View Full Version : Anaheim Lake For Trout Season?

Poxy Boggards
09-04-2012, 11:05 AM
Hey Fishinglakes,

Just wondering if Anaheim lake is slated to remain open during trout season this year? Sure would be nice to have a different lake to fish for trout this season. Please let us know.

Poxy Boggards
09-04-2012, 04:31 PM
Bueler, Bueler, Fry....

Anybody home?

09-04-2012, 04:36 PM
boy i hope so...the water is so clear and a great boat lake with the islands...trolling should be great and when i was there saturday catfishing i was talking with the manager and he said they had a lot of really big trout for this season...can"t wait

09-04-2012, 06:35 PM
I agree it would be great to have a trout season at Anaheim lake . I just think that the work that is being done at Santa Ana river lakes will be completed and we will be fishing SARL . We can always dream . LOL

09-04-2012, 06:55 PM
I would bet that there will be at least some trouting there this fall. Over at SARL there's a gouge out of the levy between the main lake and Chris' Pond which means infrastructure work and a delayed re-opening. Been a while since they reworked the spillway, maybe it will improve the water flow.
Anaheim used to open up for trout mid-October or there about, just about in time for the first Santa Ana wind to blow down the 91. That gives probably a month or so of opportunity to plant trout and I would bet even bigger money that opportunity won't be passed up.

09-04-2012, 10:06 PM
I can't wait for the barrage of 6 oz sinkers hurled towards my gelcoat as I attempt to successfully troll this lake. Wonder if the fish'll be sticking to the shallows when they're dumped in?

09-04-2012, 10:37 PM
I can't wait for the barrage of 6 oz sinkers hurled towards my gelcoat as I attempt to successfully troll this lake. Wonder if the fish'll be sticking to the shallows when they're dumped in?

When that lake used to get trout all the time one thing the fish always did was school up and suspend just out of shoreline casting distance. A few with talent could huck a plastic bubble filled with water with a 12-foot stopper on it and half a 'crawler out into them. Not too many could do it successfully but those who could caught fish. Those same several spots were always good for jigging, too. Back before float tubes took of and you had to have a boat to get to them, but you could teach class with all the fish you caught.
Either suspend or cruise about ten feet out from the shoreline...

Poxy Boggards
09-05-2012, 01:00 PM
I've heard tale that Anaheim lake makes for a much better trout fishery than SARL, and judging by the maps I have seen of the lake it looks like it could indeed be much better. I have never had the opportunity to fish for trout at Anaheim since I started fishing down here in 2007. Hope those SARL repairs/construction efforts take a long time ;)

09-05-2012, 10:45 PM
Hi all,

Sorry I did not see this sooner, been a little busy. Yes, we do believe that we will open Anaheim for this coming Trout Season. It is a fantastic Lake to fish trout. It was originally designed as a trout fishing lake many years ago and with all the underwater bottom structure features, and the super clear water, it will be a lot of fun to troll. A lot of work is being done at SARL and so hopefully, we will be at Anaheim a good portion of the Season. We are planning a BIG Team57 event for early Nov. at Anaheim, details from Taper Steve to follow soon.

Poxy Boggards
09-06-2012, 02:34 PM
Thanks Craig! Good news for all of us trout junkies! Can't wait to give it a go.

09-06-2012, 06:43 PM
Ohh man I sooo can't wait to get out there and troll that lake. The water is so crystal clear.... like FishingLakes said, Team 57 has big plans for an event there in November. Stay tuned!


09-06-2012, 09:18 PM
I guess dreams can come true . LOL . Looking forward to some trout fishing at Anaheim Lake !

09-06-2012, 09:51 PM
when SARL is done .. does that mean it will be filled ,reopened , and then Anahiem will close again ?? has both ever stayed open at the same time ?

10-11-2012, 10:19 PM
I was just there today asking this exact question. They told me no, they were not planning on trout this season as SARL has almost completed their lake maintenance program and will begin filling any day now and will be ready for the trout season.