View Full Version : Hooked

06-13-2012, 06:35 AM
Help me out. Did a DFG search and only got FW info.

Is a hook not in the mouth a legal catch ?

A tail hooked Thresher ?
A Bat Ray in the wing ?
How about a BSP or WSB ?

We all remember Dottie that was foul hooked and not a record.

06-21-2012, 06:35 AM
Thank you Arthur for your response. I'm happy. :Smile:

Follow the email chain from bottom to top. I sent this inquiry to the DFG a couple of years ago.


I have seen many people on piers, jetties and beaches utilizing snagging gear to snag fish (heavy line, sinker and treble hooks). Is this method of take legal? Thanks for your time.

Arthur Lai - Fishingnetwork.net

>>> Mary Patyten 11/5/2010 8:04 AM >>>

Hello Mr. Lai,

Snagging fish from the ocean is actually legal, unless the fish being snagged is salmon.


Mary Patyten

Hello again Mr. Lai,

There is one other species of fish that may not be snagged legally in the ocean: sturgeon, per Section 27.90(d). Apologies for any confusion,


Mary Patyten

Mary Patyten
California Department of Fish and Game
Marine Region Education and Outreach
(707) 964-5026

Visit the DFG Marine Region Web site at www.dfg.ca.gov/marine


>>> Mary Patyten 11/5/2010 8:04 AM >>>


Thanks Jackpot Jimmy for the response;
Had to move your response since the thread got locked. :Rolls Eyes:

I've heard it is legal in SW. We have all seen Thresher reports of tail hooked
and kept.
Curious on if it is legal catch.

Catching (snagging) bait is legal, squid, fin bait ect.

Hi DR, sorry for the late response on the subject.

I remember when it was first noted that if you brought up a fish that was snagged, it was illegal. A captain a while ago told me and my dad, "But how many people on a sportboat are going to believe and/or follow that?" That's a good point, it could bring up a lot of unnecessary arguments.

Sight fishing and snagging trout is one thing, but when you're fishing a jig or flylining for calicos, that's entirely another, you could accidentally snag a fish.

The law says the fish has to voluntarily take the bait...so how do we know they didn't voluntarily take the bait, they just missed the hook and it got snagged? What if the hook catches it on the mouth, from the outside in? We need to get a good interpreter for DFG laws...