View Full Version : July 1 2012 Yeah BuDDy

07-02-2012, 08:36 AM
I get texts about 5-7 am from lucky lager saying hes heading west to quail an then the duct with a friend for some action im like dam i wanna go lol, i was going to play basketball with friends tho so i just kept reading his texts an looking at his pics of stripers lol :( shoulda went. Anyways

i took a mid day nap an while waiting on my girlfriend to get here i was like i can go hit a few spots lets do this, 7pm an the adventure starts off.

i hit first spot for nothing dam wheres the fish at, i go to the next spot an oooo its got potential.

Drop it in an Bam Swing an a miss, GRRR :Angry: i real it in an check the bait OOOO it has teeth marks on it, lets try it again.

Swing an bam fish on its a little one but non the less hes a fighter i work him in an take my time since this is my second aqueduct striper i dont want to loose him.


No more love there gunna hit next spot,

i get there an im doin my thing an nothing an nothing dam, i decided to hit both sides an as im rolling it threw the sand trap i feel the concrete wall, an i pop it up over it an bam get hit hard SWING AN A MISS :Slap: dam i look at the lure an teeth marks on front of head but going wrong way he hit it from the wrong side.

No more love there off to next spot......

i get there drop it in an bam SWING an its on DRAG Peelin........... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz i bring him in an Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz he doesnt want to come in i take my time knowing this one is way bigger.

i get him to the edge an im like **** its a whale but nope its my personal best 6lb striper YAY!!!!....


i lay him on the dirt an i want more....

i drop in again an bam lil hit ooooo there is more im stoked by this point,

i drop it in again an bam SWING AN FISH ON..... Zzzzzzzzzzz he was a good fighter prob weighed 3lbs


by this time im getting phone calls from girlfriend where are you at lmao of coruse i say im omw home now just hold on ill be there in 10... LIES :LOL:

i drop in again an bam SWing an fish on an then off DAMMIT!!

one more time an i gtg drop in again an bam get hit an it ripped up my bait pretty bad, but had to call it a day so all in all it was a good day for me considering friends went out in the am for nothing at the duct!! :)

07-02-2012, 09:05 AM
Very nice would be nice if I was that lucky like you guys still trying to get my big striper .

Bassnman Mike
07-02-2012, 09:12 AM
Great job out there, way to wack them! Thats the same spot I got mine out of the other day. The funny part is I've hit that spot countless times and it wasnt until very recently that it started paying off.

Lucky Lager
07-02-2012, 04:45 PM
nice going socal, a 3 fish day is always a good day!...even if a couple are throw backs.
i haven't had too much action during my morning sessions at the duct spots lately...maybe i need to get out for an evening session one of these days, seems like you've been able to find some action in the evening hours.
congrats again bro, i'm sure these are just the first of many!

07-02-2012, 11:31 PM
Ok Ok so you got four up on me now Bro , great job so yeah we need to get out and hit the duct with you again
Yee lets do this my boy