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View Full Version : New Lake Perris record bass caught?

04-22-2012, 03:57 PM
I just heard a fisherman named Dan Hoover has reportedly broken the largemouth bass record of at Lake Perris with an 18.2 pound fish. I think it was caught either yesterday 4-21 or earlier today. Anyone hear about this?

04-22-2012, 04:45 PM
Here is a photo. The thing was a beast. I read that the photo was taken when he took it to be weighed at a certified scale. It was later returned to the lake.


Old fishermen never die. They just smell that way.
The Best of Fishbreath (http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/Fishbreath92028/Slideshow/?albumview=slideshow)

04-22-2012, 05:08 PM
Yeah, me and SublimeSteve were fishing on the boat launches today when we heard about it. Was held in the livewell until it could be weighed on a certified scale.

04-22-2012, 05:10 PM
Very nice fish. Jaw is probably broken though. Amazing catch.

04-22-2012, 06:20 PM
Nice. That's about 2lb more than the DVL record. Glad it was released. Of course if hadn't been, it would have been as controversial as the Trevon Martin incident - at least on this site.

04-22-2012, 06:25 PM
Tree you'll get the next record the way you can toss that Lunker Plunker.

04-22-2012, 06:51 PM
Very nice fish. Jaw is probably broken though. Amazing catch.


04-22-2012, 07:03 PM

It's lower jaw does look a little wonky.

04-22-2012, 07:19 PM
A fat pig indeed. Too bad Cali doesn't have a share lunker program like Texas. I wonder how old that fish is. I hope it's not on the declining end of it's life. If it is, he just wasted a good, real wall mount. Anybody know what he caught it on?

Thanks for the heads up fishmounter...

04-22-2012, 08:52 PM
The records was caught at skinner today as well.....14-5.

04-22-2012, 08:59 PM
the official weight was 18.8 and if i didnt know better im pretty sure that fish is dead in the picture

04-22-2012, 09:31 PM
Can't believe there is not a certified scale at the marina store, but then again why would they need one. They don't sell produce or meat. A bass that large and old should not have been handled much or taken away from the lake, buy to get into the record books, it does need to be weighed on certified scales and be witnessed. Hopefully she swam away without much damage or loss of slim coating.... I wonder what he caught her on and where he was fishing?

04-22-2012, 09:37 PM
It's amazing catch...Once word gets out the lake is going have even heavier pressure than it has now...two record bass in one day...WOW

04-22-2012, 09:48 PM
I know where he caught it but I wont say. She was released back into the lake ....he caught her on a Top Water Chug Bug. Fish that age rarely live when they are put through that much stress , that being said ...I am not sure how bad she was handled.

04-22-2012, 09:52 PM


Suup BRO. U MAD?

04-23-2012, 01:31 AM
I am almost positive it is dead. For one its jaw is stretched out or broken which means it wont be able to eat and die soon. Another give away is that its eyes are yellow...after fish tournaments and seeing fish weighed in with yellow around its pupils means it dead. And with that pizza place shown in the background it looks like he had already left the park.

04-23-2012, 02:58 AM
http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk188/Dreamcastor/Funny%20Stuff/picard-no-facepalm.jpg You're using the PICARD gif incorrectly. It's supposed to be directed at you.

This bass is dead... still a nice fish regardless.

04-23-2012, 04:40 AM
It's a "Lake Record", not a State Record or a World Record...in my opinion, if it were me, to hell with putting the fish under that much stress just to get it certified. Many people would disagree, but whatever..if it were me, I wouldn't have bothered with the certification, I may have had someone witness it, but never take it from the lake....Hopefully she's still swimming the waters.

04-23-2012, 08:32 AM

Suup BRO. U MAD?

Mad? no im laughing at you, you made my day. Thanks again.

04-23-2012, 08:34 AM
Ya know I was going to make fun of you guys again but after looking at that fish closer that jaw is jacked up big time and the eyes look bad. I don't know why it mattered enough to go off property to get a weight, if it's not a line class or world record just digi scale it and let her go.

Never could understand the need for notoriety he'd get trashed by you crazy LMB guys anyway didn't matter what he did might as well have saved the fish.

04-23-2012, 08:34 AM
You're using the PICARD gif incorrectly. It's supposed to be directed at you.

This bass is dead... still a nice fish regardless.

You are obviously new at this. Until you can tell me your mistake and correct it, you will be ignored. Thanks for playing though!:Razz:

04-23-2012, 08:37 AM
You must excuse Kal. He was born with a penis on his forehead, so he's a little Testy.


Santa Fe Eric
04-23-2012, 09:24 AM
How do people already know what they would do if they actually caught their fish of a lifetime? How does one make their theory their reality in such a golden moment?

04-23-2012, 09:57 AM
How do people already know what they would do if they actually caught their fish of a lifetime? How does one make their theory their reality in such a golden moment?

I know what I'd do, some fine fillet of LMB beer battered.

04-23-2012, 10:38 AM
How do people already know what they would do if they actually caught their fish of a lifetime? How does one make their theory their reality in such a golden moment?
SFEI'm not sure what I would do, but it may or may not result in me registering as a sex offender. :LOL:

Which Way Out
04-23-2012, 11:02 AM
How do people already know what they would do if they actually caught their fish of a lifetime? How does one make their theory their reality in such a golden moment?

Well I know what I did when I caught my PB LMB.

I had no camera with me, I looked at it, then I looked around to show it off but no one was around, so back in the water it went. I estimated it around 7 pounds. Monster no, but was a big fish in of all places Lake Hemet. Don't get a big rush to go there and catch one, that was at least 10 years ago.

The very next cast I pulled out maybe a 5 pounder and released it as well. Nothing for another hour, then a 13". I rarely kept LMB but I wanted to see what an alpine LMB would taste like. You know cold clean water. Well it tasted like all the other LMB I have ever eaten. Done with that, they all go back in the water now.

I do hope that the one a Lake Perris survived, shame if it didn't.


04-23-2012, 12:06 PM
How do people already know what they would do if they actually caught their fish of a lifetime? How does one make their theory their reality in such a golden moment?

i sure wont post mine on fnn

04-23-2012, 12:07 PM
i sure wont post mine on fnn

Best answer yet!

04-23-2012, 01:20 PM
My PB was caught at Perris....she was out of the water for maybe 2 minutes.....measured and CPR. I personally would not have taken the fish away from the lake but in all reality , he did what he wanted to do and thats that. ..... when you catch a BASS that big you are excited and just wanting to get it to a scale. It really is a challenge to get a huge bass to bite and then let alone land it. Congrats to Dan for his trophy. If it dies then it gets eaten by other fish and animals and that my friends is the circle of life.
Me and my fishing buddies have seen may dead bass at Perris over 7 pounds, I guarantee they died because they were caught and released....it happens, it sux but it is what it is.

04-23-2012, 03:31 PM
Man I lost the biggest bass of my life while it was thrashing 4 feet in front of me about a month ago. This picture makes my stomach hurt!! My fish was a giant! Could have been this toad!!!!

Topwater Terry
04-23-2012, 03:34 PM
I don't know why I am not surprised the most trash being talked about this guy catching this fish is on this site...can't really say if the fish's jaw is broken, and no one else can either, but Dan Hoover knows how to hold a fish and how to treat one. He is a veteran tournament angler who is all about catch and release. Nothing wrong with getting the fish weighed on a certifies scale, if it was weighed out on the lake on a non certified scale you guys would be wondering why he did not take the time to get it certified! Crazy LMB guys? Take a chill pill guys and get a few facts before you start accusing the guy of catching that bass Irvine lake trout derby style...

Fish Dog
04-23-2012, 03:45 PM
If he wanted to keep it, and it was legal, who's business is it? If it was dead and he claimed it was released, is that a crime? If it was dead and he claimed it was released I don't blame him for saying so since the LMB Nazis would be all over him if he didn't claim to release it. I guess the LMB clairvoyants, who can talk to the bass "on the other side" would know for sure if it was dead or not? I don't fish bass much, and I usually don't keep them when I do catch one, but as long as its a legal fish, caught legally, and I'm within my limit who's business is it anyway? This is exactly why I won't ever post anything about catching LMB on this site. I'll just keep it my business, (which is the only person who's business it is anyway), no matter what I decide to do with my fish. If he was doing something illegal then slam him hard, but if he's legal, leave it alone.

04-23-2012, 08:05 PM
I don't know why I am not surprised the most trash being talked about this guy catching this fish is on this site...can't really say if the fish's jaw is broken, and no one else can either, but Dan Hoover knows how to hold a fish and how to treat one. He is a veteran tournament angler who is all about catch and release. Nothing wrong with getting the fish weighed on a certifies scale, if it was weighed out on the lake on a non certified scale you guys would be wondering why he did not take the time to get it certified! Crazy LMB guys? Take a chill pill guys and get a few facts before you start accusing the guy of catching that bass Irvine lake trout derby style...

Funny how things can get a little screwed up. My "crazy LMB guys" statement has to do with the fact that it shouldn't have mattered if he measured it on a digi or on a certified the culture within the LMB purists (I hate using that Nazi word) has influenced the need to take it to a certified scale. To me if it came out at 18lbs or 18 and change means nothing it was a catch of a lifetime and who cares if it was off by an ounce or 2 if weighed on a non certified scale. That's the point I was trying to make, it shouldn't have needed to go to a certified scale to get the respect it deserves, sorry if that didn't come across!

You completely missed my point if you thought it was directed at the fisherman that caught the fish, the crazy LMB fisherman was directed at those that seem to have the need to challenge every large LMB posted on this website. Yes to me that jaw looks real bad but I am not an expert or even close to it so as you a said earlier take a chill pill.

Pete Marino
04-23-2012, 08:46 PM
Heres my take on it....

I think Perris lake has to get on the ball and get a CERTIFIED SCALE and have it at the lake... having 2 wouldnt hurt.. for that matter. It would prevent guys having to break the law and transport a live game fish to another location.
When I caught my big flathead a month or two ago, nobody at the lake had ANY answers for me as to what the record was AND they didnt have a certified scale. They told me to take it to the liquer store on Perris because they had a certified scale...I WAS LIKE...."HELL NO!!!" I wasnt about to transport that Flathead anywhere, whether it be in my livewell or whatever. I didnt want to take the chance of killing it for no reason. A fish that big deserves to go back into the lake. IMHO...
As far as that largemouth... I heard he drove all the way to Last Chance Bait and tackle with it... Not sure if thats true or not but if it is, thats lame... he should have went 1 mile away to that Perris Liquer store and had it certified... Or he should have called DFG...Kwin or Chang.
He shouldnt have taken that fish from the lake....ESPECIALLY that far from the lake..about 24 miles. ONE WAY...
Not only as I said, is it Illegal..but it probably cost that fish its life... But everyone has their own opinion on it and thats that...He did what he felt he had to do... Hopefully it survived (I doubt it) but Hopefully...
I know that when I caught that Flathead it was a frustrating situation, not getting any answers and knowing Perris didnt have a certified scale.
Personally I would have stayed at the Lake and made a bunch of callsto the DFG guys and even to the liquer store before I would risk taking that fish from the lake.. In the mean time I would have got all its measurements and got a Sh#* load of pics of it...
That was definetly a TRUE GIANT!! And is proof that TRUE GIANTS like that still live and thrive in Perris Lake... DVL does NOT have bass that big yet!!!

FISHDOG... I just read your response...Your right its HIS fish. He caught it legally, it was of legal size, he can do what he wanted with it....again its his fish.. Guys keep big bass all the time for mounts or simply because they die... I think there is an UNwritten rule amounst Bass Anglers though about catch and release... But as I said...It was his call...and he did what he thought was right. enough said.. I will say this though, if he took it and it died, but yet he still said he took it back and released it, that would be lame. There would be no reason to not admit that it died... Again, its his fish to do what he wanted with it... Doing something like that would do nothing but cause controversy, as it appears to be the case.
Its like this, and its simple... Most guys that would catch a GIANT bass like he did would ALSO want it to be certified, but because the Lake doesnt have its own certified scale, he was forced to make a decision that could have untimately cost that fish its life. Im sure he would have released the bass alive and healthy if he could have weighed it at the marina and documented everything....


04-23-2012, 09:18 PM
So if we catch a very large, possible lake record Bluegill, Redear, or crappie, like some of us fish for, we have to drive the fish away from the lake to weigh it on a state certified scale? We have to go to that liquor store on Perris Blvd?.. Or wait how long for the DFG to show up? That's why I released a huge crappie 2 years ago.

Ryan C
04-24-2012, 12:58 AM
+1 a certified scale would be nice

04-24-2012, 04:46 AM
If he wanted to keep it, and it was legal, who's business is it? If it was dead and he claimed it was released, is that a crime? If it was dead and he claimed it was released I don't blame him for saying so since the LMB Nazis would be all over him if he didn't claim to release it. I guess the LMB clairvoyants, who can talk to the bass "on the other side" would know for sure if it was dead or not? I don't fish bass much, and I usually don't keep them when I do catch one, but as long as its a legal fish, caught legally, and I'm within my limit who's business is it anyway? This is exactly why I won't ever post anything about catching LMB on this site. I'll just keep it my business, (which is the only person who's business it is anyway), no matter what I decide to do with my fish. If he was doing something illegal then slam him hard, but if he's legal, leave it alone.

You're right, it is his fish and although we have the right to voice our opinion on what he should have done, he has the right to not listen to a damn soul. The same right that he has not to listen, I still have the right to voice my opinion on what he "should" have done, or better yet, what I personally would have done had I been so lucky to catch that beast. Why? Because it's a free country with the freedom of speech and this is a public forum with different people who have different views on what is wrong or right...

I resent the comment LMB Nazis, I think Nazi is used to loosely for one, and for two, it’s not just about LMB. It’s about respect for any fish that may be special, and a 18+ bass is special. I’m not a “bass guy” in a shiny new bass boat, I’m a fisherman who chooses to CPR most of the fish I catch. You don’t have to be a bass fisherman or tree hugger to disagree with what he did.

What you do with your fish is your choice, whether I agree or not. I’m not here to argue, I gave my opinion on a public forum, in which my opinion is, he should not have taken the fish from the lake, especially to Last Chance…

04-24-2012, 02:12 PM
....it’s not just about LMB. It’s about respect for any fish that may be special, and a 18+ bass is special. I’m not a “bass guy” in a shiny new bass boat, I’m a fisherman who chooses to CPR most of the fish I catch. You don’t have to be a bass fisherman or tree hugger to disagree with what he did.

What you do with your fish is your choice, whether I agree or not. I’m not here to argue, I gave my opinion on a public forum, in which my opinion is, he should not have taken the fish from the lake…


And I'm not even being a sarcastic prick like I usually am.

04-24-2012, 02:42 PM
It has been said more than a few times on here that you better have a thick skin if you choose to post a report or picture on FNN. If you are not thick-skinned then you have the right to remain silent. Unfortunately, we took the right to remain silent away from him(mea culpa) by posting up the topic and pictures without his consent. Despite free speech issues and the fact that it is an open forum, I think we should think twice about excoriating him publicly for what should be a private matter.

Old fishermen never die. They just smell that way.
The Best of Fishbreath (http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/Fishbreath92028/Slideshow/?albumview=slideshow)

04-24-2012, 02:49 PM
Hmmmm a google search for "Lake Perris record bass" shows they did have a certified scale at one time:
New Lake Perris Record Bass.

Jim Matthews Column, 1/2/02

A new lake record largemouth bass was caught here last Friday when Will Steele of Idaho landed an 18-pound largemouth fishing a home-made trout lure at the launch ramp. He was fishing with Jerry Rago, Independence, who caught bass at 11-8 and 9-4. All three fish were released after being weighed on the marina's certified scale. Lake regulars report seeing this big bass near the launch ramp for at least two seasons.

The big bass replaces the 17-6 lake record caught in 1999. The big bass are showing in good numbers at Perris for anglers throwing the big trout-like baits, and a trout plant scheduled for this week is likely to attract a mob of bass boats with anglers looking for monster bass like the new record. There is also still a decent bite on smaller fish for anglers fishing outside points with crawdads, jigging spoons, or finesse plastics. Crawdads are best.

04-24-2012, 03:45 PM
My opinion... Yeah, it's his legal fish, and he alone can choose what he does with it. But as a bass fisherman, which he obviously is, he should also be interested in helping to ensure that bass like this one can be caught in the future. Returning this fish safely back into the water would do just that. Evidently, ego and the thought of a lake record won out.

04-24-2012, 03:57 PM
The jaw definetly looks to be broken or perhaps dislocated........

04-24-2012, 05:06 PM
Prop's to all you guy's. That was one of the best group of opinions, I've ever read on one thread.

04-24-2012, 07:46 PM
"All three fish were released after being weighed on the MARINA'S CERTIFIED SCALE."... So where is this scale now? Why would they take it out of the marina? Has anyone actually checked?... I mean who said they DO NOT have a certified scale in the marina store?

04-24-2012, 08:00 PM
My guess would be they still have the same scales, but have not kept up the certification.

Old fishermen never die. They just smell that way.
The Best of Fishbreath (http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/Fishbreath92028/Slideshow/?albumview=slideshow)

04-24-2012, 08:27 PM
You're most probably right. The State doesn't have the $$ to pay for an annual calibration check.

04-24-2012, 09:56 PM
You're most probably right. The State doesn't have the $$ to pay for an annual calibration check.

Why not? Where did all the money go? 2 million sport fishing licenses are sold in Cali a year. At $44.85x2 million=$89.7 million, not including non resident($120.14 each) and commercial fishing licenses, and they can't afford to have their own inspectors check calibration? Why not?

04-24-2012, 09:58 PM
Why not? Where did all the money go? 2 million sport fishing licenses are sold in Cali a year. At $44.85x2 million=$89.7 million, not including non resident($120.14 each) and commercial fishing licenses, and they can't afford to have their own inspectors check calibration? Why not?

I totally agree with you man! And the park is still closed two days a week. :/

04-24-2012, 10:15 PM
Why not? Where did all the money go? 2 million sport fishing licenses are sold in Cali a year. At $44.85x2 million=$89.7 million, not including non resident($120.14 each) and commercial fishing licenses, and they can't afford to have their own inspectors check calibration? Why not?

Iv'e wondered for years how much the DFG costs to run. I have seen estimates of cost's, which are way over what the DFG collects in license revenue fee's. Think for example, that the DFG is going to spend $30 million a year enforcing the MLPA. What a joke that is!!!!!

04-24-2012, 10:48 PM
I believe the Marina Store is privately owned. So, it would seem to me that the company that operates the marina would have to pay a certified state weights and measurements person to calibrate and adjust and apply the certification seal to the scale. But I'm not an authority on this... I'll just call the marina and ask them. And I'm done.

Pete Marino
04-24-2012, 11:09 PM
I know for a first hand fact that they do NOT have a certifies scale... When I caught that potential record flathead I went to the main office, the camp ground office and the marina store and boat docks and nobody had a certified scale... Nobody had a clue what the records were and they are verified to me that they did NOT pocess a certified scale anymore... LAME!!

04-24-2012, 11:16 PM
Wow what a hog!

04-25-2012, 10:24 AM
My sources say that female passed on to bass heaven that fateful day. Too much stress being hauled around in the livewell looking for a certified scale.

04-25-2012, 11:01 AM
Nobody had a clue what the records were and they are verified to me that they did NOT pocess a certified scale anymore... LAME!!

On one side Pete, all marinas/tackle shops at our lakes should have a certified scale, and should be active in the 'record' keeping for the lake. This will draw interest, publicity, and ultimately, more people frequenting their lake.

But at the same time, I could see them not caring, because they're not in the business of certifying catches and keeping lake records.

Pete Marino
04-25-2012, 04:49 PM
true... but if the lake isnt in charge of keeping their lake records and recording them...who should be doing it? Id expect the lake to do it. They (the lake) should be proud of the record catches from their lake...and should be ready when the anglers visiting said lake catch a possible record.. The fact that they dont do it baffles me. Having a Certified scale, Recording lake records and making them public will do a lake alot of good in the way of publicity and business. Fishing is one of the number one things that attracts people to Perris Lake... They really should get on the ball. IMHO
More publicity means more customers and in this case more anglers....More anglers means more money for the state. Seems simple to me..
Having a certified scale ready on hand to provide to their anglers and knowledge of their current lake records doesnt seem like to much to ask for.

04-25-2012, 05:51 PM
Ooook. my friend asked me if i could post a report for him. In this report he caught bass but im am now finding that I will not post this report as an attempt to avoid being bashed. Anyway thats a nice fish who knows how many other hogs are roaming that lake.

04-25-2012, 07:24 PM
Mr Hoover,
Congrats on that record breaker, some records are meant to be broken.

Btwn Perris, DV, and Skinner how many state certified scales are there? One at each lake? The pic shows him at Sanderson & Florida in Hemet, was wondering if he had to drive down to DV to weigh the beast?

04-25-2012, 09:47 PM
Ooook. my friend asked me if i could post a report for him. In this report he caught bass but im am now finding that I will not post this report as an attempt to avoid being bashed.

04-25-2012, 09:55 PM
true... but if the lake isnt in charge of keeping their lake records and recording them...who should be doing it? Id expect the lake to do it. They (the lake) should be proud of the record catches from their lake...and should be ready when the anglers visiting said lake catch a possible record.. The fact that they dont do it baffles me. Having a Certified scale, Recording lake records and making them public will do a lake alot of good in the way of publicity and business. Fishing is one of the number one things that attracts people to Perris Lake... They really should get on the ball. IMHO
More publicity means more customers and in this case more anglers....More anglers means more money for the state. Seems simple to me..
Having a certified scale ready on hand to provide to their anglers and knowledge of their current lake records doesnt seem like to much to ask for.

Yep, any decent marina/bait shop should have a certified scale, so incidents like this don't occur.

I hope this serves as a lesson to them, and perhaps they now understand the need for a certified scale, so that toads like that don't end up dead, because they have to sustain a long ride to the nearest one.

But, once again, it's not their responsibility to do this. Who's responsibility is it? Whoever wants to step up.

And, from experience, most markets have certified scales in their meat section. Perhaps the lucky angler should have inquired via cell phone where the nearest one was.

Ooook. my friend asked me if i could post a report for him. In this report he caught bass but im am now finding that I will not post this report as an attempt to avoid being bashed.

All righty then!

04-25-2012, 10:33 PM

yep....really. aint i a dick. Besides he's probably gonna join the forum anyway. you can hear it from him

04-25-2012, 10:41 PM
yep....really. aint i a dick. Besides he's probably gonna join the forum anyway. you can hear it from him

I can't wait. I just bought a jumbo case of popcorn from Costco.

BTW Pete, I have never found any of the employees at Perris to actually be interested in fish or fishing. I have asked marina employees and grounds people fishing -related questions, and they never have answers. They are very nice people though-just not interested in fishing.

04-25-2012, 11:12 PM
Could have just weighed it at there scale then brought a calibrated scale to see how far off there's is.... if any difference at all? but what do I know just a dumb bass fisherman....lol

04-25-2012, 11:22 PM
Ooook. my friend asked me if i could post a report for him. In this report he caught bass but im am now finding that I will not post this report as an attempt to avoid being bashed. Anyway thats a nice fish who knows how many other hogs are roaming that lake.


Pretty embarrassing that a lake with as many quality fish being caught as Perris doesn't appear to have a certified scale.

04-25-2012, 11:57 PM

Pretty embarrassing that a lake with as many quality fish being caught as Perris doesn't appear to have a certified scale.even moreso embarrassing is how everyone gets a donkey hair in their *** just because we said it was dead.

04-26-2012, 10:45 AM
"talked to dan hoover him self the fish was tagged and released just like the 40 other ten pound plus fish he has caught from lake perris" quoate from outdoor news magazine editor

04-26-2012, 01:35 PM
"talked to dan hoover him self the fish was tagged and released just like the 40 other ten pound plus fish he has caught from lake perris" quoate from outdoor news magazine editor
I just love it when there are two different versions of the same story floating around. One version the bass is dead, the other version the bass was safetly released. Did anyone personally see the bass released? OR did anyone personally see the BASS DEAD? Please let us know if you saw either one.

04-26-2012, 02:57 PM
I just love it when there are two different versions of the same story floating around. One version the bass is dead, the other version the bass was safetly released. Did anyone personally see the bass released? OR did anyone personally see the BASS DEAD? Please let us know if you saw either one.

If its true that he was in Hemet with the fish, odds are it probably did not make it. I'm not saying it died but I'm also not saying it lived. A fish of that age endured a lot, especially this time of the year when the females exert a lot of energy and stress to lay their eggs and help out in the fertilization process. Between the spawn, the yellow eyes, stretched out jaw, and long ride to Hemet and back I doubt it made it. Not bashing on the guys catch but of course with a fish like that he wanted it to be weighed and did what he had to do to get it recognized that it was a possible lake record. Its an amazing catch and kudos to him. I'm definitely jealous of his catch. The only thing that sucks about this story is that if the fish did not make it, its last batch of eggs will never be laid to possibly produce more genetically large fish. Only some fish have the genes to get that big and for it to make it that long without being caught and killed is awesome.

THE END....lol

04-26-2012, 09:00 PM
I went out to Perris today with bassgrabber1. We talked to the boat inspection peeps as we were leaving the lake. Once of the guys personally saw the bass when he first caught it. He also confirmed that the gentleman came back that night and released the bass back into the lake. Several Perris workers were on hand. They said that after about 20 minutes the fish was full revived and swam away. Case closed.

If its true that he was in Hemet with the fish, odds are it probably did not make it. I'm not saying it died but I'm also not saying it lived. A fish of that age endured a lot, especially this time of the year when the females exert a lot of energy and stress to lay their eggs and help out in the fertilization process. Between the spawn, the yellow eyes, stretched out jaw, and long ride to Hemet and back I doubt it made it. Not bashing on the guys catch but of course with a fish like that he wanted it to be weighed and did what he had to do to get it recognized that it was a possible lake record. Its an amazing catch and kudos to him. I'm definitely jealous of his catch. The only thing that sucks about this story is that if the fish did not make it, its last batch of eggs will never be laid to possibly produce more genetically large fish. Only some fish have the genes to get that big and for it to make it that long without being caught and killed is awesome.

THE END....lol

04-26-2012, 09:16 PM

"The only thing that sucks about this story is that if the fish did not make it, its last batch of eggs will never be laid to possibly produce more genetically large fish. Only some fish have the genes to get that big and for it to make it that long without being caught and killed is awesome."

As heavily fished as Cali lakes are, is exactly why Cali should have a share lunker program like Texas...

04-27-2012, 01:31 AM
Ya I agree. That shared lunker program is pretty cool.

04-27-2012, 05:01 AM
Perris rangers confirmed that the fish had spawned out already....she didnt have a belly on her which means that she must have weighed 20lbs while spawning!!!! Like Mestre said, they confirmed that she swam away.

04-27-2012, 11:43 AM
Perris rangers confirmed that the fish had spawned out already....she didnt have a belly on her which means that she must have weighed 20lbs while spawning!!!! Like Mestre said, they confirmed that she swam away.

Nice. Incredible to think that the prespawn weight wouldve been HUGE. I also agree that a Sharelunker system should be started between the SoCal lakes.

04-27-2012, 02:52 PM
Nice. Incredible to think that the prespawn weight wouldve been HUGE. I also agree that a Sharelunker system should be started between the SoCal lakes.
I dont think So Cal needs a share lunker program. We do need need lakes here to have official scales tho.

04-27-2012, 02:57 PM
I dont think So Cal needs a share lunker program.

Why do you think SoCal doesn't need one?

I see it as an excellent investment to a fishery.

Although, don't know where the extra funds are going to magically get appropriated for it.

04-27-2012, 03:55 PM
The Texas program does not depend entirely on state funding. There have been corporate sponsors since its inception, including Lone Star Beer, Budweiser, and Toyota. When the original hatchery needed to be replaced, cities were allowed to bid on hosting the new one much like NFL stadiums are built. Athens, Texas wound up pledging $4 million dollars and has built a new facility complete with hatchery and visitor center. If you have ever been to Texas or any of the other deep south states, you know the mania that fishing and especially bass fishing generates. I am not sure we have that kind of public support here.

The goal of the program is for anglers to donate their bass of 13 lbs or more to the hatchery, so a pool of genes from those special fish can be used to breed super bass. The fish are turned over to a Texas Parks and Wildlife representative and eventually transported in a special truck donated by the sponsors. After the next breeding season the fish is returned to the fisherman for release or it can be permanently donated to the program. The fisherman receives a replica mount.

I don't know how you would measure the success of the program. The Perris bass would be a new state record for Texas.

Old fishermen never die. They just smell that way.
The Best of Fishbreath (http://s202.photobucket.com/albums/aa24/Fishbreath92028/Slideshow/?albumview=slideshow)

04-27-2012, 04:35 PM
Sadly Fishbreath we probably don't have the same support. And as far as how to measure success? By the shear volume of DD's caught there. I would be willing to put money down that somewhere in Texas, probably Falcon or Amistad, or maybe Sam Rayburn, that there are some LMB's at least equal to the size of fish pulled from Perris. Remember, our lakes are puddles compared to the size of some of those lakes...

04-27-2012, 04:59 PM
Why do you think SoCal doesn't need one?

I see it as an excellent investment to a fishery.

Although, don't know where the extra funds are going to magically get appropriated for it.

Agreed DS. As far as funds go? In my opinion, it's way past time to do major audits on all government programs and departments. For a state that has the most people by far, and one of the highest tax and fee revenues in the nation, where is all the money going? 2 million sport licenses at $44.85 pr license a year are sold in Cali, and that doesn't include nonresident sport fishing licenses licenses($120.14 pr), commercial, or commercial business fishing licenses, is 89 million $$ a year. That also doesn't include hunting licenses which go into the same account. Our money is supposed to go towards services for us anglers and hunters. But obviously a huge amount is not. Arkansas is another state that has a very good fishery enhancement program. Minnesota as well. Again, where is all the money going?

04-27-2012, 11:00 PM
Thats a hog.

04-28-2012, 08:46 AM
Thats a hog.

...........thats a fish eater..........

04-28-2012, 09:26 AM
Agreed DS. As far as funds go? In my opinion, it's way past time to do major audits on all government programs and departments. For a state that has the most people by far, and one of the highest tax and fee revenues in the nation, where is all the money going? 2 million sport licenses at $44.85 pr license a year are sold in Cali, and that doesn't include nonresident sport fishing licenses licenses($120.14 pr), commercial, or commercial business fishing licenses, is 89 million $$ a year. That also doesn't include hunting licenses which go into the same account. Our money is supposed to go towards services for us anglers and hunters. But obviously a huge amount is not. Arkansas is another state that has a very good fishery enhancement program. Minnesota as well. Again, where is all the money going?

Very good points. There are many states with considerably better fisheries and probably less license sales than California; however they still manage to provide fairly adequate funding for their DFG.

05-07-2012, 07:19 PM
Thats a TRUE GIANT! Congrats to the angler and I really hope she swam away..... But I doubt it!!!!

Those are some interesting points you bring up HW! Cali is so F'd up!!!!