View Full Version : Casitas 4/21 Fishin...."Smooth Style"

04-23-2012, 03:23 PM
I told CL Smooth about 2 years ago that we would hit Casitas together…I just never made it happen as I don’t fish for LMB that often nowadays..

Well I got a little wild hair goin on so I thought I’d revisit it..

Mr Smooooooth…was ALL OVER IT…

We met up after some serious fog on the drive over…
(thick…had to use my wipers the whole way from Piru)

Got there…..not thrilled to have to rent a boat…I have my own but just didn’t have the time to arrange a quarantine quagga clearance…

So we rented….

I asked the price…

Answer: $85.00

Dayam….I told the guy that I wanted to RENT the boat….NOT BUY IT !

Mr Charles Smooth style agreed to help finance the boat rental…

Here he is coming down the launch ramp with his financial contribution to the rental…

Man…this guy is a Balla’ !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Paid the man at the rentals office…some fine facilities they have there too I might add..

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

I think the lake rental owners must REALLY be loving the fact that many are forced into renting a boat….

U can tell by the smile on their face !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Asked the guy at the dock where our boat was…

He said: one fine seafaring barnacle infested tub…..COMING UP !

We were rewarded with a nice fine seaworthy skow….

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

I asked…..PLEASE make sure it’s not a “leaker” I didn’t want to spend the day with my feet soaked….

He said…No problem “It’s a GOOD ONE !”

Hmnnnnn….not sure he was 100% honest as we ventured outside of the marina…..this is what we experienced…..

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Resulting in…..

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

I didn’t do a whole lot of research b4 heading out but the LAKE WAS EXTREMELY LOW….

Had not been there in a few years so I wasn’t aware of those conditions…..

ALSO…something that bears mentioning is that the SHAD WERE AROUND….

There were many nice clusters and decent baitable size too

The Shad chasers were out in abundance…..

I took a photo of those “bucket brigades” and their shad frenzy…

They were ‘Hitting it HARD”
By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Headed out…the goal was to fish the “WOOD”

Through the thick fog…it soon became apparent that “THERE WASN’T ANYMORE WOOD !

All of the structure that I was accustomed to fishing was HIGH AND DRY due to low water levels

dayam : (

Looked for small lil’ stickups…..very few and far between they were…

Spotted one small rolling point….very shallow….but had a series of about 3 sticks sticking out of it….

I mentioned to Charles that it wasn’t the structure I’d hoped for but they very well may be relating to it….

Without a SOUND….

Without any indicators

As I fished on…..Charles had casted in front of one of the 3 lil sticks…..

AND He was ON !


On the dropshot….

He layed ‘em out..


Nice job in Smooth Style too !…didn’t hear a peep from him !

Congrats buddy : )

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

A lull….kiss and miss as we worked the shallow point with my trolling motor..

No Peep..

No rocking of the boat….

No voice

NO indicators……


Smooth is ON AGAIN…

Hook~uP !

He lays anutha OUT !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Man…he was kicking my ARSE !

I was getting desperate….

my spidey senses were tingling

BUT WHAT would I do to remedy the situation…

We were 2 and 0


Gonna have to get crafty I thought !

I broke down and revealed some secrets …..the darker side of feel the steel : )
(or I think I was gonna have a breakdown watching Charles catch all the fish !)

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

The fish listened…


I was ON !

As I watched the quality bass battle, I could see ‘em running up in the water column….I told smooth he was gonna jump…..

AND he DID,,,,, Mid flight shakin my #1/0 dropshot hook…

I certainly could have stopped ‘em from jumping by putting my pole in the water but that’s part of the fun….watching the acrobatics….

Wump Wump Wump Wahhhhhhhhh

Still on a skunk…. : (

I believe Charles layed ANOTHER ONE OUT…..

Dayam….beatin me DOWN !

Decided to try some different structure..

Targeted some rock shelves on the secondary points….

Sticks and STONES as Charles Said



Hookup ~ !

I made quick time getting on the board with 2 fish on deck…..
By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

And of COURSE if da’ fish give ya luv…ya gotta give ‘em luv back !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Charles STILL leading….kicking my ARSE

Rolled on to another rocky realm….

Steep rock wall….

Saw a smaller grade bass….exhibiting spawing type zone owning behavior..

Didn’t spook off from the boat….

I believe it was owning and setting up shop on a shallow shelf of the rock wall to spawn….

Charles and I discussed the shelf spawning pattern and how they do it quite often at Castaic Upper….

I presented my dropshot…


Lightning quick !

I Drop it AGAIN…… like it’s HOT…again in the same zone..

It comes back

HIT….and SPIT….

Ohhh I tell Charles…he’s comin back….I WILL catch this fish NOW..


Drop again…..he swims up interested….I have to almost anticipate the strike or it’ll spit again….


#3 hit the deck….
Cute lil’ feler’ but certainly earned my respect as it almost eluded my hook..

But “in the end…..”there can only be one !”

And it had to come join us for a visit in the boat and a quick photo op !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

VERY TUFF conditions..

It was not easy to get them going this day…

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Hooked up another one off the drop of the rock wall

But shook me mid air AGAIN….

Another 10 or so casts saw me hook up again and land it…

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Now it was Smooth’s turn to play catch up (this sucka had me goin all early morning)

Charles answered the call….

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-24

3 to 3

4 to 4

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Runnin’ sisde by side for the better part of the morning and beginning afternoon..

5 to 5…….

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

CL Smooth wuz takin’ it to the stage…..rockn’ n’ rollin’ hookin up…keeping it real….

Keeping those fish IN CHECK !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

BUT I must give myself a little credit….I was doin a little damage too….I was just hopin those big mommas were gonna unlock their jaws !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

REAL tuff bite pattern but with some REAL HARD FISHING….we were scratching fish out as we banged across the lake….we fished all sorts of regions…

We did find one spot with some wood…..

We fished it HARD…..fished it for a while till we could take no more…

In hindsight…maybe we shouldn’t have spent as much time there…I think it took it’s toll as we were feeling weak….not having eatin any lunch and baking in the heat..


By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-23

Most areas revealed the same patterning….scratch one fish and have to move….and they all seemed like the males…I don’t feel any were female and certainly no huge hawgs answered our calls : (

We DID catch some quality fish….and for that I am thankfull…IT WAS a good time ..

not certain how others did but I only saw a few others land any fish so I know we weren’t doing that bad given the poor bite pattern…

My thoughts are that the rapidly fluxing barometer is to blame for the big girls not dancing..

We have experienced HOTT Days !

COLD Foggy nights so I don’t think Grandma Bucketmouth liked those conditions…..I’ll have to revisit things when the barometric pressures level out…

We took the rental in and squeezed out a quick shoreline romp…

Fished the channel behind the marina…

As I casted all the way to the other side of the channel…there was ONE stick reaching out of the water….maybe 2’ from the other sides shoreline..

I placed a cast that ended up about 6” from the stick…on the deeper side.. Charles saw the whole deal…

and noted… “Man…that was a good cast”

I answered: “yeah…that was sweet…don’t know if I could do that again”

I worked the worm….maybe 6” to 1’ and then my line began swimming to the left with a nice pressure bite…..

CL Smooth watched as I hookup up all the way cross channel….

Real strong fighta’

A jumper too….leaping as he gave my drag several real good long drag stripping runs !

Shore bangin’ produced what turned out to be the largest fish of the day….

Kicka’ fish !

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-24

This Picture was inadvertently taken as we tried to figure out how to work my new camera…

By feelthesteel (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/feelthesteel) at 2012-04-24

“Sewed” the hooked into it’s mouth TWO times…that sucka would have never got away after feeling the patented “feel the steel” multiple hooksets…..

We finished the day at:

Charles: - 5 landed
Gary: - 7 landed (4 lost)

Please note that the lakes facilities were actually great…the rental was fine….just pokin’ fun at them : )

The only thing was that I will have to rig up a transdeucer on the rental so I can use my graph…..I missed that in a big way when I wanted to target big moma’s out on deepwater points….maybe I’ll have to buy a trolling motor transdeucer….who knows but next trip I am bringing a graph…..I blind fished ‘em for years in my youth but it’s far from the prime way to locate and identify fish patterns….

Good times….Hats off to Charles (CL Smooth)

You are one cool fisherman and more importantly….a good person….good things happen to good people and after spending a GRUELING HOTT day on the water with you….I can certainly attest that you are a good soul..

Spidey senses are predicting a toad slay coming up down the pipe for you : )


CL SmooV
04-23-2012, 11:10 PM
LOL.....helluva post GMan (aka the sewin' machine). Not a bad day at all. Blind fishing brings out the best in any crazed fisherman/woman. After this front passes through we have to go back-- I need a rematch! Plus, we gotta seek out those donkeys that evaded us. I know they were close.

Thanks for the prop's Gary, it was on point fishin with you man.

Lets go wreck it again. Sooner than Later!


--and yes, that sewin' machine hook set was sick! that cast was even sicker!