View Full Version : a lot can happen in an hour...LIVE in leaving the anaheim water report

07-28-2012, 08:18 PM
More detailed report to come, but this is still happening...same place, same bait, same wide open bite...


I sure do love this stuff!!!

07-29-2012, 05:23 AM
Soooo sick. I love and hate those 1 hr limits

07-29-2012, 10:06 PM
Epic. Just simply another epic day of fishing. And this time, I had company…


But I couldn’t let him have all of the fun…



This really is still happening.

We got there about 7 and after fiddling with our gear and issuing the challenges for the day, we were wet by about a quarter after. And more importantly, we were both bit within 5 minutes and it just didn’t stop. Anything off of the bottom would get bit. You can run it on the dropper loop or inflate the crawler or simply attach a marshmallow (which is what we did), then just find the fish and bend goes the rod.

Note that I said “find the fish”. I want to point out a few things. The water is super clear, the bottom is super clean and the lake is brand new. If you have a sonar, NOW is the time to use it. If you don’t have a sonar, NOW is the time to get one AND to learn how to use one. The lake is a perfect classroom right now for you to learn what fish look like on the meter, how to watch your bait fall on the meter, what a balled up school of cats looks like and a ton of PRICELESS information that typically have a LONG learning curve before you can distinguish them without this type of idealized scenario. Out there last night, I wasn’t even watching my rods, just the screen. When the screen would light up, I would throw the float tube in “halt”, count to 5 and then watch the rod tips dip into the water. I was able to find the “ball”, stick on it, and finish my limit in short order. And truth be told, anybody could have done it. This is a far cry from tricky, “you better know the lake” style, sonar reading. This was, “see a bundle of squiggles 20 feet thick, bring the bait into the cloud and HOLD ON”. Truly a ton of fun. If any of you guys are interested in learning how to put your sonar to good use out there, shoot me a pm. Maybe we could set up a little “in-house tutorial”…I’m just looking for any excuse to get back out there and “teaching” is one my wife typically buys!!!

What a great time on the water. Watching the sunset with a limit in the basket is always a good thing. Some people have an uncanny ability to hide the fact that they are stoked to have caught fish. Personally, I’m really bad at that…


See you guys out there!!!


07-29-2012, 10:24 PM
Back on the spaghetti! Way to go!

07-30-2012, 12:56 AM
Your always killing it sapdawg. Nice job. Is that eddie in the other tube?

07-30-2012, 08:55 PM
Soooo sick. I love and hate those 1 hr limits

Thanks bud! Awesome day on the water and looking forward to spending some time with you out there in the future...maybe a bit more than an hour!

Back on the spaghetti! Way to go!

lol, well put and thanks!!

Your always killing it sapdawg. Nice job. Is that eddie in the other tube?

Thanks for the kind words man. That is indeed Eddie in the other tube. He recently picked up a Prowler which has him all stoked. We'll be mounting a sonar for him this week.

07-30-2012, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the report Aaron! No footage this time?

07-31-2012, 01:16 PM
Nice report SapDawg. Awesome job slayin those kitties! I need to go tubing with you so you can "teach" me how its done.

the killa fish taco
07-31-2012, 01:35 PM
You were on it again!!! Congrats man.... What bait?

07-31-2012, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the report Aaron! No footage this time?

Thanks Leo! I got about 2 minutes of footage before the battery went dead!! DOH!!

Nice report SapDawg. Awesome job slayin those kitties! I need to go tubing with you so you can "teach" me how its done.

Thanks man. And come join me any time!! But how about we all do a bit of "learnin"!

You were on it again!!! Congrats man.... What bait?

Thanks KFT. Anything plus a marshmallow was the ticket again. We need to get back out there! Shoot me a pm or a text next time you're headed out!!

07-31-2012, 10:59 PM
Thanks Leo! I got about 2 minutes of footage before the battery went dead!! DOH!

Thanks KFT. Anything plus a marshmallow was the ticket again. We need to get back out there! Shoot me a pm or a text next time you're headed out!!

I have had it happen to me a couple of times! and lately I've been having trouble with it reading My SD Cards!

Let me know when you guys wanna meet up!Ill be down to join in on the fun!

07-31-2012, 11:21 PM
very nice! wtg! i gotta hit up some freshwater! this looks like fun! im a saltwater person :D

08-02-2012, 03:05 PM
Was there last night with the gf and the newly upgraded sonar keept the fish ID on and just dragged the M&M combo dipped in mackeral love
Sauce and any fish that showed on the bottom
Slammed it . Had a massive school hit and wow never seen that many on one screen it was nutts. We both had about thre to four doubles. It was exciting