View Full Version : respect

07-27-2012, 12:02 AM
a lot more threads are getting absolutely ridiculous. a post like this needs to be made. we all know this is a public forum and we all know that we have the right to free speech and blah blah this and blah blah that. people come to this forum for answers and help or to post a report. its the anglers that have had years of experience and have been through the crap times responsibility to further the sport of fishing by instructing and helping the future. were in a growing sport whether we like it or not. if most people fire back with some dumb comment that is not constructive in the least, were paving a way for a new breed of inconsiderate fisherman. people who wont care to teach, wont follow rules, and not give a crap about the environment. i personally would love to be able to fish for the rest of my life being happy, rather than being a bitter old man not wanting to give up a shred of advice. see where stuff could lead. i see it everyday and it is downright irritating. lack of respect, lack of integrity and lack of morals.

there's a reason why the regular posters dont even bother to contribute anymore. i for one am in this industry for the long run. its my passion and is my life. i was born to teach and was born to share. ever since i started believing in the lord a lot has changed for me.

cut the new people some slack and realize that you were most definitely there once. i can guarantee it. i was. i was the annoying 7 year old kid hanging out in Eds bait and tackle, riding my bike to AA"s worms and walking the aisles of K-mart or fed co, whatever it was called, for hours at a time just soaking it all in. without teachers or the desire to learn, the sport goes nowhere in the right direction. period.

knowledge is power. if we dont teach the anglers the RIGHT way to do things, there will always be THAT GUY that did something dumb on the lake, ran into the shore, casted over a line, anchored too shallow, throwing powerbait on swimbait hooks.... if we teach, and arent afraid to give up some info, things will be so much better.

you guys can make fun of me or pick this post a part, i dont mind. go for it. at least you took the time to read it! :LOL:

alright guys that are new, want to learn, dont have a clue, are afraid to ask. lemme know what you need help with and i'll do my best to help you out. post here, PM me or come to the tackle shop. if i can teach one more person what fishing has taught me, i've accomplished one more thing in my life.
by the way, i have a challenge for you shore guys....
dissect this bite and post your pictures. spots been around and known about for a while. i just want to see how many people are willing to go the extra step to research and learn.

find my long post and identify the spot. you should all know it. great spot for trophy fish and pick it apart. i want to see some great reports with some big fish pictures!!!

07-27-2012, 12:13 AM
I strongly agree. Someone should message this link to dockrat

07-27-2012, 07:55 AM
Amen to that Matt. I don't post reports any longer & I usually PM someone when they ask a question just because of the responses you get otherwise. It's too bad.

Hog Caller
07-27-2012, 09:59 AM
Great title for a great post!
Very well put Matt. We need more people with your attitude out there.
I think overcrowding is a big part of the problem.
Too many rats in the cage and they'll eat themselves kind of situation.


07-27-2012, 10:52 AM
Great post! Thats some of the best advice i have seen on this site in a while!

07-27-2012, 12:22 PM
Great post Thanks Matt.

Cya Tuna Vic

07-27-2012, 03:30 PM
a lot more threads are getting absolutely ridiculous. a post like this needs to be made. we all know this is a public forum and we all know that we have the right to free speech and blah blah this and blah blah that. people come to this forum for answers and help or to post a report. its the anglers that have had years of experience and have been through the crap times responsibility to further the sport of fishing by instructing and helping the future. were in a growing sport whether we like it or not. if most people fire back with some dumb comment that is not constructive in the least, were paving a way for a new breed of inconsiderate fisherman. people who wont care to teach, wont follow rules, and not give a crap about the environment. i personally would love to be able to fish for the rest of my life being happy, rather than being a bitter old man not wanting to give up a shred of advice. see where stuff could lead. i see it everyday and it is downright irritating. lack of respect, lack of integrity and lack of morals.

there's a reason why the regular posters dont even bother to contribute anymore. i for one am in this industry for the long run. its my passion and is my life. i was born to teach and was born to share. ever since i started believing in the lord a lot has changed for me.

cut the new people some slack and realize that you were most definitely there once. i can guarantee it. i was. i was the annoying 7 year old kid hanging out in Eds bait and tackle, riding my bike to AA"s worms and walking the aisles of K-mart or fed co, whatever it was called, for hours at a time just soaking it all in. without teachers or the desire to learn, the sport goes nowhere in the right direction. period.

knowledge is power. if we dont teach the anglers the RIGHT way to do things, there will always be THAT GUY that did something dumb on the lake, ran into the shore, casted over a line, anchored too shallow, throwing powerbait on swimbait hooks.... if we teach, and arent afraid to give up some info, things will be so much better.

you guys can make fun of me or pick this post a part, i dont mind. go for it. at least you took the time to read it! :LOL:

alright guys that are new, want to learn, dont have a clue, are afraid to ask. lemme know what you need help with and i'll do my best to help you out. post here, PM me or come to the tackle shop. if i can teach one more person what fishing has taught me, i've accomplished one more thing in my life.
by the way, i have a challenge for you shore guys....
dissect this bite and post your pictures. spots been around and known about for a while. i just want to see how many people are willing to go the extra step to research and learn.

find my long post and identify the spot. you should all know it. great spot for trophy fish and pick it apart. i want to see some great reports with some big fish pictures!!!
thank you.i my self had a very bad thread , where i posted my friends ten pound bass and everyone from there on started talking **** saying it was only like 4 pounds. boy did i learn my lesson saying what the weight is. i tried posting something similar to this and then people continued to talk.i just never went back to the thread.

07-27-2012, 05:24 PM
These r just the harsh realities we gotta deal with not just in Fishing but every day life,sometimes u just gotta take the high road and turn ur cheek,its a shame but its true.nobody can ever be satisfied.

07-27-2012, 09:49 PM
First and fore most congratulations on being "Born again" Matt! God Bless you bro!

Thanks for posting this Matt, it's long overdue here. And it's very encouraging to this old guy to see someone of younger generations take a bold and unselfish stand. I don't know if you saw it, and my sincerest apologies go to GDHKST for starting a complete threadjack, but I intentionally attempted to provoke this very topic on said Fnner's thread replying to you. In my mind, I feel society has become far to selfish, and self important. I remember fondly the days where just about any angler worth his salt wouldn't hesitate to help a fellow angler, or newbie out. That could be said for society in general. Nowadays it seems that that kind of helpfulness and generosity has been lost to self importance and greed. Sad, very sad. Kudos to you for all you do to help ALL anglers achieve their goals.

That spot? Haha, I believe we were there today! It's funny, I read your post last night describing that spot, but being a shore thread, I brain farted and assumed you were referring to an area only shore guys could access. So while motoring out of the marina, I'm intently studying the terrain behind the no boat buoys admiring your photographic memory, because the only way to know what you described, would be to have seen it while the lake was down. Or I thought maybe they allowed night derby contestants to fish there. After reading this post, I got the picture. That cove you are talking about, was the cove I was referring to a few months back when there was a thread that talked about slowing down and lake courtesy. This is the cove Bill and I got bombed in. It was a Friday last spring and we were fishing those trees along that rocky bank, there were pre and post spawners all over them when this idiot came barreling into the cove and started down the other side, and quite effectively killing our bite. He quickly made his way to the tree at the mouth of the creek where there WAS a huge fat pig on a bed, behind the tree. Lol, he didn't get her that day. But what's even funnier is he didn't know that I already stuck her and sent her back to hubby the Tuesday afternoon prior, when she was still full of row, hahaha. And that hump. If it's the same one I think we are talking about, sometimes I feel like I'm fishing on the center divider of Stripey highway. They go one way on one side, and the other way on the other side of ya. At the same time. And so close I could flip my rig into their boat. Haha, and most of them have the audacity to not even wave or say hi (lol, I know Pete, what comes around goes around, right?)...

The fish in my avatar, was caught at that spot!

07-27-2012, 10:11 PM
thanks man, i never thought much about church, religion or creation until a friend of mine started talking it over with me. always thought there was something out there but felt foolish to believe that it was one person over another. now i believe and my life is just a happier place with the lord in it. now the hard part is to try to be a better person because we all suck!

but anyway, you my friend are a smart individual. im almost 100% sure you hit the nail on the head about the spot. people fish it daily. i see them when i leave the marina and when i re- enter. people fish the most visible locations when in actuality the spot on spots aren't anywhere close to where they're all at. lots of time and energy needs to go into understanding the bottom contour there. cant wait for people to attempt to find this area. hopefully people wont hoard it and help one another out and share their success. I CANT WAIT TO GET BACK OUT THERE!!! its been 3 WEEKS!!!!! AHHHHHHHH:!!!::!!!::!!!:

07-28-2012, 07:13 AM
These two guys are speaking the truth! Im certainly not new to LMB fishing but by no means do I know it all..... I've talked to Matt a couple times on here and at the shop and he has never been shy about sharing his knowledge! Same goes for Josh! As for HawgZWylde, we have become friends on this site over the past year and he has always been more than willing to help me out with locations as well as presentations when I was struggling! This is from a guy I've never even met yet! These guys walk the walk and talk the talk..... More of us should do the same!!!!

07-28-2012, 08:20 AM
Hey Matt, where is your shop at? Would like to go check it out

07-28-2012, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the post Matt, I fish the lake regularly and check this web site out before I go. The problem is I pressed ignore on over half the dick heads on this site so all I get is you and a few other people I respect. Sometimes I wish you could reach through the monitor and shake these Dorks ! You had a post not long ago about lukers, That's why there are lukers. You have a lot of lukers on your posts Matt. Fisherman want to know what you have to say, The site needs you and some of the other regulars that post here or the site is a joke. It's weird how some people get behind there key board. Please don't let the Dork's bother you ,I know it's hard to do. I'm 56 and fish two times a week and I am still learning. I want to know everything good or bad.
Thank you Matt, Keep posting, Use the ignore button !

07-28-2012, 10:44 AM
Hey matt i am glad you found god as your savior. I found god when i was eight years old.i am 51 now.he has blessed me in some many ways.i lost my mom to cancer on wed.but god gives you peace in hard times.i know this is not a fishing post.but i am very happy you found god always put him first and he will protect you.i dont post much these days because there is too much drama with this site.each angler should be having fun and sharing with others.thats whats fishing should be god bless you.

07-28-2012, 01:34 PM
Matt thank you for bringing this up as it is something we all should ponder. Life, fishing and business all have common dominators to success. To be successful in life, business, fishing and any other sport or endeavor you must have passion, love, ethics and growth. Your post shows me you have those attributes.
Do you really have a passion for fishing? I was told a joke many years ago that to a real fisherman there were only two things in his life. Those two things were fishing and sex and if they were not in that order he was not a real fisherman. If that were truly the standard measurement many would not be considered fishermen would they? The real question is do you go fishing when the conditions or weather suggest you may not have success or do you go anyway just for the challenge.
It is said that love is blind. But it cannot be said that one is blinded by fishing, fishing is a real eye opener. You can be humbled and surprised a winner and a loser often on the same day. You have to love it to continue when you are not having success. Have you given up on a fishing technique because you have not had success or is the reason for failure that you have not mastered the technique?
Is it ethics or is it cheating? Is there any difference; are they not one of the same? Catching more than your limit, keeping undersized catch, illegal bait or chumming is it the right thing to do? Meat fisherman or Catch & Release, barbed hook or barbless, filling your children’s limit when they can’t.
Grow or die. In business as in life and everything else, you must grow or die. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them, try something new, take a chance, don’t fear failure. Study, research, practice, set goals, find a mentor. Be humble and ask questions and take constructive criticism, no one knows it all.
Matt it has been said that “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”. I take the approach that we should “Show him where the trough is”. I appreciate your effort of directing many of us toward the trough.
Every mentor I have had in life on a number of things all had those attributes of “Passion, Love, Ethics and Growth”. We all should strive to do no less.

07-28-2012, 07:46 PM
Grow or die. In business as in life and everything else, you must grow or die. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them, try something new, take a chance, don’t fear failure. Study, research, practice, set goals, find a mentor. Be humble and ask questions and take constructive criticism, no one knows it all.

wow man, very well said. i'm not sure if i know you but i can definitely tell you, you're a person to look up to. very wise.

its not really me who should be thanked. although i appreciate it! thank yourselves. everyone that replied "gets it". life's too short to be ignorant or arrogant. all we can do is try to reach the younger generation fishing ethics and respect.

a good customer of mine Dan Hoover, his son and daughter came into the shop today. his kids are some of the most well behaved perceptive children i've ever met. they live and breathe bass fishing. i can relate to them. his daughter, maybe 7 years old, was telling me what kind of bass boat she's getting when she gets older and what rod and reel she's gonna fish. his son was talking about modifying plastics and about the bass tracker he's saving up for. the kids like 10! i saw him at the jig wall and he was kinda stumped. i walked over and kneeled down and picked him my favorite jig and gave him a pack of my favorite trailers. i brought him over and showed him the little tricks that are THE reason i catch fish on the baits. this kid was so jazzed. seeing his enthusiasm, i dropped a bomb on him. i told him i'd buy him the stuff i was showing him. seeing his face was AWESOME! i swear im looking into a mirror when i talk to him. anyway. the kid remembered everything i did to modify and is gonna roll out there tomorrow to slay em!

itd be nice if every individual understood the concept of giving back to the sport thats given us so much!

07-28-2012, 08:40 PM

I saw your post title "respect" and had to read it. I not only read it once but had to read it a few times. I found myself not only considering our actions on the water but everyday life in general. work, home, here on FNN and just about anywhere or anything else. Respect is something we should all learn to give and strive to earn.

Your comment "you guys can make fun of me or pick this post a part, i dont mind. go for it. at least you took the time to read it!" compelled me to post this reply to say yes, I did take the time to read it and I've got to tell you I thought it was an excellent post. Thank you!:Thumbs Up:

07-28-2012, 09:19 PM
glad to see there are still some people out there with class, i have limited my posts on here myself because of the harrassment i receive. thank you for the positive post

07-28-2012, 10:03 PM
Hey Matt, where is your shop at? Would like to go check it out

Last Chance Bait and Tackle
3356 Wentworth Dr.
Hemet, CA 92545

were about 2 miles from DVL. 5 stop lights north of dominigoni on sanderson. were in the shopping center to left at the cross street of wentworth dr. and sanderson. cant miss it

07-28-2012, 10:08 PM
Matt I have wanted to visit your store but it is a 60 mile trip from my home and I usually get to Diamond Valley way before your open. Is there access and room in your parking lot for someone that is towing a boat to easily park?

07-28-2012, 10:23 PM
I really agree with this post. Well said and point well taken. Lot of people here forget how hard it is to start from the beginning and absorb as much as information we could get. thank you for that post

07-29-2012, 10:11 AM
Great post Matt. I fished one of the local lakes last Monday and ran into the most obnoxious kid I've ever seen. Dad was drinking beer somewhere along the shore and told the kid to get lost for a while so he was bothering everyone. That's the first time I ever decided not to help a kid, and thought its sad if that's what our sport is coming to.

07-29-2012, 10:48 AM
Great post Matt. I fished one of the local lakes last Monday and ran into the most obnoxious kid I've ever seen. Dad was drinking beer somewhere along the shore and told the kid to get lost for a while so he was bothering everyone. That's the first time I ever decided not to help a kid, and thought its sad if that's what our sport is coming to.

How sad. You didn't mention the kids age, but it sounds like he/she was desperately seeking attention. That father should have been showing the kid how it's done (fishing). Now that my is father gone, I sorely miss fishing with him, anything with him, as he showed me how to fish, and I loved the quality time with him. But instead, he chose to show the child how to fish drunk and ignore your child. Sad, that kid needs a solid mentor...

07-29-2012, 12:00 PM
thyanks for the post matt glad someone else sees the light. im the guy who called you from lakeside and assked for advise you were right on the money

Santa Fe Eric
07-30-2012, 12:41 AM
Matt, everything you said on this thread is so timely. Sometimes it takes a respected individual such as yourself to bring about change. Keep lines tight, keep the faith and remember, "it takes only a second to accept the Lord, but it can take a lifetime to become a saint."


tall tales
07-31-2012, 02:53 PM
first i would like to thank people like matt that share their knowledge. with that i stopped posting a while ago cuz i kept getting the no pic no post. this year out at dvl i became known to my friends as the bank robber. caught lots of fish and lost some pigs. i do all i can to share what little knowledge i have with friends and strangers. been know to give my last bags of the hot baits away to others on my way out. i do believe thats why i have had such good luck in the past couple years. well once again thanks to all of you who make this site and fishing what it is, fun. keep em cold TT