View Full Version : Legg Lake Saturday 8/5

08-05-2012, 09:29 AM
I went to Legg yesterday afternoon around 12:30 or 1:00 to check out some pole fishing. Got to park free off of Rosemead. Found it a little windy at first so I just tried casting out over the "lip" and having lots of trouble with the "green slime" on the bottom of the lake. I found a spot in the shade where two lakes meet and cast a few times catching tiny to small size gills. Walked back to my car to get my 10' Black Widow and the new $5.60 Chinese pole I just got in the mail and to take a bathroom break. Ended up just keeping it simple and fishing the Black Widow with my newly harvested crop of maggots. First drop in, and I got hit, and it wasn't a gill. I wasn't expecting a catfish, and I hadn't set the hook for a catfish, but there he was, swimming my line back and forth. Got away once he broke surface, but it was only a couple of minutes before I actually did catch a catfish, maybe the same one. With no net I had to reach down and put my thumb in his mouth. Standard size stocker catfish. I had to fool around so long with the hook I didn't take a picture. It was no trophy, but fun to catch on the pole. I kept trying for another, but no go. I have caught similar fish right up next to the shore on poles at Legg before. I caught a nice koi on redworms on a 12' cane pole, and a pretty big catfish on a strip of hotdog skin on the same 12' cane pole. Now, within easy sight of that same spot I just caught a cat just off shore on a 10' telescopic pole on maggots.

I think the cats and similar fish at Legg like getting up under and around the banks! :Idea:

white belt
08-05-2012, 10:25 AM
Good job out there. I just got home from Legg and only got one gill. Seemed like they just dumped some sewage in there or something. Water was dirty.

08-05-2012, 10:57 AM
Good job out there. I just got home from Legg and only got one gill. Seemed like they just dumped some sewage in there or something. Water was dirty.

Are you still fly-fishing or tenkara fishing?

I have never caught any really nice gills at Legg. There must be deep spots in the lake that can be reached by shore.

I want to go back and catch more catfish around the banks at Legg. I don't think you need to cast out at all, and a pole will do the trick if you can find a spot where the fish hang out. Small fish will eat your bait, though.

white belt
08-05-2012, 11:40 AM
Yea I'm fly fishing. I saw one cat in the top lake by the shoreline. I did see a guy land a 5-8 lb bass. He kept screaming "15 f**king lbs!!" But I highly doubt it. I was across the lake but it didnt look 15. Great bass for a city park though.

08-06-2012, 11:16 AM
Great report. I had a chance for about an hour on Wednesday evening (8/1) around 6:00 PM to wet some line at Legg. I only hit the first lake (north most lake) with the fly rod. I concur on the green slime all over. It looks like the lake has gotten shallower too. I only had a little bead head nymph. I kept getting slime on the nymph. I should have switch to a dry fly, because it looks like the bluegills are hitting close to the surface.

I got skunked, but I did get some practice in with the fly rod.

white belt
08-06-2012, 12:54 PM
Zenmic it did look shallow, but at the same time, it also seems like they dumped waste in there. That could be a double whammy. I couldnt get them to bite a dry fly. Seemed like they mostly wanted to just forage.

08-06-2012, 08:14 PM
Zenmic it did look shallow, but at the same time, it also seems like they dumped waste in there. That could be a double whammy. I couldnt get them to bite a dry fly. Seemed like they mostly wanted to just forage.

The panfish bite might have been a bit slow, but maybe not. I don't fish Legg very often. The water was not clear, though. Very cloudy with green stuff. Still, I caught fish. Maybe there are times the fly is not the best choice. But I know it's still fun throwing it out there. Better luck next time.

08-06-2012, 10:51 PM
I think I know the area you were fishing at, Cartman. A friend and his family came to Legg with me and we decided to park in that area in May~June. We caught a few small guys there on redworms. I think it would be better if I had rigged the hook fly-lining and using a slip bobber instead of the way I rigged my bobber and hook. We fished there the whole day and basically kept the ones the kids caught so they have something to show for their day's adventure.

08-07-2012, 03:07 PM
I think I know the area you were fishing at, Cartman. A friend and his family came to Legg with me and we decided to park in that area in May~June. We caught a few small guys there on redworms. I think it would be better if I had rigged the hook fly-lining and using a slip bobber instead of the way I rigged my bobber and hook. We fished there the whole day and basically kept the ones the kids caught so they have something to show for their day's adventure.

The area I was fishing was under some shade trees. I was sitting there wondering when "presence of shade" had become a priority in selection of a fishing spot.