View Full Version : fun day in carpinteria with the fam

Lucky Lager
05-21-2012, 12:15 AM
the wife usually gives me the 3rd degree when i "waste" the gas money to head to the coast & hit the surf, so when she suggested taking the kids to carpinteria this weekend, i jumped at the opportunity :)
i tried talking her into getting the kids up early, but she was having none of that. we left the house at 0730 & i was in the sand at 0930 (only an hour & a half before high tide).
the kids wanted to collect some shells, and that sounded like mom's department, so i started tossing an LC ;)
worked north to the jetty with no love & ran into a father & son throwing some crack near the jetty. the father said that guys had been catching leos there, so i made my way to the jetty. there was a high spot out there, so i was able to get way out there & cast in all directions.
after a few minutes of 360 degree fan casting, i saw a few shadows lurking around...then a few more...then i noticed i was surrounded by leos. but, they wanted nothing to do with my LC...nomatter how i presented it to them.
so, i switched setups to my favorite spinner setup (my 2nd place prize from HG III), with a 3" BH & made a long cast at 45deg to the jetty. about 1/2 way back, i get stuck...then, ZZZZZZZZZ...fish on!
first big fish on that setup & i'm stoked. lovin' the way the reel was handling the fight & the extra long rod butt was pretty nice too.
after about 10min, i was able to confirm that it was in fact a leo. and within the next 10min, i was able to beach it.....but, not without disaster. right at the end of the fight, the 2nd extention of the rod snapped in half. i had tail hooked the fish & while it was in about 4" of water, it thrashed around while i was pulling it within grasping distance & SNAP!! my 9' clarus became a casualty of war :( i have a video of the last 5min of the fight (including the rod snap), but it was taking forever to upload. i'm going to edit it & cut some of the drag peeling out to shorten the length so it will upload faster.
probably my fault, but i decided to take revenge & bbq that fish for killing my rod, as long as it was a legal fish. had to pull out the tape, because it was to close to be sure. ended up taping out at 38", so he is now staked out & awaiting the bbq :)


the kids were super excited to see it


the fallen hero


after that, my boy decided he wanted to fish. so i put the leo on ice & got his pole out.


his first fish from the surf :)


he did really good, but he's not used to having to pay attention to his surroundings. he caught a couple waves while focusing on his catch.....like father, like son :)
he enjoyed it though, and i'm stoked about that. i'm going to have a solid fishing buddy in a few more years ;)

sorry for the lenghthy read, the next one will hopefully be shorter

05-21-2012, 06:28 AM
Xlnt family outing. How was the BBQ Leo ?

Which Way Out
05-21-2012, 07:23 AM
That story was Sad and Cute all at the same time.LOL
Shame that happen to your rod but your son getting is first perch should make up for it. Sounds like the wife is open to getting you guys close to the water and having fun. It will only get better as they grow up, well at least until the teenage years.:Confused:
If you get a chance and get back up this way PM me, I will come fish with ya. I was less than 20 min. away all day.

Thanks for sharing the report

Lucky Lager
05-21-2012, 07:24 AM
Xlnt family outing. How was the BBQ Leo ?

Haven't Q'd it yet.
While I was cleaning it, a buddy called to see if I could head to the aqueduct for some striper fishing. So I vacuum sealed the steaks in meal sized portions & headed back out :) ....I may have a problem, lol!
I only managed 1 small striper, but more importantly, got a leo civiche recipie from my friend's buddy. Can't wait to try that out too!

05-21-2012, 10:31 AM
Great report! Congrats on the leo! Always a lifetime memory when your son gets his first fish...priceless!

I had my brand new Clarus snap this past weekend as well. Normally, I'd be PISSED, but it is extremely comforting to know that these rods are backed by a lifetime warranty. Send it back to Shimano and get a new one...only cost to you is the shipping.

Enjoy the steaks!!!

Lucky Lager
05-21-2012, 11:28 AM
That story was Sad and Cute all at the same time.LOL
Shame that happen to your rod but your son getting is first perch should make up for it. Sounds like the wife is open to getting you guys close to the water and having fun. It will only get better as they grow up, well at least until the teenage years.:Confused:
If you get a chance and get back up this way PM me, I will come fish with ya. I was less than 20 min. away all day.

Thanks for sharing the report

WWO, i'll definitely give you a shout the next time i head that way. i don't get up there nearly as much as i'd like to, but that's it's warming up the wife will be more open to going...which makes it a lot easier for me :) yesterday was BEAUTIFUL, i didn't want to leave.
a buddy of mine (Wulfman) & i like to get up there at least a few times a year & put in a solid day of fishing. i'll pm you when we do that for sure.

Great report! Congrats on the leo! Always a lifetime memory when your son gets his first fish...priceless!

I had my brand new Clarus snap this past weekend as well. Normally, I'd be PISSED, but it is extremely comforting to know that these rods are backed by a lifetime warranty. Send it back to Shimano and get a new one...only cost to you is the shipping.

Enjoy the steaks!!!

Don, i checked on line & got shimano's customer service number. i'm going to give them a call & see if they can help me out. i'm not sure that they will, because i don't have the bill of sale...this was a rod i won at HG III, but hopefully it'll all work out.

05-21-2012, 11:44 AM
Don, i checked on line & got shimano's customer service number. i'm going to give them a call & see if they can help me out. i'm not sure that they will, because i don't have the bill of sale...this was a rod i won at HG III, but hopefully it'll all work out.

From the few experiences I've had with customer service, and from what I've heard, Shimano's usually pretty cool about honoring warranties. It doesn't do their marketing very well not to. :Wink: Good luck!

05-21-2012, 12:26 PM
Great read. One can never get enough good times with the family. Carpinteria is one of my favorite beaches, and they don't get much cleaner. It is never crowded. Fisherman 57 pointed me to that beach when I was first starting out with my kids. Thank you Dana, your influence will live forever.

05-21-2012, 12:50 PM
Fisherman 57 pointed me to that beach when I was first starting out with my kids. Thank you Dana, your influence will live forever.

Right on man... :Big Grin:

Jim, congrats on another fine looking Leo. Never taken one home before, they look too majestic to kill. :Cool:
Bummer about the rod, but I'm sure you won't have any trouble getting it replaced with Shimano. :Wink:

Lucky Lager
05-21-2012, 03:34 PM
they are a great looking fish, no doubt about that. everybody i've talked to that has eaten them have said they're delicious, so i've been trying to get one for a while now.
that last one i caught put up such a great fight, i felt like it should go back to fight another day. plus, i'm sure it'll be my PB for a long time to come & i didn't want to jinx myself by taking that one, lol.
i never got to meet Dana, but i know i would get along with anyone who's motto is; family, friends, fun & fishing :)

side note, i just got off the phone with Dave at shimano in irvine & he said to ship it in with a note saying how i aquired the rod & how it broke & they will ship me a new one within a couple days......SAWEEET!!
i love it when companies have great customer service. it always makes my day.

Lucky Lager
05-21-2012, 06:55 PM
bbq'd some steaks.....sooo goood!
made a wet rub that i found on line & it came out great.
here's the info:

-1/4 cup soy sauce
-2 tbsp. lemon juice
-2 tbsp. dry white vermouth (i omitted this item because i didn't have any)
-1 tbsp. worcestershire sauce
-1/2 tsp. chilli powder
-1/4 tsp. garlic powder (i substituted 1 clove, diced instead of the powder)
-1 tsp. sugar
-2 tsp. oil (i used extra virgin)

mix well & let the steaks marinade in it for a bit. i let it sit in the fridge for 1/2hr.
threw them on a hot grill, flipping & baisting them with the residule rub every 7 minutes until cooked through.
final product
i had my 5 year old try a piece & he asked for his own portion.....it passed the ultimate test, lol

i'll add this to the favorite recipie post, so, sorry about the double post :)

murrieta angler
05-21-2012, 08:56 PM
Howdy Jim,
Loved the report, especially with Little Man bringing in his PB BSP...:Wink:
The bbq recipe sounds good, if I ever keep a Leo I for sure will give it a try...:Smile:
I'm glad the rod thing worked out, I was going to tell you who acquired the rod cause he still might have the receipt, but no need to now...:Big Grin:
Thanks for sharing,