View Full Version : Crystal Cove State Park Redux 8/21 NOW W/ PICS!

08-22-2007, 12:53 PM
Went back down to Crystal Cove SP again yesterday afternoon. GF's family had a cabin on the beach so we showed up down there after work. Spent the first part of the afternoon snorkeling and bodyboarding but didn't see much more than sand and loose kelp. GF saw a school of small fish. Didn't want to snorkel the rocks because I am fairly new to it and didn't want to get beat up. But I bet I'd see more cool stuff over there. Anyway, once the crowds died down a little I cast out with a bigger rod this time, using a high/low and cut squid, and set it on the rod holder. While I was getting the lighter rod ready with a c-rig, wham! I reel in a decent shovel-nosed. Finally go the other rod set up and cast out with c-rig and sand crabs, but not much ws biting when wham again. I land a gray smoothound about as long as my arm. By this time I am not bothering with the small pole anymore and my last catch before it got too dark was a small leopord maybe 10''. My first leo! I think I am liking the surf fishing more than pier fishing. Less crowds and you get to get a little wet, and have a wide range of fishing area. GF family is now calling me fisherman - not too bad for a guy that 5 years ago couldn't catch bluegill and didn't know how to tie on a hook. Gonna try lures in the surf next. Any tips? Ended the evening with spagetehi and wine with the GF's family. Nothing like having a cabin on the beach. Nice day all around. Will post pics as soon as they are developed.


08-22-2007, 01:13 PM
Congratulations!!! Welcome to the FN message boards.

Just in case anybody was wondering, it is legal to fish at Crystal Cove State Park,


Did you get a Date Shake yet?
