View Full Version : Rhino RBC300 baitcasting reel

04-18-2012, 12:33 PM
Hey i have a Rhino RBC300 baitcasting reel and i am having trouble setting it up, does anyone have this reel or know how to set all the gauges right.

Slick Rick
04-18-2012, 02:16 PM
What problems are you having with it? Too much free spool? Not enough free spool?

First, locate the knob under the star drag/handle. Tighten that up a bit and tie on a lure with the weight you intend to toss more with it. Press down the spool lock and slowly back out that knob until your lure begins to fall. Leave it there for now.

There is also a round knob with numbers 1 thur 10/Max. on the opposite side... Set that at about 8 and cast it. Your trying to find the setting for the best casting distance without the constant bird nests... so keep casting and working down towards 1. For me I find my reals find a home between 4 and 6.

I'm not expert, and there may be a better way to do it... but that's just the way I have always done it.

Good luck.

PS: Youtube might have some videos for this if I don't make any sense. lol

Nessie Hunter
04-18-2012, 02:30 PM
You have a $30 Zebco Reel, dont expect to much from it...

As stated above, the Finer BRAKES are on the left side.
The Spool tension is a knob under handle (major adjustments)..

Dont expect good casting with less then 3/8 oz to 1/2 oz of weight.....


04-18-2012, 02:32 PM
thanks guys