View Full Version : Victory 3/4-Day Report w/pics

08-24-2007, 01:38 PM
Sizzling Temperatures And Hot Fishing At The Flats

Hi there guys,

Tuesday 08/21

Went on a 3/4-day moo-moo out of Pierpoint Landing. Fished the Victory. Mike was the skipper, Cliff was on deck, and Bob ran the galley. Fished the Huntington Beach ‘Flats’ for Barracuda and Bass. Had 26 anglers on board a vessel certified for 92!! Again ….. it looks like the average angler-numbers on weekdays is somewhat leveling ….. with the bite bouncing back and forth from wide-open to Slow and back again for Barracuda/Bass fishing this Summer. This is good for we regulars ……. as we can depend on getting out …. and yet it’s not so crowded as to be a challenge to fish effectively.

Note: Countdown: September 22nd will be the second FREE FISHING DAY this year for everyone in California. It would be a great day to get a non-angler out on the water while saving a little cash!

Target Fish:Barracuda and Bass

Short Report-Tuesday 08/21

26 anglers caught 88 Barracuda 85 Sand Bass, 15 Calico Bass, 10 or so Bonito, a few Sculpin and a Sole …… can’t forget the Sole!! . A number of fishys were caught and released including ….. a Shovel-nose Guitar Fish AGAIN!! , a short Halibut…….. and …. One 3lb, infant California Giant Black Sea Bass. The usual pesky Mackerel were in full-force and one guy took a sack-full home.

Grade of fish for the Barracuda varied from Barelycuda to the 7lbs or so our jackpot contenders were going a good 7lbs. The grade of the Sandies …. one half of them weighing between 2~3lbs …. just good size for eating. Bait was both pinheads and larger 2 ½~3 inch Anchovies with a few Sardines in the mix.

The AM Slow bite on the bass overall in the morning. The weather heated up quick!! It seemed like there was little of a much-needed current for the Bass. Numerous shorts but …… that’s action in my book and helped me dial in on where the fish were holding thus we moved around a bit. Where ???…. On the very, very bottom of the Ocean …. barely inches away the from sand w/some vegies or rock!! Dink fish and short biters ……… grrrrrrr often one and the same ……. were everywhere!

Happily …. the Barracuda bite was the hot ticket and kept us pretty busy and there were times when there were double and triple hookups. Yes …. Barracuda were absolutely right on the bottom too! Short-biters drove us crazy! Why ….. for plastics …. when you get short bit .. it ain’t pretty!!

The PM Although the Barracuda catching slowly diminished later in the day, it seems like the Calico and Sand Bass bite was developing nicely due to not only it being a different part of the day (warming and a nice little ripple on the water) with accompanying weather but also the fact that we had moved into areas with a now stronger current and Bass territory structure!!

(Please widen your view to fit monitor if word-wrap looks off)

08/21 Jackpot

Last Call …………….....Winner!

Nice Cuda

Way to go on catching the jackpot fish Michelle! A Barracuda was the winner today. The near 8-lb fish was caught on bait I’m guessing on a dropper loop. Had a number of serious contenders! Although this was not a club trip, one of our club members have won jp 3 out of 4 weeks out on the boat …….. beating out the even the JP sharks! Ha ha ha

Long Report

Going by Grissom!

Loadin’ Bait

Skipper’s Choice ........................In the Tank!

Good Bait

We goit some nice 3-inch, exceptionally flippy Anchovies in good condition along with some greenies (although smaller), and not a few Sardines! Decent chum, hook-bait …….. and even the fly-liners were going to be in business!

Glorious Morning

The Days Fishing

Down, Out and Back ……………………………………........ ...Current!

Grazing in the Pasture

Moo-moos This Trip

Tradition ……………………………..............Sou thern Cal …………………………..Enterprise

PBer’s This Trip

Nice …………………………………….......T in Boat are Cool …………………………...Buddies?


3 Rounds

1st Stop

Round 1 Most fished the dropper-loop and 3~4oz torpedo and pinhead Anchovies. Same-O, Same-O every week. Water depth was shallow from 70~100 feet I’d guess deep in both soft, sandy or mud bottom and bottom areas. Truth is …. One spot I’d swear we were in around 50 feet when fishing specifically on a cuda stop.

Fished with the fleet more or less north and outside of the rigs. Some threw iron for the gar with success (blue and white or scrambled egg). Plastics did very well …. as the always do on the slime-sticks!! (see plastics section)

2nd Stop

Round 2 Everybody just fished on!! By this time we had moved further down past the rigs picking up a few fish at each stop …… then moving on when the bite didn’t develop after a reasonable time or the dogs chased us away.

3rd Stop

Round 3 Again ….. everybody pretty much fished the way they had all day!! By now … we had moved back up and were now on the inside of the rigs (pic is a file photo)and the bite had improved on the Bass big-time and a still caught a few Barracuda. Ended the day with lots of fish.

Conditions: Warm and sunny with an afternoon breeze finally! Water visibility at maybe 10~12 feet most places. Air temp stayed between 70º~75º during the fishing day .. felt hotter with the blazing sun. Please check out the graphics for additional weather and water conditions.


Beauties of the Day

Fish & Anglers

Nice Bass ……………..........Barracuda …………......Garrrrrrrr …………………......Jim and Daughter

Nice Pair …………………...More Cuda ………………...Girl & Gar!


Full Bags ………………………. Plastics Fish

Let Them Know

The photos above are just a sample of the fish and things of interest, at least to me, on this trip. Note: If you see a friend in the pictures, let them know they can copy the photo off the report. Directions: Click the right button with the ‘cursor’ on the picture, then click on ‘save picture as’, next choose where they wish to copy the picture, and lastly click ‘save’. Later, they can edit and print the picture at their leisure with a simple photo-editing program.

Plastics Tweek #41
Gotta try out the next one before I put lay it out on readers.


My Plastics ………………….......…My Cuda ………………..…….. My Bass!

Buddies Plastics!

Good Practice

Pretty much knowing the routine the last few weeks on the ‘Flats’, my buddy and I were pretty much dialed in on what would fool our finny friends …. plastic-wise!! I’d say consistency is the key word in the catching department as when the bite was slow or way ……. slow on bait … we just pretty much kept on getting hits, short-bit, and catching. I know the skippers like to FEEL it’s best that their anglers are using the go-to bait ….. for them …….. that’s live bait. (See aside)

Weather Stats

Lunar …………………………………………†¦..…Wind Direction and Speed!

Tides……………………………………… ……………………..................Water Temps!

UV Alert!

Tuesday’s Conditions

Fishing Grounds: Conditions were pretty hot …… except I didn’t even get to enjoy the morning cool before it got really hot! Stats don’t say everything.

Wild Creatures: Saw many Sealions …… 2~3 at a time. Saw a few Cormorants, Pelicans, and Terns. Seagulls were around especially when it was time to clean fish.


An Aside:

DFG Topics

DFG Marine Electronic Newsletter

If you trust the DFG not to send you SPAM, why not subscribe to their Marine Newsletter. It is put out specifically to inform anglers of the latest happenings, regulation updates, and information. Go to the following address to subscribe!! http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mrd/subscribe.html !!]

Another Aside: Moo-moos

San Pedro Landing

Moo-moo Load Averages
Guys are often asking me what days are lighter during the week. I’m in the process of making a chart to reference the weekly load % averages for our sportfishing landings’ ½-day (am/pm), ¾-day, and twilight boat runs. Charts will not have the name of the landing shown but simply indicate which of the 3 areas main geographical areas locally were chosen for the survey. (SMB/L.B.-S.P./South Coast)

I’ll first choose one landing from each area for the first 3 weeks then rotate the areas ….eventually having done all the landings. I figure this will be a good representation of the Summer season.

Next Aside:

Plastics and the Moo-Moos- I am an out-of-the-closet, confessed plastics-aaddict, who has no intention of going to any rehab program and will resist all manner of ‘on-board interventions’ contrived by my buddies or the meanest skipper in the fleet!

I have been on enough boats ….. long enough ….. to understand that most ultra old-school and a huge majority of local moo-moo skippers favor patrons use the bait provided on the local ½ and ¾-day boats. Period! That bait is by in large finbait … specifically Anchovies and Sardines. On a day-to-day basis this is surely the way it is ……. if only because of the wide divergence in experience of the patrons that the skippers wish and make great efforts to satisfy ….. and have return!

I remember being scorned when using my bass flippin’ and jiggin’ gear on local moo-moos 19~20 years ago and later tossing the old ‘Finger-jigs’ and such. For skippers who told me they didn’t like the tinker-toys on his boat ……when hooked up, I’d yell out ‘On the Finger-jig’ or ‘Another Plastics Fish’ just to PO them off!! Things being what they are …. times change and now plastics have their place right along with iron …… but still.

Having said that ….. I still somehow get the feeling that a majority of skippers often resist acceptance of the effectiveness of plastics. My reasons for thinking this are:

1) The skippers believe in and have taken the effort, expense, and maybe even used a favor to get primo ‘hook’ bait. I understand and appreciate this effort.

2) The skippers want to instill ‘in the general populace’ of patrons that what they are offering on the boat is the best to be had for the fishing. Only reasonable.

3) Rental gear and starter terminal tackle packs are generally set up for use with bait-fishing in mind. Although …. At least spinning gear is now widely available and makes it possible to fish iron and plastics …. for beginners. Unfortunate …… It would be nice, and ought to be a priority, to turn more of our beloved ‘Rent-rodders’ into tackle buyin’, moo-moo ridin’ anglers!!

4) Skippers make a lot of effort to set their boats on ‘spots’ in a way that straight-down bait-fishing will be optimal. This gets interesting when a boat goes off their ‘spot’ but the plastics guys are still getting bit and the bite has turned to near zero for others!!!!

5) As most (but boats are changing steadly) don’t have plastics/leadheads for sale on their boats, I believe they would prefer not to have patrons feel they didn’t have access to the go-to bait. Especially when the persons are new to fishing and the plastics guys are consistently getting bit!

Of note …… more and more anglers have made a few plastics/leadheads part of their tackle-box contents and break them out when they see a pattern developing.

Of greater note …… more and more skippers are accepting plastics as a legit, in the proper circumstances, fishing tool and methodology.

Last Aside:

Beware of small …. er …. tiny swivels. I had an unfortunate occurrence where a very thin wire swivel cut through a line that it was rated far above. I had a 30lb-rated very, very small, and accordingly thin-wired swivel cut through the double wraps (double cinch knot) of my tough Izorline, XXX 15lb-test line. This line is extra tough too.

The problem may have been one of two things:

1) The ratio of the diameter of the wire of the loop of the swivel was too small in relation to the diameter of the line.

2) I didn’t cut out a frayed spot on the main line before tying on my plastic set-up (plastic, leadhad, split ring, fluorocarbon leader, and swivel). Sometimes I cheat a little and pull an extra length of mainline thru the area to be knotted and then ….. if not done right the weakened section of the knot ends up ‘inside the knot or the double wraps!!

Lost a yellow on this one!!

The Boat

The Victory

Stern Numbers ............................................Colors !

The Crew

Mike ……………………………………........ ..Deck- Cliff …………… Galley- Bob

End of A Great Day

Had a fun and productive day at the ‘Flats’ and caught more than my share of fish ………. on plastic. A good number of regulars, familiar faces, and new friends made up a GREAT GROUP!!! Tuesday regulars are cool guys! Weird ….. 3~4 Rons on the boat!]


08-24-2007, 03:20 PM
haha cool thats us in the pber 'buddies' photo, the one in the background. i was waiting for a report to find out if we were the only ones not catching any keepers. i guess we were... :cry:

08-24-2007, 03:23 PM
Dude !!!!! Thats one of the most detailed reports I have ever read on FNN !!!!


OMG !!!!!

Your my new fav. report dude !!!!!

Thanks for the report and pics.

Are you going to the Legends of the Vine Sat.?


08-24-2007, 04:07 PM
Thanks for the report and pics! ESPECIALLY the picture of the "beauty"...jk Plenty of fish in the sea they say? I hear the populations have been low in SoCal :D Either that or they don't like my bait (i.e. last Friday night) :D :D :D

ghetto dad
08-24-2007, 04:10 PM
ok, finally done reading that....started at 2pm...... :D great report as usual ron!!!!!!!! I miss the boys on the victory, even tatoo....

08-24-2007, 08:17 PM
LOL Steve, you crack me up. Started at 2pm. LOL. So anyway, Gatorade Ron huh? I got an ear full from the boyz at Pierpoint about you. You're a celebrity Ron.

08-24-2007, 08:49 PM
Always a pleasure (and fishing education!) to read your reports Ron!

08-24-2007, 09:28 PM
Hi K3vin_kim,

:D :) :lol: :lol: :lol: Priceless !!

I haven't heard that nickname for 4 ..... nearly 5 years now. For those not in on the joke, years and years ago, I would go early to the landing ..... awaiting the boats and drink. Where did I put my favorite beverage ..... Why I'd camoflage it in a Gatoraid bottle!!

Haven't drank in 4 years ..... but ...... there are those that will never let that sort of thing die!! That's ok ...... I'm now fishing jsut like I once drank .... Big-time!!

On a happier note .... one of the skippers still working there gave me my board name JapanRon!!

Have a great Sunday!!


08-24-2007, 09:38 PM
Hi Baseballer44,

Few Fish!? Yes ..... that area was slowwwwwww huh?! We saved our bacon by moving in between the two rigs and the beach later in the day.

As you said ..... few bent rods in any of the boats .... even the trollers!

If you pass and see mee taking photos .... give me your best side and PM me to save the picture of you so you can edit to your own needs!!

thanks much for the feedback .......

Await your next report,


08-24-2007, 09:43 PM
Hi Troutman65,

No .... but good luck on catching the 'Whiskers'. They are a great game fish with a stout heart and a strong set of jaws.

Little 6 pounder almost broke my thumb when I lipped the critter and only then realized I was the one caught !!

Await your report on the lakes board,


08-24-2007, 11:47 PM
Japan Ron,

Thanks for the great report. I realy enjoyed the plastics brief history. I like the points you made on the captains possible opinons in the past.

I caught my first fish on plastics in the salt, I think ten years ago, I finaly got the courage to throw it out scared i was gonna backlash, or look stupid it's funny now. But I was with my little nephew and were getting skunked and people were catching the biggest sand bass i have seen to date . Well i caught the biggest one I have ever caught that day and hooked up and handed the rod off to my nephew.

Lets just say I bring a couple of plastics with me. still a little nervouse on the first cast but an old memory of good nervousness. :)

08-25-2007, 09:42 PM

What would we do without you. I feel like I'm in "Catch the Biggun's" Class 101
Iv'e been going out on my small 16ft. alumy w/ 25 hp boat and the current tables are very cool the fisherman boat count bar graphs are totally cool, keep it up. Have you scoped out the Panther/Martin Stinky Shrimp swimmers.
I just received via ups from the internet and I'm going sunday 8-26-07. I have the sets of three lures. Do thinks best drop and drag on bottom or drop and bobb from the bottom. Iv'e writtien regarding the gulp shrimpers on fnn but, I can't seem to get a opinion either way. Can you give your input on this?

Thanks Lubemanone

08-25-2007, 09:47 PM
Stinky Shrimp

08-26-2007, 06:32 AM
Is that you in the pics holding "your bass and your cuda"?

08-26-2007, 05:14 PM
Hi ubemanone,

I like the idea of the critters BUT ...... actually I don't think I've had the results I THINK they should produce.

You name it .... if it had tenticles or claws .... I used it to varying effect. Caught Sheephead, all sorts of Rockfish, Cabezon, Eels, Octopus, Bass but still not an easy bait to keep from losing pretty easily.

I say fish it finesse and super slow !! Let us know how it works on the three main areas ...... sand/rock/shale, reefs, and rockpiles.


08-26-2007, 05:26 PM
Hi Ambassadorhawg,

Yep ...... that's little ol' me. I don't usually have my pic taken as most don't know how to take a proper picture with my older style camera.

Besides ....... I rarely catch a fish worth a picture since I go out so much and luckly catch 'em till they all kinda melt into one!


08-26-2007, 05:33 PM
Well at last... now I know who to look for on the local Cattle boats! I'd been wondering ever since I saw your first post!

08-27-2007, 11:58 AM
wow that mourning looked like a picture out of a magazine ..perfect ..Looks like a great trip .killer report as allways :wink: