View Full Version : Bakersfield Buena Vista Duct Report?

08-12-2012, 09:05 AM
Just checking in to see if anyone has had any luck out in the Taft area. I hear the salad is tough! I wanted to take my boys out, even for some cats. Everything has slowed down due to the heat. Anyhow we are up for a late night or early morning. Anyone have any news?

trail blazer
08-12-2012, 09:25 AM
SALAD is tough,,,,,,,,,,,Low flow times are best due to less floating veg,,,,,,,,,,,,,still action though for drifting bait and rattle baits for those willing to deal with the weeds.


08-12-2012, 09:42 AM
I went thurs afternoon for 10 mins.

One 15 inch and one 10... weeds so bad I gave up on top of small fish... flows will remain high through end of year


08-12-2012, 09:52 AM
I went thurs afternoon for 10 mins.

One 15 inch and one 10... weeds so bad I gave up on top of small fish... flows will remain high through end of year


I was thinking about baiting and waiting with a flip of the lure here and there. Is it worth bait fishing?

08-12-2012, 09:56 AM
It all depends how much heat and moss maintenance you are willing to deal with..

I wouldn't but then again I haven't fished bait at the duct in 10 years.
I've seen some guys recently tough it out and pick a few up in between weed clumps. (All small)

Put up a report if you go, good or bad.. Nothing worse than asking for help and not willing to give back right?

08-12-2012, 10:44 AM
Thanks and if I go you will know. Much obliged. Fish on!

08-12-2012, 12:20 PM
Just came back from the same spot I went Wednesday out there past the golfcourse and managed to get 3 small ones water was flowing hard . Every cast I had to clean my lure too much moss . The day I
Got those 28 the water was not moving at all !

trail blazer
08-12-2012, 03:08 PM
Just came back from the same spot I went Wednesday out there past the golfcourse and managed to get 3 small ones water was flowing hard . Every cast I had to clean my lure too much moss . The day I
Got those 28 the water was not moving at all !

Exactly ,,,,,,IF you can hit at a time when the flow is minimal or no flow at all,,,,,,,,,i could be good,,,,,,,,,,,,tough time to go though in general.