizens taking turns to do the job. there should be 2-4 year term limits on senate and congress. and the pay should be cut in half just to start the ball rolling. and lets start making people work for there money. no more welfare. if you cant work we will feed you. we need government food barns where you can get your free food with aproval. and there wont be steak and lobster in them. next we will not have any more stalemates in gongress, because there will no longer be democrats or republicans, it will be a no party system. now congress will vote on the issue instead of the party. REPLY WITH A HELL YEA!! IF YOU AGREE

Finally someone cutting to the chase ... HELL YES! 1000% percent for removing partisan politics.

09-12-2012, 06:08 PM
Besides voting for President, what about the make up of the congress? In simple terms Democrats or Republicans. I know you guys will start bashing the Democrats for their spending, but what about the faluts of the Republicans. So let me get it started. The Republicans now led by the teaparty are the greatest group not to compromise on anything. Politics have allways been about negotiations and compromise, but the teaparty says it's my way or the highway. So in effect the Republican party is just a party of protest. So if you vote Republican for congress anywhere in the US, you in effect are voting for stalemate for the next 2-4 years.

Taxed Enough Already. Why is that a bad thing? You continuously throw things out there without giving any facts to back up your claims. Democrats had a majority in congress for 2 years prior to Obama taking office. Then had a "super majority" for Obama's first two years in office. Where did it get us tucker? The democrats are the ones that said my way or the highway, hence Obama care, and the Frank/Dodd bill. They were attempting cap & tax legislation as well. You tell me exactly what the democrats have proposed that would jump start our economy. The only thing I see coming out of them is trying to figure out ways to steal and redistribute American's money.

You claim the repubs are obstructionists? Gee tucker, what about the 35+ republican controlled House budget and jobs bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk collecting dust? Effectively obstructed. What about while Bush was president? He warned as early as 2003 that a pending fiscal disaster would occur if congress did not act. So why did the democrats block anything that would have possibly prevented this fiscal nightmare?

I'm dang glad repubs took the House in 2010, it's stopped anti-colonialist, Marxist Obama and his far left lunatics in congress from further damaging our country with their far left agenda. They have done nothing to improve Americas fiscal health, nothing.

Let's hear it from YOU, what about the republicans faults? Start naming them. And, lets hear what you perceive the Tea Party to be, using facts, not rhetoric.

One more thing, Obama is NOT a moderate. Mitt Romney IS a moderate republican. But the left wants you to believe otherwise. Have you seen the documentary 2016; Obama's America? Why, or why not?

09-12-2012, 06:22 PM
Americans should band together and leave the country. Let the morons worry about their own debt.

09-12-2012, 06:42 PM
Americans should band together and leave the country. Let the morons worry about their own debt.

Lol, that's exactly what our ancestors did. But where are we to go now?

09-12-2012, 07:05 PM
14 Obama votes and and they have brought nothing to the table.

'I vote Democrat because my Daddy is a Democrat.'

09-12-2012, 07:13 PM
Lol, that's exactly what our ancestors did. But where are we to go now?Canada! Big *** trout, cheaper pot, hotter girls, and police that are far less likely to shoot you for blinking.

09-12-2012, 07:19 PM
Lol, that's exactly what our ancestors did. But where are we to go now?

Alaska, Lets create a new soverign country. It's got fishing and hunting. Sure it's cold now, but a few more years of global warming, gonna be jus right. Taxed will be those who are able but not willing to get up and work. When you become too feeble to work and are unable to bring wisdom or usefulness to society you will be made into dogfood.

I could really go on and on about this.


09-12-2012, 07:44 PM
Breathe Hawgstalker, Breathe...

Don't letem get to ya, brosef

Lol! I know, that's why I had to walk away for a couple days bro....

09-12-2012, 07:46 PM
Canada! Big *** trout, cheaper pot, hotter girls, and police that are far less likely to shoot you for blinking.

I heard if you have a DUI they won't even let you in! If they don't I'm screwed.....

Anyone know anything about this?

09-12-2012, 07:48 PM
14 Obama votes and and they have brought nothing to the table.

'I vote Democrat because my Daddy is a Democrat.'

Lol!!! I don't care who you are that's funny right there.....

09-12-2012, 08:40 PM
Lets pass a law to Ban Profits.
This video is hilarious. :LOL:
