View Full Version : Three day fishing report - LEGAL WSB!!

04-22-2012, 10:11 PM
After finally getting some time on my plate, I decided to take a break from everything and spend some time on the sand (Thank you Arthur for the update on surf conditions!). I ended up heading out to the surf three days in a row. Here is my report =)

Friday I decided to call in sick from school duties so that I can get a piece of the awesome surf conditions. I got on the sand around 10am (peak high tide) and darted straight to surf. After a few cast, I hear someone shout my name and was surprised to see that it was Lucas (Mr_dunev) and Mike (Bones). I stopped to chat with them for a few minutes and then continued down the beach. Mike told me that the beach was a little flooded, so after a few casts, I decided to just enjoy the scenery with my girlfriend until the tide got a little lower. An hour goes by and I see Mike work his way down the beach. That’s when I get a calendar message reminding me that I have an essay due in two hours :Sad: !!!!! I had no choice but to head out. I said my hellos and good byes to Mike and let him know that I had to be at school and then left. Seeing that the conditions were getting better, I decided to get in a few last cast. About fifteen cast in I get a hard hit and shouted out HOOKED! Judging by the ease of reeling the fish in, I tell my girlfriend that I wasn’t sure if it was a legal (I thought it was most likely not). I get it in to about 20 feet and all of a sudden, It goes crazy and darts full speed in the opposite direction. My drag was going crazy and my heart starts pumping. The fight was on!! This fish was strong!! I’ve never felt a fish this strong before. After 3-4 minutes of fighting, it still wasn’t close and still had a lot of strength. “awwww it must be a leopard shark…,” I told my girlfriend. Fast-forward a few minutes. I finally see a white figure. I beach the figure and to my surprise… IT WAS A WSB!!!! I couldn’t believe it. My hands were shaking from shock. I was barely able to measure it lol. It ended up being 29.5 inches. My FIRST WSB and it was LEGAL too (WOOT WOOT) !!!

I wanted to let it go, but the thought of my parent’s happy faces made me keep it. I also wanted them to support my passion for fishing. They think it’s a waste of gas, especially since they never see me bring anything home.

29.5 Inch WSB


I came back to the same AO Saturday evening to test out fishing the sunset. I got there around 5:30pm and notice that there were a lot of pelicans diving (I’ve never seen a bunch of pelicans diving close to shore before). I knew the day was going to be good. First cast… BOOM, I get my first hook. I pull up a short and take a few quick snaps then released it back. I didn’t measure it but it was roughly around 18-19inches. I fished for about another hour or so then left because it was too cold.

Short butt

On Sunday, Daniel (Dlmoo312) was able to head up from San Diego, so I decided to take him to the same AO. We got to the AO around 3:30pm (second low tide at 1.7 ft). Third cast in, Daniel gets a hit!!! First legal?? I’ll let him tell his story. That was all we hooked on today, but it was well worth it.

Thanks for reading,


04-22-2012, 10:27 PM
VERY, VERY cool! Congrats on the ghost and pancake! I've been waiting for this report ever since Arthur mentioned that he was getting messages about legals and WSB. I figured someone's gotta post that story. Way to go kid!!! Hope you got that essay done on time too...but after that fish, I'm somehow doubting that.:LOL:


04-23-2012, 01:21 AM
Nice job. Those smaller legal WSB taste alot better than the hulking bruiser 30-lb'ers!

04-23-2012, 06:27 AM
Nice Report, It was great finally meeting you and your GF. Remember when you said how much you missed the surf? I told you not to worry that Poseidon had something special in store for you :) I look forward to fishing with you again!


Which Way Out
04-23-2012, 08:25 AM
Thien , very nicely written. I have to admit that your story gave me a chill when you wrote "It goes crazy and darts full speed in the opposite direction. My drag was going crazy and my heart starts pumping. The fight was on!!"

Very cool, and to bring it home to share with the parents must of made it all worth while.
Good work buddy. Keep at it.


04-23-2012, 08:47 AM
That’s when I get a calendar message reminding me that I have an essay due in two hours :Sad: !!!!! .

As a college grad, I can state with 100% certainty, that you will remember that first surf caught WSB far longer than ANY essay you will have written :Big Grin:

Great write up and I bet that WSB tasted mighty fine.

04-23-2012, 10:59 AM
Fantastic job Thien... :Applause:
THREE straight days of fishing! :Envious: I got in 2 hours this weekend. :Neutral:
Funny, most White Sea Bass have that first blistering run and then pretty much dog it in the rest of the way. Yours did the opposite. Must have been running towards you at first.
Congrats on your first White Sea Bass and a legal one too! :Big Grin:

By the way... I appreciate the text, but you don't need to justify to me or anybody why you want to keep your catch.
It's YOUR fish and you can do whatever you wish with it, PB or not... :Wink: Your parents must be very proud of you as I am, enjoy it! :Thumbs Up:

04-23-2012, 11:10 AM
Congrats on the awesome catch Thien, and thanks for the report! It is hard to balance fishing time with school and work, but seems like you're making it happen!

I wanted to head out this weekend too but I was stuck at home trying to dish out a seven page paper on 7th century Japanese Buddhist architecture. >..<

This report totally made me regret not sparing some time for myself on the surf, but thanks for the eye candy!!! :Cool:


04-23-2012, 02:53 PM
Thanks for reading guys!

This fish was one of the best tasting fish that I've ever tried and I love fish! My parents were so happy that they cooked it within 2 hours lol. Good old fish and lemon soup.. MMMMMMMMMmmmm!!

As a college grad, I can state with 100% certainty, that you will remember that first surf caught WSB far longer than ANY essay you will have written :Big Grin:

Great write up and I bet that WSB tasted mighty fine.

Thats for sure! I will remember this fish forever!!

Cant wait to get back out there!


04-23-2012, 03:47 PM
That's what I'm after right there. Nice job on that white sea bass man. I bet the canh chua tasted good too. :Wink:

04-23-2012, 11:06 PM
Halibut, Striped Bass and now a legal WSB ... Wow
Keep up the good work !

04-23-2012, 11:15 PM
Thien, congrats on another nice fish. I would say that this session was definitely worth cutting class for. LOL (Hope you got your essay turned in on time buddy). I'm still waiting for my legal WSB soon. Just waiting for some consistent weather so I can get out there. It always seems to rain on the days that I'm available to fish. Boo.

04-24-2012, 11:49 AM

God blesses those with a kind heart. You my friend deserve that WSB for sure. Just make sure you put the flatties back:ROFL:

Awesome job out there Brotha....Keep up the great work and keep those grades up!


Has Wingnut been touching your rod:ROFL:

04-24-2012, 01:37 PM
AWESOME! I felt the excitement, thanks for the report and congrats! WSB The Ghost !!!

SP Dan
04-24-2012, 07:40 PM
Hey there bloox8!

First of all.....WOWZIE....WOWZIE...WOOUU! What a GHOST story!! :Dancing Banana:
A legal White Sea Bass...Thien...you sooo deserved that beautiful fish! Congratulations my friend! WTG!! :Thumbs Up:

Boy!...You're sure giving Robert a close run for for his money with the longest WSB! Keep up the good work my friend!

Thanx for the fun to read report with pic's! :Cool:

Sorry to have chimed in so late Thien...I've been up-side-down for the last two weeks.:Wink:

SP Dan <"))><

04-25-2012, 11:26 AM
Congrats on the legal WSB, those things are tasty! :Thumbs Up:

lip rippin sob
04-25-2012, 11:42 AM
thats whats up,way to stick em!
im jealous,,but happy for you!

cant wait for my first!

04-26-2012, 04:29 PM
I bet the canh chua tasted good too. :Wink:

Oh yea! You know it! I'd give you some but I'm sure you wife makes it every other week LOL

Thien, congrats on another nice fish. I would say that this session was definitely worth cutting class for. LOL (Hope you got your essay turned in on time buddy). I'm still waiting for my legal WSB soon. Just waiting for some consistent weather so I can get out there. It always seems to rain on the days that I'm available to fish. Boo.

I would definitely skip class for a session like this, but unfortunately I'm not able to skip any of my classes :Sad: I can skip school work though LOL! And yea I was able to get my essay in on time PWEW :Big Grin:

I know what you mean! I am always busy during good conditions and free when its bad. I just got lucky this time!

Has Wingnut been touching your rod:ROFL:

I wish! I would've hooked on to a species of Tuna already :LOL: !!! I did, however, ask him if I can rub his belly. Unfortunately, I was rejected but I guess I got some luck just for asking :LOL:

Hey there bloox8!

First of all.....WOWZIE....WOWZIE...WOOUU! What a GHOST story!! :Dancing Banana:
A legal White Sea Bass...Thien...you sooo deserved that beautiful fish! Congratulations my friend! WTG!! :Thumbs Up:

Boy!...You're sure giving Robert a close run for for his money with the longest WSB! Keep up the good work my friend!

SP Dan <"))><

Thank you Dan!!! I dont know about "giving Robert a close run for his money." He is on a whole different level lol. I'm just hoping I will be able to catch another one of these babies.

murrieta angler
04-28-2012, 10:43 AM
Hey Thien,
Congrats with your first WSB...:Smile:
You kept saying, " I wish I could catch one" well now you have and now go get more!!!!
Great report,

05-08-2012, 11:02 AM
Hi Thien,

Thats an awesome first WSB you got there! Congrats!