View Full Version : Zombie Attacks Man ???

05-29-2012, 10:37 PM
"According to police sources, a road ranger saw a naked man chewing on another mans face and shouted on his loud speaker for him to back away. Meanwhile, a woman also saw the incident and flagged down a police officer who was in the area."

"The officer, who has not been identified, approached and, seeing what was happening, also ordered the naked man to back away. When he continued the assault, the officer shot him, police sources said. The attacker failed to stop after being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots."

http://www.miamiherald.com/...-macarthur.html (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html)


05-29-2012, 11:25 PM
Ummm, what does that have to do with Fishing?? This is a fishing forum not a horror forum. Thanks!

05-29-2012, 11:35 PM
Ummm, what does that have to do with Fishing?? This is a fishing forum not a horror forum. Thanks!

This thread has nothing to do with fishing as it is posted in the non-fishing section.

Man, it must of been seriously traumatizing for the victim to have his face eaten by a naked psychotic dude.

05-30-2012, 06:07 AM
2012 Zombie :Shocked:
Frikin Insane.

This is a horror forum. Thanks!


05-30-2012, 08:34 AM
Only in Florida™....

Too bad the zombie died. Or else he could've used the "Stand Your Ground" law.

Clearly the law is on his side, since in Florida, you can stand and (de)face your attacker.

05-30-2012, 10:39 AM
I'm ready. This, is my BOOM STICK!


I load it with these:


05-30-2012, 10:59 AM
DockRat, this movie is right up your alley!


05-30-2012, 05:46 PM
its get worse. Heres some pics and video I found
This is the news report

This is the surveillance camera

Warning, disturbing pics.



old pudd fisher
05-30-2012, 06:39 PM
I can maybe understand biting someones ear off like Mike Tyson did, but eat somebodys whole face is just to nuts......Damn, good thing he didn't eat his willy.

05-30-2012, 06:44 PM
Some say his face was half bitten off.

I'd like to be a positive thinker and say his face was half bitten on.

05-30-2012, 07:12 PM
Lol some psycho interrupted a couple of gay lovers and made it interesting so nobody would think he was gay for trying to join them. :LOL:

05-30-2012, 07:59 PM
Some say his face was half bitten off.

I'd like to be a positive thinker and say his face was half bitten on.

I've heard that dude was on some new drugs that can make you feel "zombie-like" and powerful,that is crazy.

05-30-2012, 08:17 PM
dude was high on Bath salts.

I just saw the pics of the dudes face...


I'm traumatized

05-30-2012, 08:45 PM
Glad I got my zombie AR, Glocks and SIG's. LOL!

05-30-2012, 09:11 PM
Freaking nut job...... One report says a new type of LSD is what the guy was on.... When I was watching the news this morning they said he was on a nother type of drug "bath salts"

05-30-2012, 09:47 PM
Some say his face was half bitten off.

I'd like to be a positive thinker and say his face was half bitten on.

Your very cynical ! I like that lol

05-30-2012, 09:56 PM
The Rules
1. Cardio

To escape a pursuing zombie you will need to out-run it, and this means being in good shape.

2. Double Tap

When in doubt, don't get stingy with your bullets.

Most zombies won't die from just one hit unless it's a shot to the head, and it will instead get up in very little time - and will then bite you. The most effective way to prevent this is to take a second shot/hit to their head which will stop them from attacking again, and surely one more shot can't do too much harm! For this to work, you will need at least two shots in your gun at all times so you can double tap without having to worry about reloading in time (you usually won't get that time). Luckily, the second shot should be easier as the first shot should take the zombie to the floor and temporarily prevent the zombie from moving

3. Beware of Bathrooms

You are at your most vulnerable while sitting on the toilet, so always take extra care.

Zombies seem to sneak up on people who are at their most vulnerable, although it probably just seems like this as zombies just attack with no special circumstances. However, this does not change the fact that toilets are places you want to be careful around - if you are caught with your trousers down then there's not much you can do about running away, so you better have brought a gun with you. The best way to stay safe is to check each bathroom before you enter, in every cubicle and every section as it isn't rare to find one just waiting there. Also remember that just because it's not socially acceptable to climb under cubical doors, it doesn't mean the zombies won't do it.
4. Buckle Up

You won't be driving along easy roads anymore: with numerous things to avoid you need to be ready for a crash!

The reason for seatbelts is fairly obvious as it pretty much carries over from the reason we are advised to wear them normally - being thrown at the windscreen doesn't usually end well. In Zombieland, however, you're much more likely to be flying through the windscreen as you try avoiding escaping vehicles, dodging through abandoned cars or slamming on your brakes (or just driving faster) as a zombie steps in front of your car. For this reason, it's usually a good idea to stick on a seatbelt so you don't make the embarrassing mistake of dying from a cause other than zombie. However, some people argue that wearing a seatbelt is an inconvenience as it slows you down valuable seconds while trying to get out of the car which is being fast approached by zombies. It's also argued that crashing is a fairly ridiculous thing to worry about when the majority of people are trying to eat you. These doubts aside, it is usually safest to wear belts.
5. Travel Light

While trying to get away from a mass of zombies, the last thing you want is to be heaving luggage around.

Zombies can surprise you at any moment by coming from behind objects or running toward you when you aren't expecting it, and you'll need to make a fast get away. As well as cardio to out-run the zombie you'll also need to be light on your feet, and that means reducing the weight of the objects you are carrying with you. So instead of a big heavy suitcase that may be able to carry all of your personal possessions and luxuries, you'd be safer with a smaller amount of luggage such as a backpack or anything that is easy to carry and won't slow you down. Under some circumstances it might be best to carry nothing but weaponry, but if you are seeking shelter and there is a lower chance of being attacked by zombies then it's always best to bring a bag with medical supplies, spare magazines and perhaps maybe a lightweight luxury. It is implied that unless baggage is absolutely vital to short term survival, it should always be considered expendable, able to be dropped at a moments notice to flee to safety.

6. Don't Be A Hero

Possibly the most important rule of all. Don't risk your own life just to make yourself look good.

When taking risks in Zombieland, the risk is pretty much always that you might get eaten alive by zombies. This isn't a risk you want to be taking so rather than trying to go for the "bad boy look", simply take a step back and keep yourself safe. Unfortunately you won't make yourself look too impressive if a zombie is currently biting into your arm. However, remember that there are certain circumstances where perhaps this rule should be ignored, so that maybe you save someone who makes staying alive worth it, or making sure that you will still have a partner to back you up later - as they might be responsible for saving your life later. Always follow this rule... except when you shouldn't.

7. Limber Up

Before going into a zombie-infested area, you will need to prepare for the impending running by limbering up.

When approaching an area which will definitely or is likely to have zombies, it is always best to limber up using a few moves so that you are in peak physical condition when moving in. This means that if a zombie or numerous zombies do appear and begin to chase you, then you are able to out-run them without worries about pulling muscles or injuring yourself while running - something that could mean life or death. Of course, if you are suddenly ambushed by zombies while unprepared then limbering up will obviously be a rather unwise move, as getting away from or killing the zombies is your main priority.

8. When In Doubt, Always Know Your Way Out

You will always need to know the way out of every room of every building you enter, in case you are caught unaware.

Zombies can surprise you at any time, whether it be while you are sleeping, driving, relaxing, eating, playing, peeing, kissing, or on the toilet. For this reason, you should always know the fastest and best way out of the room/building you are in, just in case you are victim to a surprise attack. Make a mental note of any other doors you can take which have the quickest route away from your current location. It may also be best to prop the door open so you do not have to spend precious time trying to unlock/open the door. But don't just know this exit way, also know how you can get to it - there's no use knowing about an emergency exit if you have no idea how to get to it. This rule is all about knowing your surroundings and preparing yourself for the worst.
9. The Buddy System Edit

You can't always look in front of you and behind you at the same time

Even though the common zombie is slow they can still surround you and trap you in a corner, so with the help of a buddy you have a better chance of clearing and keeping an area safe. There is also another great reason to follow this rule which would be in case you get an injury the assistance of another person can be perfect for this situation. If you don't want to be with people, It's easier using a handgun to your head.
10. Check The Back Seat

Before getting into the car and driving off, check the back seat for any hiding zombies.

The temptation is to get into the safe haven of a car and drive off feeling like you are invisible to all zombies within your mobile steel cage. However, despite the car being relatively safe from outside zombies, you need to be prepared for any zombies that might leap up from behind you and start to attack. The last thing you need while driving is to have a zombie crawling up behind you trying to bite you, because even if the zombie doesn't bite you - it may manage to stop you from keeping the car going and then next thing you know, you'll have crashed the car or stopped it for all the other zombies to get to. There is also the possibility that the zombie reanimated in his seatbelt. If this is the case then kill it quickly without getting to close. Of course if you're in a rush to jump in the car then you may not have time to check the back, but make sure you're expecting something and as soon as you get the chance, look in the back.

11. Enjoy The Little Things

As well as surviving all the zombies, you'll also need to maintain a happy and sane state of mind by keeping positive.

With the constant stress of staying alive with little time to put down your gun and rest, it's important that whenever you do get the time, you spend it on entertaining yourself. Of course, in Zombieland it's not easy to entertain yourself in any extravagant way such as playing on games, playing sports or watching TV. So instead it's best to enjoy the little things that come your way whether that be having fun with another survivor, enjoying a luxury you come across, lying back and forgetting about all the problems in the world or even just destroying a whole bunch of little things. Without enjoying the little things, it's all too easy for you to lose sanity and peace of mind from the constant stress and pains of staying alive

05-30-2012, 10:11 PM
alright guys, its on, lock and load,

05-30-2012, 11:05 PM
My favorite weapon against zombies: Phoenix Down.

05-31-2012, 09:16 AM
My favorite weapon against zombies: Phoenix Down.

I just cast Life3. Saves gil.

05-31-2012, 09:21 AM
The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us, and it's starting in Florida, go figure.

Nobody is recognizing the recent signs!!

First, we get mysterious rashes (http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Students-Return-to-McArthur-High-School-After-Hazmat--151865045.html) and hazmat reports at a local Florida High School. The source of the rash is still unknown.

Then, more hazmat rollouts due to another 'mystery' chemical that sends people to the hospital at a Ft. Lauderdal (http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/terminal-2-evacuated-at-fort-lauderdale-airport-in-hazmat-scare)e airport.

Then some dude (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/os-doctor-spits-blood-on-trooper-20120524,0,3887383.story) gets pulled over and bangs his head against the patrolman's car until he bleeds, then spits blood on the patrolman?

Then, more rashes (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/24/2815003/second-broward-school-reports.html) at local high schools?

Then this guy gets arrested at the Miami airport for trying to rush a cockpit mid-flight, and seeming 'disoriented (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/25/passenger-restrained-on-flight-to-miami-arrested/)?'

Then, we get this guy who eats the other guy's face.

And it looks like it's spreading.

Check out this Tweet (https://twitter.com/IlliniAlert/status/207309505611051009) from Illinois University.

And recently in New Jersey, some guy cut out his own intestines (http://www.northjersey.com/news/Hackensack_man_stabs_self_throws_intenstines_at_po lice.html) and chucked them at police.

All I know is that if my neighbor is acting weird, he's getting taken out.

05-31-2012, 09:29 AM
or the guy just smoked way to much wet.....

05-31-2012, 09:44 AM
or the guy just smoked way to much wet.....

or smoked a frío.


had too much of the juice.

05-31-2012, 11:20 AM
nothing like a freshly dipped smoke before eating some face

06-01-2012, 06:50 AM
The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us, and it's starting in Florida, go figure.

Nobody is recognizing the recent signs!!

First, we get mysterious rashes (http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Students-Return-to-McArthur-High-School-After-Hazmat--151865045.html) and hazmat reports at a local Florida High School. The source of the rash is still unknown.

Then, more hazmat rollouts due to another 'mystery' chemical that sends people to the hospital at a Ft. Lauderdal (http://www.wptv.com/dpp/news/terminal-2-evacuated-at-fort-lauderdale-airport-in-hazmat-scare)e airport.

Then some dude (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/os-doctor-spits-blood-on-trooper-20120524,0,3887383.story) gets pulled over and bangs his head against the patrolman's car until he bleeds, then spits blood on the patrolman?

Then, more rashes (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/24/2815003/second-broward-school-reports.html) at local high schools?

Then this guy gets arrested at the Miami airport for trying to rush a cockpit mid-flight, and seeming 'disoriented (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/25/passenger-restrained-on-flight-to-miami-arrested/)?'

Then, we get this guy who eats the other guy's face.

And it looks like it's spreading.

Check out this Tweet (https://twitter.com/IlliniAlert/status/207309505611051009) from Illinois University.

And recently in New Jersey, some guy cut out his own intestines (http://www.northjersey.com/news/Hackensack_man_stabs_self_throws_intenstines_at_po lice.html) and chucked them at police.

All I know is that if my neighbor is acting weird, he's getting taken out.

Yes, It is spreading. Good observation.


MONTREAL -- In this chain of depraved events, orchestrated by a disturbed mind, it turns out that the severed human foot delivered to Tory headquarters was only the latest link.


Before that, someone repeatedly stabbed a young man with an ice pick. While both killer and victim lay naked, he dismembered the corpse and committed sexual and cannibalistic acts on it.

That same person apparently videotaped the gory scene and posted it on the Internet. The video is now being reviewed by Montreal police, who are investigating a case that has shocked the country.

A man by the name of Luka Rocco Magnotta is wanted in connection with a three-step crime: a killing, a dismemberment and a mailing of body parts to Ottawa. He is believed to be from Toronto and to have repeatedly used aliases and changed his name over the years.

His new name, Luka Rocco Magnotta, has a prolific presence in the darkest corners of the Internet. For nearly two years, it has been notorious among animal-rights activists looking for a man who tortured and killed cats and posted videos of it online.

He is also a low-budget porn actor.

His online presence is much vaster, however, than bisexual porn videos. Magnotta is listed as a model. He has been romantically linked to sex-killer Karla Homolka — a rumour that he has vehemently repudiated and others have shrugged off.

He is an avid author of online articles.

One article written in 2009, titled "How to Completely Disappear and Never Be Found," shares a six-step process for escaping and shedding one's identity. Another offers tips on how to get into the porn business.

A Facebook page belonging to a self-described model with the same name list a variety of personal heroes. They include pop star Madonna and two Russian leaders: Vladimir Putin and Joseph Stalin.

"There is such things as Monsters, Demons and Ghosts," says a quote typed onto that page.

"They live inside of us, and sometimes they win."

Police are now on the hunt for a suspect and trying to determine what demon might possibly have possessed a man to commit the acts alleged to have been committed in Montreal.

Their key target is 29-year-old Magnotta.

He has also gone by the names Eric Clinton Newman and Vladimir Romanov, among others. His multiple identities were confusing enough that even police had to issue a second press release Wednesday after originally identifying him as "Rocco Luka."

The geographic epicentre of their investigation is a grimy apartment building in Montreal's west end.

Magnotta was renting Apartment 208 in the brick mid-rise, by the bustling Decarie Expressway. Behind that building, a man's torso was found Tuesday in a locked suitcase, buried in a pile of garbage.

On the same day, a foot was found in a package opened at Conservative headquarters and a hand was found at an Ottawa postal warehouse — the latter package addressed to the Liberal party.

The building manager told The Canadian Press that Magnotta had been living there for about four months. In the manager's words, he seemed like a nice guy.

Police in masks were combing through the blood-soaked apartment Wednesday, having zeroed in on that particular unit from which a rotten stench was drifting out, says a building resident.

The neighbour said police were showing neighbours pictures of two men — the suspected victim and the homicide suspect.

The packages in Ottawa came from a common source. They carried parts from the same male victim, and they were both mailed from Montreal.

Police shared a few new details about the case Wednesday.

"The suspect and victim knew each other," Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere told reporters. "It isn't linked to organized crime."

It apparently took a few days for anyone to find a body part. A resident in the building described the scene in the trash-filled laneway behind the complex.

"I saw the suitcase and I was tempted to go get it," said Richard Payette, 60. "It didn't look too damaged. I said, 'Maybe I'll go down and get it.' But I changed my mind."

The grisly discovery was made later, by someone else living nearby.

Police were milling about the second-floor apartment Wednesday, where there were still traces of blood and, reportedly, still some body parts stored. Payette said the door of Apartment 208 was left open for part of the day, and the smell of rotten meat was drifting out into the hallway.

The building manager said Magnotta had lived there for four months but hadn't been seen around in a while. He said there were never any complaints about noise in the unit, and that Magnotta passed a credit test to rent there.

"He seemed like a nice guy," said the manager, Eric Schorer.

Police said Magnotta has no criminal record.

What isn't clear is why body parts were mailed to Ottawa, including a foot received at the offices of the Conservative party and a hand found at a Canada Post warehouse.

Finding him might not be easy.

"When making the decision to disappear, it is very important to understand that this is not a process that can be successfully accomplished overnight," said the online disappearance tips, penned under Magnotta's name.

"For best results under normal circumstances, a minimum of four months is really necessary to successfully carry out the heroic actions necessary to leave your old life behind.

"This is certainly not an undertaking to be entered into lightly."

With files by Jonathan Montpetit, Andy Blatchford and Alexander Panetta