View Full Version : Legg on the fly 6/4

white belt
06-04-2012, 01:35 PM
Got to Legg around 8 and fished the middle lake. Used a little shrimp fly and started off on that cement walk out but it was full of duck poo. Walked around the lake and saw a fish feeding so I started casting out and got my first on the fly!



Stayed in that spot for another hour or so with no bites so I moved on. While walking around the lake I saw a guy fishing a tenkara like rod and he said hi and we chatted. He brought up Fishing queen haha what're the odds? Introduced myself to Robert and he showed me how to roll cast and fixed my reel. Thanks Robert! Very nice of him to take the time. I left to explore around San Gabriel river but stopped by the row boat area on the first lake and caught a little bass.

Got to SGR from the equestrian center and there were alot of good spots but the water seemed too low so I didnt cast in just walked around.



06-04-2012, 04:47 PM
Congratulations on your first catches on the fly. Here's a little piece of advice. Since you have already dumped a chunk of cash on your new fly outfit, stay away from Robert. After seeing him catch fish after fish on his tenkara rod, you'll be tempted in investing more cash for a tenkara rod of your own. Kidding aside, Robert does knows his stuff when it comes to fly fishing and tenkara. Hope you continue to have fun with your fly fishing.

06-04-2012, 05:31 PM
Cool report white belt! Congrats on getting your first catches on the fly, that's pretty awesome! I've always wondered about SGR in that area, it crossed my mind the other day when I crossed over the bridge on Beverly Blvd. it just looks like there should be some fish in that body of water. I'm hoping to get out to to the Legg again this week, hopefully they stock the kitties again this week. Shoot me a PM if you go out again.

06-04-2012, 08:37 PM
GOOD job on the fly, looks like fun, the smallest bass at legg are the most agressive. lol

white belt
06-04-2012, 08:38 PM
Thanks guys. I forgot to add I saw some monster carp break the surface. Huge heads. I saw them jump almost every spot I stopped in.

Aperez I'll be heading back when I get my new flies in the mail I'll pm you then.

06-04-2012, 08:46 PM
Nice catches on the fly.

06-04-2012, 11:43 PM
Very nice Whitebelt. So far I have been able to catch a crappie and a bluegill on a fly rod and bead head nymphs. Both were at Legg.

Where is this?

white belt
06-05-2012, 05:48 AM
Zen that was SGR. I parked at the equestrian center on rook st off peck.

The Fishing Queen
06-05-2012, 06:43 AM
Congrats on you first catches on the fly! Glad that you ran into my friend Robert - the fly fishing guru. He is a nice man and I bet that he gave you some good advice on fly fishing. It's a small world and maybe someday we'll also meet with each other through fishing.

white belt
06-05-2012, 08:58 AM
If this was a video game, meeting Robert brought up my fly fishing to the next level haha does he post here as well? And yes we'll cross paths soon.. I could use more knowledge.

Question: Is it ok to tie a bit of mono to the end of my tippet if it's getting too short? Or should I just go buy a completely new one? Thanks in advance guys. I always appreciate the kindness of fishermen and women.

06-05-2012, 09:56 AM
Question: Is it ok to tie a bit of mono to the end of my tippet if it's getting too short? Or should I just go buy a completely new one? Thanks in advance guys. I always appreciate the kindness of fishermen and women.

Need to clarify how you are set up. To the end of your fly line, did you attach a tapered leader (usually sold in 7-1/2' or 9' lengths)? To the end of the leader, did you tie on a tippet? Most times, you just cut off the short tippet and attach a new length of tippet line to your leader. This saves you from needing to buy so many new leaders. It is nice, but you do not need the fancy fly fishing tippet materials. Your tippet line can be any mono or fluoro line you like to use. The knot when tying on more mono to your current tippet can prevent the end of your tippet from turning over at the end of your cast. This will cause your fly, tippet, fly line to land together in a clump.

06-05-2012, 11:02 AM
Oh...I thought you were up in the San Gabriel River dam area up North past Azusa.

Zen that was SGR. I parked at the equestrian center on rook st off peck.

white belt
06-05-2012, 03:02 PM
Need to clarify how you are set up. To the end of your fly line, did you attach a tapered leader (usually sold in 7-1/2' or 9' lengths)? To the end of the leader, did you tie on a tippet? Most times, you just cut off the short tippet and attach a new length of tippet line to your leader. This saves you from needing to buy so many new leaders. It is nice, but you do not need the fancy fly fishing tippet materials. Your tippet line can be any mono or fluoro line you like to use. The knot when tying on more mono to your current tippet can prevent the end of your tippet from turning over at the end of your cast. This will cause your fly, tippet, fly line to land together in a clump.

Sorry I'm not giving the specifics or wrong terminology but it seems my fly line (the colored part, right?) is tied to my tippet and that's it. I don't see anything else in between that. Should there be? And what knot should I use if I add mono to prevent the clumps?

Oh...I thought you were up in the San Gabriel River dam area up North past Azusa.

Do you mean by Crystal Lake? I live around there and want to explore up there as well. They got a couple trout stocks in May, last in this area, so I wanted to fish it. Probably too late now since it's such a small lake.

The Fishing Queen
06-05-2012, 03:11 PM
White belt, Robert doesn't post anything here. A lot of my fishing friends (here or up in the mountains) don't post any reports, but they read some of our reports from this site. I just read about 'Fishnfun's' reply to your post, I did the same way as he told you here, I use a tippet and attach it to my tapered leader.

06-05-2012, 03:57 PM
I think I mean West and East Forks? I have been wanting to try that area with a fly rod.

Do you mean by Crystal Lake? I live around there and want to explore up there as well. They got a couple trout stocks in May, last in this area, so I wanted to fish it. Probably too late now since it's such a small lake.

06-05-2012, 04:23 PM
Sorry I'm not giving the specifics or wrong terminology but it seems my fly line (the colored part, right?) is tied to my tippet and that's it. I don't see anything else in between that. Should there be? And what knot should I use if I add mono to prevent the clumps?

Here's how most guys I know have their set up: 1) Backing attached to reel arbor; 2) Fly line (colored part) attached to backing; 3) Tapered leader line attached to fly line; 4) Tippet line attached to leader line; 5) Fly tied to end of tippet. The tapered leader is made either from fluoro or mono but is made thicker at the end that attaches to the fly line and tapers down smaller at the other end. It is made this way to help transfer the energy of your forward cast to help turn the line and fly over so it won't land in a clump. You can fish with your fly tied directly to the leader. But, your leader will get shorter and shorter every time you tie on a new fly. Soon, your leader will become so short that it is not working effectively. I think you are currently facing this situation. So, most people tie on a tippet line to the end of the leader and just change the tippet line when it becomes too short. This will help your leader last much longer. My earlier comment about the knot making the line clump is in reference to having an additional knot in the set up which will hinder the energy transfer in the forward cast. I was not referring to the type of knot. My point is that the fewer knots you have, the better.

The Fishing Queen
06-05-2012, 04:36 PM
Sorry I'm not giving the specifics or wrong terminology but it seems my fly line (the colored part, right?) is tied to my tippet and that's it. I don't see anything else in between that. Should there be? And what knot should I use if I add mono to prevent the clumps?

Do you mean by Crystal Lake? I live around there and want to explore up there as well. They got a couple trout stocks in May, last in this area, so I wanted to fish it. Probably too late now since it's such a small lake.

I know you brought a fly fishing combo. So your combo came with three lines already attached and loaded on your reel. The backing ( which is the kind of braided line under your colored fly line), then at the other end of the fly line there is a clear line called tapered leader ( a line that starts very thin and gets thinker every inch), then we attach a line called tippet, it is a clear line and it looks like mono. I use the tippet (like the leader on spinning rod) to tie my fly on. I attach my tippet to the taper leader like 'loop to loop' ( make a loop at the end of taper leader, make a loop on the other end of fly on the tippet, put the tippet loop through the 'taper leader loop', then pull the fly through the 'tippet loop', then you should have two loops attached together).

The Fishing Queen
06-05-2012, 04:41 PM
Oops, I didn't see Charlie's reply as I was writing and responded to the question anyways.

Oh, and don't bother going to Crystal Lake with your fly rod, I was there and the thick weeds were 20-25 feet from the shore all around the lake. It makes the lake look like a huge green donut. I couldn't even fly fish there, it was a complete waste of my time and gas to head up there.

white belt
06-05-2012, 06:59 PM
My fly line is heavier towards the end thats tied to the tippet, does that mean my line is tapered? I'm reading the product description and it does say I have everything you mentioned but it seems my line is just 2 parts; colored part and tippet. Heres the link:

Check this out on AMZN:

Scientific Anglers 4-Piece Fly Fishing Panfish Outfit (9-Feet 0-Inch, 5/6 Weight)

The Fishing Queen
06-05-2012, 07:32 PM
I think you do have the taper leader - the clear line attched to your colored fly line. You need to buy your own tippet, it never comes with any combo set up.

06-05-2012, 08:25 PM
I think you do have the taper leader - the clear line attched to your colored fly line. You need to buy your own tippet, it never comes with any combo set up.

Reading your product description, I believe Fishing Queen is correct. You have a fly line and a leader, but no tippet material. So, you have been fishing with your fly tied directly to the end of your leader. This is OK and will work. But, as you continue to cut line off the end of your leader, it will work less effectively. Again, the tapered leader is thicker on the end that attaches to the fly line. You might consider buying a new leader. To the end of the new leader, you can tie on about 3' of 4# test mono or fluoro as a tippet. Tie your fly to the free end of the tippet. Once your tippet is shortened to about 1-1/2' long from cutting off and tying on flies, replace the entire tippet with a new 3' of 4# test mono or fluoro. This will help your leader last a lot longer.

white belt
06-05-2012, 10:07 PM
Awesome you guys just completely straightened that out for me. Thanks!

06-05-2012, 10:52 PM
4lb test mono as tippet material; cool. I have been using a couple of feet of 2lb test mono as tippet. White Belt, not to insult you, but if you did not know, you could use a surgeon's knot to attach the tippet material to the leader.


white belt
06-06-2012, 12:39 AM
Thanks zen, no insult taken. I've only got back into fishing this past year so just assume I dont know and dont hesitate to share info haha

06-06-2012, 06:54 AM
White Belt-
Regarding casting....go on YouTube and search for Joan Wulff fly casting videos. Joan has some of the most easy to understand how to fly cast videos out there. She breaks it down in simple terms and really helps you understand the mechanics of a fly cast....which is basically speeding up to a stop in both directions. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be throwing tight loops and hitting what you aim at every time in varied conditions and distances. Learning to fly cast is not that difficult but like golf...seems to take a long time to really master.

06-06-2012, 09:59 AM
Nice catches on the chicken feathers.

Once you get the hang of it, you'll be throwing tight loops and hitting what you aim at every time in varied conditions and distances.

Once I got the hang of it, all i was doing was throwing tight loops (and flies, leaders, and tippets) into trees behind me. :-)

06-06-2012, 10:29 AM
Nice catches on the chicken feathers.

Once I got the hang of it, all i was doing was throwing tight loops (and flies, leaders, and tippets) into trees behind me. :-)
I forgot to mention learning to fly fish also teaches patience and the ability to untangle a fly that has just wrapped itself into an impossible know in less then three shakes. I always carried three or four extra leaders and lots of tippet to replace the ones I lost to the trees.

06-06-2012, 10:45 AM
I forgot to mention learning to fly fish also teaches patience and the ability to untangle a fly that has just wrapped itself into an impossible know in less then three shakes. I always carried three or four extra leaders and lots of tippet to replace the ones I lost to the trees.

Then comes learning that in order to prevent getting your back cast stuck into the shrubbery, starting your forward cast sooner to avoid the trees will end up in a


and a

"Hey, where'd my fly go?"

Then you learn to roll cast.

white belt
06-07-2012, 10:50 AM
I checked out some YouTube clips of Joan, thanks viejo. Those pics of her fly fishing in black n white are crazy. One was from 1948!

06-08-2012, 02:13 PM
Something I've added to the line is a TIPPET RING. Kind of a pain to tie because they're so small but I tie the end of my tapered leader to a the ring and tie tippet material to the other side of the ring...that saves me from having to keep using up my tapered leader and keep tying additional line to it. However the ring IS tiny and it's more difficult to tie at my age than when I was younger.

06-08-2012, 02:16 PM
Something I've added to the line is a TIPPET RING. Kind of a pain to tie because they're so small but I tie the end of my tapered leader to a the ring and tie tippet material to the other side of the ring...that saves me from having to keep using up my tapered leader and keep tying additional line to it. However the ring IS tiny and it's more difficult to tie at my age than when I was younger.

Why is a Tippet Ring better than just using a surgeon's knot? Not a real hard knot to tie and I rarely have failures, just curious.

06-10-2012, 08:52 AM
... the knot making the line clump is in reference to having an additional knot in the set up which will hinder the energy transfer in the forward cast. I was not referring to the type of knot. My point is that the fewer knots you have, the better...

Interesting. I make my own leaders and never had a problem casting.

Why is a Tippet Ring better than just using a surgeon's knot? Not a real hard knot to tie and I rarely have failures, just curious.

Never know when you have to change tippets "on the fly". :Wink:

been using bloodknot for my ties. no problems yet.

06-10-2012, 09:35 AM
Interesting. I make my own leaders and never had a problem casting.

Hi smokinflies - My earlier comment about the knots was made when I was confused by white belt asking if he should tie on more line to his old tippet. My thought was it would be better to just cut off the old tippet and tie on an whole new one. Tying your own knotted leaders like you are doing should work great.

06-10-2012, 10:45 AM
Hi smokinflies - My earlier comment about the knots was made when I was confused by white belt asking if he should tie on more line to his old tippet. My thought was it would be better to just cut off the old tippet and tie on an whole new one. Tying your own knotted leaders like you are doing should work great.

my mistake. Yes, it would be best to remove/replace the tippet.

06-10-2012, 10:33 PM
Had my Orvis 201 fly class Saturday morning (6/9). This time putting the class into practice. There is still quite a number of bluegills in the middle lake at Legg.

I now understand the appeal of dry flies over wet ones. I went with bead heads and going with what I knew, but no dice, and after loosing two bead heads and retying two tippets, the instructor had me switch to a Parachute Adams. After giving me an idea on how to fish dries over nymphs, it was fish on! Not only was the action different, it is the fact that you can see 1) the fish chase the fly and 2) see the fish HIT the fly.

Now I gotta get me a better fly rod and a stuff.

06-10-2012, 10:43 PM
Now I gotta get me a better fly rod.....

You can catch fish all day on a cheap fly rod. Practice casting so you can get the fly to the fish.