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View Full Version : Glen Helen short report

07-28-2012, 04:37 AM
Decided to go to Glen Helen yesterday mid afternoon,first a stop at Walmart for the bait and away I go. Got there at 3:00 pm and the lady at they gate says they will close at 5:00. Oh well ill try anyway. People fishing, not really catching anything, some sleeping.In my bait container half the worms were dead or barely alive, way to go.I did what I could with the remainderand only managed a decent bluegill and one micro sized one. Pic on the cell phone came out tiny though. Left after not more than an hour there to beat the traffic and the train leaving thru there.By the way they raised the rates there again. 8 dollars to fish and 8 dollars to park. If you go, get an early start in the morning.

07-31-2012, 11:21 PM
agree! hit it early, worms is always a hit with the blue gills and don't be afraid to use the sticky baits there, i'm hitting the park on sat. come down and we can meet and greet hopefully we can get our limits by noon! :D