View Full Version : Event #6 of the Lip RipperZ Takeover Tournament Trail

Lip Ripperz
05-06-2012, 12:09 PM
Congratulations to Kamron J. for taking 1st Place in event #6 of the Lip RipperZ Takeover Tournament Trail at Corona lake yesterday with a 5lb 13 ounce Big Bad Red!! Details and more pictures to be posted tomorrow!! Stay tuned...

05-06-2012, 11:01 PM
First I would like to thank Lip RipperZ and Brian and all the sponsors for putting on these tournaments and giving all anglers the chance at great prizes while we are doing what we love to do! It's great to win And it will be fun to spend the loot at Turners this week. I landed my big bad red on a drop shotted green & white Floating Dooie. I hooked up with it around 12:20 and took about ten minutes to land the trout out on my float tube. It fought really good and had some powerful runs. One thing about these reds, they fight hard, and this 6lber fights better than a double digit lassen for sure! When a trout has a full tail they can put the power down and strip line.
Overall it was a tuff day out on the water as I had only one other fish that would have placed but not won , and 2 or 3 bites. It looked the same for others as well. The only thing I can say is I didn't stop fishing or plan to get out of tube until the end, but when I hooked and landed that BBR I was done for the day and kicked in quickly to go to weigh in!
Waiting the last 20 minutes is a little nerve racking knowing that at any time somebody can come up with a 20 pounder and bump you down, but not this day! Sweet prize to Turners and points on the board for Alaska. Hope to make more points on the Trail and keep my drag screamin'.

05-06-2012, 11:46 PM
Congrats man !! Yes lots of hard work !!