View Full Version : My first furf fishing trip AWSOME

04-21-2012, 02:50 PM
So this morning I hit the surf for the very first time :Big Grin:
As soon as we got their (my younger brother an I) we saw a couple dolphins .. Rite away I was glad I had woken up this morning and wondered what else might happen this day
As the day progressed, my brother kept telling ," I think I see a shark.. :Shocked:" the water was very shallow.. About knee deep so I though nothing of it and kept casting my line
After a few minutes my brother began insisting their was something out their so I figured I might as well go take this kelp out of the water so he won't be paranoid... Man oh man am I glad I didn't get close enough because as I was closing in i saw the damm thing move! As it turns out my brother was right!! A frekin shark rite their a few feet from me!! My blood was pumping filled with adrenaline with what happened next!
I hear my brother yell at me, I GOT SOMETHING!! I turn back to look at the shark and their he was at the end of my brothers line! I was filled with excitement! I just could not believe this was actualy happening! Luckily for us.. The shark was barely hooked, and the darn thing broke free.. Thank god! Because I have no idea what I would have done if he had reeled it in all the way.. Were used to catching sardines and mackerel here and there at SM pier so you can imagine how hiped up we were :Envious:
That was the only bite we got the whole day but that was more than enough for us [=
the day was beautiful and were going back tomorrow morning for sure.. Planning on doing some exploring .. Maybe find a "secret spot" of our own
Anyone have any advice on how to "read" the ocean.. In otherwords what should I look for?
Thanks in advanced and I hope my little story didn't bore you guys to much [=

04-21-2012, 04:32 PM
You probably saw a leopard shark, they're rather harmless unless you're holding them and they get you. They're alot of fun to target.

04-21-2012, 05:09 PM
Glad you had a great time. Chances are it was a leapord shark. They aren't dangerous until you try and get the hook out. I was fishing one day and surrounded by tons of them, scary but thats just natural. Looking forward to tomorrows report.


murrieta angler
04-22-2012, 07:23 AM
Welcome to the addiction.
Keep it up and you will get plenty of fish from the surf.
Thanks for the report,

SP Dan
04-22-2012, 09:20 PM
Hey there Got_fish?

What an exciting time for you and your brother!
It was probably Leo....they are rather common in the surf.

Thanx for the shark report! :Cool:

SP Dan <"))><

04-22-2012, 09:27 PM
Congrats. That's quite an experience for your first surf trip. It must have been quite a headrush. Like everyone else said, they're harmless. Just be careful unhooking them. They can get a little grumpy and they do have a mouth full little sharp needles.