View Full Version : Wtb tuna rod reel

08-28-2012, 03:01 PM
I wanna get a rod and reel for fishing charter boats for tuna don't really know what to look for cus I'm new to ocean fishing any suggestions please or anyone selling a rod reel combo I'd really be interested

Frequent Flyer
08-28-2012, 04:20 PM
i just started and picked up a couple of saltwater setups before this crazy offshore bite. if youre on a budget and only want 1 rod, id go for a 7-8 foot rod rated 15-40. fish that with some 25 lb test and youre good for tuna
if youre interested in getting 2 or 3 setups, go with another 7-8 foot rod, rated for 25-50 and fish it with 40 lb. test this way if the boat finds a school and theyre biting fast, not being line shy, you can drop down the 40 lb. and hae a better chances of landing the fish, as you are fighting the fish as well as all the other people trying to land their fish