View Full Version : My Experiences at the AV Duct West Side

07-25-2012, 04:25 PM

07-25-2012, 04:27 PM
Sorry for the double pics.
As far as the pic for reference I am 6'4" and over 300 lbs.

trail blazer
07-25-2012, 07:48 PM
Nice,,,,,,,,,bait or lures,,,,,,,,,,hows the salad in that area,,flows etc.


07-25-2012, 08:46 PM
The one by itself was on bait last year.
The one with me in the pic, was 15 July on the orangish/gold black back rattletrap.
This past Sunday when I caught the 2, 15" ers on chicken livers, everytime I brought the bait in, there was moss to clean off. I through lures and sometimes it would come back clean and others were mossy. There was quite a bit of moss floating by.

07-27-2012, 08:02 AM
what type of weights, and how far down are you putting your bait at?

07-27-2012, 01:39 PM
Looks like someone has had a little bit of success at the duct. Good job

07-27-2012, 04:20 PM
I posted a 10 year synopsis of my AV experiences along with the 2 pic's (at the top) and only the pics are showing. Oh well.

As far as last Sunday's 2 15" fish; I ran the line through the ring of a small swivel and tied a regular swivel below that. From the bottom swivel I attached a #2 hook to a
18" leader. Back up to the swivel that is now able to travel up/down on my line I attached a 1/4 oz weight sinker that has a brass ring in the top that the swivel clips onto. I put 2 8" spikes in the ground perpendicular to the duct about 2 feet apart and laying the pole down in the dirt in line with these spikes they anchor the rod.

Hit the west AV duct today (Strictly a lure trip) from Rosamond siphon to 138. Got to the duct about 7:30AM. Low water slack current. Fished flukes and rattletraps, no fish. Had a nice strike on the rattletrap at the next set of gates heading west from the siphon. The rattletrap really was a white yellow & gray back Cotton Cordell. Next went to the gates where Lancaster Rd crosses the duct. No fish there. Quit at 10 AM. Duct skunk. Work tonight will suck.

07-28-2012, 10:57 AM
Not trying to be a smartass, which siphon are you referring to as the Rosamond siphon? Rosamond is nowhere near the duct or any of the siphons. Heading west after the gates at 70th, there is a siphon at 110th W. (aka Johnson), Muntz ranch road siphon, Myric siphon (sp?) before getting to the gates at 195th W. and then the gates at @ 235W where Lancaster Road crosses the duct (aka the Mailboxes).

07-29-2012, 10:13 PM
@ 165th west Rosamond gets it's water from what I call a syphon. It's not a syphon where the water goes under a valley to another the opposite side, but where Rosamond sucks water from the duct.

07-29-2012, 11:30 PM
@ 165th west Rosamond gets it's water from what I call a syphon. It's not a syphon where the water goes under a valley to another the opposite side, but where Rosamond sucks water from the duct.

You mean, (enter this below on google maps)


at where the green arrow is pointing?

07-30-2012, 02:31 PM
Not on the green arrow. The Rosamond syphon is north of Ave H according to your map.
The green arrow is toofar north and west.

07-30-2012, 02:34 PM
I think the confusion comes from me putting what is painted on the bridge yhat crosses the duct.

Lucky Lager
07-30-2012, 02:57 PM
Not trying to be a smartass, which siphon are you referring to as the Rosamond siphon? Rosamond is nowhere near the duct or any of the siphons. Heading west after the gates at 70th, there is a siphon at 110th W. (aka Johnson), Muntz ranch road siphon, Myric siphon (sp?) before getting to the gates at 195th W. and then the gates at @ 235W where Lancaster Road crosses the duct (aka the Mailboxes).
Sounds like he's talking about the Ave. H bridge, where you got that 11lber Mike? Looks like someone's poaching your DD spot, lol!!

07-30-2012, 03:08 PM
Sounds like he's talking about the Ave. H bridge, where you got that 11lber Mike? Looks like someone's poaching your DD spot, lol!!

lol Yup, that's the spot. Funny out of all the times I've fished there I never noticed anything indicating that's where the water was going to. It seems we learn something new about the duct every day. Now if I could just learn what the Stipers are keyed in on right now, I'd be doing good. Because they haven't been interested in any of my lures lately. I've managed a few in the 12" - 16" range but nothing worth taking home.

07-30-2012, 06:24 PM
That syphon, takes the water at a northeast heading through a pipe through the hill. Whatever that hill is...on the other side (north side) there is a building that has a pressure vent for an underground pipe.
It's funny, I have fished out there since I moved to the valley in 1990 and have ran across many bait fisherman out there, but have never seen anybody casting lures. Once hunting season starts, I don't fish much.

I used to fish the bridge and the curves at 180th street, but someone posted that you can't tresspass there. Can they legally keep you from that bridge?
I moved this topic to a new thread.

08-01-2012, 04:00 PM
That syphon, takes the water at a northeast heading through a pipe through the hill. Whatever that hill is...on the other side (north side) there is a building that has a pressure vent for an underground pipe.
It's funny, I have fished out there since I moved to the valley in 1990 and have ran across many bait fisherman out there, but have never seen anybody casting lures. Once hunting season starts, I don't fish much.

I used to fish the bridge and the curves at 180th street, but someone posted that you can't tresspass there. Can they legally keep you from that bridge?

i think someone said there was just some guy that lives right by there who is an a-hole to people....but i dont think he can legally prevent you from fishing there....if im not mistaken all aqueduct property is state owned?