View Full Version : 7/1 & 7/4 late report

Lucky Lager
07-05-2012, 04:45 PM
hit up Quail with a few buddies early 7/1 & could hardly buy a bite. conditions looked pretty good, but the action was just plain missing. it took nearly an hour to get the first bite, and it ended up being the wrong species
put up a nice fight at least. a couple short runs & a couple nice jumps....don't really get that with the stripeys :)
shortly after that, a little 14"er decided to bite
then it took about another hour to get another mini 16"er
they weren't interested in anything but the fluke that day & with all the rocks there, i donated 2 jigs & 1 swim bait, plus 2 jigs that i gave to my buddy...which he lost, haha.

we hit a few duct spots on the way home, but didn't even get a bite.

on 7/4 i had a busy day lined out with the fam, so if i was going to be able to hit the duct, it would have to be early.
the water was flowing pretty good, so i was throwing a 1oz jig w/fluke & had a good feeling about it. well, my feeling was wrong. i hit a couple spots without any bites. the 3rd spot produced a bite, but not a strong one. worked that area for a bit, trying to entice another bite, but no luck. by then the flow was slowing & the gates were dropping.
i decided to switch to one of JigGuy's swim baits & his 3/4oz jig head & hit some open water since the flow was slowing.
worked a few bends, went for a little walk, still no action. i mentally prepared for the skunk & started heading back to the car, casting at any spot that looked fishy. when i got near the bridge, i did the infamous "last cast" in my head. made the cast, let it fall, started the retrieve...bam! fish on!
i set the hook proper, because i had lost 2 smaller fish the day before & i didn't want that to happen again. (they were both hooked in the lower lip & came off as i was lifting them out of the water).
anyway, this fish had a lot of energy & put up a fun fight. it did not want to be dinner....too bad, because that's what he became.
just a little 4.5lber, but it's the first keeper i've had in several outings.
it had 1 sculpin in it's stomach
hopefully the bigger fish start showing up, these minis are everywhere!!

Bassnman Mike
07-05-2012, 07:23 PM
Great job Jim, persistance pays off again. I need to get down that way again soon. Kinda sounds like its more an afternoon/evening bite.

Lucky Lager
07-05-2012, 08:58 PM
I think so mike, the 2 that popped off the other day were caught in the evening. And, Socalb3st has been getting his at dusk too. Maybe an evening/late evening session is needed to prove the theory?
But, all the fish in this report were caught before 0800....so, it's the 'ol "right place, right time" theory we're always talking about, haha.

Bassnman Mike
07-06-2012, 06:47 AM
I think so mike, the 2 that popped off the other day were caught in the evening. And, Socalb3st has been getting his at dusk too. Maybe an evening/late evening session is needed to prove the theory?
But, all the fish in this report were caught before 0800....so, it's the 'ol "right place, right time" theory we're always talking about, haha.

Maybe we have just been in the right place, right time in the afternoon/evening vs during the day, except for this report, HA! I know when we recently met up was the latest I have ever fished it and I caught the one and missed 2 others........ hmmmm, maybe I will have to try later in the day again the next time I head down.

trail blazer
07-06-2012, 07:17 AM



07-06-2012, 02:25 PM
That's a good report. Thanks for the information.

I eat my way through those little striper looking for big ones.

BTW: How do you catch striper that aren't keepers when the limit is 10 fish any size. LOL

Lucky Lager
07-06-2012, 05:26 PM
That's a good report. Thanks for the information.

I eat my way through those little striper looking for big ones.

BTW: How do you catch striper that aren't keepers when the limit is 10 fish any size. LOL

Sorry, when I say keeper, I mean one that I kept.
If my freezer is low/empty, a 3lber is definitly a "keeper", lol.
But smaller than that & they go back to get big & strong so they can be dinner next year.

07-09-2012, 12:20 PM
congrats on squeezin' the action out..

Nice work : )


07-09-2012, 06:09 PM
great job, quail lake can produce very well. You just gotta know how to make em bite.

07-11-2012, 12:41 PM
Nice to see someone's catching them at least. All I've got in the past month or so is a mini 10-12" striper or two.