View Full Version : The Prado 4/18/12

04-18-2012, 07:12 PM
Went to Prado with my girlfriend today for some bass fishing. Still trying to get comfortable using dropshots/texas rigged plastics, but today didn't really help. Got there just before 1, and started throwing plastics. I was casting out somewhat deep, and not getting anything. Ran into another angler on the shore who gave me some tips. The bass were all in SUPER shallow, you could hear them splashing all around. Threw robos & crawdad imitations for 2 decent bass (both about 2 lbs) and let my girlfriend reel them in after I hooked-up. Kind of felt like I was cheating because I was able to sight fish those bass :l I didn't feel like catching bass on their beds really counted, but I'm sure I will get used to throwing plastics if I keep at it.

We also got 2 other DINK bass and 1 blue gill on white minijigs. Saw one guy catch a tiny trout on a crawler, and a few other people had catfish which surprised me since they haven't been stocked this year.


El Weirdo
05-01-2012, 01:06 PM
glad to see you got a few fish....