View Full Version : The Three Amigos Loking,..

05-13-2012, 07:49 AM
Well, it was me, my bro and Cappo that went Loking for some feesh,.. We did a saturday morning run into the Concrete Jungle for some bass! Launched a little after 6, already light out with a bit of over cast. Low tide at 9am so we had to hurry up and get there to get some good action before the bite dies. Threw everything at them like Big Hammers, Reebs, War baits and some Gulp! jerkshads...of course all were rubbed in uni-butter. Had a lot of hooks up but the fish were in a fighting mood this morning, got rocked a few times! I love it when a fish pulls back, lost some swim baits and a Reebs kelp assassin lure, those things ain't cheap, but the fish wanted the bait more than i wanted him! I was using 12# fluro, so i think i'm gonna knock it up to 15# next time. Soon as 9 came around the bite died, the wind picked up and the current was moving! Not so good when your float tubing! Threw in the towel and out we were! until next time,.. I gotta start getting ready for today! Gonna head over to Chavez ravine for mothers day, taking the wife and kids! shes a big Dodgers fan and Ethier is her fav player so i had to get tickets at the all you can eat pavilion! Oh man, gonna be hot today too! Tight linez,..

Jungle Bass,..

Got some,..

Also did some perch fishing,..

Cappo in the Concrete jungle,..

05-13-2012, 12:38 PM
Nice black perch! They've been really thick lately. I like them better than Barred surfperch.

I knew you would be back there :LOL:

Worth a ticket and police brutality IMO.

murrieta angler
05-13-2012, 06:23 PM
Cool report Bro.
Good looking fish and then a ball game afterwards?!?
Can't beat that!!!

05-13-2012, 06:27 PM
Nice black perch! They've been really thick lately. I like them better than Barred surfperch.

I knew you would be back there :LOL:

Worth a ticket and police brutality IMO.

The cops and I are on a first name basis now,.. lol


05-13-2012, 10:44 PM
Can't beat that...great day on the water followed by an awesome game! Musta been almost as fun watching that 6 run inning as it was catching dem fish! :Wink:

05-14-2012, 09:49 PM
Can't beat that...great day on the water followed by an awesome game! Musta been almost as fun watching that 6 run inning as it was catching dem fish! :Wink:

Yea at the first inning i thought it was over lol

But yea they came around and then Ethier got tossed! awesome game,..