View Full Version : Anaheim 8.18.12 evening

08-19-2012, 08:46 AM
Took the Trophy out for some catfishin'. Thought I'd follow the tips from everyone and all the reports and try for tilapia first, threw some crawler pieces under a bobber in shady areas. Nothing. Gave up on that after an hour and a half and went after the kitties. The bite was very slow, saw only a few people catch anything, and didn't see any shore anglers hook up all night. Finally got one about 8pm that went 3.4lbs, and that was it. Lots of dead fish around the launch ramp and intake areas. Being a new moon, I was expecting a better bite than last week but it just didn't happen. Anyway I'm getting more and more anxious for trout season, who's with me?! I don't think we'll get a september "opener" this year with the high temps though. Water was 84 degrees at 5pm, left at 11 at 81.8. Pretty warm!

08-19-2012, 09:42 AM
ive bought a new float tube and about $50 in trout lures i am so ready for catfish season to be over

08-19-2012, 04:40 PM
I need to catch some more catfish, but I'm ready for trout. Just not from warm water.