View Full Version : Finally got my first duct DD

Lucky Lager
05-14-2012, 09:55 PM
had about an hour to kill, so i headed to the duct.
made a few casts and got 2 short strikes, both from the same spot. made another cast & slowed the retrieve way down. work it through the spot, another strike...this time it sticks
a health little micro. not what i was hoping for, but a skunk buster none the less.
the little bassturd tore my 3" BH to shreds & i didn't have any more in my pocket, so i had to switch to the fluke....i love that little fish for forcing me to switch baits, because the next cast brought me my PB & my first duct DD!
really nice fight. lots of drag peel, a bit of running along the side of the duct, and the best part.....landing it!!
made a few more casts before i had to head home, just to see if there was any more in that spot, but wasn't too bummed to only catch the ones i did :LOL:

05-14-2012, 10:29 PM
awesome job jim, glad to see your doing good.

05-14-2012, 10:29 PM
very nice! that thing looks well fed, grats!!! :Beer Toast:

whats the name of that app?

05-15-2012, 04:54 AM
Nice fish,,, nothing in fresh like it

05-15-2012, 05:05 AM
Nice for a second i thoughT the lil ONE was the monster till i zoomed in!!!
That apps dope....

05-15-2012, 06:39 AM
very nice! that thing looks well fed, grats!!! :Beer Toast:

whats the name of that app?

nice catch. yes my question too, what is the app? thanks

Lucky Lager
05-15-2012, 06:48 AM
Thanks guys.
The app is called 'Fishing Guide Pacific'.
It mosty relates to saltwater fishing, but I use the approx weight part everywhere. There's probably a better app out there, but this one's ok for the $0.99, or it may have even been free, I can't remember

Fishin Magician
05-15-2012, 07:32 AM
Super nice fish. what part of the duct were you fishing?

Bassnman Mike
05-15-2012, 10:22 AM
Super nice fish. what part of the duct were you fishing?

John, I know that Jim lives in the AV and since he said that he only had an hour to kill I would think that he got them somewhere from the AV area.

05-15-2012, 01:00 PM
nice catch good to see fish from that spot got to get out there soon and get a couple and the old trusty cat

05-15-2012, 03:47 PM
Thanks guys.
The app is called 'Fishing Guide Pacific'.
It mosty relates to saltwater fishing, but I use the approx weight part everywhere. There's probably a better app out there, but this one's ok for the $0.99, or it may have even been free, I can't remember

they need to sell a fish scale app with a little hook attachment for the iphone so we can actually weigh them with it...i think ill patent this idea, lol

05-15-2012, 05:42 PM
Just saw this. Congrats on the PB and 1st DD. I got your text with the pic of the fish but didn't notice anything about the size and weight.

05-15-2012, 05:47 PM
congrats on your first...u'll never be the same anymore..

Long days / nights.....you will never get anymore rest..

ahhhhh sweet oblivion..


05-15-2012, 06:01 PM
Great catch !!!!!!

Lucky Lager
05-15-2012, 06:13 PM
Super nice fish. what part of the duct were you fishing?
i was out in the west av for those. but, there have been several coming out of south av & far west av.
the biggest key is just to get out as much as possible & work the areas thoroughly that you hit.
i can't count how many times i've gotten bit right when i'm about to give up on a spot. when "one last cast" turns into 3 or 4 more casts....that's when the bite comes & i'm glad i put in the extra effort.

congrats on your first...u'll never be the same anymore..

Long days / nights.....you will never get anymore rest..

ahhhhh sweet oblivion..

it aint no 40lb'er, but i'm pumped to finally get that DD monkey off my back, haha!

05-15-2012, 07:54 PM
VERY NICE!! Congrats on your DD!! Thanks for the post and pics!

LeeRoy Jenkins!
05-15-2012, 08:07 PM
Congrats on the PB, I don't know which is the best part, the fight or that moment when you actually get it out of water and up the concrete, way to go!

05-15-2012, 08:21 PM
Way to go Luck Lager....Nice stripers. I bet that PB put a huge smile on your face! I wonder if the littler one was a male and the bigger one was a female? Just curious? Anyways maybe we will bump into each other this summer somewhere on the AV duct. :Big Grin:

Lucky Lager
05-15-2012, 09:55 PM
Way to go Luck Lager....Nice stripers. I bet that PB put a huge smile on your face! I wonder if the littler one was a male and the bigger one was a female? Just curious? Anyways maybe we will bump into each other this summer somewhere on the AV duct. :Big Grin:

Thanks, it definitely made my day.
The small one may have been a male, but it was more like snack size than mate size, lol.
It was only about 12" max

05-16-2012, 12:50 PM
Nice Job out there Jim