View Full Version : Benefits of using a pro guide (Vail 6/4)

06-05-2012, 01:17 PM
Well, since I sold my boat a few months ago (for a down payment on a new one) I have no ride. Hearing about the hot bite at Vail, I called up Art Hill (Diamond Valley Guide Service) to take my daughter Megan fishing.* Ever since the first time I fished with Art (5 years ago), I have always learned a new fishing skill from him, so I have gone out of my way (stashing a few bucks away here and there) to hire Art at least once a year for a Bass fishing lesson. He's great with kids and always helps Megan (and myself) catch more fish.

Today's lesson: Senkos
Don't laugh, I am much more of an Ocean fisherman and only started the largemouth thing a few years ago, so this was new to me. (as was drop-shot, and crank bait a few years ago)

The short story is:
We had a 30 fish day... all on Senko (we tried crankbaits too... but nada). All fish were in the 2 -3 lb range no real stand out "lunkers" but all the fish were very fat and bright colors (healthy fish!). We missed quite a few fish as well, some were short bites and others just due to inexperience. It's hard to tell by the pics (can tell better on last picture) but we agreed that Megan had the biggest fish of the day.

A little longer story:
We met Art at the lake at 6:15. It was a comfortable overcast morning no wind, we took a short boat ride and went to work. It didn't take long (15min or so) before we were hooked up.* Megan took an early 2 - 0 lead, landing the first then following 10 minutes later with number 2. Then I got on the board, but Megan answered back with another. She kept a 1 or 2 fish lead on me for most of the morning-- she so wants to out fish her old man!* But, today just wasn't the day, as "Pops" put 3 or 4 in a row together.* Art got into the action as well, showing us how it's done when it slowed down (as if to say, "see they are still biting, you just have to work at it"). It got real dead between 11:00 and 2:00, as the wind pushed us around a bit, but we came back to a cove we hit earlier and managed to each get one more before the bell sounded; Off the lake at 3:30.* All in all a great day on the water, we caught fish, learned some new things, got a little sunburnt, and had another memorable father daughter moment (she's growing up so fast).

Here are a few pics



06-05-2012, 01:59 PM
Art Hill is the man. Class is in session every time I'm near the guy.

He's forgot more about fishing, than I've ever learned.

Hog Caller
06-05-2012, 02:51 PM

"I do know it all" I've just forgotten most of it thats all....lol

Art is the man and a gauranteed lesson everytime on the water. Great job by both the master and the students!


06-05-2012, 04:52 PM
Art Hill is the man. Class is in session every time I'm near the guy.

He's forgot more about fishing, than I've ever learned.

Are you kidding me DS, you could right a book on what you know. Remember I have fished with you on several occasions, and you could go pro.

06-05-2012, 06:07 PM
nice day art. !! putting joe and his megan on lots of fish... that place looks so fishy... good job, and yes art is the man at vail and dvl !!

06-05-2012, 07:38 PM
Hi, Joe. Nice to see you and Megan out there. Looks like a fun day. Your other boat was so distinctive you were easy to recognize in it. You will have to make sure you come say hello when you get your new one, so I will know who you are. My old tub is so recognizable that I always assume everyone knows who it is.

Art, I'm thinking you should stick with that straw hat. A lot better protection than that baseball cap.

Old fishermen never die. They just smell that way.
The Best of Fishbreath (http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/Fishbreath92028/Slideshow/?albumview=slideshow)

06-05-2012, 09:16 PM
Art, I'm thinking you should stick with that straw hat. A lot better protection than that baseball cap.

Old fishermen never die. They just smell that way.
The Best of Fishbreath (http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/Fishbreath92028/Slideshow/?albumview=slideshow)

The hat looks funky, but it keeps me alive.

Nessie Hunter
06-06-2012, 08:52 AM
Joe, I remember when you started posting and Megan looked to be 8 or 10 yrs old..
She looks like an adult now, man how time flies!!! Good job buddy..

Art is the man thats for sure...

D/S Your way to humble...?
