View Full Version : PUDD, FLY, and FISH

04-25-2012, 07:48 PM
I got to the Pudd today around 715 am and was cloudy and breezy and cool. Fish were hiding from the fly. Rain sprinkles were off and on. Mid morning the sky opened up and blue skies and sunny. The fish were getting a little more active. Very slow retrieves to get any bites. Most fish were sighted on the take. Threadfin Shad all over near the pier. Robert managed to get some nice Crappies, Reds, Blues. Alice got her first TROUT on the FLY drifting under a BOBBER aka INDICATOR for us fly types.

It really got warm to hot later near noon time ... and we had a second session of bites... as soon as it started it ended.

http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y316/vivid_fly/chart.png http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y316/vivid_fly/chart.png http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y316/vivid_fly/chart.png http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y316/vivid_fly/chart.png

The Fishing Queen
04-26-2012, 07:26 AM
I went back to the Pudd in the afternoon, the weather was humid and hot, Jones caught some really big sized bluegills and redears, one of his bluegills was the largest one that I've seen this season. Robert came back after dropping off Mike, and he fished a little longer, he caught a lot of fish, pretty good sizes for Jones to keep. Many people showed up to fish around 3pm, and I saw quite a few people that had some good ones too. Seems like the large sized panfish were hanging out by the shore after 2pm, but I left around 5 o'clock because of the wind.