View Full Version : First Aqueduct trip to 77E St in Littlerock, CA

05-25-2012, 10:26 PM
wssup guys,

I went out there today and i got there at 9am. for the first time for Striper, I tried B&W with Fresh Sardines (i got them Frozen from Redondo Beach Sport Fishing Store) nooooooo cigar. Problem is there is wayyyyy too much weed there right now. The winds were really bad today too, I would cast it in the middle and a few mins later my line would be by the shore along with all of the weed. its really bad right now with the weed conditions. I experimented a little put heavier weight on the bottom of my line hoping myw eight would stick to the bottom, helped but the weed continued to catch on to my line as my bait was sitting with a tight drag....that was that

I rolled out a good size Kastmaster with a tail, That didnt work either. I also rolled out a Krocodile Lure a shiny one, bigger than a Kastmaster but looks a big Kastmaster, no cigar. I fished for about 2 1/2 hours I had to end it because of the wind conditions were not good! I didnt have the lure that was mentioned in the "technique at the duct" post, but i tried the method for my cast! casting 90 degrees and etc. that was a good post btw, thanks.

I was kind of weirded out, no one was fishing there and I heard this aqueduct stretches out the entire Cali, maybe I will try different spot next time....good outing though that was the objective. :) I will do different planning and get em next time!

Lucky Lager
05-26-2012, 04:44 AM
It's not just that spot, the salad is bad everywhere.
77th isn't a bad spot, there are fish there often. But, like you said, the duct runs from the delta into Mexico, so there's a lot of spots to try.
Fish as many spots as you can & find out which ones you like the best....the fish are out there, finding them on a particular day is the key...and time on the water is the best way to do that, in my opinion.

05-26-2012, 11:42 AM
2nd the weeds are bad everywhere. 77th st E. is a bridge, were you perhaps fishing at the siphon which is off of 72nd st E? If you're wanting to use bait, walking and drifting chicken liver with no weight is your best bet. But that will be more likely to get you a catfish instead of striper. Many stiriper have been caught that way too though.

The best lure to use right now that will have the least problem with moss and weeds is a 1 ounce jig head with a 5" Zoom Super Fluke. Kpn & other lipless crankbaits will work too, but will collect more moss.

Good luck.

trail blazer
05-26-2012, 06:53 PM
DITTO on the 5in super zoom fluke,,,,,Ive cought a cpl on flukes myself.


05-26-2012, 06:57 PM
ah littlerock...my old duct stomping grounds. don't get too discouraged by the weeds, they will come and go. my advice if you want to bait n wait instead of walking and drifting the current is to use a 2-4 oz pyramid on a sliding sinker rig, depending on how strong the current is. your bait will usually get pulled up on the side no matter what size sinker youre using, but the fish are usually on the sides anyways and not in the middle. try positioning yourself on a bend where youll have more of a straight shot at keeping the bait down deeper and in the strike zone, instead of it getting dragged up onto the bank by the current...good luck!

05-27-2012, 10:43 PM
wssup guys,

I went out there today and i got there at 9am. for the first time for Striper, I tried B&W with Fresh Sardines (i got them Frozen from Redondo Beach Sport Fishing Store) nooooooo cigar. Problem is there is wayyyyy too much weed there right now. The winds were really bad today too, I would cast it in the middle and a few mins later my line would be by the shore along with all of the weed. its really bad right now with the weed conditions. I experimented a little put heavier weight on the bottom of my line hoping myw eight would stick to the bottom, helped but the weed continued to catch on to my line as my bait was sitting with a tight drag....that was that

I rolled out a good size Kastmaster with a tail, That didnt work either. I also rolled out a Krocodile Lure a shiny one, bigger than a Kastmaster but looks a big Kastmaster, no cigar. I fished for about 2 1/2 hours I had to end it because of the wind conditions were not good! I didnt have the lure that was mentioned in the "technique at the duct" post, but i tried the method for my cast! casting 90 degrees and etc. that was a good post btw, thanks.

I was kind of weirded out, no one was fishing there and I heard this aqueduct stretches out the entire Cali, maybe I will try different spot next time....good outing though that was the objective. :) I will do different planning and get em next time!

Don't just fish one spot, fish a spot for 15mins then move on to another spot. That is pretty much the only time I ever catch fish at the duct is when i move spots. I find staying in one spot useless because if your there for so long then theres obviously no fish there, so you move on. I for the longest time thought me and my uncle were the only ones who did this but i found that lots of duct fishermen do this. Good report though, and yea the salad seems to come every year and cause us good fisher folk some problems lol. hope you catch the next time out.